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Animal cruelty in Model Town, Lahore

my dislike, hatred really, is based on what the dog is and does.
you sound like this guy:

pastor Terry Jones, go google him.
you sound like this guy:

pastor Terry Jones, go google him.

googled him and remembered his stunt that called for burning qurans.

he is a bigot and i am not... he speaks without observation and experience, and i do.

besides, he has a horse-shoe moustache and i have a classic and stylish pencil moustache.
@Peace786 , haan huzoor, aap toh nelson mandela se bhi bade hero hain. :agree:
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@Xestan May Allah Bless you for your noble deed----@jamahir sir dont you think it would be callous and irrational to kill an animal just becoz i or you dont like it-----its fine to make vigilante groups who point out and then exterminate those dogs or any other animal infected with rabies---but if one is to kill ----just make it swift,one shot in the head--why make them suffer

many would like----
did he qouted you?---whats your beef with him?---ive noticed this thing that herds of sanghis jump at any given oppurtunity to condemn him just for the sake of it---thats downright preposterous---
and my i ask oyu for what reason you changed your avatar

And how did you come to the conclusion that me and @Sky lord are Sanghis ?

Just because we dont buy the BS he propageates all the time, we are sanghis ?

Take this threat for example. Give me one logical argument he has presented so far related to the topic in hand apart from his usual bigotry ?

I am not even geting into the things where he calls everyone names and when given a taste of his own medicine plays a victim card like how misunderstood he is.

U want to bat for him. Fair enough but plz dont judge others.



Poor dog. If they had to kill it, it should have been quick and confirmed kill.

This dog also reminded me of all the wars and invasions "civilized, animal rights protecting" world is waging on poor countries like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc. I wonder how many small human kids lost their eyes, and cried like the dog in the video--and had no help. Millions of people suffered like this poor dog and are still suffering due to Western invasions, interventionism, and military exploitation throughout Muslim World.

Go back to the video and listen to the dog again--and imagine an Iraqi boy, or a Syrian kid, who lost his sisters/mom/parents/ and lost his eyes. Cries of millions of humans never reached to our ears and eyes.

And what does West has in reply? "Oh, Muslims don't have gay rights" etc...and that's the conversation they have in prime time national television---and also WE have the similar convo as well since our liberal "elites" are so struck by west due to their inferiority complex.

Life is so unjust for the weak. There's only one rule to survive in this brutal world.

Don't be weak, ever.
I have witnessed killing of wild pigs in my areas and logic they give is that pigs destroy crops in fields at night and might injured to people they come across. I am against killing animals or birds for fun as they are living creature and its quiet distressing to see them in pain or suffering. You will be ver cruel person with no empathy if you enjoy the suffering of any living creature.. If life of some animals is dangerous for Human beings then they should be killed as humane as possible and there could be many others humane alternatives to control stray unwanted dog and rabies control .

Thanks to the writer for putting this much effort in something that is considered useless in our society. I don't know what we've become as a Muslim and a human being? This thread has made me very sad, but again what are we talking. Human bodies are rotting in this country, look at Thar - two kids died today of hunger. We have become a messed up nation, from top to bottom.. :cry:
we are savages and sadist and even our love and devotion HAS to be expressed in the form of violence (reference to Qadri protesters pelting stones on public/ private properties and cars)
Never trust a man who does not love dogs.

More importantly, in my experience, never trust a man who your dogs do not love.
we are savages and sadist and even our love and devotion HAS to be expressed in the form of violence (reference to Qadri protesters pelting stones on public/ private properties and cars)
do you have any pets?
not currently but had both dogs and cats before and even had mountain goats., chicken, cats and dogs in a farm house all at one time.
go through the thread, you will find some interesting opinions.

If everything goes according to plan, hopefully will finally get two pups next year or so.
And how did you come to the conclusion that me and @Sky lord are Sanghis ?

Just because we dont buy the BS he propageates all the time, we are sanghis ?

Take this threat for example. Give me one logical argument he has presented so far related to the topic in hand apart from his usual bigotry ?

I am not even geting into the things where he calls everyone names and when given a taste of his own medicine plays a victim card like how misunderstood he is.

U want to bat for him. Fair enough but plz dont judge others.



1st--pandey g tell me one thing did i ever qoute,i think no--chorr ki darhi m drakht:cheesy:
2nd-sharma g, why feel so insecure,just becoz @jamahir steals all the limelight:lol:
3rd-gupta g, do yourself a favour,go through all his posted threads,will find a ton of em:agree:
4th-varma g, i dont do the sanghi thing--judging people based on their ahem ahemm:astagh:

5th-avasti g, no lol intended---:D
1st--pandey g tell me one thing did i ever qoute,i think no--chorr ki darhi m drakht:cheesy:
2nd-sharma g, why feel so insecure,just becoz @jamahir steals all the limelight:lol:
3rd-gupta g, do yourself a favour,go through all his posted threads,will find a ton of em:agree:
4th-varma g, i dont do the sanghi thing--judging people based on their ahem ahemm:astagh:

5th-avasti g, no lol intended---:D

Miyan saab,

@Sky lord didnt quote u either so before pasing the darakht on me search your daddhi as well.

If hijacking threads with rantings and off topic comments is the way to steal lime light then let him enjoy it. I dont need it.

I have gone through all his previous threads. However i asked u to quote one sensible thing he said on "this thread " abut the topic in hand.

Go through your previous post. Didnt u blame sanghis for ganging up against him. Did u ever ask any sanghi why do they do that ? Or without doing that u just passed on a judegement just because of his or her " Ahem Ahem " ?

No lol intended on my part either :)
Did u ever ask any sanghi why do they do that ? Or without doing that u just passed on a judegement just because of his or her " Ahem Ahem " ?
gotcha:rofl: @jamahir another sanghi exposed
now coming to the rest----------ho gea8-)-------now plz let bygones be bygones
gotcha:rofl: @jamahir another sanghi exposed

like joe shearer sir had said once in the 'hate and trolling' thread, the sanghis all conform to a common make... their language and keywords are same... true here too.

and robinhood pandey's other best line is :
Didnt u blame sanghis for ganging up against him. Did u ever ask any sanghi why do they do that ?
lo bhai, abhi sanghion se duniya mashvara legi. :rolleyes:

but as you say :
now coming to the rest----------ho gea8-)-------now plz let bygones be bygones

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