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Animal cruelty in Model Town, Lahore

i guess he has recently came to pakistan from some developed country that's why he is feeling so much for the poor dog. but eliminating stray dogs is essential. the majority of the rabies cases in pakistan are primarily due to the dog bites. the anti rabies drugs are not very readily available in pak specially to the majority poor people of the country. rabies is a killer disease with hundred percent mortality if it's sets in. no treatment any where in the world. and many people in pak die of rabies.so in a poor and corrupt country like ours the easy prevention of the rabies is killing the stray dogs. we can't vaccinate all the dogs and keep them away from the general public. so if someone is killing dogs in order to protect the people against rabies by killing dogs he is doing something beneficial.otherwise in pak who cares about the prevention of the disease? so sometimes it is better to do little evil for a greater good. actually just watched an old movie again"kingdom of heaven " and there it was this dialogue" do little evil for a greater good" ,bachi kah rahi thee hero say.

Well, well, stop being so judgmental. It's not about being developed, it's about being civilised. Killing dogs is not part of the problem, you cannot just kill everyone of the dog. Research shows that culling them is counter-productive. And now, where are you living? Rabies is treatable if the shots are received in 24hrs, and every small and big hospital in Pakistan has these vaccinations and stuff. WHO has donated a lot for that. Dogs are also not the primary suspects for rabies, even cats can spread rabies, lets kill them too, right?

Sterilization of the dog population and their relocation is the best option. It's humane and also will help to improve our image worldwide, otherwise videos like these are all over the internet and people curse Pakistanis for this brutality. Look at India, if a poor country like India can implement animal cruelty laws, why can't we?

yes, dogs/stray-dogs are a absolute problem in the world and especially so in india... dogs are cruel creatures who have killed humans brutally and have made the smaller cats almost extinct in india... dogs tear apart humans and they torture cats to death slowly over 20 minutes or more... i have made so many posts about dog attacks.

there must be 35+ million dogs in india and this explosion in their population was because of the insane mrs. maneka gandhi who was the "environment minister" in the 1998 to 2004 bjp-led central government,

you know, there are hotels for dogs in two south indian cities, bangalore and madras ( chennai ), where the neo-rich middle-class wannabes ( software engineers and mba's ) ... all this while there are 70+ million indians who are homeless and most of the rest don't have good lives either. :)

this was a recent incident in bangalore and i created the thread :


in the southern india state of kerala, the home minister there has passed a order saying that citizens who find dangerous dogs in their area can kill them and the police won't arrest them or harass them.

watch the below leopard-killing vids from india, which i am unable to watch fully even now... oh man, oh man, haraam, haraam, haraam... can't describe what i want to do to those people who did these acts :


lastly, as a socialist and muslim i cannot accept presence of such a vile thing as a dog.

@Xestan @Spring Onion

@django , watch the leopard vids if you can.

and what is your opinion on dog attacks in india?? :)
I have no idea what you just said.
I have no idea what you just said.

you have the typical arrogant and cruelly sarcastic manner of a obsessive dog lover.

you need to hauled before the friends and family of someone who has been attacked by five dogs.

i don't suppose you even opened the two threads i linked in my post.

tell me, why did you receive 'research & development' tag??

Look at India, if a poor country like India can implement animal cruelty laws, why can't we?

not "animal cruelty laws" but laws against rightful action against dogs.

india has many other senseless laws like the "animal cruelty laws" and you must be watching on tv and reading on pdf that many progressives since 2014, especially now the jnu students in delhi, have been agitating for progressive change in india.

and progressive change will also mean taking action against dogs. :)
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Okay, so this will be my first post in three years maybe, but as asked by a friend who's an animal activist, help is needed in this regard. The word needs to be spread, I'll be really thankful if this post can be shared on PDF's fb page.

"Detail account of today's shooting incident in Model Town, Lahore.

It's not everyday that you wake up to the sound of gunfire, and that's what happened to me at around 12:30 this afternoon. The two consecutive shots were followed by crows cawing all around and very loud cries of a dog.

It was right next to my house, inside the G-Block graveyard of Model Town. I went out to look for the dog when I came across the management of graveyard and the Model Town security guard holding his double-barrel shotgun.

According to the guard, the shots were enough to kill the dog and he was breathing his last. When I found him, he was in this condition, bleeding from the eyes, still breathing, moving his head and limbs, crying loudly after intervals.

So, there began our hour-long struggle to get this dog to the vet, unfortunately, in a city like Lahore, we still do not have 24X7 emergency facilities, even the most advanced veterinarian clinics in the city do not have the capacity to send in a Doctor for emergency calls. As my family's out of city, I had no conveyance to take the dog, not ignoring the fact that I don't have much experience dealing with dogs anyway.

If it wasn't for Aisha Khalid who I'm ever in debt for her help, I had decided to shoot the dog myself to end his pain. I will never forget his cries. I hated myself for recording his misery on camera but I wanted people to know what our society has become. If such brutality is being practiced in a place like Model Town, one can imagine the plight of these strays in other areas.

When we took him to Dr. Asim's clinic, his breathing was stable but we found out that both of his eyes were gone. He was hit from the front. The two 12-gauge shots that were fired or misfired as it seemed, by the guard, he was only hit by 5-6 pallets, two in his eyes, one on the head and ear, and two on the chest.

It was a hard decision but it had to be done. He was put to sleep, the euthanasia was quick and he was gone in 5 minutes. He was later buried.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to get over this incident but I hope we raise our voice against this. A society can very well be judged by its treatment of the voiceless animals. I hope we don't become a savage society, although we're long way up that road."


I am so sorry to hear about you ordeal brother, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the compassion you showed to him in his last moments. We need more people like you in this world .

Well, well, stop being so judgmental. It's not about being developed, it's about being civilised. Killing dogs is not part of the problem, you cannot just kill everyone of the dog. Research shows that culling them is counter-productive. And now, where are you living? Rabies is treatable if the shots are received in 24hrs, and every small and big hospital in Pakistan has these vaccinations and stuff. WHO has donated a lot for that. Dogs are also not the primary suspects for rabies, even cats can spread rabies, lets kill them too, right?

Sterilization of the dog population and their relocation is the best option. It's humane and also will help to improve our image worldwide, otherwise videos like these are all over the internet and people curse Pakistanis for this brutality. Look at India, if a poor country like India can implement animal cruelty laws, why can't we?

I have no idea what you just said.
dear stop living in ideal world. start living in real pakistan? i am from medical field and i have seen many people dying of rabies after infected dog bite mostly from the rural areas. rabies vaccine and immunoglobulins may be available in big cities but not in rural areas. how can you expect such luxury in areas where people don't get clean water to drink. the drug donated by WHO will most likely be sold or it will just expire in some stores without any refrigerating facility. yes, other animals can cause rabies but the largest reservoir in pak are dogs. by the way who is gonna sterilize millions of dogs in pak? on his bad day a person can get infection even after a horse or mule bite if that animal is bitten by an infected dog before. just for your knowledge. even if these dogs are not infected then they are a cause of trouble for the kids, old men, ladies.a bunch of stray dogs can kill and they have killed humans in pak.a stray dog should either be killed or put to confinement. it depends how many resources you have. if i have limited resources available i would like to spend them on humans first and then on animals. animals do have rights but human life matters most.
The problem here is that the Government authorities are shooting dogs. How many people are annually bitten by dogs and are hospitalized? Dogs are no threat to the humans as a wild boar would be. think rationally.
4 to 5000 die every year from rabies due to dog bites in Pakistan
yes, dogs/stray-dogs are a absolute problem in the world and especially so in india... dogs are cruel creatures who have killed humans brutally and have made the smaller cats almost extinct in india... dogs tear apart humans and they torture cats to death slowly over 20 minutes or more... i have made so many posts about dog attacks.

there must be 35+ million dogs in india and this explosion in their population was because of the insane mrs. maneka gandhi who was the "environment minister" in the 1998 to 2004 bjp-led central government,

you know, there are hotels for dogs in two south indian cities, bangalore and madras ( chennai ), where the neo-rich middle-class wannabes ( software engineers and mba's ) ... all this while there are 70+ million indians who are homeless and most of the rest don't have good lives either. :)

this was a recent incident in bangalore and i created the thread :


in the southern india state of kerala, the home minister there has passed a order saying that citizens who find dangerous dogs in their area can kill them and the police won't arrest them or harass them.

watch the below leopard-killing vids from india, which i am unable to watch fully even now... oh man, oh man, haraam, haraam, haraam... can't describe what i want to do to those people who did these acts :


lastly, as a socialist and muslim i cannot accept presence of such a vile thing as a dog.

@Xestan @Spring Onion

@django , watch the leopard vids if you can.

and what is your opinion on dog attacks in india?? :)
This increased urbanization and poaching will lead to the extinction of these most beautiful creatures, and these videos are truly sickening, I was unable to watch more than a few glimpses, and I would love to ram my fist down the throats of these filthy ugly cowards, especially the ones who burn and torture the poor animals.kudos
dear stop living in ideal world. start living in real pakistan? i am from medical field and i have seen many people dying of rabies after infected dog bite mostly from the rural areas. rabies vaccine and immunoglobulins may be available in big cities but not in rural areas. how can you expect such luxury in areas where people don't get clean water to drink. the drug donated by WHO will most likely be sold or it will just expire in some stores without any refrigerating facility. yes, other animals can cause rabies but the largest reservoir in pak are dogs. by the way who is gonna sterilize millions of dogs in pak? on his bad day a person can get infection even after a horse or mule bite if that animal is bitten by an infected dog before. just for your knowledge. even if these dogs are not infected then they are a cause of trouble for the kids, old men, ladies.a bunch of stray dogs can kill and they have killed humans in pak.a stray dog should either be killed or put to confinement. it depends how many resources you have. if i have limited resources available i would like to spend them on humans first and then on animals. animals do have rights but human life matters most.
But why shoot them and leave them to die a slow and painful death? Why not euthanize humanely, that cannot be so more expensive than pellets in the eye.
Okay, so this will be my first post in three years maybe, but as asked by a friend who's an animal activist, help is needed in this regard. The word needs to be spread, I'll be really thankful if this post can be shared on PDF's fb page.

"Detail account of today's shooting incident in Model Town, Lahore.

It's not everyday that you wake up to the sound of gunfire, and that's what happened to me at around 12:30 this afternoon. The two consecutive shots were followed by crows cawing all around and very loud cries of a dog.

It was right next to my house, inside the G-Block graveyard of Model Town. I went out to look for the dog when I came across the management of graveyard and the Model Town security guard holding his double-barrel shotgun.

According to the guard, the shots were enough to kill the dog and he was breathing his last. When I found him, he was in this condition, bleeding from the eyes, still breathing, moving his head and limbs, crying loudly after intervals.

So, there began our hour-long struggle to get this dog to the vet, unfortunately, in a city like Lahore, we still do not have 24X7 emergency facilities, even the most advanced veterinarian clinics in the city do not have the capacity to send in a Doctor for emergency calls. As my family's out of city, I had no conveyance to take the dog, not ignoring the fact that I don't have much experience dealing with dogs anyway.

If it wasn't for Aisha Khalid who I'm ever in debt for her help, I had decided to shoot the dog myself to end his pain. I will never forget his cries. I hated myself for recording his misery on camera but I wanted people to know what our society has become. If such brutality is being practiced in a place like Model Town, one can imagine the plight of these strays in other areas.

When we took him to Dr. Asim's clinic, his breathing was stable but we found out that both of his eyes were gone. He was hit from the front. The two 12-gauge shots that were fired or misfired as it seemed, by the guard, he was only hit by 5-6 pallets, two in his eyes, one on the head and ear, and two on the chest.

It was a hard decision but it had to be done. He was put to sleep, the euthanasia was quick and he was gone in 5 minutes. He was later buried.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to get over this incident but I hope we raise our voice against this. A society can very well be judged by its treatment of the voiceless animals. I hope we don't become a savage society, although we're long way up that road."


firstly im not for the killing of animals, i have several pets.

but dont you think you need to see it from the perspective of the person who is killing them?
rabies, attacks on people, eye sore in a developing country, cause damage to property, defocating anywhere which is unsightly smelly and attract insects. now a good solution would be to sterilize them and release them. but once you have done that you are only ensure they will be no more dogs in the future but still have the current problem of the dogs that are left. i would assume its not only dogs but cats too i would imagine.

so you have identified a problem but what is a viable and realistic solution to solve the problem to keep everyone happy?
firstly im not for the killing of animals, i have several pets.

but dont you think you need to see it from the perspective of the person who is killing them?
rabies, attacks on people, eye sore in a developing country, cause damage to property, defocating anywhere which is unsightly smelly and attract insects. now a good solution would be to sterilize them and release them. but once you have done that you are only ensure they will be no more dogs in the future but still have the current problem of the dogs that are left. i would assume its not only dogs but cats too i would imagine.

so you have identified a problem but what is a viable and realistic solution to solve the problem to keep everyone happy?
Sterilizing and releasing might be too complicated for a developing country. Humane euthanasia might be the best option. At the end if the day, we kill animals everyday to eat them don't we?

I don't disagree with a need to cull, but I think shooting in the head and just leaving to die is unbelievably cruel.
But why shoot them and leave them to die a slow and painful death? Why not euthanize humanely, that cannot be so more expensive than pellets in the eye.
yes, i agree there should be a humane way to do the job.
by the way who is gonna sterilize millions of dogs in pak?

besides that logistical problem, the page-3 people who advocate sterilization for dogs don't care for the fact that sterilizing doesn't remove the aggression, cruelty and pack-hunt mentality of dogs and they will still attack humans.
Sterilizing and releasing might be too complicated for a developing country. Humane euthanasia might be the best option. At the end if the day, we kill animals everyday to eat them don't we?

I don't disagree with a need to cull, but I think shooting in the head and just leaving to die is unbelievably cruel.
well yes. i agree, don't leave them to die in pain, as harsh as it sounds just do it quick and easy which is where they wont feel the pain.
over here we[people who live near by] had stray cats that lived in a nearby abandoned mill and we tried to kill them via poison which did not work. the local exterminator suggested sterilizing them and releasing them back as he refused to kill them even though he was licensed to do so. anyway some humane traps and about a year later no cats. but thats was about 5 years ago.
only sociopathic and psychopathic people kill cats.

are you a muslim, by the way??

when prophet muhammad and lenin and muammar gaddafi adored cats who are you to kill them??
there were a menace scratching cars and door and not mention defocate like dogs which baffled the exterminator.
if we cant kill cats, then why are you for killing dogs?

also just because the prophet liked cats does not means we have to like them too, did he hate dogs?
dont play the religion card with me.

in name only, it seems.

i am sure you hate al-assad and gaddafi and like erdogan and the tableeghi jamaat.

there were a menace scratching cars and door

you won't remove crime, capitalism, consumerism and callousness/apathy in your society but you will so easily think you can kill cats. :)

if we cant kill cats, then why are you for killing dogs?

what a illogical statement !!

so you mean if i advocate elimination of all obsessive capitalists and the tableegh jamaati and sanghi ( hindutva ) terrorists, you in turn will call for elimination of all socialists and progressives?? :lol:

also just because the prophet liked cats does not means we have to like them too, did he hate dogs?
dont play the religion card with me.

no, the prophet didn't mind dogs tearing apart the cats he also strangely adored. :lol: :hitwall:
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