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Animal cruelty in Model Town, Lahore

As usual you are baiting him, to try and get a disproportionate response. :nono:

generally he is the one taunting me and ganging-up on me. :)

do i not have the right to demand action against him??

You have a highly exaggerated sense of your own importance. What makes you think any country will take you?

but i am a humble and gentle person... where comes the question of me talking in exaggeration?? :)

as for which country taking me, some pakistani members have indeed welcomed me and beyond that i don't need to disclose.

If indeed, such a country exists, I am sure a quick whip around just PDF members will be enough to collect cash for a one way ticket for you out of India . I can think of enough members who will be happy to contribute to your welfare. :-)

no doubt, there are quite a few indian and saudi members who are deeply my well-wishers. :lol:

nothing outs a person like cheering animal cruelty of the worst kind.

so why did you not cry when you watch the leopard-killing vids??

why did you not become angry when 'blue marlin' made two posts to speak of he and his neighbors killing cats??

Meanwhile I humbly request you don't hijack every thread on PDF with your esoteric and eccentric theories.

it is true that in recent years, talking common sense and calling for harmony and relief from oppression has become eccentric in the eyes of many and these many would rather watch a cricket match instead of supporting progressives. :)
some pakistani members have indeed welcomed me and beyond that i don't need to disclose.

Let us know if you ever decide to take up their offer. Indeed I would encourage you to think positively in that direction. money should never be an impediment, like I said earlier, a quick whip around will provide the cash for a one way ticket. :-)
@jamahir is the government in India doing anything in regards too the horrendous poaching and brutal killing of these beautiful leopards, is anyone being punished for caging one of these magnificent creatures then pouring petrol and burning it alive all whilst giggling like a deranged hyena. As someone who genuinely loves these beautiful animals my whole day has been ruined by watching these videos.This has got to be STOPPED.kudos
As usual you are baiting him, to try and get a disproportionate response.

Meanwhile I humbly request you don't hijack every thread on PDF with your esoteric and eccentric theories. thank you and have a good day.:-)

@Blue merlin is a smart dude.

The moment he sensed a brain fart coming his way from the other chap.

He vanished silently :lol:

Btw i wished him good luck and i wish u the same ::sick:
so why did you not cry when you watch the leopard-killing vids??

why did you not become angry when 'blue marlin' made two posts to speak of he and his neighbors killing cats??
I've seen some of those, village idiots beat these majestic creatures to death with lathis.. honestly, I'd have mowed them all down with a dushka if I could. :mad:

haven't read the whole thread but I'd mow down Blue Marlin's neighbours with a dushka too :sniper:
@Xestan There is still hope my friend. People like you are proof of that. Out of this sickening abyss called Pakistan good will prevail one day. And yes you are right.How a society treats it's weak, it's animals is reflection of the level of civilization. Thank you for sharing what is traumatic story.

Pigs. Savage mountain pigs. Monsters that will burn in hell and I pray to God that they suffer the most pain in their life and be forever drenched in sadness and misery. They are Gods creations and deserve love and mercy but the thing is that these insects of society have a miserable life and do this to bring pleasure which shows how psychotic these C grade pigs are.

That man could have shot somebody else. Its a residential area.

Everything you say - Amplified 100 times
@jamahir is the government in India doing anything in regards too the horrendous poaching and brutal killing of these beautiful leopards, is anyone being punished for caging one of these magnificent creatures then pouring petrol and burning it alive all whilst giggling like a deranged hyena. As someone who genuinely loves these beautiful animals my whole day has been ruined by watching these videos.This has got to be STOPPED.kudos

yeah, those vids cannot be watched by the sensible even partially without becoming utterly saddened and the people who do that behavior will be the same ones who will not raise objection to injustice among humans. :)

about the government, the traditional forest/wildlife service ( "forest department" ) and the old-time wildlife enthusiasts/activists/experts ( like valmik thapar ) have guidelines on how to act when a leopard enters a village or city... if left to them, no leopard will be killed.

but what sadly happens especially in the cities and towns is the new-style "animal rights activists" ( dog lovers, essentially ) taking over and controlling the situation and then the leopard will become absolutely terrified by the mob and the gathered photographers and the leopard in panicky bid to escape will crash into a human and there will be scratching and then the "animal rights activists" and some "concerned citizens" ( who otherwise are not concerned about anything except their salaries ) will demand that the police ( in meerut even the army ) shoot dead the leopard or as you point out, leave it to the mob to finish the leopard in a witch-hunt fashion. :)

so best is that the forest department guided by the old-time wildlife experts be left to handle the situations.

I've seen some of those, village idiots beat these majestic creatures to death with lathis.. honestly, I'd have mowed them all down with a dushka if I could. :mad:

haven't read the whole thread but I'd mow down Blue Marlin's neighbours with a dushka too :sniper:

a strange lust they have for killing a creature who won't harm them... killing them in deranged witch-hunts.

spread the vids i linked in the long post in page 1 and spread word of what you have seen.

edit : like @django said, a welcome suggestion you have about the dushka.
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I wish @Xestan had the time to stay back and explain why culling dogs or indeed any other stray animals is not the answer?

Of course it is wrong to cruelly kill any of Gods creatures and of course there is no escuse for the way that dog was shot and left to die and like others here I applaud Xesten and feel proud for courageous and kind hearted people like him, it makes me think better of the human race.....BUT...and there is always a but....we cannot have packs of semi wild animals roaming the streets.

They are reservoirs of disease, they are dangerous. Sterilization is too slow, expensive and difficult to monitor.

Why do we pick and chose as to which animals it is Ok to kill? If we kill goats and hens by the dozens everyday for food why not dogs for safety?

I know this will be an unpopular opinion but it is what it is.

I have to go now, catch up later.
yeah, those vids cannot be watched by the sensible even partially without becoming utterly saddened and the people who do that behavior will be the same ones who will not raise objection to injustice among humans. :)

about the government, the traditional forest/wildlife service ( "forest department" ) and the old-time wildlife enthusiasts/activists/experts ( like valmik thapar ) have guidelines on how to act when a leopard enters a village or city... if left to them, no leopard will be killed.

but what sadly happens especially in the cities and towns is the new-style "animal rights activists" ( dog lovers, essentially ) taking over and controlling the situation and then the leopard will become absolutely terrified by the mob and the gathered photographers and the leopard in panicky bid to escape will crash into a human and there will be scratching and then the "animal rights activists" and some "concerned citizens" ( who otherwise are not concerned about anything except their salaries ) will demand that the police ( in meerut even the army ) shoot dead the leopard or as you point out, leave it to the mob to finish the leopard in a witch-hunt fashion. :)

so best is that the forest department guided by the old-time wildlife experts be left to handle the situations.

a strange lust they have for killing a creature who won't harm them... killing them in deranged witch-hunts.

spread the vids i linked in the long post in page 1 and spread word of what you have seen.
Lets hope the old-time wildlife experts win the day.
@T-72M1 a most welcome suggestion buddy.kudos
@Xestan May Allah Bless you for your noble deed----@jamahir sir dont you think it would be callous and irrational to kill an animal just becoz i or you dont like it-----its fine to make vigilante groups who point out and then exterminate those dogs or any other animal infected with rabies---but if one is to kill ----just make it swift,one shot in the head--why make them suffer

What makes you think any country will take you?
many would like----
did he qouted you?---whats your beef with him?---ive noticed this thing that herds of sanghis jump at any given oppurtunity to condemn him just for the sake of it---thats downright preposterous---
and my i ask oyu for what reason you changed your avatar
@Xestan May Allah Bless you for your noble deed----@jamahir sir dont you think it would be callous and irrational to kill an animal just becoz i or you dont like it-----its fine to make vigilante groups who point out and then exterminate those dogs or any other animal infected with rabies---but if one is to kill ----just make it swift,one shot in the head--why make them suffer

sincerely, my dislike for dogs is not a individual choice like someone would like light-yellow for a wall and someone would like lilac... my dislike, hatred really, is based on what the dog is and does. :)

some of the vigilantes you mention, the 'dog hunters' of russia[1], indeed use single shots :
The man who uses the online nickname Dogmeat says he sometimes kills 20 dogs over the course of a single night with an air gun, accompanied by a single friend.

“The main thing is not to be afraid. Adults can make themselves feel no fear,” he said in an interview.
Dogmeat – who refused to provide his real name to avoid exposure – killed his first dogs when strays almost “ate out” an eye of a small boy in his neighborhood in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk about a year and a half ago.
Now he sometimes helps out management of various industrial enterprises across the country whose premises are the prime breeding ground for homeless dogs. He says he never accepts money and himself keeps an old grey dachshund.
even he who keeps a dog knows the danger of having dogs loose.

some years ago, i myself used to shoot at dogs in my neighborhood with a .22 air-rifle that used hollow lead pellets... it didn't kill them ( i didn't want to be arrested ) but it did put fear into them and ... did it for three months to teach the neighbors what they should be doing... if they too had done what i did, a few years later we wouldn't have had newspaper articles about the city and the country talking of dogs killing or attacking people and eating infants. :)

many would like----
did he qouted you?---whats your beef with him?

'sky lord' often arrives in a thread expressly to gang-up on me. :)

---ive noticed this thing that herds of sanghis jump at any given oppurtunity to condemn him just for the sake of it---thats downright preposterous---

the internet, while giving so many benefits, has sadly also been allowed by governments to be accessible to hate-mongers, either because the governments are "liberal" or because the government is composed of hate-mongers ( like the indian central government ).

this allows the sanghi herd to come on pdf with their hate/war mongering agenda and support each other where is required shouting down any progressive dissenter.


[1] http://sputniknews.com/analysis/20120823/175391749.html
sincerely, my dislike for dogs is not a individual choice like someone would like light-yellow for a wall and someone would like lilac... my dislike, hatred really, is based on what the dog is and does. :)

some of the vigilantes you mention, the 'dog hunters' of russia[1], indeed use single shots :

even he who keeps a dog knows the danger of having dogs loose.

some years ago, i myself used to shoot at dogs in my neighborhood with a .22 air-rifle that used hollow lead pellets... it didn't kill them ( i didn't want to be arrested ) but it did put fear into them and ... did it for three months to teach the neighbors what they should be doing... if they too had done what i did, a few years later we wouldn't have had newspaper articles about the city and the country talking of dogs killing or attacking people and eating infants. :)


[1] http://sputniknews.com/analysis/20120823/175391749.html
why not a 3 knot 3---quick and less painfull to ged rid of stray ones

sincerely, my dislike for dogs is not a individual choice like someone would like light-yellow for a wall and someone would like lilac... my dislike, hatred really, is based on what the dog is and does. :)

some of the vigilantes you mention, the 'dog hunters' of russia[1], indeed use single shots :

even he who keeps a dog knows the danger of having dogs loose.

some years ago, i myself used to shoot at dogs in my neighborhood with a .22 air-rifle that used hollow lead pellets... it didn't kill them ( i didn't want to be arrested ) but it did put fear into them and ... did it for three months to teach the neighbors what they should be doing... if they too had done what i did, a few years later we wouldn't have had newspaper articles about the city and the country talking of dogs killing or attacking people and eating infants. :)

'sky lord' often arrives in a thread expressly to gang-up on me. :)

the internet, while giving so many benefits, has sadly also been allowed by governments to be accessible to hate-mongers, either because the governments are "liberal" or because the government is composed of hate-mongers ( like the indian central government ).

this allows the sanghi herd to come on pdf with their hate/war mongering agenda and support each other where is required shouting down any progressive dissenter.


[1] http://sputniknews.com/analysis/20120823/175391749.html
its not their fault-they are always high on hollywood---often pretend to be cowboys------in a nutshell "neo" rednecks of india
why not a 3 knot 3---quick and less painfull to ged rid of stray ones

you mean in india??

a .303 would be good but i think that is considered a police/military gun in india and so not allowed for citizens... i used the air-rifle method because it is relatively easily acquired ( cost me 2000 rupees, i think ) and more so because i wouldn't be arrested and subsequently lynched as the hollow lead pellets don't kill, at least at a distance of 15 feet to 70 feet.

but overall, it is only in kerala state[1]that killing dogs ( dangerous dogs ) has been legalized only recently... kerala has a prominent socialist movement presence :
The Home Minister said the stray dog menace has emerged as a law and order issue and the government cannot remain a mute spectator. Hence, nothing illegal in killing dangerous stray dogs which attack people. Police would not register case against those who kill such dogs, said the minister in his facebook page.
The minister’s clarification came in the wake of widespread protest from public against the police decision to register case against those who culled stray dogs.
A few days ago, prominent industrialist Kochouseph Chittilappally, who leads Stray Dog Free Movement, was booked for marching to a police station in Kochi with four stray dogs. He had threatened to stage a 24-hour fast on Sunday in protest against the police move.

but i don't know about the situation in the northeastern states where some of them are said to have dog-meat dishes.


[1] http://indianexpress.com/article/in...-those-who-kill-dangerous-dogs-says-minister/
:o:rrrrrrr youuuuuuuu seriiiiiiiiiiiiiiious

that is a popular perception in india but i don't know if true... i admit i haven't asked any northeasterner face-to-face.

let me ask @Levina because she has lived in one state there ( nagaland ) for some time... levinaaaa, in northeast do they really eat dogs or is that just a myth??
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