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Anger in Barcelona after Spanish police arrest Catalan minister and 12 officials in raids

Catalan nationalist.

Hmm, I heard, when last time there was a poll and Spain threatened to oust Barcelona from Spanish premier league and Catalan people voted in favor of the Union.
To be honest,the repression of Madrid is somewhat pathetic and only further fuels the hatred.
The Catalans are a great people, with an incredible culture and own language. Catalans have the right to vote for their future,which is the very principle of democracy. The Brits were much smarter by granting a referendum to Scotland,which ultimately didn't succeed helped maybe by the intelligence of the British government not to add fuel to the flames.....
What a way to piss the Catalans off, this surely won't end well.
To be honest,the repression of Madrid is somewhat pathetic and only further fuels the hatred.
The Catalans are a great people, with an incredible culture and own language. Catalans have the right to vote for their future...
...until they demand freedom for Northern Catalonia. ;)
Well everybody supports Kurdish referandum.
Let's create more chaos in this fvcking world.
Scottish should re-referandum it.
Bavarians should follow the Catalans.
Kashmiris should have referandum too.
Texas should have independence.
An Alawite state in Syria?
Circassians must be Russian-free.
Freedom for Uighurs!
Turkmens should take Kirkuk and Mousul.
South Azerbaijan should rejoin motherland... etc ... etc
To be honest,the repression of Madrid is somewhat pathetic and only further fuels the hatred.
A bit undemocratic for a democratic country, at least the Scottish were allowed a referendum...

Hmm, I heard, when last time there was a poll and Spain threatened to oust Barcelona from Spanish premier league and Catalan people voted in favor of the Union.
I have heard the rumor that the French would be willing to accept Barcelona in Ligue 1, PSG would be the news Real Madrid for them
I have heard the rumor that the French would be willing to accept Barcelona in Ligue 1, PSG would be the news Real Madrid for them
Meh! They can play in many leagues. But how about the Players :D. All these compounded, them making the decision.
Referendum should be mandatory everywhere is this world. We live in globalized world anyway. Thats what true freedom means.
Their stupid press were cheering on our Scottish brothers, yet they rejected the referendum and then went on to smack the nationalist SNP in the general election making them lose 30% of their seats haha.
Now we have Spain beating the crap out of the Catalan nationalists, arresting their leaders and threatening to run the region from the centre, oh did I mention they want to seize their funds as well?
The Spanish have also been very antagonistic towards Gibraltar.
I think karma is hitting home.
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To be honest,the repression of Madrid is somewhat pathetic and only further fuels the hatred.
The Catalans are a great people, with an incredible culture and own language. Catalans have the right to vote for their future,which is the very principle of democracy. The Brits were much smarter by granting a referendum to Scotland,which ultimately didn't succeed helped maybe by the intelligence of the British government not to add fuel to the flames.....

Why would Scotland leave the Union as they would then have a budget deficit of 10% of GDP.

Scotland is bribed to stay in the UK pretty much.

Their stupid press were cheering on our Scottish brothers, yet they rejected the referendum and then went on to smack the nationalist SNP in the general election making them lose 30% of their seats haha.
Now we have Spain beating the crap out of the Catalan nationalists, arresting their leaders and threatening to run the region from the centre, oh did I mention they want to seize their funds as well?
The Spanish have also been very antagonistic towards Gibraltar.
I think karma is hitting home.

Talk about a bunch of losers that are trying to force Catalan to stay.

Hope EU hammers them for this stupidity.
No democracy in EU or what, how can they do that? :no:

The Spaniards voted on whether they wanted this constitution or not is 1978,
and got 91-92% yes.
In a democracy, you start a change by changing the law.
The politicians in Barcelona are breaking the law, and I would not
be surprised if they are embezzling government funds to finance their actions.

Scotland is very different, since they are a country in a union with the rest of the UK.
The Crimean situation is much more similar, and I can't see the European Union
accepting a Catalan referendum, after rejecting the Crimean referendum.
The Spaniards voted on whether they wanted this constitution or not is 1978,
and got 91-92% yes.
In a democracy, you start a change by changing the law.
The politicians in Barcelona are breaking the law, and I would not
be surprised if they are embezzling government funds to finance their actions.

Scotland is very different, since they are a country in a union with the rest of the UK.
The Crimean situation is much more similar, and I can't see the European Union
accepting a Catalan referendum, after rejecting the Crimean referendum.

Crimea is different as Russia invaded and then held a referendum.
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