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Anger in Barcelona after Spanish police arrest Catalan minister and 12 officials in raids

The Crimean situation is much more similar, and I can't see the European Union
accepting a Catalan referendum, after rejecting the Crimean referendum.
It would be similar to the Crimean situation if there were some anticonstitutional coup d'état in Madrid and after that legal Catalon authorities did dot recognize it and held referendum.
Crimea is different as Russia invaded and then held a referendum.

The constitutions of Spain and Ukraine are similar regarding the right of regions.
Regions cannot take a unilateral decision of separation.
Scotland, beeing in a union, is different.

From Wiki:

During the Franco-Spanish War (1635–1659), Catalonia revolted (1640–1652) against a large and burdensome presence of the Royal army in its territory, becoming a republic under French protection. Within a brief period France took full control of Catalonia, at a high economic cost for Catalonia, until it was largely reconquered by the Spanish army. Under the terms of the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659, which ended the wider Franco-Spanish War, the Spanish Crown ceded the northern parts of Catalonia, mostly incorporated in the county of Roussillon, to France. During the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714), the Crown of Aragon sided against the Bourbon Philip V of Spain, whose subsequent victory led to the abolition of non-Castilian institutions in all of Spain and the replacement of Latin and other languages (such as Catalan) with Spanish in legal documents.

So it is actually very similar to the Crimean situation, replacing Russia with France.

The Catalonia, they referred to in the bible existed for 50 years.
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Woah eu is a stinking mess right now, so many disorderly protests happening right now.
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