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and now, German paper attacked for re-printing Charlie Hebdo cartoons

look im not claiming Shias are kafir but pakistani theologians claim that.

wrong google Arfa randhawa and she was a Muslim.

lol you are asking me to quote 1 random person. I can show you an entire hindu community here in Pakistan with that name. Just come down, I will even get you a police escort if you need :)
How can ahmadi express himself after all they are the most oppress minority killed at will even you are living in exile.

If you are truly Ahmadi, then you will have no trouble telling me who these two people are, I want their full names and how they mattered to the Ahmadi movement. Thank you

The attacks have been started all over the world. Small time arson attacks I mean.

Surprisingly, the folks attacking are not ISIS warriors, but among the 'peaceful moderate' groups who never had any history with radicalism

And you pass thus judgement out of your hate for Muslims or these terrorists actually told you so before they did it??? Generalizing like this is pure stupidity. The French terrorists were on the US no fly list. They had connections with Al-Qaeda's bastard*s in Yemen and they were probably trained there. And everyone knows there are sleeper cells. The UK and Europeans do monitor serious threats. Research before posting crap. Involving people who have nothing to do with anything isn't right.
Its like me saying, all Hindus, moderate or Hindu extremists ( Modi's cousins) have killed Christians and Muslims in India and raped women in Kashmir. Is this the right statement? No, a small fraction does. Likes of RSS, Shiv Sena, similar to Al-Qaeda but with Hindu supremacy based agenda.
Listen you prick. Muslims killed more hindus in those riots despite being minority. most of the muslims were victims of police firing.

Now let a riot break out then you will see what the current situation.
lolz... if you say so... :pop:
As i say you and me are no better authority on relegion and i provide a source in which a learned ulema claiming that shia are kafirs
plus i am not forcing you to accept my views.

Oh lala, my extended family is Shia... What the hell are you on about. And Please ANSWER my question that I asked you in my previous post.

Captured Pakistani soldiers from the Kargil War.

Listen to how they speak. These are beaten and demoralised men.

Lets not use POWs to make point on religion.

Those men were unfortunate victims of their own nations flawed actions.
Surprisingly, the folks attacking are not ISIS warriors, but among the 'peaceful moderate' groups who never had any history with radicalism.

Yeah sure, they call you and let you know before doing such things.

" Hey Ganguly, look we are moderates and are going to attack news papers, now make a post about us "moderates" on pakdefence tomorrow ..."

Meanwhile burning and attacking Cinemas, Churches, Mosques by Hindus is not something, that worths a mention by SarthakGanguly.

Kiu Bhai Sahab..., whats up? :rolleyes1:
Lets not use POWs to make point on religion.

Those men were unfortunate victims of their own nations flawed actions.

Why not? A Moslem keyboard "warrior" was boasting that one Moslem was worth ten Hindus in a fight. Let's use any and all data to disprove this naive claim. And I'm not even Indian or of South Asian descent. I'm an Australian as you can tell from the flags displayed in the details under my avatar.
plz don't oppress me by showing the pic of lord headly and maulana hasan khan.

hahah, you didn't answer my question. How did they matter.. Answer that question, then we can talk more in PM if you wish.
The west should pass a shoot at sight order against these s.o.bs. India too should grow a pair and follow the suite.

You mean all the extremist Hindus destroying places of worship of other religions..or burning and attacking cinema houses are going to be shoot at sight?

Nah I doubt that.
First of all there is no radical and extremist Islam. There are no moderate and extremist Muslims. There is only one Islam. One type of Muslims.

I know a few so-called Convent educated moderate Muslims who drink alochol and rarely pray. Even they haven't condemned the attackers.

No muslims is going to tolerate any disrespect towards the greatest man to ever wlak on the planet- prophet mohammad(pbuh).

The greatest human to ever walked is a man's/woman's father and mother, without them he would not have walked on earth!! The same applies to you and me also!! He was also just mere a human like you and me.
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