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Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

The best part about genome mapping is that, we don't have to wait for someone to own their past so it is irrelevant if you own your genes or you don't.

You can play around with different scenarios of invasion or migration but the fact remains that Aryan came to this land where vedic were always present. Pick up genome map of north Indians and you will find all type of genes from Iranians to gene prevalent in Hungary.
Tell me more , this feels good.
Can't it be reverse ?
The best part about genome mapping is that, we don't have to wait for someone to own their past so it is irrelevant if you own your genes or you don't.

You can play around with different scenarios of invasion or migration but the fact remains that Aryan came to this land where vedic were always present. Pick up genome map of north Indians and you will find all type of genes from Iranians to gene prevalent in Hungary.
Polytheism, offering milk, butter and barley to deities in the presence of fire, stratification of vedic society in 4 parts (Brahman, Kashtriyas.. etc.)

This is exactly what current day Hindus did, adopted a new religion from Vedism. Animal sacrifice was a norm in Vedism.
Hindus continue with vedic practices today, you people wholly adopted the religion of invaders of the era .Equating history with genetics is a very nice trope to equal invasions by Turks with supposed Aryan migration .that I will admit.
Ancient ' pakistan ' never heard of that
India was never heard in ancient times either. The name India is English from 11th century. Terms like Sindh, Hind, Hendush, Indika, Gandhara, Gedrosia, Gangia etc for used for differant areas of South Asia.

And when I use 'Pakistan' I mean coterminous Pakistan rather that the political state which is twin to the Indian political state with both being born on August 1947.
Hindus continue with vedic practices today, you people wholly adopted the religion of invaders of the era .Equating history with genetics is a very nice trope to equal invasions by Turks with supposed Aryan migration .that I will admit.
Continue with? Basically it is adoption of an amalgam of aryans customs and practices more like Muslims of south asia continue to adopt certain customs and cultural practices even after becoming muslims.

If genetics are not the source of history, opinions and uncorroborated write ups are definitely not history.

Aryan migration/invasion is not a myth, it is scientifically proven fact.
The best part about genome mapping is that, we don't have to wait for someone to own their past so it is irrelevant if you own your genes or you don't.

You can play around with different scenarios of invasion or migration but the fact remains that Aryan came to this land where vedic were always present. Pick up genome map of north Indians and you will find all type of genes from Iranians to gene prevalent in Hungary.

R1a dna is not common in subcontinent
Continue with? Basically it is adoption of an amalgam of aryans customs and practices more like Muslims of south asia continue to adopt certain customs and cultural practices even after becoming muslims.

If genetics are not the source of history, opinions and uncorroborated write ups are definitely not history.

Aryan migration/invasion is not a myth, it is scientifically proven fact.
History is a narrative , this very same forum said
India was never heard in ancient times either. The name India is English from 11th century. Terms like Sindh, Hind, Hendush, Indika, Gandhara, Gedrosia, Gangia etc for used for differant areas of South Asia.

And when I use 'Pakistan' I mean coterminous Pakistan rather that the political state which is twin to the Indian political state with both being born on August 1947.
11 century is very recent , go back further
We watch gangus eating cow crap, and we can almost precisely estimate.
You can estimate ? We too can estimate many things about , which you won't like
India was never heard in ancient times either. The name India is English from 11th century. Terms like Sindh, Hind, Hendush, Indika, Gandhara, Gedrosia, Gangia etc for used for differant areas of South Asia.

And when I use 'Pakistan' I mean coterminous Pakistan rather that the political state which is twin to the Indian political state with both being born on August 1947.
Megasthanes was a drunakrd then , Arabs were fools .
Only Pakistanis are correct .
Ever found pakistanology ?It's always Indology.
Me thinks , you should research on pakistanolgy
India was never heard in ancient times either. The name India is English from 11th century. Terms like Sindh, Hind, Hendush, Indika, Gandhara, Gedrosia, Gangia etc for used for differant areas of South Asia.

And when I use 'Pakistan' I mean coterminous Pakistan rather that the political state which is twin to the Indian political state with both being born on August 1947.
Megasthaniz didn't live in eleventh century , Alexander was invading what ?
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Why not take over Delhi yourself? why join foreigners? Bihari soldiers in East India company conquered till Kabul...does that mean Bihar conquered till Kabul in 19th century?

History remembers the British invasion of Afghanistan and how many soldiers were Bihari's is irrelevant as it was planned and executed by the British.
It's time for Indians to pay gratitude to ancient Pakistan and Pakistanis...They faced regular invasions from Persia,Central Asia and the Steppes head on and became the cushion which helped India withstand the attacks....Without them facing the full brunt of invasions India would have been following a different culture and philosophy......

Ancient Pakistanis bore the first shock of Persian,Macedonian,Greek,Scythian,Yuezhi,Parthian,Hunnic,Arabic,Turkic,Mongol,Turco-Mongol invasions.....
you monkeys REALLY need to stop trying to suck up to Pakistan.
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