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Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

Btw historically most of these central Asian conquerors had local allies from the present Pakistani lands who joined em to Loot present North Indian cities
That pattern continued into British era. All those dumb Pakistan history books that taught of the freedom War of 1847 or what the British call Indian Muntiny overlook is their great grandfathers actually helped to quell and massacre the mutineers in Delhi etc. The British could have contained the rebellion had Punjabi Muslim/Pakhtun, Punjabi Sikh soldiers not arrived to save the British rule from Rawalpindi, Jhelum, Lahore etc
Why not take over Delhi yourself? why join foreigners? Bihari soldiers in East India company conquered till Kabul...does that mean Bihar conquered till Kabul in 19th century?

The Muslim Empires founded by people of Indus Valley/Modern Pakistan over the Ganges plains/Modern India.

Lahore,Sialkot were there since long....and if Bengali soldiers in East India company conquered Punjab, does it mean Bengalis looted Punjab?What nonsense
Tiny towns not worth the blood shed instead used by these conquerors to gather allies and March onto large Hindu kingdoms in present day India sonny
How many Bengali did the British promoted to generals and viceroy sonny mughals had promoted alot of as you said tribal chiefs of ancient Pakistanis to generals Lords ministers in there administration
The gold was where the spices were sonny and lahore wasn't known for producing spices my child ;)
Infact it was built from the money looted fro the Ancient Indians of present day Indian lands which were the spice hubs my child ;) so we should be thankful to you for providing the funds :)

Psahtun empires that managed to capture Delhi mainly orginated from the other side of the Khyber Pass..nobody knows the the true origins of Sayyid dynasty..I highly doubt anybody other than Turks ruled during Delhi Sultanate except for some Pashtuns
Psahtun empires that managed to capture Delhi mainly orginated from the other side of the Khyber Pass..nobody knows the the true origins of Sayyid dynasty..I highly doubt anybody other than Turks ruled during Delhi Sultanate except for some Pashtuns

Pashtuns from KP and Punjabi Sayid and Khokhar from Punjab. Accept the facts and move on.
Psahtun empires that managed to capture Delhi mainly orginated from the other side of the Khyber Pass..nobody knows the the true origins of Sayyid dynasty..I highly doubt anybody other than Turks ruled during Delhi Sultanate except for some Pashtuns
So a dumb sanghi is counting the tribesmen of same tribes from both sides of khyber pass as separate??
Khyber pass a term coined by British for their range of influence
But still thinks of North India separated from ancient Pakistan
India also a term and invention of British ;)
Google Mallian Campaign and Alexander's massacre of Mallian Brahmans

I am referring to coterminous Ancient Pakistan Sir

As the one making the claims, IF what you say is true then remember to post the links here.
Psahtun empires that managed to capture Delhi mainly orginated from the other side of the Khyber Pass..nobody knows the the true origins of Sayyid dynasty..I highly doubt anybody other than Turks ruled during Delhi Sultanate except for some Pashtuns

You do realize that there is 0 evidence for your claims.
Pashtuns from KP and Punjabi Sayid and Khokhar from Punjab. Accept the facts and move on.

let me look and check


A contemporary writer Yahya Sirhindi mentions in his Tarikh-i-Mubarakshahi that Khizr Khan belonged to an Arab[4][5] family and was a descendant of prophet Muhammad, but his conclusion was based only on a testimony of the saint Syed Jalal-ud-Din Bukhari of Uchh Sharif while according to Muntakhab-al Lubab he was of Afghan origin.[6][non-primary source needed] Malik Mardan Daulat, the Governor of Multan, adopted Khizr Khan's father, Malik Sulaiman, as his son. Sulaiman succeeded Malik Shaikh, another son of Malik Mardan, to the governorship. After his death, Firuz Shah Tughlaq appointed Khizr Khan as governor. But in 1395, he was expelled from Multan by Sarang Khan, brother of Mallu Iqbal Khan. He fled to Mewat and later joined Timur. It is believed that before his departure, Timur appointed Khizr Khan his viceroy at Delhi although he could only establish his control over Multan, Dipalpur and parts of Sindh. Soon he started his campaign and defeated Mallu Iqbal Khan. After defeating Daulat Khan Lodi, he entered Delhivictoriously on 6 June 1414.[7]

There is no evidence that Khizr Khan is Khokar...

So a dumb sanghi is counting the tribesmen of same tribes from both sides of khyber pass as separate??
Khyber pass a term coined by British for their range of influence
But still thinks of North India separated from ancient Pakistan
India also a term and invention of British ;)

India is an English term that is derived from older Greeknterms to indicate the whole subcontinental landmass
let me look and check

India is an English term that is derived from older Greeknterms to indicate the whole subcontinental landmass
So basically India is term invented by Europeans and dumb sanghis started to call this European creation as there mother and goddess :)
Same way Hindu term invented by persian a mispronounciation of sindu people of Sindh and dumb sanghis also call em selves want as they say foreign invaders called em perhaps as a slang ;)
Btw since you no longer have Sindh Valley basis of sindu /hindu but do have ganges plain so maybe you should call yourself gandu on ganges basis ;)
So basically India is term invented by Europeans and dumb sanghis started to call this European creation as there mother and goddess :)
Same way Hindu term invented by persian a mispronounciation of sindu people of Sindh and dumb sanghis also call em selves want as they say foreign invaders called em perhaps as a slang ;)
Btw since you no longer have Sindh Valley basis of sindu /hindu but do have ganges plain so maybe you should call yourself gandu on ganges basis ;)

we have another name Bharatiya Ganarajya...we use that on our passports...
Are Pakistanis here actually rejoicing the fact they were not even worth conquering, surrendering freedom and joining invaders towards more prosperous lands? :lol: lol I have seen everything now
Are Pakistanis here actually rejoicing the fact they were not even worth conquering, surrendering freedom and joining invaders towards more prosperous lands? :lol: lol I have seen everything now

What indian sanghi mumbo jumbo and gobbledigock are you talking about now?........ :disagree:
What indian sanghi mumbo jumbo and gobbledigock are you talking about now?........ :disagree:
Your countrymen are rejoicing the fact they let themselves be ruled by invaders, just cause they got a chance to march towards mainland India. That's quite funny really.
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