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Ancient Chinese influence in Kerala, India

Buddhism is a separate religion.

Please don't start relating everything with old India, which the current India is not.

Before commenting ,do you know about the life of lord Buddha and places he lived, his Sangh,places of Buddhist mahasangiti and his followers in his lifetime.

If you have identity crisis, doesn't mean we too have.
"Journey To the West" of Xuanzang (唐僧) and his lesser immortals.


The route in a Chinese map

Stop running away from your past and embrace it, the sooner you people do that, it will be easier for the whole of South Asia.


It is not me who is running away from my history. It is you who is misrepresenting yours.

I am the scion of Indus Valley Civilization. I am also the holder of the cradle of Indus Valley Civilization. I am also Muslim, therefore I also represent Muslim civilization.

What does India represent - a place where people live whose ancestors also lived there before them.

LOL... thats a thesis paper.... somebody gonna get a doctorate copying all these..

Kid... WTF are u talking?? Do u even understand what you are talking??

He sounds like an alien wanting to communicate with humans... old india ..new india.. stop living delutions..stop running.. embrace it... I dont know WTF he is saying.. anyway its funny.

I fully understand what I am talking about and what I am talking about is the fact supported by history.

It is you people who live in a self created delusion.
Okay current india is very much different from ancient india same like rest of the regions in the world but does that mean we shouldn't take pride in our rich history which dates back thousands of years taking pride in ancient pagan history and culture might be haram for some hardcore islamists but not for us

Oh please do take pride in your own history. Just don't take over some one else's history and make it yours.

Your history consists of people who live in current India and whose ancestors also lived there. Period. You don't have any civilization to be part of.

Before commenting ,do you know about the life of lord Buddha and places he lived, his Sangh,places of Buddhist mahasangiti and his followers in his lifetime.

If you have identity crisis, doesn't mean we too have.

I don't have an identity crisis. It is you guys who have an identity crisis, because you don't have an identity.

Like I said at other place as well, many Muslims believe Buddha to be a Prophet of God.

Buddhism is a separate religion. And about reading the history of this religion or Buddha himself - any time Sir.
Before commenting ,do you know about the life of lord Buddha and places he lived, his Sangh,places of Buddhist mahasangiti and his followers in his lifetime.

If you have identity crisis, doesn't mean we too have.

The guy thinks, there were 2 countries with borders @ 2000-1000 BC.. and Visa prevented these nomads to move and claim whole IVC was in their territory as stipulated by United nations maritime and border regulations.

Also he thinks, the people just remained there carrying some magic potions from that civilisation and can be called as superior beings since they were first on a geographic place where almost negligible population existed @ those times.

Cant blame him... for the stuff that is given to read.

Anyway lets read what all new things we can learn.. LOL.
Oh please do take pride in your own history. Just don't take over some one else's history and make it yours.

Your history consists of people who live in current India and whose ancestors also lived there. Period. You don't have any civilization to be part of.

I don't have an identity crisis. It is you guys who have an identity crisis, because you don't have an identity.

Like I said at other place as well, many Muslims believe Buddha to be a Prophet of God.

Buddhism is a separate religion. And about reading the history of this religion or Buddha himself - any time Sir.

You are a scion of Ivc my foot, lloollll. the entire south asian region till date follows Indian traditions, food, clother, dance and ofcourse language and movies. Your country's name originated in 1940 and you are talking to a country whose people have ancient ties to this region. Yes are related to Ivc, But only that much as much as north Indians are. Pakistanis want to fight for a 4000 year old civilisation when the current one is killing each other.
The guy thinks, there were 2 countries with borders @ 2000-1000 BC.. and Visa prevented these nomads to move and claim whole IVC was in their territory as stipulated by United nations maritime and border regulations.

Also he thinks, the people just remained there carrying some magic potions from that civilisation and can be called as superior beings since they were first on a geographic place where almost negligible population existed @ those times.

Cant blame him... for the stuff that is given to read.

Anyway lets read what all new things we can learn.. LOL.

Which civilization do you belong to in current India.

You are a scion of Ivc my foot, lloollll. the entire south asian region till date follows Indian traditions, food, clother, dance and ofcourse language and movies. Your country's name originated in 1940 and you are talking to a country whose people have ancient ties to this region. Yes are related to Ivc, But only that much as much as north Indians are. Pakistanis want to fight for a 4000 year old civilisation when the current one is killing each other.

Which 4000 year old civilization do you belong to.
Your history consists of people who live in current India and whose ancestors also lived there. Period. You don't have any civilization to be part of.

What are you talking about?? There is a clear civilization. Clear similar traditions and culture back then. A lot of survives today in India!









Eastern India

2000+ years ago




Southern India




Central India

There is a 'theme' through out ancient India. They were rarely united, but cultures were similar.

That's why they call it "Indic", "Iranic", "sinic", etc civs.
I read about some Chinese movie on Xuanzang, can any Chinese member tell us the name of that movie.

The three oldest and major historical sites of Indus valley civilization are all in Pakistan; Mehrgarh (7000 BCE to c. 2500 BCE), Harappa (3000-1500 BC), Mohenjodaro (Built around 2600 BCE).

How could you trace it to 10,000 years is not understandable and may not proven through existing historical facts.

I have read about Tamil historical details etc. These details also state that they moved from Indus Valley. Although many don't agree with these facts and state that probably Dravidian people were the only ones who migrated.

The fact however remains that most of you people present in current India are there because your ancestors also lived there.

Contrarily, I live in Indus Valley and am the scion of IVC and hold the cradle of IVC - not India, who may have some migratees from IVC living there.
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