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Ancient Chinese influence in Kerala, India


Cheena Bharani


Cheena Chatti

Buddhism is a separate religion.

Please don't start relating everything with old India, which the current India is not.
The current India and all that BS delusional crap that u are referring to still has the one and only holiest place for the Buddhists all over the world the Holy Grail and the Mecca for Buddhists and that is Bodh Gaya which still houses the Mahabodhi Neem tree sitting under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment.No other Buddhist shrine all over the world is as important a this and is an UNESCO WHS!! And whats more amazing is that people living in Bodh Gaya and even around the remotest periphery of this holy site are essentially Hindus but regard Lord Buddha as their Isht Dev(Guardian Diety) and worships him in their homes according to Hindu rituals!!:woot:

The Mahabodhi Temple.
Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India

Bodh Gaya is the holiest of Buddhist destinations and a World Heritage Site. It was here, under a pipal, or bodhi tree, that Siddhartha Gotama attained enlightenment and became the Buddha. A simple shrine was built by the emperor Ashoka (3rd century BCE) to mark the spot, later enclosed by a stone railing (1st century BCE), part of which still remains. The uprights have representations of the Vedic gods Indra and Surya, and the railing medallions include carvings of imaginary beasts. This shrine was replaced in the Kushan period (2nd cent. CE) by the present Mahabodhi temple, which was refurbished in the Pala-Sena period (750-1200), heavily restored by Sir Alexander Cunningham in the second half of the 19th century, and finally restored by Myanmar (Burmese) Buddhists in 1882. The bodhi tree behind the temple is believed to be a descendant of the original. [Adapted from Encyclopedia Britannica; July 06]
In fact there was a point of time when only Hindu priests could carry out the regular rites of Lord Buddha in this temple!!
UNITED NATIONs back in 200 BC didnt recognise mauryan empire...some that time coffee annan said they are separated by laws and US and Pakistan in 200 BCE agreed whole heartedly to it.

Generally scribbled, this is current India, almost half of the great Mauryan Empire. And you guys claim the whole of it.

Have a heart yaar.

Generally scribbled, this is current India, almost half of the great Mauryan Empire. And you guys claim the whole of it.

Have a heart yaar.


File a petition .. lets bring maurya to courts and impeech.
Many Muslims believe that Buddha was a Prophet of God.

Like I said, there are many historical sites in India, yet no civilization emanated from current India.

And current India is not the old India. Period.

File a petition .. lets bring maurya to courts and impeech.

Sach karrwa hota hai. Indic terminology ki tarha.
Many Muslims believe that Buddha was a Prophet of God.

Like I said, there are many historical sites in India, yet no civilization emanated from current India.

And current India is not the old India. Period.

Sach karrwa hota hai. Indic terminology ki tarha.


all old countries are not current countries... They all changed..

It was kingdom back then.. now its a republiC.

I cant post basiC kindergarden stuff and expect you to learn that all too fast...stay here... learn new things.. GooD Luck.

all old countries are not current countries... They all changed..

It was kingdom back then.. now its a republiC.

I cant post basiC kindergarden stuff and expect you to learn that all too fast...stay here... learn new things.. GooD Luck.

Old India was a different empire.

The current India is nothing even comparable to what old India was.

The sooner you people realize this fact, it will be easier for the whole of South Asia.

Stop living in the indic age of delusion please.
Many Muslims believe that Buddha was a Prophet of God.

Like I said, there are many historical sites in India, yet no civilization emanated from current India.

And current India is not the old India. Period.

Sach karrwa hota hai. Indic terminology ki tarha.
^^^Okay so u go and tell this to scholars at the Harvard and Oxford and all other acclaimed Universities!!See if u can convince them.U might get a counselling session as well for free to get over this delusional state. . . . I could very well see what the outcome of this very logic that u are putting forward would be and what sort of a reaction it would draw from those learned scholars!!If u are able to convince them then the world might also witness a new creed of scholars referring to themselves as PAKISTANOLGISTS rather than INDOLOGISTS!!
^^^Okay so u go and tell this to scholars at the Harvard and Oxford and all other acclaimed Universities!!See if u can convince them.U might get a counselling session as well for free to get over this delusional state. . . . I could very well see what the outcome of this very logic that u are putting forward would be and what sort of a reaction it would draw from those learned scholars!!If u are able to convince them then the world might also witness a new creed of scholars referring to themselves as PAKISTANOLGISTS rather than INDOLOGISTS!!

I think Sunderjee's Blind Men of Hindoostan may believe that the current India represents the old India.

The rest do not believe this.

Current India does not represent the old India. And you need to understand this fact.
Ok back to discussion from the self made funny historian..

Ma- Huan was the first foreign traveller to write about Kochi [Kochi was an important port city of Central Kerala].Ma-Huan’s account Ying-Yai Sheng-Lan [1433]describes “The country of the little Kolan[Kollam], Kochin[Kochi], Kuli[Kozhikode] etc.

According to Ma-Huan”From Kerala by navigating one night and one day, Kochi can be reached. The king of Kochi who belong to the sun dynasty was a Buddhist and had great respect for the elephants and oxen.”

The Chinese contact has left behind a few field names in the coastal areas of Malabar, especially in Kozhikode and its surroundings At Kozhikode proper, there is one survey field was Cinakota, meaning Chinese fort, near the Silk Street.

At Kappad, the famous spot which is believed to be the landing place of Vasco Da Gama there is a vast compound named Cinacceri, meaning a Chinese.

One of the important feature of the trade between China and Kerala was that it was state sponsored.
The best example for this is the delegation of Zheng He, which was sponsored by Ming dynasty.


Ancient chinese coin from south india

Trade Items between kerala and china:-

Spices like pepper and Cardamom and the Kerala Products like coconut and arecanut was in great demand in China. In return China clay, Chinese silk, Vessels, Copper, Mercury and lead were brought to Kerala from China

The Medieval Chinese travellers like Chou-Ju-Kua (l225 A.D) has stated that the Zamorin[king of kozhikodu] sent two merchant leaders to China to invite the merchants of China to Kozhikode . The work Tao-i-Chili of Wang- Ta-Yuvan had mentioned about the ports of Kerala.

Zheng He and the benign Sino-Centric Order:

pepper,coconut,fish,betelnuts,etc were exported from Malabar in exchange for gold, silver, coloured satin, blue and white porcelain, beads, musk and camphor.

Old India was a different empire.

The current India is nothing even comparable to what old India was.

The sooner you people realize this fact, it will be easier for the whole of South Asia.

Stop living in the indic age of delusion please.

Stop running away from your past and embrace it, the sooner you people do that, it will be easier for the whole of South Asia.
Old India was a different empire.

The current India is nothing even comparable to what old India was.

The sooner you people realize this fact, it will be easier for the whole of South Asia.

Stop living in the indic age of delusion please.

LOL... thats a thesis paper.... somebody gonna get a doctorate copying all these..

Kid... WTF are u talking?? Do u even understand what you are talking??

Stop running away from your past and embrace it, the sooner you people do that, it will be easier for the whole of South Asia.

He sounds like an alien wanting to communicate with humans... old india ..new india.. stop living delutions..stop running.. embrace it... I dont know WTF he is saying.. anyway its funny.
Okay current india is very much different from ancient india same like rest of the regions in the world but does that mean we shouldn't take pride in our rich history which dates back thousands of years taking pride in ancient pagan history and culture might be haram for some hardcore islamists but not for us
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