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Anatolians only have 7% genes from Central Asia, we are "Greek" Muslims

First Turkic people were purely East Asian, with very little percentage of Western Eurasian genes, if any. Probably they looked like modern Tuvan or Yakut.

Uighur, Kyrgyz and Kazakh all were mixed at different level by Turkic tribes who came later from the East with Tocharian / Iranian tribes who were natives in Xinjiang and Central Asia and henceforth, turkified them

Therefore, Turks cannot be native in Anatolia, if native means at least 2000 - 2500 years ago.

I followed the discussion in some Turkish forums long time ago and never seen any Turkish who claimed they were from China, however, it is so ironical that modern Turkey claim histories of Turkic empires in China/Mongolia as their own.

From my point of view, modern Turkish people are basically European who were / are Turkified with very little East Asian genes, if any. Have watched a documentary about some Bosniak who lived in Turkey since 19th century and now their descendants cannot speak Bosnian. They will be totally turkified within 2 more generations. That would be funny if these Slavic-turned-Turks claims Gorturk empire in Mongolia / China as their ancestor

In summary, Turkey have nothing to do with Turkic empires in ancient China / Mongolia and most of Central Asia.
Turks from Anatolia are mixed with the elites of the Turkic Empires. all settled in Anatolia and mixed with locals.
Is this a lie??
Actually during Tang dynasty, li shimin emperor of Tang had turkic lineage. He called all Chinese as Tang but not Han. So as to make all people who sinicized as legal citizen of Tang. Anyone who accepted Chinese culture and practice it, is Chinese.

Another lie.
Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty had no Tujue blood.
His father Li Yuan is 100% Han Chinese, from the Han noble Li family in Longxi.
His mother is Xianbei and not Tujue.
The Xianbei people are descendants of the EastHu people. After being defeated by the Han Dynasty, the EastHu people split into two nationalities, one is the Wuhuan people and the other is the Xianbei people.
Tujue originated from a tribe called ASHNA in the north of Xiongnu, belonging to mixtribe.

Four historical books in China have clearly recorded the origin of Tujue:
1. Volume 99 of <Bei Shi>(北史) compiled by Li Yanshou, a historian of the Tang Dynasty.
2. Volume 50 of <ZhouShu>(周书) compiled by Tang Dynasty historian LingHu DeMin.
3. Volume 4 of <YouYang ZaZu>(酉阳杂俎) compiled by Duan Chengshi, a historian of the Tang Dynasty.
4. Volume 84 of <SuiShu>(隋书) compiled by sun Wuji, Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty
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If you want to analyze Chinese DNA, I suggest you analyze the Y-DNA, because Chinese civilization is inherited by paternity. In the ancient war in East Asia, the winner may kill all the losers' men, leaving only women, so the X-DNA of the Han people is chaotic. But the Y-DNA of Han people is nearly single, most of them are Y-DNA O3.


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Another lie.
Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty had no Tujue blood.
His father Li Yuan is 100% Han Chinese, from the Han noble Li family in Longxi.
His mother is Xianbei and not Tujue.
The Xianbei people are descendants of the EastHu people. After being defeated by the Han Dynasty, the EastHu people split into two nationalities, one is the Wuhuan people and the other is the Xianbei people.
Tujue originated from a tribe called ASHNA in the north of Xiongnu, belonging to mixtribe.

Four historical books in China have clearly recorded the origin of Tujue:
1. Volume 99 of <Bei Shi>(北史) compiled by Li Yanshou, a historian of the Tang Dynasty.
2. Volume 50 of <ZhouShu>(周书) compiled by Tang Dynasty historian LingHu DeMin.
3. Volume 4 of <YouYang ZaZu>(酉阳杂俎) compiled by Duan Chengshi, a historian of the Tang Dynasty.
4. Volume 84 of <SuiShu>(隋书) compiled by sun Wuji, Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty
Li shimin employ many tujue as general during his time as emperor and he claim himself as first Chinese emperor to recognize tujue as equal. Xianbei speak a kind of turkic which is the reason why he is sworn brother with a tujue general.

His son dress like a tujue during court as a source of friction and was recorded clearly in history. Why Li family want address Chinese as Tang instead of Han for his Tang dynasty becos the fact clearly Li has little to do with Han. In Tang period, anybody embrace Chinese culture and promote it , is a Chinese. And is fit to be the subject of Tang.

Li Bai poem which denounced barbarian , clearly is only aim at subject who don't embrace Han Chinese culture and not bloodline.

But does it matter? Li family believe Chinese culture is superior and a big reason why they abandon xianbei lineage and fully embrace themselves as Chinese and promote Chinese practice.

The Han Chinese allow Manchu to rule them for 2 hundred over years becos they bring peace and embrace Chinese culture.
Li shimin employ many tujue as general during his time as emperor and he claim himself as first Chinese emperor to recognize tujue as equal. Xianbei speak a kind of turkic which is the reason why he is sworn brother with a tujue general.

His son dress like a tujue during court as a source of friction and was recorded clearly in history. Why Li family want address Chinese as Tang instead of Han for his Tang dynasty becos the fact clearly Li has little to do with Han. In Tang period, anybody embrace Chinese culture and promote it , is a Chinese. And is fit to be the subject of Tang.

Li Bai poem which denounced barbarian , clearly is only aim at subject who don't embrace Han Chinese culture and not bloodline.

But does it matter? Li family believe Chinese culture is superior and a big reason why they abandon xianbei lineage and fully embrace themselves as Chinese and promote Chinese practice.

The Han Chinese allow Manchu to rule them for 2 hundred over years becos they bring peace and embrace Chinese culture.

1. Li Shimin was not the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty. His father was the first emperor. His father's noble title was the Tang Duke of the Sui Dynasty, so when he became emperor, he was named the Tang Dynasty. His father is 100% Han Chinese.
And you said Li Shimin was named Tang because of Tujue?

2. There are no Tujue among Li Shimin's important generals. You can google the list of 24 meritorious heroes. Almost all of them are Han people, with only a small number of Xianbei people. Tujue were low-level border guard generals in the Tang Dynasty. Because the Tang Dynasty accepted the surrender of the Tujue, the Tang Dynasty used Tujue generals to lead the Tujue to attack other nationalities.

Li Shimin abandoned the prince(Li ChengQian) for five reasons:
1. He is gay.
2. He trusted eunuchs and did not trust officials, so officials attacked him. The emperor was worried about the lessons of the Han Dynasty (the Han Dynasty perished because the emperor reused eunuchs).
3. The emperor has better sons.
4. His mother died, but his brother's mother is still alive.
5. He likes the culture of Xianbei people, not the culture of Han people.

The most important thing is the second point. The emperor could not choose a successor who was opposed by all the ministers.
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Celal Şengor, a professor from Turkey, made another hit against the mythology of a majority-Turkish admixture in the genetic make up Turkish-citizens, particularly those from Anatolia.

Speaking on television, the professor said that the genes of Anatolian peoples is made up of only 7% from Central Asia, the homeland of Turkic tribes.

However, the bigger surprise is what came next.

“A relevant DNA research was done in Anatolia and it turned out that we are very much Indo-Europeans,” the professor said.

“Do not forget that we are the heirs of Byzantium,” the professor continued, adding: “And because of this there were many marriages during the Ottoman period. That is why we are Muslim Rûm.”

Rûm is a derivative of the term Rhomaioi-East Roman (Ῥωμαῖοι) and is used in many Islamic countries to refer to Greeks.

Rûm is found in the pre-Islamic Namara inscription and later in the Quran (7th century), where it is used to refer to the contemporary Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire under its Greek-speaking emperors of the Heraclian dynasty.

Turkey calls its Greek minority Rûm, such as those living in Constantinople, Tenedos and Imvros, and refers to Greeks within Greece as Yunani (Ionian).

In this way, they differentiate the Greeks of Greece and the Greeks of Turkey.

In response to Şengor’s television segment, Turkey-born Professor Mehmet Efe Caman, who describes himself on Twitter as an “Anatolian from Constantinople with roots in Crete and Paphlagonia [on the Black Sea],” said:

“Professor Şengör says that: ‘We are Roman’ because he cannot say that today’s Turkophone Anatolians are Islamized and linguistically assimilated Greeks. Turkish-supremacist racism will collapse.

“I had the Central Asian Gene at 8.2%. It is still above the number mentioned by Professor Şengör and Murat Bardakçı.

“Joking aside, it is impossible to understand why the Turkish state has taught children the Turkish-supremacist and racist myth of ‘mass migration from Central Asia to Anatolia’ in schools for 100 years.

“Why did the Turkish state want to hide that the Anatolian people largely had Greco-Roman roots? What was the reason for this secret? Why were they afraid?

“Why did they carefully conceal the Greek origin of the large Turkish-speaking masses who were Islamized and due to linguistic assimilation?”, the professor pondered.

It is recalled that earlier this month the Turkish DNA Project, a misinformation portal known for posting genetic graphs and charts without references or sources, expressed frustration with Ancestry.com, the largest for-profit genealogy company in the world.

The misinformation project called for “all Turks to boycott this company: Ancestry.”

“AncestryDNA prioritizes to demonize the Turkish people and delegitimaze their presence in Turkey rather than giving information about the genetic structure of the relevant population,” they said in a now deleted Twitter post.

Ancestry.com highlighted that after the Ottoman conquest of Pontos in today’s Turkey’s southeastern Black Sea coast, the “Pontian Greeks adopted Turkish language and culture, and many converted to Islam in order to have greater opportunities in Turkish society.”

Ancestry.com also highlighted that another round of Turkification of Pontian Greeks occurred after the second Russo-Turkish War (1828-29).

With the advent of genetic testing, more and more Turkish citizens and diaspora communities are discovering that they are actually Turkified peoples, mostly pointing towards Greek.

Ancestry.com highlighted that after the Ottoman conquest of Pontos in today’s Turkey’s southeastern Black Sea coast, the “Pontian Greeks adopted Turkish language and culture, and many converted to Islam in order to have greater opportunities in Turkish society.”

Ancestry.com also highlighted that another round of Turkification of Pontian Greeks occurred after the second Russo-Turkish War (1828-29).

With the advent of genetic testing, more and more Turkish citizens and diaspora communities are discovering that they are actually Turkified peoples, mostly pointing towards Greek.

Such claims are the so-called scientific nonsense of the stupid anti-Turkish racist neo-Nazis from Greeks, Armenians and Iranians, who call themselves white Europeans and belong to the dark-skinned inferiority complex.
Such claims are the so-called scientific nonsense of the stupid anti-Turkish racist neo-Nazis from Greeks, Armenians and Iranians, who call themselves white Europeans and belong to the dark-skinned inferiority complex.
We're not black,but we ain't as white as northern Europeans. That doesn't mean we're all dark-skinned. Or that we have some complex. Have MMM-E,dBSPL and others here have DNA tests. They might discover some Greek roots. Maybe not,but also maybe yes. As for the "racists neo-Nazis" comment,you don't get to talk when you have a lot of Grey Wolves in eastern Turkey and Azerbaijan.
We're not black,but we ain't as white as northern Europeans. That doesn't mean we're all dark-skinned. Or that we have some complex. Have MMM-E,dBSPL and others here have DNA tests. They might discover some Greek roots. Maybe not,but also maybe yes. As for the "racists neo-Nazis" comment,you don't get to talk when you have a lot of Grey Wolves in eastern Turkey and Azerbaijan.

LOL delicious. Greek boy is picking fights in every nook and corner of PDF. Nice.

You also brown by any chance? I have seen brown Greeks before.
pakistanis dna has been matched and its related to dinosaurs. basically Pakistanis are mini
t rex.
One reason Pakistan love Turks is because -- a lot of Pakistani elites still remembers their village is somewhere in Anatolia or Azerbaijan.
One reason Pakistan love Turks is because -- a lot of Pakistani elites still remembers their village is somewhere in Anatolia or Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan is an ancient Iranian territory. Iran has every right to re take it because Russian empire And Soviet union don't exist anymore
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