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Turkish F-16s are going to Greece

Who cares if they will participatie or not, it is loss for nato if they do not. On the other hand TAF exercise on daily base in greece aerospace and greeks can only moan about it.
Who cares if they will participatie or not, it is loss for nato if they do not. On the other hand TAF exercise on daily base in greece aerospace and greeks can only moan about it.

And ours train in turkish airspace. So what? Yawn.
Who cares if they will participatie or not, it is loss for nato if they do not. On the other hand TAF exercise on daily base in greece aerospace and greeks can only moan about it.
So you admit that the Turks are violating Greek air space. Basically doing something illegal and acting aggressive,rising tensions in the region.

I do not see that turks are crying over that like your brethen vis a vis.
Ours are not violating Turkish Air Space. Apollon might tell you that we reach Ankara,but no. Violations and escalation is from the Turkish side and today the Prime Minister complained to Stoltenberg
and provided him with all the information.
Ours are not violating Turkish Air Space. Apollon might tell you that we reach Ankara,but no. Violations and escalation is from the Turkish side and today the Prime Minister complained to Stoltenberg
and provided him with all the information.
I understand your frustration due inability to prevent those power plays from TAF.
I hope in future that you will come in agreement with your neighbours on all disputed issues and with that end occurance of this childish reactions like with this NATO exercise.
I understand your frustration due inability to prevent those power plays from TAF.
I hope in future that you will come in agreement with your neighbours on all disputed issues and with that end occurance of this childish reactions like with this NATO exercise.
You consider it a childish reaction? If the Serbian Army violated your air space 126 times in a day and having this provocative behavior,would you have invited them in any kind of exercise or festival?
Come on,let's be fair. You don't build relationships of good neighborhood by constantly acting like a bully. There is no trust.
You consider it a childish reaction? If the Serbian Army violated your air space 126 times in a day and having this provocative behavior,would you have invited them in any kind of exercise or festival?
Come on,let's be fair. You don't build relationships of good neighborhood by constantly acting like a bully. There is no trust.
We would go to war probably, so what is your alternative?
On serious note, we know what is root of dispute, that is maritime border and EEZ, once you solve that i have no doubt that you will be good neighbours, untill then you can play ping pong blaiming game.
We would go to war probably, so what is your alternative?
On serious note, we know what is root of dispute, that is maritime border and EEZ, once you solve that i have no doubt that you will be good neighbours, untill then you can play ping pong blaiming game.
It's not only that. There's much more. The Turkish government can use the Muslim minority in Thrace as a pretext,Cyprus,
they can demand the demilitarisation of the islands,they can demand some Islands. Right now they're asking a lot out of nowhere,just so they can get half of it.
But either way,they cannot do such provocations and then complain that Greeks "don't want dialogue" etc.

Good thing is we are waiting for the next 6 Rafale and some of the first F-16Vs by the end of the year.
It's not only that. There's much more. The Turkish government can use the Muslim minority in Thrace as a pretext,Cyprus,
they can demand the demilitarisation of the islands,they can demand some Islands. Right now they're asking a lot out of nowhere,just so they can get half of it.
But either way,they cannot do such provocations and then complain that Greeks "don't want dialogue" etc.

Good thing is we are waiting for the next 6 Rafale and some of the first F-16Vs by the end of the year.
You can buy 60 Rafales, it will not stop intrusions...those are simply means of political pressure and it works obviously.
You can buy 60 Rafales, it will not stop intrusions...those are simply means of political pressure and it works obviously.
Rafale and F-16Vs don't win a war alone,
but they do provide big advantages. We need A LOT of other things too. And first of all a solution for the drones. Then upgrading some of the air defence,we need more ships and we need UCAVs and IFVs.
Rafale and F-16Vs don't win a war alone,
but they do provide big advantages. We need A LOT of other things too. And first of all a solution for the drones. Then upgrading some of the air defence,we need more ships and we need UCAVs and IFVs.
It is wishfull thinking and i would say stupid thing to do, last arm race with them screwed your country and made you more then ever dependant on EU bailouts.
I dont see it as a joke buddy. Relations between our two nations are bad enough, dont you think? The world has so many problems and we Greeks and Turks make life harder for each other.
You are neighbours and its better to live and let live
Rafale and F-16Vs don't win a war alone,
but they do provide big advantages. We need A LOT of other things too. And first of all a solution for the drones. Then upgrading some of the air defence,we need more ships and we need UCAVs and IFVs.

yeah more and more if you have the money :p: . You will go bankrupt for the second time, when you made 1 step forward, you go 3 step backward when Turkey make 1 step forward:p:. NExt year will be another 6 step backward for you guys, SAM systems, Frigatte, Submarine,more drone and missiles will operational.

The best thing is for Greece to stop with ther crazy claims from EEZ to airspace.
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