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Analysis: Iranian cruise missile unveiling raises questions about range


russian one is turbofan,there is no doubt,i hope every can see the bypass air supply duct.for compact design,that supply duct is narrow.
if the iranian design is based on that,then it must have bypass duct like above.
but the photo by press tv confirms that it has bypass supply duct, a turbofan.
The booster is needed to get it into the air and up to speed and altitude, it would not add range. An airlaunched version gets better mileage as it is launched at higher initial speed and altitude, where air is thinner than at ground level and resistance is less, plus just dropping it with forward speed will give it some distance on a balistic trajectory.

The air-launched ones do not have/need boosters in the first place. Soumar unlike the KH-55 needs a booster for the reasons you have mentioned, but its range is determined by the quantity or even the type of fuel it carries (most probably solid fuel like the RK-55), its weight (most probably weighs much less than the RK-55 on which it is based due to Iran's advanced carbon fiber industry) and its engine. Combining these three facts its range might equals the one of the RK-55 (SSC-X-4 'Slingshot') which is 3000 km.
The air-launched ones do not have/need boosters in the first place. Soumar unlike the KH-55 needs a booster for the reasons you have mentioned, but its range is determined by the quantity or even the type of fuel it carries (most probably solid fuel like the RK-55), its weight (most probably weighs much less than the RK-55 on which it is based due to Iran's advanced carbon fiber industry) and its engine. Combining these three facts its range might equals the one of the RK-55 (SSC-X-4 'Slingshot') which is 3000 km.
Indeed, ground launch requires a booster for the reasons I indicated. Nice of you to confirm and reiterate what I already had said.

The aim of the Kh-55SM design was to further extend the striking range of the basic missile, cited at 1,350 NMI (2,500 km). This was achieved by adding a pair of conformal fuselage fuel tanks, which increased launch weight to 3,750 lb (1,700 kg), but increased cruise range to 1,620 NMI (3,000 km) with a 200 kT warhead fitted.

RK55: Cited specifications are a length o 8.09 m, diameter of 0.51 m compatible with 533 mm torpedo tubes, wingspan of 3.3 m, and a launch weight of 1,700 kg. At a cruise speed of Mach 0.7 cited range is 3,000 km (1,600 NMI), with a typical altitude of ~500 ft AGL. The 140 kg warhead produced a 200 kT yield.

Дальность полета, км - Х-55СМ 3000
Дальность полета, км - Х-55 2500

Soviet/Russian Cruise Missiles
You could't be more right Somali, Brother! People like this monkey may even think, they are unique and a gift to humanity! They actually think, they have a brain! Their mental sewage and the stink of it is a badge of merit for them! What they don't know is, that the fields like psychology and psychiatry are full of them and there are entire sections of libraries dedicated to their desease. It has had many names throughout the entire third World and yours is as good as any!
But WHO the hell are you, abii, to dare to call yourself iranian. Don't you dare call yourself iranian! An iranian does not serve the enemies of his country with every Word, that comes out of his mouth. An iranian is not a worthless coward, WHO salivates like a pavlovian dog everytime some troll questions the integrity and honor of his people and country. An iranian doesnt vomit every piece of propaganda our enemies spew against our nation, like you do. Don't you dare call your brainwashed, mentally colonized sewage of a self IRANIAN! Have no illusions, YOU ARE AN ENEMY OF THE IRANIAN NATION! You are a disgrace to our history, culture and identity! You are whom ever you are serving, being it American, British or israhelli!
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Indeed, ground launch requires a booster for the reasons I indicated. Nice of you to confirm and reiterate what I already had said.

Soviet/Russian Cruise Missiles

I was completing your answer, because it was not pertinent enough. the guy talked about the range of Soumar and you have answered with the Air launched version aka KH-55. While I have compared Soumar to the RK-55 the surface to surface cruise missile. Also there is no noticeable difference in range between KH-55 (2500 km) and RK-55, actually it matches the range of KH-55SM which is 3000 km.
In brief you were wrong in assuming that the air launched version had more range.
I was completing your answer, because it was not pertinent enough. the guy talked about the range of Soumar and you have answered with the Air launched version aka KH-55. While I have compared Soumar to the RK-55 the surface to surface cruise missile. Also there is no noticeable difference in range between KH-55 (2500 km) and RK-55, actually it matches the range of KH-55SM which is 3000 km.
In brief you were wrong in assuming that the air launched version had more range.
And again repeating what I was pointing out
And again repeating what I was pointing out

The booster is needed to get it into the air and up to speed and altitude, it would not add range. An airlaunched version gets better mileage as it is launched at higher initial speed and altitude, where air is thinner than at ground level and resistance is less, plus just dropping it with forward speed will give it some distance on a balistic trajectory.

Not in this context of your answer.
You are wrong. If a booster is needed (i.e. added) for a ground launch version, the implication is that it is not needed for the airlaunched version. And I had already pointed out there was no difference in range between Kh55SM and RK-55. This is due to the addition of conformal fuel tanks to the basic KH55, which has a 2500km range. At no point did I even discuss or compare ranges in the discussion of air versus ground launch. Go play the game of clever d!ck someplace else pls.
@SOHEIL I don't know much, but neither do you. I look at the state of affairs of a nation and judge the words of its leaders and important members of its community based on that. When big words come out of a nation that has a failed economy, is under sanctions, it's a pariah state, is a brutal dictatorship, it has a track record of lying time after time, has never done anything important in its modern history etc... the words become meaningless. You're a jackass on the internet just like me. I may not know much about military affairs, but I compensate with common sense. You compensate with emoticons and your sense of nationalism and your jingoistic attitude.

Your "common sense" is confined to worshipping the West; perceiving them as flawless and eternally superior to everybody else. In case you didn't know, the U.S. is the biggest pariah state in the world, not Iran. Dumbass....
Your "common sense" is confined to worshipping the West; perceiving them as flawless and eternally superior to everybody else. In case you didn't know, the U.S. is the biggest pariah state in the world, not Iran. Dumbass....
100 years ago your ancestors were cave dwellers, now you're logging on the internet (western invention), using electricity produced by some sort of a power plant (western invention) and communicating with me in a western language.

I worship progress, science, common sense, logic and pleasure. Your side offers misery, backwardness, religion, dogma and superstition. Dumb is the guy that hates everything about the West, but can't live his day to day life without a single Western invention. You ARE A PRODUCT of the West.
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