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Analysis: Hina Rabbani Khar embarrassingly says “Pakistan not a big power like Russia” - Russian FM Sergey Lavrov shocked

How do you view this diplomatic faux pas?

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Eunuch is the word I used when I was arguing with the sectarian folks and those with an ethno twist.

Pakistan is led by eunuchs who have no gheiremet. Been this way since 1947.

I’m running out of things to say.
This is average Thinking of howard class educated pakistani elite , honourless ,full of inferiorty complex and weak of charactar!
I lost respect for Hinna Rabbani Khar , during her previous appearance on a UAE forum , where in front of full capacity hall , she was asked about the allegation she belongs to ruling Elite in Pakistan

At one point I saw her has a meaningful leader for PPP however

Her reply was she is "Proud" of her ruling status in Pakistan that she belongs to a rich family, this created a bit of laugh from crowd of well educated UAE citizens

You never hear her say she is a Civilian Servant

  • Any politician when starts to see themselves as a "Ruling Class" is no person to represent Pakistan

I could not find the specific video but I have seen it 100% in past

  • The fancy English
  • They fancy Behavior
  • The fancy status and VIP mindset

All these 3 point to one thing - She is just one ingredient of problem
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Low IQ Niazi fans thread.

بکواس بند کر اور خاموشی سے اپنی بریانی کھاؤ

I lost respect for Hinna Rabbani Khar , during her previous appearance on a UAE forum , where in front of full capacity hall , she was asked about the allegation she belongs to ruling Elite in Pakistan

At one point I saw her has a meaningful leader for PPP however

Her reply was she is "Proud" of her ruling status in Pakistan that she belongs to a rich family, this created a bit of laugh from crowd of well educated UAE citizens

You never hear her say she is a Civilian Servant

  • Any politician when starts to see themselves as a "Ruling Class" is no person to represent Pakistan

I could not find the specific video but I have seen it 100% in past

  • The fancy English
  • They fancy Behavior
  • The fancy status and VIP mindset

All these 3 point to one thing - She is just one ingredient of problem

If I recall it was a Al Jazeera program roundtable talk of sorts.
Can you imagine this has been ongoing for the last 40 years. No wonder Pakistan doesn't have good relationships and trade agreements. Retards are running the show. All they are good for is begging money from the Chinese and Arabs.
“We’re not a big power like Russia” - what a wild statement to make…not because it’s true, but because nothing prompted her to say that!

Just imagine meeting someone and that person asks you about your team and you say ”I am not as big or influential as you”. I mean what would prompt someone to say that way, unless they were besharam?

What she basically said was “please dominate me, I have no say and will agree to anything you say”….which roughly translates to “we have millions of slaves for you at your disposal, just give us money”.

Colonial mentality alive and well. This is the Pakistan Dalla Movement and GHQ in a nutshell…whose ancestors were slaves of the British (like the Sharif family was) and today they’re slaves of the west. These people have ZERO self respect and think progress is licking the feet of angraiz.

Pakistan Dalla Movement social media commentators, including paid journalists, have desperately tried to control the backlash by claiming that Lavrov's initial query was a roundabout way to point out that his equivalent counterpart selected by GHQ (Bilawal Zardari) did not attend the meeting.

Which in itself can be seen as disrespectful from the Russian side. Lavrov is a heavyweight and his official opposite number is, umm, not present. Why?
Never show inferiority complex ..underdog during negotiation.....mean we are ready to surrender ourselves infront of your all terms and condition.
Greatness and humbleness of Russian FM.
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