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Analysis: Hina Rabbani Khar embarrassingly says “Pakistan not a big power like Russia” - Russian FM Sergey Lavrov shocked

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Russia can't take Pakistan seriously whilst these US stooge clowns are in power. A new leadership is desperately needed so that Pakistans relations with Russia & China can elevate to new heights. Its the brown sahibs sitting in GHQ who love Uncle Sam soo much, that they are holding CPEC and relations with Russia back. We're forgoing cheap oil,gas,grain just to please our western masters. For the interests of Pakistan, this cannot continue. We need to commit to the Eastern block going forward. Otherwise we will forever remain bottom of the barrel slaves to the West.
Problem Pakistan has is that we have chosen slave master people in our parliament, they have firsthand experience of how their slaves beg them for their next meal, first say few words of praise for master and humiliate themself and then ask for a bowl of wheat. This is the only life they know, this is the only business dealing they know, by praising the all mighty wadera to get some bakhshish and in their mind white skin people are their masters....so praising them and humiliating themself before asking for bakhshish.

and these beghairat walk on the street on Pakistan with their head up...shameless leeches.
I don't think it's that simple, you need bravery to fight. I think most Pakistanis are not fighters.
most are not but some require training on how to shoot a gun dont want them shooting themselves in the face.
The only thing cringe is that she should have known when to shut up when asked why her team is small. She went on and on. What she said might even classify as a snarky remark.
Scion of the colonial era traitor ("son of the soil" martial race who supposedly fought mughals) family.

No surprises here especially given her previous moment of infamy of proudly presenting loyalty certificates given to her family by angrez bahadur to visiting British dignitaries.

BTW, perfectly in line with the power posture or lack thereof of the equally treacherous colonial era sepoy slaves of GHQ pindi.

She did what now?
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