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Analysis: Hina Rabbani Khar embarrassingly says “Pakistan not a big power like Russia” - Russian FM Sergey Lavrov shocked

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Mar 15, 2023
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“We’re not a big power like Russia” - what a wild statement to make…not because it’s true, but because nothing prompted her to say that!

Just imagine meeting someone and that person asks you about your team and you say ”I am not as big or influential as you”. I mean what would prompt someone to say that way, unless they were besharam?

What she basically said was “please dominate me, I have no say and will agree to anything you say”….which roughly translates to “we have millions of slaves for you at your disposal, just give us money”.

Colonial mentality alive and well. This is the Pakistan Dalla Movement and GHQ in a nutshell…whose ancestors were slaves of the British (like the Sharif family was) and today they’re slaves of the west. These people have ZERO self respect and think progress is licking the feet of angraiz.

Pakistan Dalla Movement social media commentators, including paid journalists, have desperately tried to control the backlash by claiming that Lavrov's initial query was a roundabout way to point out that his equivalent counterpart selected by GHQ (Bilawal Zardari) did not attend the meeting.

Which in itself can be seen as disrespectful from the Russian side. Lavrov is a heavyweight and his official opposite number is, umm, not present. Why?
Was there anything else expected from these idiots?

And where are the faujeets?

Khan pivot to Russia was going to benefit Pakistan but was called an idiot by the haramkhor faujeets. Now Russia won’t give the same concession and I would say this is embarrassing but you guys have 0 respect/self worth so this is nothing.

All I can say is go suck on haramkhor generals tiny C.
they seem to have no limits on how low slaves they can be. the anglo saxon generals seem to think they can run a machinery that will shield them but each move just exposes there desperate attempts to manipulate ppl which is back firing.
Self loathing is ingrained in the Brown sahibs d.n.a from the very early days of joining any local convent . Seriously, their idea/s of change and progress is also pretty much screwed up like some ocd level display of english comedy of manners coupled with their Oxford b.a's.

Vilyat sy parh k aya hai. Kia parha? B.a
And where are the faujeets?

They’re posting topics at “Pakistan Internal Security“ sub forum talking about false attacks and how they’re magically fighting the TTP again….a group that was dismantled and destroyed two years ago. LOL.

Create enemy….
> sell illusion to Pakistanis…gain public support
> sell the illusion to the west…get money

Rinse and repeat.

GHQ playbook.
that's true , economically you are worse than much smaller nations , militarily you are no where near Russia. in which area are you as powerful as Russia, please explain ?
that's true , economically you are worse than much smaller nations , militarily you are no where near Russia. in which area are you as powerful as Russia, please explain ?

Luckily India exceeds the entire planet.

GHQ doesn't want serious engagement with Russia. This is all just "khana puri" and Khar is just doing Asim bosra's bidding. Pretty big FU to the Russian delegation from a slave nation; the white masters in Washington are laughing their butts off.
that's true , economically you are worse than much smaller nations , militarily you are no where near Russia. in which area are you as powerful as Russia, please explain ?

How should pak lady Fm do. Follow Mr Modi style forcing herself on her guests like Mr Modi does with his legendary unwelcome physical assaults on other world leaders , totally unwarranted.and Mashallah, this is how world leaders meet. Pakistan is back as an international player. And yes we do sell weapons to Ukraine , your mighty Russia can suck it up or do something about it,
“We’re not a big power like Russia” - what a wild statement to make…not because it’s true, but because nothing prompted her to say that!

Just imagine meeting someone and that person asks you about your team and you say ”I am not as big or influential as you”. I mean what would prompt someone to say that way, unless they were besharam?

What she basically said was “please dominate me, I have no say and will agree to anything you say”….which roughly translates to “we have millions of slaves for you at your disposal, just give us money”.

She said thing like that because Russian FM question his Pakistan counterpart who only bring 2 persons in the meeting. This must be due to Foreign Ministry doesnt get enough budget to bring more of their officials there, it also shows Pakistan focuses more on its internal matter.

Basically only showing 2 officials in this meeting can be seen as disprespect to Russia and shows the lack of seriousness to have broad cooperations with Russia, then your FM need to say thing like that, she is basically pushed by the situation
GHQ doesn't want serious engagement with Russia. This is all just "khana puri" and Khar is just doing Asim bosra's bidding. Pretty big FU to the Russian delegation from a slave nation; the white masters in Washington are laughing their butts off.
Funny thing is they have not received any support from the west either. No financial package, no help with IMF or even military support. So no idea what’s going on. I suspect a few on the top were given a few million to betray 220M.

So where was Billo rani? Ignore such an important forum which directly impacts Pakistan while doing a runner every other week to the US to take part in trivial seminars over there.
“We’re not a big power like Russia” - what a wild statement to make…not because it’s true, but because nothing prompted her to say that!

Just imagine meeting someone and that person asks you about your team and you say ”I am not as big or influential as you”. I mean what would prompt someone to say that way, unless they were besharam?

What she basically said was “please dominate me, I have no say and will agree to anything you say”….which roughly translates to “we have millions of slaves for you at your disposal, just give us money”.

Colonial mentality alive and well. This is the Pakistan Dalla Movement and GHQ in a nutshell…whose ancestors were slaves of the British (like the Sharif family was) and today they’re slaves of the west. These people have ZERO self respect and think progress is licking the feet of angraiz.

Pakistan Dalla Movement social media commentators, including paid journalists, have desperately tried to control the backlash by claiming that Lavrov's initial query was a roundabout way to point out that his equivalent counterpart selected by GHQ (Bilawal Zardari) did not attend the meeting.

Which in itself can be seen as disrespectful from the Russian side. Lavrov is a heavyweight and his official opposite number is, umm, not present. Why?

that is what happens when unprofessional clowns are appointed... unnecessary comments..

the Russian FM is clearly world class and thorough gentleman .. and closed it well.
Scion of the colonial era traitor ("son of the soil" martial race who supposedly fought mughals) family.

No surprises here especially given her previous moment of infamy of proudly presenting loyalty certificates given to her family by angrez bahadur to visiting British dignitaries.

BTW, perfectly in line with the power posture or lack thereof of the equally treacherous colonial era sepoy slaves of GHQ pindi.
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