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An intolerant educational system made me indifferent to the death of non-Muslims

And this guy is caring more about people dead on 9.11 but not about the dead people in Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan as they were muslims??

what a brain washed guy he is ...

One must understand that innocent people killing is not justified in any form. any one doing it is wrong, USA is also doing it in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan... Please write a blog post for that innocent killings as well or do you think they are not humans as they are not Americans?
Good lord!
You just proved the author right!
That is NOT what the author was saying. In your bigoted mind you are comparing the importance of deaths of Muslims vs Non Muslims.

Pathetic! The author was implying something completely opposite. And you are a British Pakistani.
No wonder the rest of the Pakistani's say that British Pakistani's uniquely bring shame on Pakistan.

On the contrary the author's insinuation that his reaction was a product of an intolerant educational system is exactly what needs to be 'picked at' - I went through the same system & I can't recall reading half the 'intolerant material' thats often cooped up as 'evidence' !

Makes me wonder under which Board & at which Institutions most of these gems are taught hence why I mentioned more than a few Pakistanis who went through the 'same' system !
Whether you are able to recall or not is not the point.
There are citations by the author's who have conducted studies. You should read up on those citations Armstrong.

For one of you, there are 10's of Zarvan's.
It is the reason why Imran Khan never slams the Taliban for violence! Because there is no constituency for it!
im like this >
< by birth:what:
and i thought u were just the opposite :(
Good lord!
You just proved the author right!
That is NOT what the author was saying. In your bigoted mind you are comparing the importance of deaths of Muslims vs Non Muslims.

Pathetic! The author was implying something completely opposite. And you are a British Pakistani.
No wonder the rest of the Pakistani's say that British Pakistani's uniquely bring shame on Pakistan.

come on , don't bring your indian mind set into this thread, its way above your level

i am not comparing the death of muslims and non-muslims in any way .. if you read my posts you will know that i am saying there is no intolerant education system in Pakistan as the writer trying to saying , its the same as all over the world these days so why picking up Pakistan only?

Havn't you got the news of student killing students in USA ? OR something on same lines in India as well ???? RAPE dose it rings any bells?
come on , don't bring your indian mind set into this thread, its way above your level

i am not comparing the death of muslims and non-muslims in any way .. if you read my posts you will know that i am saying there is no intolerant education system in Pakistan as the writer trying to saying , its the same as all over the world these days so why picking up Pakistan only?

Havn't you got the news of student killing students in USA ? OR something on same lines in India as well ???? RAPE dose it rings any bells?
There is a major difference in the level of extreme's that Pakistani text books have.
Take a look at the numerous studies done on the subject - they come with citations.

Pakistani society as a whole has become far more conservative and radicalized over the last couple of decades. Care to reason why?
Whether you are able to recall or not is not the point.
There are citations by the author's who have conducted studies. You should read up on those citations Armstrong.

For one of you, there are 10's of Zarvan's.
It is the reason why Imran Khan never slams the Taliban for violence! Because there is no constituency for it!

I have read the Author's work - the Second Chapter of it to be more precise !

I can see that it is very well referenced however I fail to see how objectivity could be brought to something as subjective as 'sensitivity' or the lack thereof or how does one explain away the presence of dozens (in fact judging by his mid '90s citations dozens upon dozens) of Boards in Pakistan & still paint a monolithic picture of Education or Curricula in Pakistan !
It actually makes them happy....not merely indifferent....
There is a major difference in the level of extreme's that Pakistani text books have.
Take a look at the numerous studies done on the subject - they come with citations.

Pakistani society as a whole has become far more conservative and radicalized over the last couple of decades. Care to reason why?

Well i have gone through the same education system and there is nothing wrong in it which radicalized the mind sets in anyway... its the same as in any other country ...

Your media is putting too much into your mind which is not good and telling you that all Pakistani are like some what different to you but that is not the case in any way
Well i have gone through the same education system and there is nothing wrong in it which radicalized the mind sets in anyway... its the same as in any other country ...

Your media is putting too much into your mind which is not good and telling you that all Pakistani are like some what different to you but that is not the case in any way
not our media.
not our media.

You don't have a mind to put anything into ! :whistle:

Yes...yes @levina it is true - Hes gone half-mad because of his undying love for that 'special someone' I told you about & the other half was always working on half-power so you can well imagine what the brain-overload did ! :unsure:
All life is sacred, i studied in the same system but that is what i was learned myself. Books can tell you how to do something, but only you can learn how to MAKE it happen.
All life is sacred, i studied in the same system but that is what i was learned myself. Books can tell you how to do something, but only you can learn how to MAKE it happen.
I have read the Author's work - the Second Chapter of it to be more precise !
I can see that it is very well referenced however I fail to see how objectivity could be brought to something as subjective as 'sensitivity' or the lack thereof or how does one explain away the presence of dozens (in fact judging by his mid '90s citations dozens upon dozens) of Boards in Pakistan & still paint a monolithic picture of Education or Curricula in Pakistan !
Sensitivity can be brought in by simply removing the unnecessary hate against minorities and the myths of perpetual victimization of Muslims are removed even if the old generation felt it.

Hindus were under the Mughal Dynasty for around 800 years, yet our National books donot say that 'Hindus were put under severe subjugation', or 'Hindus survived this onslaught' , 'Hindu temples were destroyed and mosques built over them' etc, etc despite the bigoted acts of Aurangzeb and his ilk.
Or 'Muslims killed thousands of Sikhs and Hindus during partition'.

That is because its obvious that when children read it, they would become slaves to ancient hates and feuds. And that is not what modern India is about. But apparently all of such stories of victimization, hate, etc are put in Pakistani books.

This is basic common sense...something apparently not applied in Pakistani books.

Even despite this, there are many Hindus who hate Muslims for what happened in the past. Now imagine if we had put all of this in writing in books for children. Now this is what Pakistan is doing.
I'm assuming that by Nayyar you're referring to Abdul Hameed Nayyar & his SDPI Findings !

There is nothing to expose about them - His subjective findings are his opinions & I respect that even if I do not agree with it nor have I had the opportunity to read most of those books during my studies as far back as I can remember so I don't know how or when they became extrapolated to mean the whole educational system of Pakistan as if its monolithic & not in its present form with dozens of boards across the country !
I'm assuming that by Nayyar you're referring to Abdul Hameed Nayyar & his SDPI Findings !

There is nothing to expose about them - His subjective findings are his opinions & I respect that even if I do not agree with it nor have I had the opportunity to read most of those books during my studies as far back as I can remember so I don't know how or when they became extrapolated to mean the whole educational system of Pakistan as if its monolithic & not in its present form with dozens of boards across the country !

Nayyars work is not subjective.
Sensitivity can be brought in by simply removing the unnecessary hate against minorities and the myths of perpetual victimization of Muslims are removed even if the old generation felt it.

Hindus were under the Mughal Dynasty for around 800 years, yet our National books donot say that 'Hindus were put under severe subjugation', or 'Hindus survived this onslaught' , 'Hindu temples were destroyed and mosques built over them' etc, etc despite the extreme acts of Aurangzeb and his ilk.
Or 'Muslims killed thousands of Sikhs and Hindus during partition'.

That is because its obvious that when children read it, they would become slaves to ancient hates and feuds. And that is not what modern India is about. But apparently all of such stories of victimization, hate, etc are put in Pakistani books.

This is basic common sense...something apparently not applied in Pakistani books.

Which brings us to the second point again - I don't recall reading anything about perpetual victimization of Muslims nor of Hindu Subjugation nor anything of the sort so where is he getting those 'references' from ? Certainly not the books I've read or most others on PDF !

Am I saying that such literature doesn't exist ? No....it probably does ! But assuming that its being taught in XYZ Board in Pakistan doesn't equal its being taught in Pakistan !

I'm sure you'd be asking yourself the same question were you going through Krishna Kumar's Prejudice & Pride : School Histories of Freedom Struggle in India & Pakistan !
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