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An intolerant educational system made me indifferent to the death of non-Muslims

I would assume that the article is a bit of an exaggeration and it shouldn't be assumed that all Pakistanis were celebrating 9/11.

That being said, and I'm not saying its limited to the region, but I feel uncomfortable with this mindset of thinking of all non-muslims as "others."

I would asks those most well versed in Urdu what does the word "ghair" really mean?

I see the word "ghair" often being used for any non-Muslim person or entity. This will make the population ostracize anything that is perceived as "non-Muslim" including religious minorities and "deviant" sects which are an integral part of Pakistan which simply demoralizes the cohesiveness of the state.
why cant pakistan reform its education sector,how hard can it be to remove derogatory hindu remarks from textbook, its not a question whether people get influenced by it or not.....its a question of respect.
I respect that

FYI. Personal niceness may or may not translate into national level or group level niceness.

I am sure you have seen plenty of such examples even on this forum.

Very true. You can never stop learning, that's all the truth I know :)
@HRK: please post ur screed the appropriate section, as it's too far OT to consider here, and too interesting not to respond to.

Where does this love and empathy go when Israel bomb Palestinians with white phosphorus?
why cant pakistan reform its education sector,how hard can it be to remove derogatory hindu remarks from textbook, its not a question whether people get influenced by it or not.....its a question of respect.

INdian and Pakistani schools books, etc. our TV media and news papers

they are very similar in nature when it comes to peddling ignorance and hate.

In some cases Paksitanis are ahead and in some cases Indians.

This is why the whole region is brimming with ignorance about our past and our history.

INdian and Pakistani schools books, etc. our TV media and news papers

they are very similar in nature when it comes to peddling ignorance and hate.

In some cases Paksitanis are ahead and in some cases Indians.

This is why the whole region is brimming with ignorance about our past and our history.


While i agree our media is same like yours or even worse, our books atleast maintain a strict standard.....you will be hard pressed to find a single anti-muslim,anti-christian remark in it....you will be even suprised that pakistan itself is discussed in a very neutral and mature tone.Our main body NCERT is pretty disciplined and strict in that approach.i think pakistan lack either the will or political clout to remove these texts from book.
While i agree our media is same like yours or even worse, our books atleast maintain a strict standard.....you will be hard pressed to find a single anti-muslim,anti-christian remark in it....you will be even suprised that pakistan itself is discussed in a very neutral and mature tone.Our main body NCERT is pretty disciplined and strict in that approach.i think pakistan lack either the will or political clout to remove these texts from book.

I respect that opinon.

However such a "balanced" education system is preducing some extremely prejudiced men.

Examples include not just this forum



who pressed the Nuclear red button not once but twice right next to our border (thankfully the bombs were underground).

When no country had mounted any army forces to the Indian borders.

I don't mean to start a flame war.


are just addressing education systems and their outcomes.

Obviously education system exists not for mere existence, but to prepare men to become good citizens AND good neighbors.

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