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An Exclusive video of Myanmar Army Mechanized Infantry

If u check on internet there are many Lungi and Salwar army videos too. :lol:

At-least Peaceful Buddhist Army is succeeded in crushing jihadi insurgency completely.

Yeah, depriving minority of their basic human rights, not giving them citizenship, torturing them for 24 years then when they retaliate they become jihadi terrorist just because they are muslims and speaks bengali. And when army start killing, raping, burning their houses those who had nothing to do with those rebels making them homeless refugee are peaceful thing to do for Buddhist?? So if some Hindu accuse a muslim for eating cow meat and kill him even if he didn't and if muslim people smash hindu gods statues, kill them, attack them just because some hindu guy said bad thing about Islam on internet you are ok with it?? How come your govt lent hand to BD in 71 when same thing happened and they still gets concerned if minority gets attacked when our govt don't give damn when same thing happen in India?? You are biased and hypocrite.
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How come i am being marked as Hindu when my comment was totally neutral as i talked about Indian guy's problem too. And i can clearly see who drink cow piss as he jumps to conclusion start calling people Hindu cause someone said something against his country. The same mistake your ancestors did and got serious beating. Even after independence when your national cricket team came to play here they did the stupidity like you and people kicked their asses in the dressing room. Also i can see my country's real problems are. Pakistan, India, Myanmar, China, USA, the corrupted guy, the boot lickers of our neighbors, the radical Islamic group like Jamat, Hefajot and others, criminals everyone.

মুড়ি খাও তুমি। :p::-):blah::flame:

I wish sometimes if we could be united,tough and strong like Israel. They only care about themselves and take care of the guy who


We have been working to catch up their quantity potion too.
High Quality BD mech unit in foreign land.



Another example of High Quality BD mech unit in homeland.



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