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An Appeal Against the Bloodshed

I so wish you could have read my complete post where I gave the logic and justification for my views.

I dont mind rehashing all the same. Two direct contradictions -

Point 1

Survival of fittest does not take "Karma backed by Dharma" which means action backed by religious morals.

Survival of fittest is kill or be killed. No Dharma in it.

Point 2

Survival of fittest is based on extinction. You kill someone because if you dont then your life is over

Gita says Soul is immortal, so death is irrelevant. So just do your Karma and dont worry about death.

TLDR - Death is the driving force for survival of fittest. One wants to live at all costs, Dharma be damned. In Gita Death is irrelevant and Karma is the driving force


P.S. Gita is not usually classified as mythology though the overarching saga of Mahabharat is. Gita is often independently considered as mystic philosophy. Just nitpicking

I don't like getting lectured at midnight ... :coffee:

Survival of fittest is kill or be killed. No Dharma in it.

Dharma- is the eternal law of cosmos.
Eternal law= survival of the fittest.

And it is not what you have interpreted it to be...
Survival of fittest does not take "Karma backed by Dharma" which means action backed by religious morals


Gita says Soul is immortal, so death is irrelevant.


So just do your Karma and dont worry about death.
True that.
So what's your karma as a King?
To look after your kingdom?
Make sure no enemy attacks it?
Maintain peace???
That's exactly what Krishna asked Arjuna to do- to kill Kauravas and ensure that his kingdom was safe.

Do you get the drift of it?
Dharma- is the eternal law of cosmos.
Eternal law= survival of the fittest.

Utterly wrong.

Dharma is not the eternal law of cosmos and neither is survival of fittest.

Dharma is not even a law. It is simply a moral lamp-post. What might be Dharma for me might not be for you. Eternal Law applies to everyone equally. It is constant and non contradictory, while Dharma even on a personal level is full of contradictions let alone at a cosmic level.

As for survival of fittest - it frankly a cliche! Why are Dinos extinct while insects are still alive? Not because of they were fittest but because of a simple thing called "Chance" Sometimes fitness has nothing to do with survival - Chance plays a huge role.

As for cosmic laws - Entropy comes to mind.
@Joe Shearer A distinguished list of individuals some of whom I am fortunate to know about/follow. Sadly the flow of blood is not looking to abate anytime soon.

I am sad to say that you are probably right.

Agreed. Some posts made by Indians were shocking. They were celebrating the deaths of innocent people and many trolls on social media ( its a muck I know) were advocating mass cleansing of Muslims in Kashmir. I can understand the hurrahs and celebrations of burhan wani's death but celebrating the death of 35 people and 400 injured is very much not right and so far nobody has criticized the govt for such a heavy hand.

That's over 435 families that have reasons to resent the Indian govt and such acts create a sense of separation. Yes bloodshed should stop but you can't blame the people. Its the authorities who have to keep peace by showing restraint. Even now the govt and the Indian people feel a full blown crackdown is the answer. Its not...

The ones getting shot are protestors not gun tottering militias. You can't treat them like that.

This will only escalate if the state keeps shooting. Its time they reign back and reach the people who are protesting bcz they are not some foreign entity. They are people of Kashmir who have the right of protest.

But I will say that there is a good segment as well who want this to end. Who don't want bloodshed.. With every good there is bad and hopefully the good is able to raise their voice the highest.

Those of us opposed to bloodshed can only try our best to stop it. I believe many of us are doing our best.
It would be better if you appeal Indian govt to stop committing atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir.
otherwise it is just mocking the sacrifices by the martyrs
Utterly wrong.

Dharma is not the eternal law of cosmos and neither is survival of fittest.

Dharma is not even a law. It is simply a moral lamp-post. What might be Dharma for me might not be for you. Eternal Law applies to everyone equally. It is constant and non contradictory, while Dharma even on a personal level is full of contradictions let alone at a cosmic level.
The word dharma has different meanings in different religions.
But then that's not the topic here.
As for survival of fittest - it frankly a cliche! Why are Dinos extinct while insects are still alive? Not because of they were fittest but because of a simple thing called "Chance" Sometimes fitness has nothing to do with survival - Chance plays a huge role.
In a world where even permutations and combinations have formula, you believe in chance?

As for cosmic laws - Entropy comes to mind.
Every system tries to achieve stability.
The system here is India and the method adopted by the govt is something that I support.

I rest my case here.
It would be better if you appeal Indian govt to stop committing atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir.
otherwise it is just mocking the sacrifices by the martyrs

Have you not read our appeal, the Indian one? We do not talk about the government committing atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir, but first read that and then comment.

Also, as I have written earlier in this thread, I am sick and tired of people telling me what would be better. Why not start somewhere and move on to the better? Even more to the point, why not do that better thing yourself, instead of making snide remarks about those who are trying their individual best to make a difference? How does this cynical attitude help? And how does the use of tendentious words which will immediately put up the backs of those for whom they are intended help? Do we want to prevail on them to change, or do we want to show off to the gallery what gallants we are?
Revision 1

It has been a horrifying sight to see the state of Kashmir descend into increasing violence and greater and greater bloodshed every passing day since the death of a well-known freedom fighter. We do not, as members of the human family, have to know who is right and who is wrong, or even to know if there is indeed either a right side or a wrong side to the situation. We do know that there is a growing loss of life, and grievous injuries caused by the use of force, as well as the use of violence on an increasing scale to voice political demands.

Is this your Draft ?
Who ever .. but the author of the Draft calls a terrorist a Freedom Fighter ?

Are you completely thick in the head? This was the draft of an appeal to be signed by Pakistanis.
Would any Pakistani have signed an appeal calling Burhan Wani a terrorist?

Who ever .. but the author of the Draft calls a terrorist a Freedom Fighter ?

So let's check.


Would you mind changing the phrase used to describe Burhan Wani to 'terrorist'?
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