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Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

u forgot to add EX-East pakistan !! :D

Not my map but my version of Greater Pakistan includes all of my Bharti brothers. :-)

Who are ever ready to butcher muslims like goats. Have you forgotten 1947 or countless massacres before that!

Sikhs cleansed their area of muslims so efficiently that there are practically zero muslims in erstwhile east Punjab. ( Punjab, Haryana and Himanchal )

Think before you type.

Sikhs and Hindus were also cleansed from Western side so should everyone pat themselves on their backs for the slaughter?

All sikh by default are Pakistani.

No they are not.

and you accuse yehudi of occupation of mere piece of land !

You acting like since I posted this map it has come into effect. :lol:
This is more accurate.



Idk who made this but they had a lot of time on their hands. :D
I like this map :woot::yahoo::smitten::pakistan::partay::enjoy:
Not my map but my version of Greater Pakistan includes all of my Bharti brothers. :-)

Sikhs and Hindus were also cleansed from Western side so should everyone pat themselves on their backs for the slaughter?

No they are not.

You acting like since I posted this map it has come into effect. :lol:
I like this map :woot::yahoo::smitten::pakistan::partay::enjoy:
no wonder pakistan was india before and by heart can culture too !
Sikhs and Hindus were also cleansed from Western side so should everyone pat themselves on their backs for the slaughter?

That was the point.

If Pakistani thinks that Khalistani Sikhs love them, they are delusional. Even your government after that braindead Zia died was smart enough to know that a militant Sikh state, even if created would be much more harmful for Pakistani sovereignty than Hindu majority Indian giant next door. That was the reason that your government, ISI included, reversed it's pro-Khalistani policies that were initiated under butthurt Zia and helped India in putting down Khalistani rebellion.

FYI, Khalsa was formed due to murdering of ninth Sikh guru by Aurengzeb. A religious Sikh state would have waged eternal war on Muslim Pakistan in order to liberate Lahore which Khalistanis have declared their capital.
I Want more Fire:sniper:............nobody is fighting?? Whyo_O
Indians members.....See that man:woot:.....Wat the nonsense he is talking about:hitwall:
That was the point.

If Pakistani thinks that Khalistani Sikhs love them, they are delusional. Even your government after that braindead Zia died was smart enough to know that a militant Sikh state, even if created would be much more harmful for Pakistani sovereignty than Hindu majority Indian giant next door. That was the reason that your government, ISI included, reversed it's pro-Khalistani policies that were initiated under butthurt Zia and helped India in putting down Khalistani rebellion.

FYI, Khalsa was formed due to murdering of ninth Sikh guru by Aurengzeb. A religious Sikh state would have waged eternal war on Muslim Pakistan in order to liberate Lahore which Khalistanis have declared their capital.

That is debateable and I have seen maps made by Khalistanis without Lahore, anywhere Lahore of today is culturally Muslim and is foreign to the Lahore most of them think they know and they would be slaughtered like dogs before they came near to Lahore.
no wonder pakistan was india before and by heart can culture too !
nice face you got ! pakistan is occupied land by muslims !

That is debateable and I have seen maps made by Khalistanis without Lahore, anywhere Lahore of today is culturally Muslim and is foreign to the Lahore most of them think they know and they would be slaughtered like dogs before they came near to Lahore.
muslim culture whats that ? they mostly punjabis there !

the terrorist attacks ! in your country ! you are counted top on failed state !
nice face you got ! pakistan is occupied land by muslims !

muslim culture whats that ? they mostly punjabis there !

the terrorist attacks ! in your country ! you are counted top on failed state !
Failed state is better than a state where people marry Dogs
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