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Amitabh Bachchan in legaltrouble over Quran remark

Non Muslims are free to believe whatever they want, as are Muslims. However, as Muslims are not "free" to impose their religion on others or to make statements that may hurt religious views of others, the same is applicable and expected of the others too!!

Well if it takes something as small as this, that too unintentional, for Muslims to get offended, then maybe Muslims like this nut case petitioner should lock themselves up in a cave or something.

Its India, we have Indian Penal Code not Shariah. I hope this clown gets fined for wasting the court's time.
The "secularism" really is confined to the courts and institution of India.. The members here are proof that it has no place in actual Indian society.

What a load of BS! You deleted my comment where I asked how was the person going to prove this

"neither written nor
created by anybody, rather it
came into existence/revealed
by Allah (God) Himself"

I still think that's a valid question. I don't believe it as words of God as I am unsure about the existence of God in first place. How am I at fault for that?
I did not track any of those news for the reasons that you speak of.
According to me:
1. a suitable cricketer qualified for selection made it into the team.
2. organised crime is a menace that needs to be controlled and eradicated.
Now @KRAIT, don't go and dig up news on Parsi, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu members among the Naxalite gun-toting gangs! :)
I have never seen too much discussion on religion in real life among people in India.

Most of the people don't discuss that much. Few of my friends used to live together and out of 7, three were Jain. Rest eat meat and egg. But they never brought egg in the flat and rather go outside to eat it. :lol:

Thank god they didn't care of small matter otherwise there would have been a court case on Egg or Chicken Leg. :D

I have seen more cases of caste system and discussion than on religion.

I have seen Muslim students easily mingling with other students but Hindu students creating different group because of caste.
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I would have heard it from anyone else but not from a Pakistani.

Our courts and constitution embodies the will of our nation, which made of Indian society.

If you have pointed out something wrong the way Indian posters are posting then quote them out and let us all see the context they are talking. There is no point making sweeping statements when your own nation is not backing you up, rather more deleterious on universal accepted notion of secularism.

Typical Pakistani reflecting the nation's urge to justify its existence everyday. Looks like the effort is getting more desperate by the day.
Typical Indian defensive trash throwing mentality, The notion I questioned has little to do with secularism, but rather the belief in secularism. But somehow we have tiny ego's(among other things) that we have to drag in Pakistan to defend ourselves..

The court has rejected this stupid petition.


If you expect 'secularism' from individuals - who are religious people, then that means you dont know the meaning of 'secularism'.

Secularism by definition was intended only for courts and institutions.

Individuals are not mandated to be secular, anywhere.

I never said that they were not, but then.. you cannot claim to be a united population when you have issues respecting another's beliefs.
If we start entertaining such a cases, then it will be gross violation of secularism. Being an agnostic, I have right to call all religious scriptures as fairy tales. In secular constitution it's my individual right and nobody can force me to say that his religious scripture is correct.

It's responsibility of believer to prove me wrong in court with scientific and factual evidences.

Tomorrow any other Tom, Dick or Harry from other faith will file the case for same reason. It's well know fact that different religions exist today because people believe in their own scriptures while regarding others as fairy tales. Problem arises only when members from particular religion take offence when others call their scripture as fairy tale.

Members will take offense, it is their belief..
the same equivalent to me starting to refer to all Hindus as cow-cola drinkers.. It is directly tantamount to blind bigotry rather than disagreement on beliefs amicably. the majority of Indians have demonstrated the former.

A guy sits on the back of a computer keyboard some random miles away and comments on a billion people nation without even being there

you are representing those billion people, I am commenting on you.

Islamophobia is simply a pejorative neologism designed by apologists to warn people away from criticizing any aspect of Islam.

The litigation has already ended with the court throwing out the petition, I heard.

Or it is just the anti-Islam elements who leave stone unturned to throw ***** at a religion.. through organized and unorganized means.
@Oscar A super mod thinks this should be taken seriously. WOW!
Far from it.. I actually find the issue amusing.. since AB actually did not say anything wrong.

Wow...just wow! There is no hope anymore, the last two members who I would have expected to say stuff like this...:hitwall:

Read fateh71's post .....

Almost all of us include all fairy tales under this category, not just fairy tales of one particular religion...... I can't believe I'm actually seeing this stupid, frivolous case getting any support....that chap must taken to task by fellow believers for bringing Islam & Muslims to ridicule with his joke of a lawsuit.....:hitwall:
Agreed with the joke of the lawsuit.
Coming from you @Oscar, that generalised statement is amusing.
Secularism means that every individual is free to hold his beliefs "within his heart and his home". What his neighbor thinks "within his heart and his home" is no business of his; like-wise what he thinks "within his heart and his home" is no business of his neighbor.

Maybe you are unfamiliar with the very basis of Secularism.

Now that this plaint has been filed in a Court of Law in Secular India; it will be heard, dealt with and disposed off.

Neither the Plaintiff nor the Respondent will be murdered; there will be no Taseer or Quadri.

@Oscar just track this case and see its outcome.
Again, you are contradicting yourself with the definition. If that defnition holds true @KS and a whole bunch of other members would not be commenting and insulting my beliefs. Hence they are not representative of secularism nor are many Indian memberes here.
What a load of BS! You deleted my comment where I asked how was the person going to prove this

I still think that's a valid question. I don't believe it as words of God as I am unsure about the existence of God in first place. How am I at fault for that?

You are at fault for openly taking your beliefs and insulting those of those of others based on them.

As for the case, I will re-iterate.. I have little support for it. I find it just a publicity stunt.
Moreover, AB has said NOTHING wrong.. even if you go(and bother to instead of just being Islamophobic) and learn about Islam..is that the Prophet NEVER wrote the Quran.. He did not know how to read or write as is recorded...
He would recite it, and then some of his followers started taking it down on pieces of papyrus or other material.
The Quran in that case took over ten years to be "written" and more till it was finally compiled.
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I never said that they were not, but then.. you cannot claim to be a united population when you have issues respecting another's beliefs.

Using the word 'secularism' in a wrong context, and entertaining a thread based on that wrong context is my premise. rest if offtopic.

And no nation in this world is united. There are differences, rivalries in every single nation of the world let alone a huge country like India.

Or it is just the anti-Islam elements who leave stone unturned to throw ***** at a religion.. through organized and unorganized means.

Criticising the negative aspect of a religion (yes Islam has its negative aspects) is not throwing **** at it. Its telling the adherents of that faith, "hey look your faith has some ****. So please clean it because its raising a stink for me".
Using the word 'secularism' in a wrong context, and entertaining a thread based on that wrong context is my premise. rest if offtopic.

And no nation in this world is united. There are differences, rivalries in every single nation of the world let alone a huge country like India.

Criticising the negative aspect of a religion (yes Islam has its negative aspects) is not throwing **** at it. Its telling the adherents of that faith, "hey look your faith has some ****. So please clean it because its raising a stink for me".

The thread should have been an example of secular practise.. far from it.

And I pray.. do tell how did you come upon the "negative" practices?
Do you have in depth knowledge of the Quran, the scriptures.. etc?
I find nothing wrong except misinterpretations..

So Should I then find Hinduism or Christianity Stinking because of elements that used it for their own gains?
You just trying to disguise bigotry with euphemisms.
Again, you are contradicting yourself with the definition. If that defnition holds true @KS and a whole bunch of other members would not be commenting and insulting my beliefs. Hence they are not representative of secularism nor are many Indian memberes here.

This is the definiton of secularism according to Merriam-Webster

Definition of SECULARISM

: indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations

By this definition, I am not secular because religious considerations play an important part in my life. But only for the afforementioned reason and not for what you cited.

The thread should have been an example of secular practise.. far from it.

And I pray.. do tell how did you come upon the "negative" practices?
Do you have in depth knowledge of the Quran, the scriptures.. etc?
I find nothing wrong except misinterpretations..

So Should I then find Hinduism or Christianity Stinking because of elements that used it for their own gains?
You just trying to disguise bigotry with euphemisms.

This is the problem with the so called "moderates" in Islam. Non-muslims dont judge Islam by what it is supposed to be in theory nor are we required to. But by how its adherents practise it and for what purpose they use it and it how it affects the others. So instead of preaching non-muslims to read Quran please please spend that time in de-radicalising the radicals.

And you can find Hinduism at fault in many areas - caste system being the prime one (though caste is present in all south asia irespective of religion, hinduism was the first culprit).

Also another thing - there are plenty of treatises on what is wrong in Quran..but then posting here would result in it being called propaganda and result in a ban. SO why bother ?

Bottom line - Secularism does not preclude anyone from criticising a religion.
This is the definiton of secularism according to Merriam-Webster

Definition of SECULARISM

: indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations

By this definition, I am not secular because religious considerations play an important part in my life. But only for the afforementioned reason and not for what you cited.

What reasons?
Did a muslim cheat you?
Got into a fight?
Ridicule you?
Hurt or kill a close family member?
Again, you are contradicting yourself with the definition. If that defnition holds true @KS and a whole bunch of other members would not be commenting and insulting my beliefs. Hence they are not representative of secularism nor are many Indian memberes here.

As for the case, I will re-iterate.. I have little support for it. I find it just a publicity stunt.
Moreover, AB has said NOTHING wrong.. even if you go(and bother to instead of just being Islamophobic) and learn about Islam..is that the Prophet NEVER wrote the Quran.. He did not know how to read or write as is recorded...
He would recite it, and then some of his followers started taking it down on pieces of papyrus or other material.
The Quran in that case took over ten years to be "written" and more till it was finally compiled.

KS or any one is not the archetypical Indian just as you are scarcely the archetypical Pakistani. Neither will I try to label you as the archtypical Muslim. So I cannot see any merit in your assertion.

As I said; follow that case and you will see how it gets dealt with in a Court of Law in Secular India. Secularism does not need to pander to anyone- "good, bad or ugly".

As I've said "Faith is one of the strongest components of any man's psyche". As the saying goes "stronger than Mountains". If it gets so fragile so as to overlap his ego, then that man has only himself to blame for it.

As for the last part of your post, I find it bears both a relationship and contradiction contained within, to the contents of your PM to me.

If you find yourself troubled by this debate; then it might just help to introspect a bit further.
What reasons?
Did a muslim cheat you?
Got into a fight?
Ridicule you?
Hurt or kill a close family member?

That sentence was supposed to mean I'm not secular only for the reason that (Hindu) religious considerations play an important role in my life.
All those who paint india as the most secular heaven on this planet I just wanna ask one question I asked om other threads recently but indians warriors ran away and started trolling.

Muslims are more than 20% by population in india but their representation in army,federal and provincial cabinets,and civil services is less than 1%...why?? ...
The thread should have been an example of secular practise.. far from it.

Why do you keep confusing secularism with tolerance?(other Pakistani members here do it to denigrate India but you are not of that ilk) Secular/nonsecular are state attributes, individuals can be either tolerant/non-tolerant. How is a religious person supposed to be secular? How can individuals practice secularism that you want? You can get nowhere with this line.
All those who paint india as the most secular heaven on this planet I just wanna ask one question I asked om other threads recently but indians warriors ran away and started trolling.

Muslims are more than 20% by population in india but their representation in army,federal and provincial cabinets,and civil services is less than 1%...why?? ...

Army - anyone found fitting the army physical % educational requirements will be selected provided there is a vacant spot. Indinan Army is non-conscription and Army can only select those who are willing and those who qualify.

Civil services - Anyone who studies hard and qualifies in the merit based transparent examination process would be selected, even to very sensitive positions like Intelligence Bureau chief. Again this is religion no bar kind of thing.

Federal and state cabinets - Politics is not merit based. So it cant be an unbiased indicator.
I don't know what other members think but for me the central idea of religion for me is peace in all forms.

There was a dialogue in which an Hindu priest says that if you are moved away from religion of yours than you are weak in your faith. Don't blame other religion. If you can't follow your own religion, don't say other made you divert from your path.

If as a Hindu I am not supposed to eat meat and I do, that doesn't mean I blame a Chicken Corner. If I am not supposed to drink, my parents will give me lecture rather than blaming a wine shop.

There was a quote from some great personality that No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.

Similarly, no one can offend you if you don't allow yourself to be offended by his/her remarks.

In college, in one instance, our Physics prof. called to parents of those who scored below 5 marks. Parents of all the student gave great lecture to all of them. 3 years later, similar thing happened happened with few junior students and I saw parents arguing to same professor that he is not a good teacher. And that guy has teaching experience of over 30 years in one of the top institute in India and he did his PhD at elite US university.

Same thing is happening in different context. Instead of finding fault in their own inability to stick to their belief, people are blaming others.

Also, people are now getting more sensitive to Religion but insensitive towards Humanity.

When Delhi rape happened, the guy tried to stop many cars, people saw and left. But if someone attacks their religious place, they will create huge hue and cry.

We are being conditioned to become more insensitive and then we talk of Modernity and Tolerance.
All those who paint india as the most secular heaven on this planet I just wanna ask one question I asked om other threads recently but indians warriors ran away and started trolling.Muslims are more than 20% by population in india but their representation in army,federal and provincial cabinets,and civil services is less than 1%...why?? ...
Why didn't you ask this question ?

There are just 20 % of Muslims and over 80% of Hindus than why Muslims rule Bollywood ? Why ?

There are just 20 % of Muslims and over 80% of Hindus than why do India have 5 Chief Justices at Supreme Court who are Muslims ? Why ?

Thing is the last question, I never wondered of. I searched about this information when people from Pakistan asked about why Muslims in India are denied of opportunity.

You know why I never wondered before ? Because I wasn't raise to see religion everywhere. I was raised to look at abilities and hard work of others and try to emulate it to become a successful person.

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