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Amitabh Bachchan in legaltrouble over Quran remark

People will start asking why Biharis get into IAS so easily ? Like we gave them special reservation. They literally and I mean LITERALLY study for 16 hours and live in one small room for preparation. This was told to me as an example by father when I sued to study just 8 hours. :lol:

8 hours?:taz::help::fie:
@Bang Galore @KRAIT

You are right, i apologize. I should not have generalized. I guess i was hurt after reading the comments of some of the Indian members as they were filled with outright hate. But you fellows are right, i should not have let my emotions get the best of my judgement, and for that i retract my previous statement. But i wil say one thing, looking at this thread it is quite clear that Indians like us Pakistanis have a long way to go when it comes to tolerance. Looking at the comments of some of the Indian members on this thread, it is quite clear that intolerance exists in India and India certainly has a long way to go.

As far as this case is concerned, Big B has said nothing wrong and i am glad the courts threw out this case. It appears that this dude was just trying to gain 2 minutes of fame.

The word intolerant is not the correct word to use when it comes to Indians, We the country which consist of majority Hindus are the ones who approved the secular constitution and allowed the minorities to practice what ever they want.
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And you are confusing my use of secular by associating with the state.
Where I did initially state the exact opposite in my post that started this debate.

Is India a secular state? Possibly... Its laws and constituiotion is secular.

Is it a secular nation? NO.. collectively as a nation (in the workplace, schools etc).. there are varying degrees of secular ideals in practice.. People are discriminated against during employment on the basis of their religion in some places and at others they are not.

So I do not ridicule the Indian state, but rather the Indian people who do not spare any chance to wave the banner of secularism with regards to their state.. but hold fast to values of intolerance when it comes to practice.
Rather ironically, the people and state are not on the same page at all when it comes to the definition of the Indian nation.

A sweeping generalisation similar to Americans on Yahoo comments calling all Pakistanis terrorists. No difference between you and them .

The word intolerant is not the correct word to use when it comes to Indians, We the majority Hindus are the ones who approves the secular constitution and allowed the minorities to practice what they want.

A country which has muslim heroes being treated as demi-gods by the majority does not need to explain anything to anyone.Nor does a country where the PM and army chief are sikhs , foreign minister a muslim, the most powerful person a Christian lady and defence minister , a christian man.

Indian society is not entirely secular but then no society is. What we do know is that India on this account is doing far better than almost all muslim countries and even many Western countries. With educational development , things should only improve.
A country which has muslim heroes being treated as demi-gods by the majority does not need to explain anything to anyone.Nor does a country where the PM and army chief are sikhs , foreign minister a muslim, the most powerful person a Christian lady and defence minister , a christian man.

Indian society is not entirely secular but then no society is. What we do know is that India on this account is doing far better than almost all muslim countries and even many Western countries. With educational development , things should only improve.

Agreed, but that does not mean we must not watch out against intolerance. But that also does not mean only hindus are capable of intolerance. And it must not mean that criticizing intolerance of minority gets labled as my intolerance.
Far from it..
It has anti-muslim sentiments used by some.. and at others muslim appeasement for political gains..
Pseudo is too much for the current condition.

Intolerance may be relative, but the average seems to vary across India.. and if only Internet Indians are to be taken into account(or rather the power of anonymity) .. then it sits at the very extreme.

People make insensitive,hateful comments on internet all the time because of anonymity. And those who comment are usually the ones have something negative to say. The majority doesn't take the effort to comment because they are neutral or don't feel negative about the issue. So you can never judge a nation based on it.
Far from it..
It has anti-muslim sentiments used by some.. and at others muslim appeasement for political gains..
Pseudo is too much for the current condition.

You misconstrue lack of muslim appeasement (for political gains) as anti-muslim sentiment by some ! But then you are not alone in that.many Indians too are like that. No political party is overtly anti-muslim in India.

Intolerance may be relative, but the average seems to vary across India.. and if only Internet Indians are to be taken into account(or rather the power of anonymity) .. then it sits at the very extreme.

Tolerance is always a two way street.
Far from it..
It has anti-muslim sentiments used by some.. and at others muslim appeasement for political gains..
Pseudo is too much for the current condition.

Intolerance may be relative, but the average seems to vary across India.. and if only Internet Indians are to be taken into account(or rather the power of anonymity) .. then it sits at the very extreme.

For some odd reason, Oscar you are simply indulging in general banalities. Not that it will disturb me if I just choose to just let it pass.

I for one believe that it is simply unwise to use a part to define the whole.

But anyway, "different strokes for different folks".
Planet Earth is still saddled with the burden of carrying all of us through the universe.
My friend , points like these are far too intellectual for most Pakistanis to understand. They require thinking . I gave up a long time ago , you should give up too.

True , but at least India has found the way , Pakistan is yet to even do that.

It is more to do with honesty and thinking in other's shoes. They would be happy (or rather disappointed) if Indians only criticize and ridicule Hinduism and never challenge muslims.
@Bang Galore @KRAIT

You are right, i apologize. I should not have generalized. I guess i was hurt after reading the comments of some of the Indian members as they were filled with outright hate. But you fellows are right, i should not have let my emotions get the best of my judgement, and for that i retract my previous statement. But i wil say one thing, looking at this thread it is quite clear that Indians like us Pakistanis have a long way to go when it comes to tolerance. Looking at the comments of some of the Indian members on this thread, it is quite clear that intolerance exists in India and India certainly has a long way to go.

As far as this case is concerned, Big B has said nothing wrong and i am glad the courts threw out this case. It appears that this dude was just trying to gain 2 minutes of fame.

@notorious_eagle, to be honest I don't know what you are apologizing for. But I see only one thing, that you are willing to come on record- whatever it might have been about. In my book, that is a great test of character!

Intolerance is universal, and I've seen it in countries and people far more advanced and literate than my own. I do not see that as an excuse, but as a cautionary. Intolerance has many causes, one of them is the belief that my way is the only way or best way that there is. That coupled with egg-shell egos that we use to contain our views on life itself is our biggest undoing.
But mankind has progressed over years that it has evolved. So will we.

Compared to that, what Amitabh Bacchan said and its aftermath is just so insignificant as to be nothing.
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Why didn't you ask this question ?

There are just 20 % of Muslims and over 80% of Hindus than why Muslims rule Bollywood ? Why ?

There are just 20 % of Muslims and over 80% of Hindus than why do India have 5 Chief Justices at Supreme Court who are Muslims ? Why ?

Thing is the last question, I never wondered of. I searched about this information when people from Pakistan asked about why Muslims in India are denied of opportunity.

You know why I never wondered before ? Because I wasn't raise to see religion everywhere. I was raised to look at abilities and hard work of others and try to emulate it to become a successful person.

Thats because these meat eating khans have looks and the acting skills which most of hindus dont possess so cant become a hero....Its not that yu ppl were kind to these khans it was there talent that despite all your efforts you cudn't conceal...And now you people cant hear him speak truth...thats height of cruelty and hatred for muslims but one wonders why and the only answer is deep down yu guys know the real truth and are jealous of US for being gifted one's n wanna become like us but cant as yu are tangled in these wordly n cultural bonds and the resulting frustration is vented by aggression against muslims in any form..

Besides film industry is unlike military and civil service where people can deprive you coz of your religions its open who ever has talent will come up and noone can suppress but in military and civil services if your applications are turned down at the first glance what can you do....

Sikhs are lot less in popluation than muslims but still their share in army is a lot more than muslims why dear??? Not because they are more brave(we muslims came from outside n ruled you hindus n sikhs for a thousand years that shows whoz brave and whoz real coward) its just because they are not muslims so they are eligible..

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