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Amitabh Bachchan in legaltrouble over Quran remark

Thats because these meat eating khans have looks and the acting skills which most of hindus dont possess so cant become a hero....Its not that yu ppl were kind to these khans it was there talent that despite all your efforts you cudn't conceal...And now you people cant hear him speak truth...thats height of cruelty and hatred for muslims but one wonders why and the only answer is deep down yu guys know the real truth and are jealous of US for being gifted one's n wanna become like us but cant as yu are tangled in these wordly n cultural bonds and the resulting frustration is vented by aggression against muslims in any form..

Besides film industry is unlike military and civil service where people can deprive you coz of your religions its open who ever has talent will come up and noone can suppress but in military and civil services if your applications are turned down at the first glance what can you do....

Sikhs are lot less in popluation than muslims but still their share in army is a lot more than muslims why dear??? Not because they are more brave(we muslims came from outside n ruled you hindus n sikhs for a thousand years that shows whoz brave and whoz real coward) its just because they are not muslims so they are eligible..

Please accept my heartfelt apologies for trying to respond to your post earlier. Let me admit, I'm an idiot with a very low IQ, I must be. There is no other explanation.

@nick_indian , you are a genius!
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Please accept my heartfelt apologies for trying to respond to your post earlier. Let me admit, I'm an idiot with a very low IQ, I must be. There is no other explanation.

@nick_indian , you are a genius!

Now you know how the expression-- "An Albatross around one's neck" got coined.
It means: A burden which some unfortunate person has to carry
Dunno if it referred to the people around him? Sad.
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@ 71, capt popoo,nick indian :)

wanna troll go ahead i ll let you suck it as long as you would want to n it wont finish...but if yu wanna talk substance go n search online the % of sikh population in india and then their % in army...then search % of muslim population in india and their % in army...i guess yu will learn a few good new things which will help you open your dumb brains...
@ 71, capt popoo,nick indian :)

wanna troll go ahead i ll let you suck it as long as you would want to n it wont finish...but if yu wanna talk substance go n search online the % of sikh population in india and then their % in army...then search % of muslim population in india and their % in army...i guess yu will learn a few good new things which will help you open your dumb brains...


Albatross facepalm!
Thats because these meat eating khans have looks and the acting skills which most of hindus dont possess so cant become a hero....Its not that yu ppl were kind to these khans it was there talent that despite all your efforts you cudn't conceal...And now you people cant hear him speak truth...thats height of cruelty and hatred for muslims but one wonders why and the only answer is deep down yu guys know the real truth and are jealous of US for being gifted one's n wanna become like us but cant as yu are tangled in these wordly n cultural bonds and the resulting frustration is vented by aggression against muslims in any form..

Besides film industry is unlike military and civil service where people can deprive you coz of your religions its open who ever has talent will come up and noone can suppress but in military and civil services if your applications are turned down at the first glance what can you do....

Sikhs are lot less in popluation than muslims but still their share in army is a lot more than muslims why dear??? Not because they are more brave(we muslims came from outside n ruled you hindus n sikhs for a thousand years that shows whoz brave and whoz real coward) its just because they are not muslims so they are eligible..
you post is nothing but stupidity in multi colour.

@ agnostico indio.... come'on baby join the club of suckers and keep sucking....

When one has no answer he can only suck...
@ 71, capt popoo,nick indian :)

wanna troll go ahead i ll let you suck it as long as you would want to n it wont finish...but if yu wanna talk substance go n search online the % of sikh population in india and then their % in army...then search % of muslim population in india and their % in army...i guess yu will learn a few good new things which will help you open your dumb brains...

The only person who is dumb is you.

As previously explained, Indian Army is non-conscription based. Any candidate who goes to the testing center and satisfies the physical and educations requirements would be selected. If Muslims are not there (which i doubt as there is no official count of the faith of people in IA) then that means one of the three things:

they dont go to the recruitment center
those who go do not satisfy the physical condition
those who pass the above two do not satisfy the educational condition.

Take your pick.

Now if Sikhs are selected then that means

they go the recruitment center, satisfy the physical and educational requirements.

Same goes for the Muslims who were selected in the army.

It is that simple. Dont tax your bird brain too much.
Lets hear your list, any non-muslim/shia/ahmediya/mohajir as a President, Defense minister, Army general?

Two nation theory was crap and your country is a burning example of it. Learn to live with it.

Shia President - Zardari
Muhajir President/Army general - Musharraf
Ahmedi - Nobel peace prize winner

Etc... Pakistan is doing MUCH better than India on minority rights
@ KSO come baby its now your turn take lead and show them that you are the best of the best suckers...

So you wanna say muslims are not fit to be in army while on both your eastern and wetsren sides there are hundred thousands of them successfully running their militaries and Pak army is considered one of the best and toughest...Look at the sense you made with your post...Stop trolling and just do what you are good at ...keep sucking and welcome to the team of suckers lets see whoz the best of the best suckers
Shia President - Zardari
Muhajir President/Army general - Musharraf
Ahmedi - Nobel peace prize winner

Etc... Pakistan is doing MUCH better than India on minority rights

What about non-muslims? What happened to Yousuf Youhana? So much for the minority rights.
Hindu elected as Chief Justice of Pakistan

Was there any Muslim Cheif Justice of India?

Altamas Kabir, current Chief Justice of India !!

Aziz Mushabber Ahmadi, 26th Chief Justice of India !!

Mohammad Hidayatullah, eleventh Chief Justice of India and the sixth Vice-President of India !!

Muslim president in India, Sikh PM!!

Hindu President in Pakistan? Defense Minister, Sikh / Christian PM?

No comparison between two countries.

Even being non-punjabi or being shiya/ahmediya/mohajir is like curse in Pakistan.
Aziz Mushabber Ahmadi, 26th Chief Justice of India and the sixth Vice-President of India !!

Mohammad Hidayatullah, eleventh Chief Justice of India !!

Muslim president in India, Sikh PM!!

Hindu President in Pakistan? Defense Minister, Sikh / Christian PM?

No comparison between two countries.

Even being non-punjabi or being shiya/ahmediya/mohajir is like curse in Pakistan.

President position in India have no value. It's just a ceremonial post.

As for the Muslim "Cheif" Justice in India, you are mistaken. Those are just average Justices. No Muslim Chief Justice in India yet.

I agree. There is no comparison.

Non-punjabis, Shia, Ahmedi, Muhajir live much better than Dalit, Muslim in India.

They get WAY more representation in govt & Army than Sunnis than Muslim or Dalit in India..

Pakistan has had a Pasthun, Balochi, Muhajir, Shia President
Same with COAS.
Same with PM as well.

Can you name a Muslim PM? Hell, you just had a Muslim FM after 65 years of independence.
^^ I can just laugh, you know from inside where you stand in your argument. I rest my case, all the world know the difference so does we.
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