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Amir ul momeieneen the title

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You should follow the quran and the sunnah with the understanding of the companions of the prophet.
Companions of prophet? Or Quran?
I follow Holy Quran that's it...........
I will give quran to your man made stufff.
If a companion aligns with Quran fine but if companion is found wanted then Quran is haq companion is doudtable.
Dummy muslim and momin are two different things. You don't even know Islam then why debate and make yourself look like a fool? Are you momin? Who gave you that title? How can you judge yourself as a momin..
Muslim is anyone who say kalma shahdat.
And what's your opinion about munafiqs?

No one knows who is momin then it can be anyone, so u cannot be certain and hence u cannot deny anyone either. I know u are the one to threaten nukes on afghan muslims because ur a yankee chamcha brown sahib. When that failed now u become sectarian momim lolz.
I'm son of Haider you bring it I bring it hard . Get ve someone title Haider all of you have no idea what it is blood of Haider. My blood is Haider bring it if you dare. I dare good ve Haider a title to someone else you pussies. My blood is Haider blood in blood out. many wonder why because I'm son of Haider
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Companions of prophet? Or Quran?
I follow Holy Quran that's it...........
I will give quran to your man made stufff.
If a companion aligns with Quran fine but if companion is found wanted then Quran is haq companion is doudtable.
Lmao you are misguided.

Lmao you are misguided.

I'm son of Haider what you know of scrafice bring it you will find nd yourself so so far away from ahyle bait. Allah's mercy on whoever Allah wills upon no mercy on your kind ,....... Disrespect ahlye bait at your own peril angel will be the one to make sure you deserve what your arrogant ignorant type deserve. Abu bakar not umar nor usman got authority that say your shifa so **** you. Bring them all three of them and see if Allah consider your shifa.
You and your daddy's shifa belong to my nana Muhammad mustafta seal of prophets (m.p.b.u.h).
Bring it if you think abu bakar umar or usman can face my nana. So who are you you piece of nothing ? What your parents did for islam my nana is Hussain. My blood is Hussain ... So sharam kar agar Allah la khof hai. Unless you think you can trespass ahlyle bait and be the favourite of Allah. The matter is settled already. Allah said to your kind Ahyle bait is special not your kind ..... Go complain to Allah now .....
Is ki laashneray bait meray dada Ali nay kaha h pay kadam rakh kay kaha ya hai pathar ka Pujari.
Aur yah haven't meri Zulfiqar jis na pathar kay khuda ko tor Dia.
I'm that Zulfiqar e Ali that's my name that's my essence. Zulfiqar belongs to Ali no one else
I belong to I Ali as a Zulfiqar e Ali. Let all so called momin gather I will go through them as Zulfiqar went thru enemy's body and soul....
Let's see who is momin if you are momin you are saved from or else your destiny is my cut a clear cut between a munafuq and momin ......
I will be that cut to differentiate from munafiq(pussy) and momin.....
So Now who dares mess with me? Bring your history and family buttian kay pujari bring it to Ali"s blood we shall show you how stones mean nothing ....
We will cut thru no matter what chemical balance or molecule level strength we will get you from way pass atoms. You have no idea how much knowledge Allah blesses on us. The more you go against us the more bigger the hell fire awaits you. You have to die one day please make sure abu bakar umar and ustman shifa with you let's see how far it will get you...
You are gonna beg my Nanna along with abu bakar umar and usman .. better bring your crendiatals let's see if it works indront of Allah.. Bring it if all you sunnis dare bring all three infront my nana. Bring if you dare....
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to me it looks like this:
And indeed, one of those who followed his [Noah's] way was Ibrahim
“Verily, his [Noah's] Shia (meaning follower) was Ibrahim”

to me shia on its own means follower, nothing more.
You got big mouth angels will stretch that tongue so far that you will be crying little bitch step to ahlye bait and there is your destination... go get guarantee other my nana prophet ?m.p.b.u.h) dare it. ... you think prophet doesn't love his family and love you more then you are mistaken big time.....
Big big time .... let's see
You think he is not going to say lanat on killer of Hussain then you wrong his lanat is on anyone and everyone who is part of killer of Hussain even idea starting from Mawyia . His father abu Sufyan was enemy of prophet through out his life and you think Mawyia will save from Allah ... I bet he can't nor his abu Satan.
The personality that can save your mawiya kind is prophet but at hose koser this will driven to gell fire along with you. You are mawyia ideology and you are hell fire...
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you are defaming the Ahl e Bayt (AS) with your lunacy and foul mouth, not me!
I'm defaming ask me questions about ahlye bait. I bet you didn't until j mentioned you found your miserable soul against ahyle bait and you knew you are heading for hell fire shit is more real than real fire... I actually want you to keep bets on against ahlye bait.
I dont understand how can you ever win against ahyle bait when the matter is settled...
God don't care about bearer how white it is or who thick it is.
Some of you muslims or so naive that they that just having lime prophet will save them..
Lol it ain't gonna save them at all because they never believed one is sig. Of there of their beliefs testing them upon ahlye bait . Allah says
قُلْ لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَىٰ
Qul: lā as’alukum ‘alayhi ajran illal-mawaddata fil-qurbā
Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives
(Sūratush Shūrā, No.42, Āyat 23)
Ab app rasool say bar kar samajh rakto so bring it .
I brought holy quran to defend me what you got hommie?
Bring better than quran.. My quran is my defence
If you have bring abu bakar umar or usmtan. Bring al three and my nana will tell if it wasn't for my aqa and my nana prophet (m.p.b.u.h) they would be nothing.... everything these three got because of my nana,'s love or else they would be part hell fire and no one can protect from Allah's reckoning...
So who in the blue hell are you stepping up? You will be door star of hell miserable kind that evey one would stay far away. Your destiny is hell I'm telling you you are heading a fire that you have no idea off why all because you are anti ahyle bait
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I can say I don't believe on abu bakar umar and utman and i will still up in heaven try denouncing the master of all three then lets where you end up.....
That's gut ls that's Iman
I can say I don't believe on abu bakar umar and utman and i will still up in heaven try denouncing the master of all three then lets where you end up.....
You dumb? these three are companions of the prophet.
Let's see if Allah is dependable on abu bakar umar and utman .... you musim kind is so naivee÷..
You dumb? these three are companions of the prophet.
Are they iman and do go to hell if I don't believe on any of them? Prove it that I have to believe ij them for my faith in Allah and his prophet.. I actually thing they are irrelevant in my faith between me and my Almighty...
They are creatures of God like me
Who's is gonna save you?
Abu bakar

I WANA KNOW THIS AND PLZ SUNNIS STEP UP YOU LOOSINF GROUND here I wana give sunnis to make if they can0
Let's is see what's your crendtials.
If not you have none then shut up
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