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Amir ul momeieneen the title

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And why mola Ali is only Amirul Momeieneen...
I rest my case here
He was against Amirul Momeieneen and he regretted before he passed.....
Brother you are overthinking it, referring to Muslims as Mu'mineen is out of respect to Muslims as a whole. No one individual can praise himself in Islam. Whether by calling him/herself righteous or Mu'min.
No over thinking or under thinking.
Islam is straight path. Allah say so didn't explain bcz Islam is not religion of ifs and butts. It's complete with out your suggestions....
No suggestions needed in Islam anymore
And why mola Ali is only Amirul Momeieneen...
I rest my case here
He was against Amirul Momeieneen and he regretted before he passed.....

No over thinking or under thinking.
Islam is straight path. Allah say so didn't explain bcz Islam is not religion of ifs and butts. It's complete with out your suggestions....
No suggestions needed in Islam anymore
no one denying Hazrat Ali was Amir ul Momeieneen!

i dont understand what you trying to prove here?
Dangerous thread.

The Ummah leadership is in cohorts with the money lenders and sorcerers , sworn enemies of Allah Swt , getting robbed off of anything decent left in our respective promised lands and look at our priorities fighting over semantics .
Sorry but entire Shia'ism is a fabrication.

So is sunnism and anyother ism. Allah Swt encourages ciritcal thinking but not sectarianism.. We can have genuine difference of opinion but still be part the of herd. The moment you adopt a label you get deprived of Devine protection instantly
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The title itself was first Given to Umar Ibn Khattab by the people, because Abu Bakr RA was called Khalifa tu Rasool Allah, when Umar RA took Charge calling him Khalifa tu Khalifa tu Rasool Allah would be awkward hence he was give this title of Amir ul Mumineen, As usual Shia who follow a cult of likes of Ibn Saba, have no intellectual capacity to either process Hadith nor study the right history and some how bring Ali RA into this as well.

Abu Bakr RA Al Sadiq the second greatest non Prophet man after Rasool Allah
Umar Ibn Khattab Al Farooq the third best non Prophet man after Rasool Allah and Abu Bakr RA
Uthman ibn Afaan Al Ghani the forth best non Prophet man after the three
Ali Ibn Abi Talib Al Asad, and Fifth best non Prophet man after all the above.

arguing with the Tehrani Cultist is no use, they are like brain dead zombies and indoctrinated to a degree that they can not even comprehend basics of Islam, on a pure Academic level majority of Shia of Today are either disbelievers or Musriks, they are as equal Muslims as Ahmadi, Ahmadi has their own Liar Mirza, while Shia cultists use Family of Prophet and elevate them to a level of demi Gods.

From Praying/Worshiping to horses to abusing Sahaba and Umhatul Mumineen, from beating the shit out of themselves to make fake Alm/Jhoolay and consider them to be holy, their scholars have used their mimber to express Direct shirk and yet they are well renounce Shia scholars and well respected, I used to be someone who wanted Shia/Sunni to have peace and never really did my own research in deep, but when i did All I can say is Astaghfirullah what they say and do in their majalis and called it Islam, and associate it with the family of Prophet, what a disgrace these People has brought to the family of Prophet, and to this date they are manipulating the dumb 12vers into innovating Bidat's in Islam and openly do Shirt in the name of Ali RA. If Ali/Hasan/Hussain/ RA to all were alive they would be the first to burn these cultists alive for their disgusting practices and language they use against the people even Ali RA respected till the day he was martyred. But what is the point? will they listen? will they question their Cult through rationale and reasoning ? No, they will just keep following what they are taught since they are young kids, a couple of points are given to these people to used against the Sunni's, such as Hadeeth Ghadir khum etc even that if you ask them to explain the context they will run like Shayateen Run from Ayatul Kursi lol

There will never ever be any Peace with Shia's for as long as they believe in their ideology of hate and Abuse, this divide will remain but Shiaism will never dominate the Sunnah because as they say, Jhoot ke pair nai hote and this cult is literally based on a lie/deception and fabrication.
So is sunnism and anyother ism. Allah Swt encourages ciritcal thinking but not sectarianism.. We can have genuine difference of opinion but still be part the of herd. The moment you adopt a label you get deprived of Devine protection instantly

There is no Sunnism, Shia and Sunni not just have difference of opinion, they are two separate Religion with separate Ideologies, I can bet my life that There will be no divine Protection for those who in their Majalis abuse Sahaba and Wives of Prophet.
Sorry but entire Shia'ism is a fabrication.

The earliest Shia-n-Ali were decent people, and their concerns were genuine but without the fabrications and insults, but as time goes and more pathetic people keep joining the cult, liars become their founding scholars so all these stuff like fake hadeeth, misrepresentations, over-exaggerations just took over, and the bi-product is what we see today... where a Shia scholar openly ask his congregation to do Sajdah (Prostration) to a horse lol and People are like, Wah Wah Wah I mean seriously lol
I have one major issue with Taliban and all those muslims who want to have this title.....
This title belongs to only One personality in the history of mankind ...
Not even Adam himself can call him amir ul momeieneen....
This title belongs to someone who is Amir of all Momeieneen now how we decide who is Momin and who is not because Only Allah knows what's in the hearts of mankind no one else.
If you are curious who this title belongs too well
One day Jabreel was exiting the Prophet (M.P.B. U. H) house and Ali was entering the house Jabreel said Aslamulikum ya Amirul Momeieneen....
When Ali entered Prophet Smiled and asked how you like your new title...
Jabreel wouldn't utter a word on his own unless it's Allah's will so please in a respectful manner I would ask all Muslims not to use this title for anyone or everyone. This title have value just like Nishan e Haider....Not everyone can get it just like that because they won sort of freedom which is their job on first place...
So please even Mahdi wont call himself Amir ul Momeieneen but Mahdi how can some Tom dick and Harry can get this title.

This is not some asmaani title, its simply means leader of the momineen or leader of muslims, every khalifa have used such title and even kater muslim rulers have used it too.
Ur story seems to be fabricated one as u have no proof of it. But you shias would put Ali RA even above Prophet SAW if u could. Some of u even pit Ali RA near to status of God naozibillah. So with ppl like u, there is no discussion. By the way, are u still american chamcha or have u changed sides now??
Oops someone got nothing to say anymore. And please read translation of drood sharif that you read in namz......... Take it out of namaz if you dare and bring ijma on it.
صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّعَلٰٓی اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَمَا صَلَّیْتَ عَلٰٓی اِبْرَاھِیْمَ وَعَلٰٓی اٰلِ اِبْرَاھِیْمَ اِنَّکَ حَمِیْدٌ مَّجِیْدٌ اَللّٰھُمَّ بَارِکْ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّعَلٰٓی اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَمَا بَارَکْتَ عَلٰٓی اِبْرَاھِیْمَ وَعَلٰٓی اٰلِ اِبْرَاھِیْمَ اِنَّکَ حَمِیْدٌ مَّجِیْدٌ
O Allah, let Your Blessings come upon Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the FAMILY of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. Allah, bless Muhammad and the FAMILY of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious.

Typical shia filth and scum. How cleverly u morons twist everything.
In surah Nooh, Allah have clearly described. Allah promised Nooh AS that you and you ALL will be protected. When the storm came, wife and son of Nooh AS disnt want to join him in the ship. Nooh AS said O Allah you promised to save my ALL. Allah said that the one who follow u are ur all and not those who disnt join u. This clearly means All of a Prophet are his followers and not family members like u liars attribute it. We say darood all day everyday for the ummah and followers of Prophet SAW and not some shirki fake sayyeds. All e Muhammad SAW are all the believers and followers and not some so called family that are doing shirk and creating hatred.
Mashallah Your words are so spiritual fr your own kind. Is that what your Deen teaches you? You call who believes on Allah and his prophet a
filth and scum
Shame on your religious education..
By the way Prophet (M.P.B.U.H) said if someone use foul mouth on you and you stay quiet it returns back to him the foul words
I have one major issue with Taliban and all those muslims who want to have this title.....
This title belongs to only One personality in the history of mankind ...
Not even Adam himself can call him amir ul momeieneen....
This title belongs to someone who is Amir of all Momeieneen now how we decide who is Momin and who is not because Only Allah knows what's in the hearts of mankind no one else.
If you are curious who this title belongs too well
One day Jabreel was exiting the Prophet (M.P.B. U. H) house and Ali was entering the house Jabreel said Aslamulikum ya Amirul Momeieneen....
When Ali entered Prophet Smiled and asked how you like your new title...
Jabreel wouldn't utter a word on his own unless it's Allah's will so please in a respectful manner I would ask all Muslims not to use this title for anyone or everyone. This title have value just like Nishan e Haider....Not everyone can get it just like that because they won sort of freedom which is their job on first place...
So please even Mahdi wont call himself Amir ul Momeieneen but Mahdi how can some Tom dick and Harry can get this title.
Dear you are debating a history, where the whole family of Holy Prophet PBUH was killed, his friends were killed .. After Rasool left, Islamic history is full of filth and dirty politics. Nothing has changed. Zia ul haq was also ameer ul momineen... anyone can use this name at will ... but everything is character. Holy Prophet PBUM 40 years didn't preach Islam, but his character... look at now ... all garbage ...
Dear you are debating a history, where the whole family of Holy Prophet PBUH was killed, his friends were killed .. After Rasool left, Islamic history is full of filth and dirty politics. Nothing has changed. Zia ul haq was also ameer ul momineen... anyone can use this name at will ... but everything is character. Holy Prophet PBUM 40 years didn't preach Islam, but his character... look at now ... all garbage ...
Zia was amir of momins like Nawaz sharifsssss. That's the kind of momins these people believe...
Sorry but entire Shia'ism is a fabrication.
وَإِنَّ مِن شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْرَاهِيمَ
And most surely Abraham was among the Shi’a of him (i.e., Noah)”(Qur’an 37:83)

Holy quran speaks past present and future.. I brought proof from quran about Shia . Bring Sunni from holy quran If you can't because you you never will be able too. Then have some shame. CLEAR WORDS Abraham was among Shia of him and im also Shia of him.
No whoever is from Abraham is his Shia....
I read quran with translation unlike many who just talk and have no true knowledge..
This is not some asmaani title, its simply means leader of the momineen or leader of muslims, every khalifa have used such title and even kater muslim rulers have used it too.
Ur story seems to be fabricated one as u have no proof of it. But you shias would put Ali RA even above Prophet SAW if u could. Some of u even pit Ali RA near to status of God naozibillah. So with ppl like u, there is no discussion. By the way, are u still american chamcha or have u changed sides now??
Dummy muslim and momin are two different things. You don't even know Islam then why debate and make yourself look like a fool? Are you momin? Who gave you that title? How can you judge yourself as a momin..
Muslim is anyone who say kalma shahdat.
And what's your opinion about munafiqs?
Dummy muslim and momin are two different things. You don't even know Islam then why debate and make yourself look like a fool? Are you momin? Who gave you that title? How can you judge yourself as a momin..
Muslim is anyone who say kalma shahdat.
And what's your opinion about munafiqs?
You should follow the quran and the sunnah with the understanding of the companions of the prophet.
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