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Amir ul momeieneen the title

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Why can't you accept them for whatever they be?
I can't let anyone take and ridicule our religion and those honorable titles given to everyone and anyone. I will be the one who will say no one is Amir ul momeieneen? Do all momin exist in Afghanistan only and no where else? Islam and momin only exists in Afghan boundary and no where else? That's why I won't accept .. Thanks
Dangerous thread.
Sure I agree. But sometimes one have to ask dangerous questions for our community of Muslims not Muslims of Afghanistan only.
I have one major issue with Taliban and all those muslims who want to have this title.....
This title belongs to only One personality in the history of mankind ...
Not even Adam himself can call him amir ul momeieneen....
This title belongs to someone who is Amir of all Momeieneen now how we decide who is Momin and who is not because Only Allah knows what's in the hearts of mankind no one else.
If you are curious who this title belongs too well
One day Jabreel was exiting the Prophet (M.P.B. U. H) house and Ali was entering the house Jabreel said Aslamulikum ya Amirul Momeieneen....
When Ali entered Prophet Smiled and asked how you like your new title...
Jabreel wouldn't utter a word on his own unless it's Allah's will so please in a respectful manner I would ask all Muslims not to use this title for anyone or everyone. This title have value just like Nishan e Haider....Not everyone can get it just like that because they won sort of freedom which is their job on first place...
So please even Mahdi wont call himself Amir ul Momeieneen but Mahdi how can some Tom dick and Harry can get this title.
What is the reference of your stance ?
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Brief Commentary On Hadeeth Al-Kisaa (Tradition of the Cloak)
Jerrmein Abu Shahba

5 minutes
Imam Ali – Commander of The Faithful
فَقُلتُ : وَعَلَيكَ السَّلامُ يا أَبَا الحَسَن وَيا أَمِيرَ المُؤمِنينَ
"Peace be upon you too, O Abul-Hasan and Commander of the Faithful," I replied.
After Imam Husain (AS), Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) enters and conveys his greetings to the Holy Prophet (SA) who replies back to him by pronouncing the Salam and addressing him as “Abal Hasan” (the father of Hasan) and “Ya Ameer Al Momineen” (Commander of the Faithful). The label of “Ameerul Momineen” exclusively belongs to Imam Ali (AS) and has been divinely bestowed from above the heavens.
In his book Al Kafi, Al Kileeni narrates from Fudail ibn Yassaar that Imam Al Baqir (AS) said: “Oh Fudail, any person who names himself with this title other than Ali is a liar.” According to the Sunni School of thought, Umar ibn Al Khattab was the first to use that title, however that is false information.
In fact, it was the Holy Prophet (SA) who gave Imam Ali (AS) that title and this is cited in many traditions such as, “Oh Ali, you are Ameerul Momineen (Commander of the Faithful) and the Imam of the Muslims, and قائد الغر المحجلين(the Leader of the Resplendent), and يعسوب المتقين (the dragonfly of the pious).” (Amaali)
It is also narrated consecutively by Imam Al Sadiq (AS) that his father Imam Ali (AS) said: “The Prophet (SA) said to me, O Ali You are Ameerul Momineen and the leader of the pious, O Ali you are chief of the successors and heirs of the Prophets and the best of the truthful (sidiqeen).” (Kanz Al Fawaed)
According to the Sunni School of thought as narrated by Al Hafiz Abu Na’eem Al Asfahani in his book Helyat Al Awliyaa, that Qasem ibn Jundub ibn Anas said: The Prophet (SA) said: “Oh Anas, help me prepare for ablution.” Then he got up and prayed two-unit prayer, then he said, “Oh Anas, the first person who will enter from that door is Ameerul Momineen and the Master of the messengers, and قائد الغر المحجلين (the Leader of the Resplendent) and the Seal of Successors.” That person was none other than Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS)!
Hence, it is not appropriate to use that title even to the other Infallible Imams from the sons of Ali, including Imam Hasan who actually became Caliph after his father. That is because attaining the position of Caliphate is not the criteria for being named Ameerul Momineen even though the person may be infallible such as Imam Hasan (AS).
This title is unique only to Ali and no one can share that title with him. The great scholar Ibn Tawoos has actually written a book called Al Yaqeen Bi Ikhtisaas Mawlana Ali Bi Emrat Al Momineen (Faith in the uniqueness of Mawla Ali with the title of Ameerul Momineen) which aims to verify the specialization of Ali with this title.
In fact, there is an interesting story where the title of “Ameerul Momineen” was granted officially to Ali. It is narrated by one of the close companions of the Prophet (SA), Hudaifah ibn Al Yaman, as cited in Irshad Al Qulub, that in his conversation with a lad he said: “O lad, since you asked and wanted to investigate, then listen and understand what I am going to tell you. As for those caliphs who were before Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), who were called Ameerul Momineen; the people called them by that title.
But Ali ibn Abi Talib was called with this name by Archangel Gabriel (AS). It was an order from the Prophet (SA) who bore witness of Gabriel’s (AS) salutation to Ali by the title of Ameerul Momineen, and the companions (Sahaba) of the Prophet were calling Ali (AS) with the title of Ameer Al-Momineen during the life and presence of the Prophet (SA).”
The Lad said: “Tell us how this came to be, may Allah have mercy on you.”
Hudhayfah answered: “The people used to enter upon the Prophet (SA) whenever they wanted. The Prophet (SA) then prohibited them from entering upon him while he was in meeting with Dihyatul Kalbi. The Prophet (SA) used to exchange letters with Caesar and Bani Hanifah and the kings of Bani Ghassau through him (Dihya). Jibrael (AS) would sometimes descend to the Prophet (SA in the image of Dihya. Therefore, the Prophet (SA prohibited the Muslims from entering upon him, if he was in meeting with Dihya.”
Hudhayfah added, “One day I came to the Prophet (SA) for some matter hoping to meet him alone. When I arrived at the door, I looked and found a curtain covering the door. I raised it and was about to enter. That’s what we were accustomed to do. Then I saw Dihya sitting beside the Prophet (SA) who was sleeping and his head was on the lap of Dihya. When I saw that, I left. Then I met Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) on my way. He said, ‘Oh Ibn Al Yaman, where did you just come from?’ I answered him and said, ‘I wanted to enter but I found Dihya with him.’
I asked Ali’s help with the matter I had wanted to speak with the Prophet (SA). Then Imam Ali (AS) suggested me to come back with him. So I returned back with him and when we arrived at the door of the Prophet (SA), I sat beside the door and Imam Ali (AS) lifted the curtain. He entered and greeted. Then I heard Dihya reply and say, ‘And peace be upon you O Ameerul Momineen and Allah’s blessings and mercy be upon you.’ Then Dihya told him, ‘Sit down and take the head of your brother and cousin from my lap, for you are the most deserving of him than other people.’ So Imam Ali (AS) sat and took the head of the Prophet (SA), placed it on his lap, and Dihya then left the house.
Then Imam Ali (AS) asked me to enter so I entered and sat down. Soon after that, the Prophet (SA) woke up and he smiled when he saw the face of Imam Ali (AS). Then he told him, ‘Oh Abul Hasan, from whose lap did you take my head?’ Ali answered, ‘From the lap of Dihyatul Kalbi.’ Then the Prophet (SA) replied, ‘This was Gabriel (AS). So what did you tell him when you entered and what did he tell you?’
Imam Ali (AS) answered, ‘I entered and said Assalamu Alaikum and he answered Wa alaika assalam O Ameer Al-Momineen, and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.’ Then the Prophet (SA) said, ‘O Ali, the angels of Allah and the dwellers of His heaven have greeted you by the title of Ameer Al-Momineen even before the dwellers of the earth. O Ali, Gabriel (AS) did that by orders from Allah, Glory be to Him. And Gabriel (AS) has revealed to me from my Lord before you entered that I impose it upon the people. And I will do that God-willing.’”
“The next day, the Prophet (SA) sent me (Hudhayfah) to Fadak for some matter. I stayed there for some days. Then I came back and I found the people saying that the Prophet (SA) had ordered them to greet Ali by the title of Ameerul Momineen and that Jibrael had ordered him from Allah (SWT) to do so. When I heard that, I said to the people that the Prophet (SA) had spoken the truth and that I heard Jibrael (AS) greet Imam Ali (AS) using the title Ameerul Momineen and I narrated to them the whole story. (Irshad Al Qulub)
Unfortunately, the title of “Ameer Al Momineen” was used instead of the term “Caliph of the Prophet” after Umar ibn Al Khattab ordered that the latter be replaced with the former. It is sad to note that as with other rights of Imam Ali (AS) that was confiscated unjustly, some of his unique titles were also stolen such as “Ameerul Momineen” and used by others who are not worthy of that title.
Hazrat Hudafayah(R.A) was secret bearer of prophet (P.B.U.H) ... he was also the one who knew the people who try to assassinate Prophet(M.P.U.H).
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Brief Commentary On Hadeeth Al-Kisaa (Tradition of the Cloak)
Jerrmein Abu Shahba

5 minutes
Imam Ali – Commander of The Faithful

"Peace be upon you too, O Abul-Hasan and Commander of the Faithful," I replied.
After Imam Husain (AS), Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) enters and conveys his greetings to the Holy Prophet (SA) who replies back to him by pronouncing the Salam and addressing him as “Abal Hasan” (the father of Hasan) and “Ya Ameer Al Momineen” (Commander of the Faithful). The label of “Ameerul Momineen” exclusively belongs to Imam Ali (AS) and has been divinely bestowed from above the heavens.
In his book Al Kafi, Al Kileeni narrates from Fudail ibn Yassaar that Imam Al Baqir (AS) said: “Oh Fudail, any person who names himself with this title other than Ali is a liar.” According to the Sunni School of thought, Umar ibn Al Khattab was the first to use that title, however that is false information.
In fact, it was the Holy Prophet (SA) who gave Imam Ali (AS) that title and this is cited in many traditions such as, “Oh Ali, you are Ameerul Momineen (Commander of the Faithful) and the Imam of the Muslims, and قائد الغر المحجلين(the Leader of the Resplendent), and يعسوب المتقين (the dragonfly of the pious).” (Amaali)
It is also narrated consecutively by Imam Al Sadiq (AS) that his father Imam Ali (AS) said: “The Prophet (SA) said to me, O Ali You are Ameerul Momineen and the leader of the pious, O Ali you are chief of the successors and heirs of the Prophets and the best of the truthful (sidiqeen).” (Kanz Al Fawaed)
According to the Sunni School of thought as narrated by Al Hafiz Abu Na’eem Al Asfahani in his book Helyat Al Awliyaa, that Qasem ibn Jundub ibn Anas said: The Prophet (SA) said: “Oh Anas, help me prepare for ablution.” Then he got up and prayed two-unit prayer, then he said, “Oh Anas, the first person who will enter from that door is Ameerul Momineen and the Master of the messengers, and قائد الغر المحجلين (the Leader of the Resplendent) and the Seal of Successors.” That person was none other than Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS)!
Hence, it is not appropriate to use that title even to the other Infallible Imams from the sons of Ali, including Imam Hasan who actually became Caliph after his father. That is because attaining the position of Caliphate is not the criteria for being named Ameerul Momineen even though the person may be infallible such as Imam Hasan (AS).
This title is unique only to Ali and no one can share that title with him. The great scholar Ibn Tawoos has actually written a book called Al Yaqeen Bi Ikhtisaas Mawlana Ali Bi Emrat Al Momineen (Faith in the uniqueness of Mawla Ali with the title of Ameerul Momineen) which aims to verify the specialization of Ali with this title.
In fact, there is an interesting story where the title of “Ameerul Momineen” was granted officially to Ali. It is narrated by one of the close companions of the Prophet (SA), Hudaifah ibn Al Yaman, as cited in Irshad Al Qulub, that in his conversation with a lad he said: “O lad, since you asked and wanted to investigate, then listen and understand what I am going to tell you. As for those caliphs who were before Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), who were called Ameerul Momineen; the people called them by that title.
But Ali ibn Abi Talib was called with this name by Archangel Gabriel (AS). It was an order from the Prophet (SA) who bore witness of Gabriel’s (AS) salutation to Ali by the title of Ameerul Momineen, and the companions (Sahaba) of the Prophet were calling Ali (AS) with the title of Ameer Al-Momineen during the life and presence of the Prophet (SA).”
The Lad said: “Tell us how this came to be, may Allah have mercy on you.”
Hudhayfah answered: “The people used to enter upon the Prophet (SA) whenever they wanted. The Prophet (SA) then prohibited them from entering upon him while he was in meeting with Dihyatul Kalbi. The Prophet (SA) used to exchange letters with Caesar and Bani Hanifah and the kings of Bani Ghassau through him (Dihya). Jibrael (AS) would sometimes descend to the Prophet (SA in the image of Dihya. Therefore, the Prophet (SA prohibited the Muslims from entering upon him, if he was in meeting with Dihya.”
Hudhayfah added, “One day I came to the Prophet (SA) for some matter hoping to meet him alone. When I arrived at the door, I looked and found a curtain covering the door. I raised it and was about to enter. That’s what we were accustomed to do. Then I saw Dihya sitting beside the Prophet (SA) who was sleeping and his head was on the lap of Dihya. When I saw that, I left. Then I met Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) on my way. He said, ‘Oh Ibn Al Yaman, where did you just come from?’ I answered him and said, ‘I wanted to enter but I found Dihya with him.’
I asked Ali’s help with the matter I had wanted to speak with the Prophet (SA). Then Imam Ali (AS) suggested me to come back with him. So I returned back with him and when we arrived at the door of the Prophet (SA), I sat beside the door and Imam Ali (AS) lifted the curtain. He entered and greeted. Then I heard Dihya reply and say, ‘And peace be upon you O Ameerul Momineen and Allah’s blessings and mercy be upon you.’ Then Dihya told him, ‘Sit down and take the head of your brother and cousin from my lap, for you are the most deserving of him than other people.’ So Imam Ali (AS) sat and took the head of the Prophet (SA), placed it on his lap, and Dihya then left the house.
Then Imam Ali (AS) asked me to enter so I entered and sat down. Soon after that, the Prophet (SA) woke up and he smiled when he saw the face of Imam Ali (AS). Then he told him, ‘Oh Abul Hasan, from whose lap did you take my head?’ Ali answered, ‘From the lap of Dihyatul Kalbi.’ Then the Prophet (SA) replied, ‘This was Gabriel (AS). So what did you tell him when you entered and what did he tell you?’
Imam Ali (AS) answered, ‘I entered and said Assalamu Alaikum and he answered Wa alaika assalam O Ameer Al-Momineen, and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.’ Then the Prophet (SA) said, ‘O Ali, the angels of Allah and the dwellers of His heaven have greeted you by the title of Ameer Al-Momineen even before the dwellers of the earth. O Ali, Gabriel (AS) did that by orders from Allah, Glory be to Him. And Gabriel (AS) has revealed to me from my Lord before you entered that I impose it upon the people. And I will do that God-willing.’”
“The next day, the Prophet (SA) sent me (Hudhayfah) to Fadak for some matter. I stayed there for some days. Then I came back and I found the people saying that the Prophet (SA) had ordered them to greet Ali by the title of Ameerul Momineen and that Jibrael had ordered him from Allah (SWT) to do so. When I heard that, I said to the people that the Prophet (SA) had spoken the truth and that I heard Jibrael (AS) greet Imam Ali (AS) using the title Ameerul Momineen and I narrated to them the whole story. (Irshad Al Qulub)
Unfortunately, the title of “Ameer Al Momineen” was used instead of the term “Caliph of the Prophet” after Umar ibn Al Khattab ordered that the latter be replaced with the former. It is sad to note that as with other rights of Imam Ali (AS) that was confiscated unjustly, some of his unique titles were also stolen such as “Ameerul Momineen” and used by others who are not worthy of that title.
Hazrat Hudafayah(R.A) was secret bearer of prophet (P.B.U.H) ... he was also the one who knew the people who try to assassinate Prophet(M.P.U.H).

From your article:

“The Prophet (SA) said to me, O Ali You are Ameerul Momineen and the leader of the pious, O Ali you are chief of the successors and heirs of the Prophets and the best of the truthful (sidiqeen).


Ridiculous lies. May Allah curse those who fabricated sayings and attributed it to RasoolAllah. Ali is just person below Prophets. And you should focus on Allah, or God, our Lord, who created us and guided the Prophets. Without our Lord, son of Adam is lost and falls into destruction. The Prophet's paths are very clear, every single one was curious of his Lord and worshipping him alone, and loving him. They never had focus or fixation on anyone besides God.
From your article:

“The Prophet (SA) said to me, O Ali You are Ameerul Momineen and the leader of the pious, O Ali you are chief of the successors and heirs of the Prophets and the best of the truthful (sidiqeen).


Ridiculous lies. May Allah curse those who fabricated sayings and attributed it to RasoolAllah. Ali is just person below Prophets. And you should focus on Allah, or God, our Lord, who created us and guided the Prophets. Without our Lord, son of Adam is lost and falls into destruction. The Prophet's paths are very clear, every single one was curious of his Lord and worshipping him alone, and loving him. They never had focus or fixation on anyone besides God.
So Now you are guaranteeing your word as authority? Who are you Mr? Just by using some rant ain't gonna work. Proof my friend . You are calling Hudufah(R.A) a liar? He is the secret bearer of prophet that mean he wouldn't lie. I SHOULD BELIEVE YOU OVER COMPANION OF PROPHET? You are out of your mind and being emotional too emotional.
Just like Hilal e Pakistan given to Joe Biden is no match for Nishant e Haider received by Col Sher khan.
One is complimentary given for politic purpose while other is given to only few honored ones by an have honored institution.
Same way anyone can be Amir ul muslimeen or Khalif e muslimeen but please
Momin is different category don't treat it like any other category among us.
I claim to be a muslim I don't if I'm momin because only Allah knows. Now I ask everyone or anyone who thinks he is momin and have proof bring it and step up and claim yourself as momin. Then we will decide about Amir.
On day of khayber Prophet said tomorrow I will get ve All to someone who loves Allah and his prophet dearly and Allah and his prophet loves him dearly.
Guess who got that all and which personality admired this person the victor of khayber.
So there you have a statement from prophet that Allah and his prophet loves him dearly .
Now any of you who have little a jaleousy or doubt read it yourself and measure your own souls to that and you will find out no one in history of man kind was given this not even prophets were told that Allah and his last prophet loves him dearly . Gotta be something about him.
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what does persian cult want them to be called?
Ask a Persian when you meet one in person.
I'm not Persian. I'm from Kashmir far far away from Persian. Karachi Lahore and peshawar are closer to Persian.
I follow Holy book of Allah not of a book some arab wrote some centuries later or a Persian in like ve with cult values nor do I follow cults. I'm free thinking muslim who throw the truth on the face of a lie. And liars have nothing to respond with other than tanay of some nation.
Ask a Persian when you meet one in person.
I'm not Persian. I'm from Kashmir far far away from Persian. Karachi Lahore and peshawar are closer to Persian.
I follow Holy book of Allah not of a book some arab wrote some centuries later or a Persian in like ve with cult values nor do I follow cults. I'm free thinking muslim who throw the truth on the face of a lie. And liars have nothing to respond with other than tanay of some nation.
okay persian cult boy! nice try!
Ask a Persian when you meet one in person.
I'm not Persian. I'm from Kashmir far far away from Persian. Karachi Lahore and peshawar are closer to Persian.
I follow Holy book of Allah not of a book some arab wrote some centuries later or a Persian in like ve with cult values nor do I follow cults. I'm free thinking muslim who throw the truth on the face of a lie. And liars have nothing to respond with other than tanay of some nation.
okay persian cult boy! nice try!
okay persian cult boy! nice try!

okay persian cult boy! nice try!
So now you have nothing to say then poke your nose in subject that you have nothing to input?
Are you habitually a nose poker in stuff that you have no knowledge off .
Again any real stuff or just being a newb3e to this kind of knowledge?
So now you have nothing to say then poke your nose in subject that you have nothing to input?
Are you habitually a nose poker in stuff that you have no knowledge off .
Again any real stuff or just being a newb3e to this kind of knowledge?
just enjoy trolling Persian cult boys thats all!
just enjoy trolling Persian cult boys thats all!
Troll ended up being trolled how funny
I can be Persian if you say then same rules apply I call you Yazidi may this be a proud title for you and your kind yazeedi now distribute sweets.😛
Troll ended up being trolled how funny
I can be Persian if you say then same rules apply I call you Yazidi may this be a proud title for you and your kind yazeedi now distribute sweets.😛
or i couldbe cult leader from persia!

idk what persia label you use for him!

follow me dont preach bro!
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