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America’s interventions in Bangladesh’s politics hurt the interests of India and regional peace

The premise of this whole thread is based on the US wanting a base in Bangladesh.

When did the US even want a base in Bangladesh to begin with?
But why will we even think of ATTACKING our protectorate?? :coffee:

India already attacked Bangladesh sovereignty and Bangladeshis are sustaining indian attack as we speak. As usual indian sharp tongue deception can not compensate for reality in open view.

When did the US even want a base in Bangladesh to begin with?

You need to go back to indian govt and ask that question. Because, that is the lie indians trying to use with Chinese.
The premise of this whole thread is based on the US wanting a base in Bangladesh.

When did the US even want a base in Bangladesh to begin with?

No I think Subir Bhowmik just added that for effect. The real intent of the article is to dissuade the US from toppling the AL. In fact the article attempts to make comparisons with the situation in Ukraine.
Imagine Jamaatis running towards caves to hide from American drones.....Oh wait! there are no caves in Bangladesh...:woot::sarcastic:

Don't worry, we are more tactical that running into caves. We have our lungis, we can turn it into a rope and swing the trees.
I don't understand this........Muslim majority countries first Invite America......then they start complaining when the 'mericans start killing them.....
America wants to replace moderate BAL with extremist BNP so that they can start 'droning' Bangladesh(in the name of 'war-on-terror') once these extremists show their true colour............just a 'foot-hold gaining' tactics, if you ask me......

Don't worry about it.

We want stinky Indian and it's pimps out of our land.

None is in doubt that the US is keen on a regime change in Dhaka and wants the BNP to replace the Awami League in power. Mozena has made no secret of that so far. Many suspect the US may find Khaleda Zia willing to offer the US a base in the Bay of Bengal, which Hasina never will. Neither will India.” Subir Bhaumik

Indian has been looting Bd for last 7 year through BAL. I think people of Bd should take the matter in to their own had and uproot this cult for that land for good. BAL is cursed to Bangladeshi people.
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No one has to play in Bangladesh. If the Indians left us alone then there would not be all this trouble. India wants to control and dominate the region so as to keep out everyone else.

If SriLanka can kicked out Indian terrorists from their land then I do not see Indian and it's domestic servant Hasna's for long. People of Bangladesh will do this noble act sooner than later. Indians are coward and sneaky by default.
India already attacked Bangladesh sovereignty and Bangladeshis are sustaining indian attack as we speak. As usual indian sharp tongue deception can not compensate for reality in open view.

You need to go back to indian govt and ask that question. Because, that is the lie indians trying to use with Chinese.

If its a lie then why bother with opening a thread to begin with? where did china come into the picture? you lot have fertile imaginations.
None is in doubt that the US is keen on a regime change in Dhaka and wants the BNP to replace the Awami League in power. Mozena has made no secret of that so far. Many suspect the US may find Khaleda Zia willing to offer the US a base in the Bay of Bengal, which Hasina never will. Neither will India.” Subir Bhaumik

For more on the historical animosity between India and the United States over Bangladesh read The India Doctrine –

The India Doctrine (1947-2007) | Mohammad Munshi - Academia.edu

America’s interventions in Bangladesh’s politics hurt the interests of India and regional peace

Subir Bhaumik

Economic Times - 24 March, 2014

In Bangladesh, the US is back to rattling the present government headed by Sheikh Hasina. Subdued for a while after India, China and Russia joined hands to support the re-elected Sheikh Hasina government, the US is reminding Dhaka it is not business as usual after the January 5 polls.

US ambassador in Dhaka Dan Mozena has met Opposition BNP chief Khaleda Zia several times and told the media that the US supports the Bangladesh people in their quest for democracy.

Mozena insisted on an immediate dialogue on "how to hold elections fairly" to be followed by fresh polls that are "credible and inclusive". Hasina's foreign policy adviser Gowher Rizvi has described these calls for fresh elections as destabilising the situation that the January 5 polls help stabilise. Mozena's fusillade coincided with a Senate foreign relations hearing on Bangladesh, on the day Mozena met Khaleda Zia. It was titled Prospects for Democratic Reconciliation and Workers' Rights in Bangladesh.

Senior US labour department officials told the committee that Bangladesh has not done enough to improve labour rights and safety standards — so Washington should hold back on resuming the Generalised System of Preferences for 5,000 Bangladesh products that was cancelled in June last year after 1,100 ready-made garment factory workers died in the illfated Rana Plaza collapse.

Eric Biel, the acting associate deputy undersecretary at the US labour department, admitted that there were indications of progress in some areas of the US action plan for the Bangladesh garment industry — but much more needed to be done, specially in allowing workers to form unions.

Senator Robert Menendez, who heads the Senate committee, said only around 100 unions have registered so far with only 40,000 workers in its fold, of the total three million garment industry workers in the country. He said factory owners, like government, needed to appreciate that "it was difficult to sell clothing if it's on the blood of the workers". And Menendez was quick to warn, "Any progress we make on labour issues is taking place in a very tenuous political environment."

Hurting the Poor Millions

The Senate hearing took to task the Hasina government for ousting Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus as managing director of the Grameen Bank. One senator described it as a "crass political move to punish him in some way and sadly to punish millions of people who depend on that bank to survive". US assistant secretary of state for south and central Asia Nisha Biswal echoed that sentiment saying Yunus' ouster was a matter of "deep shame".

Around the same time, the US-based IRI released findings of its public opinion poll in Bangladesh, that suggested most Bangladeshis were unsure of their future on account of "lack of political stability". In the latest survey, 59% said the country was headed in the wrong direction, compared to only 35% who reported they felt the country was headed in the right direction.

In particular, a majority are also pessimistic about the economy, with 60% saying they believed it would get worse in the year ahead. The numbers were even higher concerning the issue of violence, as 71% said they believed it would worsen in the upcoming year.

This survey was funded by the United States Agency for International Development and the UK's Department for International Development. So, though the US State Department says it will work with the Hasina-led government and not cut back on development assistance, it is clear Washington will push Dhaka very hard for fresh elections.

None is in doubt that the US is keen on a regime change in Dhaka and wants the BNP to replace the Awami League in power. Mozena has made no secret of that so far. Many suspect the US may find Khaleda Zia willing to offer the US a base in the Bay of Bengal, which Hasina never will. Neither will India.


When the US pushes for fresh elections in Bangladesh and plays the Generalised System of Preferences card to threaten its exports, it is likely to find support from the EU and the Commonwealth.

The pressure will increase if the BNP, which boycotted the parliament elections, does well in the Upa-zilla polls that are now taking place in several phases.

Dhaka Dialling Delhi

This is when India is busy with its parliament elections. If it ends in a fractured mandate and there's a weak government in Delhi, India will be uncertain about facing US pressures in the neighbourhood.

West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee's hostility towards the present regime in Dhaka makes the scene more complicated and raises questions on Delhi's policy towards the Hasina government if Banerjee were to become an important factor in a ruling coalition that may be clubbed together after the polls. Hasina has gone out of her way to address India's security and connectivity concerns in the east during her last five years in power. Leaving her to face the inevitable US wrath would do India no good.

America’s interventions in Bangladesh’s politics hurt the interests of India and regional peace - Page2 - The Economic Times

Currently USA got bigger fish to fry , it seems that Allah is favoring Sheik Hasina at the moment :lol:.
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Currently USA got bigger fish to fry , it seems that Allah is favoring Sheik Hasina at the moment :lol:.

The US will find time to fry the small fish eventually and when that happens the hatred and rage against Hasina will wipe out the AL for good.
A US presence is a must for the nation, I do not trust any nation, a US presence will promote competition and a better free market.
No I think Subir Bhowmik just added that for effect. The real intent of the article is to dissuade the US from toppling the AL. In fact the article attempts to make comparisons with the situation in Ukraine.
how would this article dissuade the americans from toppling haseena? the us india relations has hit rock bottom, i feel Subhir Bhumik is trying to get support in Delhi and the economic times is the WSJ of India, policymakers and rich people of India tend to read it.
how would this article dissuade the americans from toppling haseena? the us india relations has hit rock bottom, i feel Subhir Bhumik is trying to get support in Delhi and the economic times is the WSJ of India, policymakers and rich people of India tend to read it.

Since Subir Bhomik is a closely associated with RAW and the Indian military it is a signal to the US not to mess around in Bangladesh.
The premise of this whole thread is based on the US wanting a base in Bangladesh.

When did the US even want a base in Bangladesh to begin with?

The wanted a military cooperation agreement called SOFA which the Indians vehemently objected to during the last BJP government ...
Even Munshi knows deep in his heart that what we do is ultimately for his own good. Its tough love. If left to their own stupidity, BD will become another Pakistan. The bangladeshis certainly don't want that.

You are welcome fellers...
Even Munshi knows deep in his heart that what we do is ultimately for his own good. Its tough love. If left to their own stupidity, BD will become another Pakistan. The bangladeshis certainly don't want that.

You are welcome fellers...

That is very patronizing but typical of Big Brother ...
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