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American-Jewish Barbarians, Genocide of Iranians Planned

Humanity Must Unite against Wars Imperialism Racism Fascism Nazism Genocide by following Countries

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Nov 15, 2013
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In this year (2013), the West tries to make people hate the West! As the wise Iranians say: “the West openly defends mass spying, watching people, and controlling and corrupting science and scientists! [...] The anti-Iranian Front, ie the United Barbarians, has lost its mind. Now the Jewish-American Barbarians openly ask for Genocide of Iranians! As the mass media reports: ‘Sheldon Adelson says the US should fire Atomic Bomb at Iran. On 22 Oct 2013, and in an event in New York City at Yeshiva University, Sheldon Adelson said: the US should fire an atomic bomb into Tehran, and Iran should be ‘wiped out’. This [public incitement to genocide] made global headlines and lit up the blogosphere’. Sheldon Adelson is a Jewish-American barbarian that the US media calls him a Billionaire or a Casino Mongol ! But it’s funny that Sheldon Adelson said barbaric things in an American university, and his barbaric comments were met with applause by the audience! As the media reports: ‘Jews, US ambassadors, US Senators, and the others on the panel – including Pulitzer-prize winning journalists- didn’t object to Adelson’s barbaric idea‘ ! (Oct 2013)”. Unfortunately, Barbarians and savage retards control the West, while most Westerners are not bad guys. Now average westerners put comments and say: “Just compares how viewers would react if an Iranian threatened such aggression .. A Jew urging genocide of Iranians in a Jewish campus and in front of an American crowd and gets applauded ?! .. It shows that Jews are barbarians .. Adelson says his America wipe Iran off the map. He urged the US attack Iran with nuke! But what is most disturbing is the applause. Are all Americans/ Jews [barbarians]?! .. I was shaking after watching the audience applaud Adelson’s barbaric threat to kill millions. Is America a barbarian country? .. Hitler was
. [Savage Jews] deserve annihilation” (Oct 2013). Adelson’s crap and the public backlash against it are big news. Some of the US mass media covered it [*], but almost all British mass media, including the Guardian, censored such big news! We should write more about the UK and its mass media that are censoring all important news of Iran. But as the wise Iranians say: “the British media is the worst Orwellian media in history. British Lies and British Censorship go beyond Orwell’s imagination [...] But the UK is so stupid. Now, the Guardian and UK censor everything and support Rouhani/ Mullahs by censorship and big lies, but they just prove that Rouhani is nothing but a British spy! [...] Now the Brits and Jews both act like savage retards. The Jewish Rabbis say: ‘[As Adelson said] an atomic bomb should be fired into an Iranian desert, and then we should threaten to fire an atomic bomb into Tehran. US must go to extremes to ensure that Iran never gets a nuke’ ! (25 Oct 2013) The Jewish Barbarians have low IQs. They love Genocide & Barbarism, because their Jewish Bible praises Genocide and Racism. But all normal humans hate such barbaric things”. Iranians, the world and history will never forget these days, the Barbarian West, Jewish Barbarians, their public incitement to genocide, their anti-Iranian Racism, their anti-Iran Barbarism, and the 2013 scandals. In these days, the wise Iranians are angry, and say: “Jewish-American Barbarians are showing that the West and Jews are savage retards/ monsters, and the only thing they understand is Force and Nuke. If you use Adelson’s words, you can say: So there’s an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of a [US] desert, that doesn’t hurt a soul. And then you say, ‘See! The next one is in the middle of [Washington] ! So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and (eat shit) ! [Applause]‘ ! or ‘So there’s an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of the [I-s-raeli] desert, that just hurts [a few pigs]. And then you say, See! The next one is in the middle of [Tel Aviv] !’ All Jewish barbaric comments in these years and this fact that Jews openly threaten others with Nuke & Genocide, prove two things: (1) all nations have every right to threaten Jews with nukes, and Jews deserve annihilation (2)Iran must have nukes, and Iranians/ good guys must clear the world form barbarians [...] Sheldon Adelson looks like an ugly pig. But all savage Jews who love Genocide, and say: ‘Nuking Tehran is good, but it wouldn’t advance our interests’ !, are savage pigs, not humans. They all deserve annihilation”.


The mass media reports: “Mondoweiss.net recorded Adelson’s speech. In this video, Adelson suggests that instead of diplomacy, we should nuke Iran!”. But as some wise Iranians say: “Sheldon Adelson is a stupid Barbarian, but those Jews/ Americans who applaud Adelson are worse than him. In the 21st century, such public incitement to genocide just proves that the West and Jews are still Barbarians”. In these days, as the wise Iranians say: “you can easily see who is anti-Iranian, who is anti-Civilization, who is anti-Humanity, and who is spy or bad guy. The Western Barbarians are showing their true faces. But they also reveal the truth about the so-called Activists/ Journalists in Exile. Now you can understand why most Iranians say: the anti-Iranian media like BBC, VOA, Gooya, Rooz, Balatarin, Kaleme, etc are actually the CIA/ MI6 media’. These bastards censor Adelson’s news and all big news. But it’s not the whole story. In 2012 and 2013, what pigs like Hooshang HassanYari, Masoud Behnoud and other anti-Iranian spies say is like Adelson’s barbaric jokes. Now it’s clear that pigs like Masoud Behnoud, Ebrahim Nabavi, Akbar Gajni, Pahlavists, Khatamists and all ‘Activists/ Journalists in Exile’, are nothing but a bunch of anti-Iranian spies/ stooges”. In these days, the educated Iranians say: ‘Sheldon Adelson is an anti-Iranian Barbarian. But who is more anti-Iranian, Adelson or AN? AN ! And who is more anti-Iranian, Adelson or Rouhani ?! Rouhani just obeys the IMF, tells big lies, and tries to hurt Iranian people, who ask him: ‘Do something to sue AN/ Basijis for horrible corruptions. Do something to bring down the prices of foods, housing, car, dollar, etc. People want freedom and welfare. Stop implementing IMF Plans/ Enemy’s plans’. But what is this British Rouhani doing?!”. As some wise Iranians say: “UK and Mullahs try to prove that Rouhani is a British Spy! What they say about IMF Plans (cutting subsidies, Rial, etc) are stupid lies. Now even taxi drivers say: Dorogh Migan, Mesle Sag! (They tell big lies, like stupid dogs/ pigs!). In 2012, AN said: we want to raise the price of Dollar by 300%. But this %300 increase in our revenues belongs to people, and we will pay each person his/ her share (~ $100 per month)!‘. But now Rouhani’s team say to people: ‘We will not pay your share of that 300% increase in dollar price; we even want to cut what AN paid you ($15)!’ They actually say: We are worse than AN! [...] $15 for all Iranians is just equal to $12 billions per year, while just one Basiji faggot (Zanjani) has embezzled $12+ billions! (AN and his friends have embezzled over $400 billions; with this money you can pay all Iranians $15 for 35 years!) Now it’s clear that IMF Plan (cutting subsidies) was a disastrous economic coup. But the Mullah Parliament says: ‘The government should have the courage to state that IMF Plan has failed and that the payments ($15) will be discontinued to all citizens‘ ! (Oct 2013) Islamists have low IQs, but Iranians say: ‘Mullahs must confess that IMF Plan (subsidy reform) has failed and all prices will restore to prices in 2010, before implementing IMF plan‘. In these days, only the UK/ CIA media like the Guardian and Al-Monitor defend Rouhani. For instance, they say: ‘[In Iran] average citizens would appreciate more [IMF plans] if they are communicated appropriately’ ! (Oct 2013) These stupid CIA/ MI6 agents just show you who is behind Rouhani”. They also add: “The Guardian and UK Media are worse than the Mullah media. Do you remember what they said about ‘Rouhani’s trip to New York, and his return to Iran (in Sep 2013)’? UK/ US media said: A huge crowd of Rouhani’s supporters welcomed him! But this huge crowd was nothing but about 100 whores who were bussed to the airport! In Sep 2013, Iranians put comments and said: ‘About 100 Basiji faggots shouting ‘Death to USA’, and 100 Islamic whores shouting ‘Thank you Rouhani’! But the UK/ US media referred to them as a huge crowd or a larger group of Rouhani’s supporters! .. the West says 100 to 200 faggots are ‘a large group’, because all puppets of the West only have such a large group of supporters in Iran! .. Since when 100 whores are a huge crowd?! .. 75,000,000 people live in Iran, and 74,000,000 people hate AN, Rouhani, Mullahs and UK, but 74,000,000 people is not a large group, according to the British logic! In the UK/ US logic, 100 or 200 whores is a large group! .. In New York, Americans didn’t ask Mullahs/ Rouhani even one question about Human Rights! .. UK and US are the main enemies of Democracy and Progress in Iran and the world .. ABC, NBC, PBS, CNN, BBC, Guardian, etc love Rouhani and Janati, but hate Freedom and Democracy .. Mullahs/ Islamists just desire to ape the UK like monkeys and that’s why the UK loves them’ (Sep 2013)”. As the wise Iranians say: “The West acts like a bad retard. They censor this fact that Mullahs obey the IMF and praise the fall of Rial. But they say: ‘Iran sanctions are really hurting .. sanctions have brought Iran’s economy to its knees .. their economy is in real trouble, said William Luers, director of The Iran Project‘ ! (CSMonitor, 16 Oct 2013). They also add: ‘Iran has enough cash on hand .. Iranians [can] use their other option, which is to rebuild their economy‘ ! Their paradoxical lies and their Iran Projects are laughable [...] The ugly, stupid pigs like Adelson are not important. The main Enemy of Iran is the UK, the Jewish CIA and their anti-Iranian stooges”.


In these days, many things are informative. As some Iranians say: “The Mullah media censored Adelson’s anti-Iran comments!, and proved many things”. And the wise Iranians say: “In October 2013, Gary Sick, one of the sick supporters of the Mullah regime, went to Carnegie Council and made good confessions. Carnegie Council said: ‘Sick served on the National Security Council under three presidents -Ford, Carter, and Reagan’. And Sick added: ‘I’ve been living with this whole business of US-Iran relations since 1977‘. As many know, Sick and his boss Brzizenski, are known as the Architects of the Mullah regime. And now Sick says: ‘The Shah had forces in Lebanon supporting the Shia of southern Lebanon in his day‘ ! In fact, he confess that when the Shah started to care about Iran’s national interests, and wanted to have nukes, presence in Lebanon, etc the US and the UK tried to topple him. As many say: ‘Imam Mousa Sader was sent to Lebanon by the Shah’. Sadr was Imam, the most popular Shia leader. But in 1979, he was suddenly kidnapped/ killed! [...] Just ask yourself: When Jews attacked Lebanon? After toppling Shah, killing Sadr, and weakening Iran. Sick made good confessions at Carnegie Council. Sick said: ‘ [Now even] Jewish Americans think that AhmadiNejad [AN] was a M-o-s-s-ad agent, and he was actually working for I-s-rael‘ ! (Oct 2013) Now even non-Iranians say AN was a Jewish spy! Now what Rouhani, Zarif, and all Mullahs do/ say just has one meaning: ‘they actually confess that AN served the Zionist interests’. All Iranians are aware of this stupid Mullah retreat (180 degrees change), that just reminds you of the ‘Onions & Sticks’ story. Mullahs retreat and make concessions, but it just disgraces/ discredits them! [...] If they really want to correct their big mistakes, they must apologize to people, and should have the courage to state that the real Sedition (Fetneh) was AN and his supporters. Repeating old lies is not Solution. We all know what the Left, the Jewish CIA, and Islamists said about AN and anti-AN candidates in 2009. But now they say: ‘Rouhani, first of all, tried to identify himself as a sort of anti-AhmadiNejad’ ! (Oct 2013) Now they confess: ‘[AN] was a disaster for Iran’ or ‘AN was a Jewish spy’ (Oct 2013) But it’s exactly what Iranians said in 2009 and past years. Even the stupid Karoubi/ Mousavi said such things. But what Mullahs, the Left and the Jewish CIA did/ said in 2009?”. They also add: “Islamists have always served the West’s interests. Most of them are anti-Iranians [...] Iranians don’t aid the West or Iran’s enemies. The Jewish CIA (Leveretts, Sick, Chomsky, etc) love AN and Islamists, because of destroying Iran and Iran’s image. Now Sick says: ‘Nobody likes Iranians; people fear or hate Iranians, just because of the image that has been created‘ ! (Oct 2013) In fact, Sick confesses that AN, Mullahs and Islamists who hurt/ torture Iranians and attack Iranian Civilization and Iranian values like Tolerance are actually serving the West’s interests by destroying Iran’s image [...] Now Rouhani and his stupid cabinet lick the *** of IMF, tell big lies, insult the people’s intelligence, and act like retards. Apparently they want to prove that Rouhani is a British spy, and British spies are worse than Jewish spies (AN)! Now almost all Iranians are cursing Rouhani. But pigs like Sick and Chomsky praise Rouhani and Khatamists (Ganji, etc). Sick says: ‘Ganji was
. Khamenei is a super-pragmatist .. Khamenei and his power is not the kind of thing that you think of a Stalin or Saddam’ ! (Oct 2013) Relations between the Jewish CIA and Khatamists are funny [...] Just ask yourself: When did the US and its puppet (Saddam) attack Iran? After toppling the Shah, and when the anti-Iranian Islamists (ie Khatamists like Abdi, Hajarian, Ganji, Asgharzadeh, etc) attacked the US embassy and gave the US an excuse to attack Iran. The anti-Iranian Islamists betrayed people in 2009 and said: We are Brake Pedals! But these spies/ stooges have always been ‘Brake Pedals’ in the path of Progress and Democracy in Iran. In 1997-2004, they were Brake Pedals and betrayed Iran and Iranians (pigs/ spies like Asgharzadeh even said: Tehran doesn’t need Metro! Iran should not have the metro system!) [...] Gary Sick says: ‘[It's good that] Iran is one of the biggest importers of grain – and ours wheat, rice, etc’ ! (Oct 2013) He actually confesses to the truth of what Iranians already said: ‘AN just aids the West/ IMF in destroying Iran’s national product. AN and Islamists just serve the West’s interests’. Now the West confesses that Iranians are not stupid. Now Carnegie Council’s guys say: ‘Persian Civilization is very old and very sophisticated, a great civilization. The educated Iranians are more sophisticated than Americans‘ (Oct 2013). They confess that Iranians are wiser/ smarter than their Western counterparts, because everyone who reads Iranian websites or listens to Iranian people, can see the truth. Now the Western mass media has headlines like: ‘Iran Outwits the US’ (20 Oct 2013) and says: ‘ Iran understands the West far, far better than the West understands Iran. Iranians know the West well. They have studied the West culturally, historically, religiously and linguistically. Iranians know the Achilles heel of the West’ ! They read what Iranian people say, and that’s why they confess: Iranians are far, far better/ smarter than the West. Now even idiots say: ‘Iranians are not stupid; Iranians support whichever side the bad guys (UK, Jewish CIA, lefts, etc) don’t support’ ! But the bad guys still support Rouhani, because Rouhani tells big lies and defends hyperinflation, the fall of Rial, IMF Plans, and anti-Iranian policies! Now Rouhani’s cabinet openly say: Hyperinflation, the fall of Rial, and high prices of Car, Foods, etc are good! Now all Iranians laugh at Rouhani. If he really implements IMF Plans (cut $15, etc) and other anti-Iran policies, Rouhani will be a hateful figure worse than AhmadiNejad (AN). Rouhani is free to prove that he is a British spy [...] But we care about Iran. Now Iran’s enemies will be happy to see big riots and civil war in Iran, and Rouhani just tries to make Iran’s enemies happy [...] Now Iran’s enemies confess: ‘[Our sanctions are stupid] Any sanctions relief at all would lead to the quick crumbling of the entire sanctions program .. Many countries, and many companies, are eager to see the sanctions disintegrate‘ ! (Bloomberg, Oct 2013) Iran’s enemies are in deep shit, and that’s why Adelson and Jewish barbarians have confused. Now only Iran’s regime (Rouhani, Islamists, retards in Mullah Parliament, etc) can aid Iran’s enemies. If instead of stopping IMF Plans, they continue to obey the IMF, they just prove that Rouhani, all Mullahs and all Islamists are puppets of Iran’s enemies”.


As the wise Iranians say: “Now the western media has headlines like ‘I-s-rael and Arab States in Secret Talks over Iran ! (Oct 2013) In fact, they show that ‘Bad Jews and Bad Arabs are the same shits, and deserve each other’. The anti-Iran Jews/ Arabs (ie savage Se-m-i-t-es) are sworn enemies of goodness, decency, and Iranian values (aka human values) . When the West’s media talks about ‘Se-m-ite states, I-s-rael and Saudi Arabia’ and their collaborations! (Oct 2013), they actually show you why Iranian people say: ‘**** you Palestine, **** you Arabs, **** you Jewish pigs’. Hamas and Palestinians aided Saddam in the Iraq war against Iran. And now the collaborations between Arab pigs and Jewish pigs reveal the truth of Sem[..] (Jews and Arabs are Sem[..]; but Iran is the land of Aryans)”. Iranians know the British tactic of “Divide and Rule”, and as the wise Iranians say: “Iranians have no problem with the good Jews and the good Arabs, who hate pigs like Adelson, Jewish fanatics, Islamists and Arab dictators. Iranians are friends and supporters of all good guys in all around the world. It’s part of the Iranian Culture. For thousands of years, Tolerance, kindness and goodness has been part of the Iranian culture, and that’s why many refer to Iran as the Home of Human values, or the birthplace of Tolerance/ Human Rights. But unfortunately, the bad guys and barbarians have always fought against the cradle of civilization (Iran) and Iranian values”. We have already written the savage Semi[..] in posts like “Jewish Fanatics, Jewish Theocracy”, “Who is Afraid of Iran and Iranian Legacy?” or “Iranian Legacy Confuses Arab Locust Eaters” (check Archive). As many know, Iranian Muslims are not Islamists. Iranian Muslims care about Iranian traditions, not Arabian/ Jewish traditions. (For more info, check Archive for “Iranian Mindset: God, Deep Humanity, Tolerance”) As the wise Iranians say: “Islamists are anti-Iranian and pro-Arab (Arab-parast). Their God is a Jewish God, ie the god of war, brutality, barbarism, slavery, etc. But Iranian Muslims [are not Islamists]. Iranian God is the god of love, kindness, tolerance, friendship, good deeds, good wills, etc. All Barbarians, and also those who have a Jewish God, are anti-Iranian and hate Iranian values like Tolerance, Goodness, Kindness, etc. And now these Forces of Evil try to present a united front against Iran. But they cannot unite. They hate each other! Friendship, Trust, etc belong to our tribe, ie the tribe of good guys. In the tribe of bad guys, the West, Jews, Arabs, etc just try to **** & hurt each other! the US is spying on EU! Jews kill Arabs, Arabs kill Westerns, and the West kills Jews and Arabs! Who created the Holocaust?! the West. Who has ‘Pedar Koshtegi’ (deep hatred) towards Jews and say: ‘Jews killed Jesus’? the West. The West, Jews, Arabs, etc deserve each other [...] It’s funny that the CIA and pigs like Rohrabacher try to use the stupid Turks/ Arabs/ Jews/ Islamists to hurt Iran! Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), who introduced a resolution to create separatism in Iran, is one of the top detractor of the Green Movement. As their media say: ‘Rohrabacher worked as a speechwriter and presidential adviser in the Reagan White House‘. Dana Rohrabacher is a close friend to Jack Abramoff ! It’s funny that Abramoff had two close friends, congressmen Bob Ney and Rohrabacher, who both are members of the CIA and the anti-Iran or pro-Mullah Lobby in the US! [..] Now the CIA pigs like Rohrabacher openly defend the savage Turks, the savage Arabs, and the Islamist-Marxist terrorists (MEK)”. We should write more about this American faggot, Dana Rohrabacher. But it’s sadly funny that crooks and barbarians like Adelson and Rohrabacher control the US. As the wise Iranians say: “Now Gary Sick and the US system say: the Mullah regime is the 21-Century Island of Stability ! (Oct 2013) And it just reminds you of what they said in 1978: the Shah regime is the 20-Century Island of Stability !. Now many things are laughable. Now the US/ UK media say: Rohani has strengthened the position of the Sick-Brzezinski side of US foreign policy’ ! (Oct 2013) Now Basijis say: ‘We were fooled; they played with us; they used us; Mullahs and Great Satan are closed friends’! Now even NYTimes reports: ‘[Basijis say:] ‘We must hold on to ‘Death to America’; otherwise, our revolution will be lost’. Anti-Americanism is an important part of the Islamic regime’s ideology/ legitimacy. A poll conducted in 2003 showed that most people favored establishing ties with America. But the pollsters were jailed! [But now after the US-backed 2009 coup, and when Iranians hate Obama and his USA] Rouhani wants to [publish fake polls] on this issue’ ! (19 Oct 2013) Now pigs like Sheldon Adelson proves that Zionism = Nazism, and Iran’s enemies = stupid Barbarians. But if Rouhani continues his current anti-Iranian/ IMF policies, it will prove that Rouhani is worse than pigs like Sheldon Adelson [..] Now Iranians make jokes and say: ‘Rouhani and his CBI are Jamshid Besmellah’ ! or ‘Rouhani and his cabinet are worse than Jamshid Besmellah !”.


As the wise Iranians say: “Recently the UK media made a good confession: The UK government did a study on how to make the public feel good about wars! In the past, they openly defended War and Racism. But now the bad guys in the UK and the West are forced to use language or values that belong to the tribe of good guys. And it’s a real victory for Iranians and all good guys. Now only spies and whores praise the West. Now when Rouhani tells big lies, or when ‘BBC, Rooz, or other spies talk with savage Mullahs and say: Majority of Iranians Want Relations With the US’, almost all Iranians just laugh and say: Ajab ! All Iranians hate those who are behind the 2009 coup and all our pain and suffering in these years. Iranians just laugh/ spit at the West and cesspools like BBC, VOA, Rooz, Balatarin, etc”. They also add: “The West has confused. Their media talks about ‘Signs Of Rift Between I-s-r-ael and USA over Iran‘ (20 Oct 2013) and says: ‘an Explosion between Netanyahu and Obama appears to be inevitable’ ! (20 Oct 2013) Now the American people [put good comments] and say: ‘American people certainly hope the rift grows and I-s-rael cuts all ties with us .. Americans will no longer allow I-s-rael to dictate what US foreign policy will be .. While so many Americans (50 millions) are subsisting on food stamps, losing their homes, the US is giving I-s-rael billions of dollar every year! .. Only 2% of US population are Jews .. Jews act like a spoiled brat .. Jews are trouble makers’ (Oct 2013). Now their mass media says: It’s Time to Put an End to I-s-r-ael’s Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell’ Nuclear Policy! (Oct 2013), and adds: “Whereas Iran signed the NPT, I-s-rael has not -and is therefore not subject to any oversight. I-s-rael’s nuclear facility at Dimona, a city in Negev desert, dedicated to production of [nukes]‘ (Oct 2013) Now the West’s media says: ‘I-s-raeli whistleblower Mordechai V-a-n-u-nu, a nuclear technician who revealed details of I-s-rael’s nuclear weapons program to the press in 1986, is an Is-raeli Edward Snowden. Va-n-unu spent 18 years in prison!’ (Oct 2013). In 1974, after the story of Indian nuke and Jewish nuke, Iran wanted to have nuke. But at that time Mullahs and Islamists opposed Iran’s nuclear program, served the West’s interests, and aided the West in toppling the Shah [...] Now Gallup and the US publish fake polls, and it just remind you of the CIA polls in 2009, when they said 90% of Iranians love AN! (= 90% of Americans love Bin Laden!) [...] But after such big lies, the CIA-backed 2009 coup and all US crimes/ betrayals in these years, now almost all Iranians believe Iran must have nuclear weapons. Now almost all Iranians know and hate Iran’s enemies, ie those pigs who threaten Iran with war, genocide, sanction and barbarism. But the stupid West says: ‘Iranians still love Obama & his USA’! If they say: Jews still love Hitler, it’s less laughable. The West has lost its mind and acts like a bad retard, because the West is bankrupt and nearing the End, while Iran will be a world power soon”. In these days, even the wise Iranians are angry. And it’s obvious why they are angry, and why both Iranians and non-Iranian people put comments and say: “Jews love Nuclear Genocide, and deserve Annihilation .. Public incitement to genocide must be prosecuted; they should arrest Adelson and those who applauded .. the worst part is that this Jewish barbarian received applause! Both Adelson and Yeshiva University should be prosecuted .. all Jewish Nazis/ Jewish barbarians should be prosecuted for incitement to genocide .. No wonder Iranians want nukes; Iran must defend itself against these barbarians .. Jewish Bible and Jewish holy texts are barbaric books, because they praise genocide .. Adelson just tries to prove: Judaism = Barbarism! .. Adelson just makes Hitler look like a nice guy! .. Adelson has given millions of dollars to a hawkish think tank, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)! For Jews, Democracy means Genocide! .. Adelson and American Jews are precisely the reason Iran needs nukes .. As long as there are Sheldons, Bibis and such in the world, we fully support Iran’s nuclear program” (Oct 2013). In these days, as the wise Iranians say: “the West and its stooges censor many things and tell many big lies. But anyone with half a brain knows that such big lies and such horrible censorship is a clear sign of Bankruptcy (Eflas) and Frustration (Darmandegi). When they openly call for Genocide of Iranians and turn public opinion against themselves, it just proves that they are totally confused and frustrated [...] Most Westerners are not bad guys, and truly say: ‘Public incitement to genocide should be prosecuted’. But the bad guys are stupid. The Jewish-American barbarians love Genocide, because it’s part of their barbaric holy texts and their barbaric culture. But in the 21st century, public incitement to genocide is a clear sign of Barbarism, and all Iranians, all humans, and the whole word will not tolerate the Jewish-American barbarians”.

[*] Link to the Washington Post:
h-t-tp://Adelson: Obama should fire nuke to send message to Iran

[*] Link to the Huffington Post:
h-t-tp://Sheldon Adelson Says Obama Should Nuke Iran


How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

Mass Genocide of Algerians, Libyans by French & Italians Supremacist Imperialist

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You are an a-hole. WTF do they teach you 'people' in school over there ?

I would say, "Everything that is needed in life". Is that okay for you??

Or would you like the below sentence???

"They teach us to be 'free' minded people".

Now, that I have answered your question. I would like to ask you the same question that you just asked.

If your not capable of answering your question which is directed towards your schools. Then let me answer your question but with the change of countries.

They (the US) teach us and I would like to use the term "brainwash" since from the time I have visited school in the US, they "brainwash" us to believe that "everyone is free" and that "your allowed to follow any religion" BUT you cannot discuss about God or any other religion in school since in my 9th grade, I was questioning my physics teacher and I tried to explain that the "water cycle" is also explained in the Quran and that it was explained by religion before science even used the term "physics".

Now you can all expect what my teacher told me in response to my statement???

"We do not talk about God in school"

Now, if you cannot even talk about "God" in schools forget about having a decent conversation with your fellow classmates on anything else than they teach us in class.

And you know WHY I want to talk about things other than what they teach us in school here in the US???

Because, last year, in my 10th grade, my English teacher was showing me a documentary about North Korea and saying "How horrible the people there must be".

Now, don't tell me that the above is not propaganda used by the schools itself.

Soon after, we also talked about Iran and watched a short clip on discussion about North Korea.

Now, tell me, WHO tries to teach students about what is happening in other countries in English class??? I mean, History might have been fine. Even though I could see a lot of misinformation in the documentary even if it was shown in my History class.

And you know what else is interesting???

Most the people, here in the US, go to public school. Meaning that whatever we read and write is controlled by the government.

At least, I went to a private school in Pakistan where I was away from the influence of the government, if not wholly.

Now, I can write a whole book on "what they teach us in school, Pakistan vs. USA". But believe me, I have lived in both Pakistan and the US (currently living in the US) and I know that people in the US are more afraid/concern about what they teach us in school than people in Pakistan.

Other than what I wrote above, your apparently 'free' to stay in your 'disneyland' where the USA is right and every other country is "brainwashing" its kids. (I know every country does that but the US is at the top of the list).

Nice article HJ but I would advise that the words "barbarian" and others, likewise be edited so that wrong ideas might not jump into other people's mind and the message is sent as rationally and as positively as possible.
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Nice Job HumanJinn

Although, I would advise that words like "barbarians" and other, likewise be edited so that people might not get the wrong idea/impression and that the message is clearly and positively sent to the people.

Nice effort though.

Keep up the good work.:enjoy:
You are an a-hole.:bunny: WTF do they teach you 'people' in school over there ?

math lessons:"hello children,1 jew + 1 jew=2 jews that have to be killed"

history lessons:"europeans/americans/jews are all nazis.You must kill them"

sport lessons:"here's your AK's children.Now shoot at the cart board jew target"

geography lessons:"here's a map of Europe children and the route to get there where you'll cry to be let in.After that you must kill the natives,women,children.They're all nazis"
....On 22 Oct 2013, and in an event in New York City at Yeshiva University, Sheldon Adelson said: the US should fire an atomic bomb into Tehran, and Iran should be ‘wiped out’.

1 : the guy only said "drop a nuke in Iranian desert and say 'the next one goes onto Teheran, if you don't stop enriching nuclear fuel yourselves'". (Adelson: US should drop atomic bomb on Iran | JPost | Israel News) and the guy goes on to say that the Iranians publicly take the current stance of the Americans as a sign of western political weakness, which I also see happening, especially on forums like this.

2 : guys like Adelson don't determine US policies, which are very much in favor of Iran atm, considering how Obama & team would let the Iranians continue to enrich nuclear fuel, while I would change the treaties to not allow some countries to enrich any nuclear fuel at all but buy it at reasonable (globally fixed) prices from trusted nuclear nations instead. And they don't even determine Israeli policies to the point of Israel using nuclear weapons as anything but last-resort defense..

3 : learn to write non-biased polls, if you want to be taken seriously at all.
There's no need to abuse the fellow, mate. He's giving his opinion and he's a right to. You're free to disagree. Also do not malign his country; that's uncalled for as well. Disagree but respectfully.
You are an a-hole.:bunny: WTF do they teach you 'people' in school over there ?
There's no need to abuse the fellow, mate. He's giving his opinion and he's a right to. You're free to disagree. Also do not malign his country; that's uncalled for as well. Disagree but respectfully.

His opinion? This is his opinion,posted on of the many similar threads he has infested the forum with:https://defence.pk/threads/great-br...ine-genocide-in-iran-during-world-war.288215/
He's basically calling for the extermination of americans,europeans,jews .I've tried to reason with him in another of his idiotic threads and he only answered with "dog of hell,your kind,christians must die.Islam will come"

He's batsh%t crazy,i don't know why he isn't banned by now.He deserves every insult thrown at him,he's repugnant."
His opinion? This is his opinion,posted on of the many similar threads he has infested the forum with:https://defence.pk/threads/great-br...ine-genocide-in-iran-during-world-war.288215/
He's basically calling for the extermination of americans,europeans,jews .I've tried to reason with him in another of his idiotic threads and he only answered with "dog of hell,your kind,christians must die.Islam will come"

He's batsh%t crazy,i don't know why he isn't banned by now.He deserves every insult thrown at him,he's repugnant."
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