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American Hostage Asks U.S. To Rescue Him From Al-Qaeda


May 21, 2006
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A video of 72-year-old U.S. government contractor, who's been held hostage by al Qaeda for the last two years, has been released The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

Warren Weinstein of Rockville, Maryland said he felt "totally abandoned and forgotten," and urged the U.S. and President Barack Obama to work out an agreement with his captors.

"You are now in your second term as president of the United States and that means you can take hard decisions without worrying about reelection," said Weinstein, who looked pale and tired in the video, The Post reported.
American Hostage Asks U.S. To Rescue Him From Al-Qaeda (VIDEO) : News : Headlines & Global News
The man spent 7+ years of his life serving Pakistan, gets ready to go home to retirement, then is kidnapped by thugs with demands. His demonstrated loyalty to their people counts for nothing; any protections he had vanished when he stopped working for the Pakistani government. Police investigations quickly petered out.

And ordinary Pakistani citizens don't care. Apparently kidnaping "infidels" isn't a crime in Pakistan; it's a sport, one where some Pakistanis admire and seek to emulate those who can get away with it.

And Pakistanis wonder why they can't boost foreign tourism...
The man spent 7+ years of his life serving Pakistan, gets ready to go home to retirement, then is kidnapped by thugs with demands. His demonstrated loyalty to their people counts for nothing; any protections he had vanished when he stopped working for the Pakistani government. Police investigations quickly petered out.

And ordinary Pakistani citizens don't care. Apparently kidnaping "infidels" isn't a crime in Pakistan; it's a sport, one where some Pakistanis admire and seek to emulate those who can get away with it.

And Pakistanis wonder why they can't boost foreign tourism...

Its unfortunate after US strike in Afghanistan all arab terrorist end up in Pakistani settled area. Many of them already handover to US , but remaining still a demon for the Pakistani society.
He should be treated the same way the Americans treat prisoners on gauntanamo bay
dun post if u dunno a shyt about wat is happening out there...this guy is an innocent old man...72 years old...away from home for the last 7 years...was working in pakistan as a member of USAID...and u are comparing him with terrorists and criminals being held in GB....u fool
Its unfortunate after US strike in Afghanistan all arab terrorist end up in Pakistani settled area.
The kidnappers gained access to Weinstein's residence by posing as neighbors. They were Pakistani, not Arabs.

The initial Pakistani police investigator claims Weinstein is in the tribal areas but to me that sounds more like an excuse not to do anything than anything else.

He should be treated the same way the Americans treat prisoners on gauntanamo bay
Tropical breezes, fresh fruit, ample meals, free medical care, exercise periods including games, access to counsel and Korans and bibles and books, and the opportunity to depart when the home country is willing to take them? If Weinstein was treated that way, he'd be hale and hearty and home already.
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Its unfortunate after US strike in Afghanistan all arab terrorist end up in Pakistani settled area. Many of them already handover to US , but remaining still a demon for the Pakistani society.

The Afghan Arabs didn't sneak into your boarders, at least the vast majority of these terrorists died in Afghanistan, thanks for the US drone strikes.

He should be treated the same way the Americans treat prisoners on gauntanamo bay

I hardly think this is going to work with a 72-year-old man.

He's an innocent human being, not a piece of trash.
The Afghan Arabs didn't sneak into your boarders, at least the vast majority of these terrorists died in Afghanistan, thanks for the US drone strikes.

I hardly think this is going to work with a 72-year-old man.

He's an innocent human being, not a piece of trash.

Well, still many hiding in Afghanistan, speically Pak-Afghan border. Why US is running daily drone strikes. Very few Pakistani terrorist , majority is foreigners. Mainly Auzbks, Chechen and Arabs.
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So what has this news to do with the Middle East and Arabs again Mr. Shia @HAIDER ?

You already made on completely off-topic thread on this section. Getting tiring.

Repair your disc. It's broken.
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We Pakistani suffered and suffering from this terrorism, not some Saudi sitting in Europe and enjoying petro dollors of US tax payers.
We Pakistani suffered and suffering from this terrorism, not some Saudi sitting in Europe and enjoying petro dollors of US tax payers.
Gulf Arabs like al-Hasani are perfectly content with your frustrations, as long as your frustrations don't lead to actions that could actually make your lives better by defeating the militants his lot supports.
Gulf Arabs like al-Hasani are perfectly content with your frustrations, as long as your frustrations don't lead to actions that could actually make your lives better by defeating the militants his lot supports.

That's the problem all muslims are not terrorist , but all terrorist are muslim.....they fail to understand their internal injustice, rather like always blame outsiders.....
Gulf Arabs like al-Hasani are perfectly content with your frustrations, as long as your frustrations don't lead to actions that could actually make your lives better by defeating the militants his lot supports.

I am not a Gulf Arab you fake "Jewish" dimwit.

Dumb Zionist. Stick to killing Palestinian children and occupying Palestinian land.
I am not a Gulf Arab you fake "Jewish" dimwit.

Dumb Zionist. Stick to killing Palestinian children and occupying Palestinian land.

Well , here Hassani is right, ME has lots of problem, but Palastine-Israel issue is main problem, that need to be resolved. Because this issue is one of the major cause of terrorism in the region.
Well , here Hassani is right, ME has lots of problem, but Palastine-Israel issue is main problem, that need to be resolved. Because this issue is one of the major cause of terrorism in the region.

That self-confessed and proud Zionist creature that celebrates Muslim and Arab death or turns a blind eye to it on a daily basis is now falsely going to imply that I rejoice when I see my fellow innocent Muslims brothers and sisters killed in Pakistan or anywhere else. What a daring claim. Only Zionist creatures like him could make such statements.

The Muslim Arab world was largely peaceful before that false entity was founded upon stolen land. We will all oppose that criminal entity until they stop doing what they do.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on November 10, 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination".
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