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American Hostage Asks U.S. To Rescue Him From Al-Qaeda

The man spent 7+ years of his life serving Pakistan, gets ready to go home to retirement, then is kidnapped by thugs with demands. His demonstrated loyalty to their people counts for nothing; any protections he had vanished when he stopped working for the Pakistani government. Police investigations quickly petered out.

And ordinary Pakistani citizens don't care. Apparently kidnaping "infidels" isn't a crime in Pakistan; it's a sport, one where some Pakistanis admire and seek to emulate those who can get away with it.

And Pakistanis wonder why they can't boost foreign tourism...

You're so outraged of this because he's Jewish. Cry me a river...you'd never care had it been any other person.
US need to hand over such cases to Preet Bakora.. He will rescue & evacuate this oldman from Talibans in no time.. even he will make sure Talibans would pay part of airfare..:woot:
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