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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

what's taking them that long? waiting for the public emotions to calm down? waiting on Pak's report so they can prepare thers occordingly with a believable narrative? they know what they did, they have the report ready, it was a hanful of interviews they had to conduct and a little forensics. now they'd be amending and editing it with proper public and international mood swings.

All good points. Especially spot on about the delaying the report to cool-off and to start a media spin. The Masters of the Universe are the Masters of the Global Propaganda War a la Goebbels.

Back to the topic:
Like Dawn.com 's Mahir Ali who wrote recently, I too find it hard to believe that Nato would deliberately attack a Pakistani post where soldiers were SLEEPING in their tents. What is the gain for Nato? May be this was really a Taliban ploy to cause fire fight between Nato and PA?
But then, to the dozens of mothers who lost their loved ones it matters little. Facts are that the soldiers died inside the Pakistani territory and that at least some of them died while sleeping in their tents; this hardly sounds like some Pakistani officer giving marching orders to soldiers to fire toward Afghanistan!
My guess is that the sustained propaganda war against Pakistan has resulted in such low opinions of Pakistani lives that some young lads commanding helis--lads used to shoot 'enemies' in video games with glee and satisfaction--saw it immaterial to check themselves. 'Pakis' are the new 'gooks', the new 'saveges', the new 'commies'. So let's go Turkey shooting, boys!
Last weekend’s tragic incident has everyone on edge. Before the facts are in, rumor mills are at work and creating more disinformation. The fact is that no new clashes occurred at the Pakistan-Afghan border, and this has been confirmed both by our own officials and ISPR.

We understand that emotions are running high, but we should not let fiction dictate our minds. A tragedy occurred, where precious lives were lost, and the whole incident is under high level review. Let us all wait for the results and then form our opinions. Although it may not be business as usual, we still have to fight together an enemy who has been attacking relentlessly. Today a peace committee member in Hangu was killed in a targeted bombing. Would it be wise to let the terrorists continue with their evil agenda?

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Last weekend’s tragic incident has everyone on edge. Before the facts are in, rumor mills are at work and creating more disinformation. The fact is that no new clashes occurred at the Pakistan-Afghan border, and this has been confirmed both by our own officials and ISPR.

We understand that emotions are running high, but we should not let fiction dictate our minds. A tragedy occurred, where precious lives were lost, and the whole incident is under high level review. Let us all wait for the results and then form our opinions. Although it may not be business as usual, we still have to fight together an enemy who has been attacking relentlessly. Today a peace committee member in Hangu was killed in a targeted bombing. Would it be wise to let the terrorists continue with their evil agenda?

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

While I agree with the sentiment & need to fight terrorism, it is clearly the US that has undermined the relationship, created the mistrust, baselessly accused Pakistan of being complicit in aiding militants, & violated the sovereignty of Pakistan. It is the US media that treads on conspiracy theories & the rumor treadmill against Pakistan, it was the US media that first reported this incident today, it was the ISPR that flat out denied this incident took place.
Long story short........ American aid is Pakistan Army's life line & the military establishment in Pakistan would never go against the American interests............. I know, This isn't something, we Pakistani's would like to hear, but that's the bitter reality.

You are prolly right. In the end ppl have to be realistic.
It reminds me of Clinton's ads: It's the economy,Stupid!
Both Pakistan and China should focus more on building up domestic economy than anything else.
IMHO military expenditure is not of the highest priority.
Al Qadea is said to be in its weakest state and Al Qaeda itself is a creation of CIA.

Can you please answer the question.

---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 PM ----------

USA forces are the biggest terrorist, they just killed the 'allies', where are you sir?? your head in the sand???

alquaeda??? alquaeda is every where, last i saw the news abt AQ in yemen

So in other words you have no answer.

Thanks for proving my point.
Two points:

- there may have been fire exchanged between Pak and Afghan forces so, technically, NATO was not involved.

- Pak is no match for even one of the NATO countries, let alone the alliance. Please do not propose military 'solutions' that will destroy Pakistan. Wisdom lies in engaging the opponent at his weakest point, not his strongest.
Both CENTCOM and ISPR say that no new clashes along Pak-Afghan border...
Thread should be closed....
Last weekend’s tragic incident has everyone on edge. Before the facts are in, rumor mills are at work and creating more disinformation. The fact is that no new clashes occurred at the Pakistan-Afghan border, and this has been confirmed both by our own officials and ISPR.

We understand that emotions are running high, but we should not let fiction dictate our minds. A tragedy occurred, where precious lives were lost, and the whole incident is under high level review. Let us all wait for the results and then form our opinions. Although it may not be business as usual, we still have to fight together an enemy who has been attacking relentlessly. Today a peace committee member in Hangu was killed in a targeted bombing. Would it be wise to let the terrorists continue with their evil agenda?

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

lol the bot read the name was funny, major nevers

---------- Post added at 05:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 AM ----------

Last weekend’s tragic incident has everyone on edge. Before the facts are in, rumor mills are at work and creating more disinformation. The fact is that no new clashes occurred at the Pakistan-Afghan border, and this has been confirmed both by our own officials and ISPR.

We understand that emotions are running high, but we should not let fiction dictate our minds. A tragedy occurred, where precious lives were lost, and the whole incident is under high level review. Let us all wait for the results and then form our opinions. Although it may not be business as usual, we still have to fight together an enemy who has been attacking relentlessly. Today a peace committee member in Hangu was killed in a targeted bombing. Would it be wise to let the terrorists continue with their evil agenda?

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

lol the bot read the name was funny, major nevers
Nato apology will not be enough: Khar


ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar has said that the Nato attack on the Pakistani check post was not an accident and "only an apology would not be enough."

Khar however added that Pakistan was not waiting for an apology

The minister was briefing the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Relations on Wednesday.

“Pakistan cannot see its soldiers being killed by allied forces anymore. There is an established mechanism between Pakistan and allied forces working in Afghanistan regarding movement on the border but Nato authorities didn't inform us about their activity before the incident,” Khar said.

The foreign minister said Pakistan's role in Afghan peace efforts had been accepted by all but not appreciated and coalition forces had crossed red lines several times.

On the issue of the controversial memo, Khar told the meeting held under the chairmanship of Senator Saleem Saifullah Khan that the Foreign Office had no record regarding the memo sent to Admiral Mike Mullen.

Khar noted that Mansoor Ijaz had tried to malign the Pakistan Army and ISI in the controversial memo issue.

Khar was of the view that former ambassador Husain Haqqani must be given a chance to present his arguments before a court of law.

Nato apology will not be enough: Khar
lol the bot read the name was funny, major nevers

---------- Post added at 05:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 AM ----------

lol the bot read the name was funny, major nevers

No its not a bot...this matter has been discussed and resolved in previous threads..This is a CENTCOM representative posting here.
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