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American and Philippines demographic engineering against Moro Muslims

All talk, walk the talk.
You couldn't do any walking when we grabbed Scarborough Shoal from you like candy from a baby! Now we are invading Ayungin Shoal and you can do nothing but cry.
Chinese relations with Sulu.


Pre-Sultanate Period | Moro Bloggers Central Aggregator


Moro in my Blood: Sulu-China connection

Connecting and Distancing: Southeast Asia and China - Google Books

Turning Points I' 2007 Ed. - Antonio, Et Al - Google Books

In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines - Stanley Karnow - Google Books

Juramentados were suicidal Moro warriors who just used bladed weapons to take out several enemies at once.

Juramentado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Juramentados and the Development of the Colt .45 caliber Model 1911 | FMA Pulse

Keep Calm Carry on: A Survival Guide - Green Muse Writers Collective The Green Muse Writers Collective - Google Books

On the Road Home: an American Story: A Memoir of Triumph and Tragedy on a ... - John Russell Frank - Google Books

Swish of the Kris, the Story of the Moros, Authorized and Enhanced Edition - Vic Hurley - Google Books

Leonard Wood: Rough Rider, Surgeon, Architect of American Imperialism - Jack McCallum - Google Books


The Moros fought the Spanish for 300 years, the Americans, the Japanese in World War 2, and then the Philippines state.


Moro Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic insurgency in the Philippines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Midnight on Mindanao: Wartime Remembances 1945-1946 - Dds Mel Amler - Google Books

America And Guerrilla Warfare - Anthony James Joes - Google Books

A Muslim archipelago: Islam and politics in Southeast Asia - Max L. Gross, Center for Strategic Intelligence Research (U.S.) - Google Books

MAR | Data | Assessment for Moros in the Philippines
You couldn't do any walking when we grabbed Scarborough Shoal from you like candy from a baby! Now we are invading Ayungin Shoal and you can do nothing but cry.

Martian2 suggested taken Luzon from the Philippines. He was trolling, but historically China seriously had a governor appointed there in the 15th century.

Connecting and Distancing: Southeast Asia and China - Google Books

In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines - Stanley Karnow - Google Books

Turning Points I' 2007 Ed. - Antonio, Et Al - Google Books

As you saw in the partitioning discussion it mentioned the five parts as "Cordillera, Luzon, The Visayas, Mindanao, and Bangsamoro". What is your opinion? Bangsamoro is part of Mindanao and the entire island was under the Moro Sultanates so that part should be in a Moro entity in any case. Palawan island is also historically Moro and should not be part of Luzon. Cordillera is a part of Luzon island so they should be treated as one entity. Cordillera is considered separate because the tribal inhabitants were not fully controlled by Spain and therefore not hispanisized like other Filipinos.

In my opinion the three parts are just Luzon (with Cordillera), Visayas, and Moroland (Mindanao, Palawan, and Sulu). Moroland needs to become independent and the Spratly islands and shoals belong to China. Then Luzon and Visayas become independent countries. No more Spanish colonial name, the whole archipelago should be renamed.

Partitioning the Philippines - Is It Desirable? Is It Realistic? A Scholarly Conversation - FSI Stanford

And I'm still waiting for that crusie missile. Typically Chinese keyboard warriors. rawr rawr rawr rawr.
Martian2 suggested taken Luzon from the Philippines. He was trolling, but historically China seriously had a governor appointed there in the 15th century.

Histoically, the philippines HAD an spanish governer, an american and a japanese one. I don't see where your logic is going.
@Zero_wing @gambit

Did this wholegrain fella remind you of someone who used to be here and said he quit a long time ago?

He remind me of Martian a lot, the way his post was filled (Using a lot of Link and hyper), the way he argue and the point he raise. Most of all he claim he is a taiwanese and currently living in America. Which was the same as Martians.

Don't forget, wholegrain comes out only after Martians said he is going to retire form this forum?? Wholegrain registered in may and martian2 have this Thread I'm leaving. Tired of arbitray "no-value/off-topic" moderation standard in may 2013,

co-incident? I don't really think so
Marty cannot quit this forum. He is smart enough to know that the only way where he can learn anything is from those who are his intellectual superior and willing to challenge his claims. The playground where he is respected is nothing more than an empty echo chamber where everyone merely parrots everyone else. Their playground is dead while this one is thriving.
Last edited by a moderator:
Marty cannot quit this forum. He is smart enough to know that the only way where he can learn anything is from those who are his intellectual superior and willing to challenge his claims. The playground where he is respected is nothing more than an empty echo chamber where everyone merely parrots everyone else. Their playground is dead while this one is thriving.

Go ahead, keep thinking I'm Martian2.


Hint : If I was Martian2 maybe I wouldn't be so stupid as to use the Taiwan flag when I told everyone that I'm Taiwanese? Oh yeah and I explicitly stated on this forum that I don't refer to myself as Taiwanese because I don't consider that to be an ethnicity or nationality and that I'm from a (non KMT) mainlander family on Taiwan, unlike KMT martian2.
Cmon guys don't feed the troll. Those Moro groups have their own beliefs. FYI the Moro groups in this thread is not the majority of Moro people. Like it or not Filipinos will then again be united.

And uh NEWS FLASH, MANILA, Philippines – The government and the MILF released a joint statement Sunday hailing the successful conclusion of occasionally tense negotiations on revenue generation and wealth sharing between the State and the Bangsamoro, one of three sticky areas in the negotiations leading to a comprehensive agreement. (Google it if you like)

Wholegrain You may not be martian but you have the same brain as his, your name describes your brain.
Cmon guys don't feed the troll. Those Moro groups have their own beliefs. FYI the Moro groups in this thread is not the majority of Moro people. Like it or not Filipinos will then again be united.

And uh NEWS FLASH, MANILA, Philippines – The government and the MILF released a joint statement Sunday hailing the successful conclusion of occasionally tense negotiations on revenue generation and wealth sharing between the State and the Bangsamoro, one of three sticky areas in the negotiations leading to a comprehensive agreement. (Google it if you like)

Wholegrain You may not be martian but you have the same brain as his, your name describes your brain.

BIFF (Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters) refused to join the peace talks.

BIFM insists on separate Bangsamoro state

Ameril Umbra Kato - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5 soldiers, 18 Moro rebels slain in clashes | Inquirer News

36 die in clashes ahead of peace talks

Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters | Inquirer News

Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) | Inquirer News

The "wealth sharing" referred to in the agreement only refers to the resources in the severely shrunken, atrophied Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao which is only about 25% of Mindanao island after the Moros and Lumads were dispossesd of most of the island by Christian Visayan and Luzon colonists.

Your government's colonization program guaranteed that the majority of Mindanao's land and resources would stay out of Moro hands even though their Sultanates ruled much more of Mindanao than the Autonomous Region.

The identity of Filipino and the Philippines were created by Spanish colonialism.
Man this pointless One its not all Moroland the current lands were Muslim are majority are moro lands Mindanao is majority Lumad tribes and Northern Mindanao always christian since the Spaniards were here i already given the fool the link about a battle that happen during the Philippine-American war proving my point man this people love to make stories up! Again the chekwas Imeprials just like to use the half trues whole lies to just to hide their own problems and divert attention to others and so people will preoccupied so they can get away with Imperial ambitions but due to many enemies they themselves created due to the stealing of resources and imperial gun boat diplomacy again i tell you all just go here and see for yourselves i went to Mindanao and folks say both Muslim and everyone else they are sick and tried of conflict and wars and they now know that its proper governance genuine change not by arms so i dare to go around here and talk to the people themselves maybe in the 70s it was true not anymore.

Again about your poacher one ramming a boat in said boat territory is an act of war and stealing natural resources is also act of disrespect for said country everyone in the whole world knows that Philippine territory everyone and just because we are weak for now does not give you the license to get from it and your again your typical response would be racist or other reason its just typical but allow me to counter that useless attack by saying if your after justice why is it your nationalist government a fishing agreement with my country? which by the way has noting to do with justice at all? i think its obvious why i mean the waters are known areas of blue fin tuna are plenty?
BIFF (Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters) refused to join the peace talks.

BIFM insists on separate Bangsamoro state

Ameril Umbra Kato - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5 soldiers, 18 Moro rebels slain in clashes | Inquirer News

36 die in clashes ahead of peace talks

Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters | Inquirer News

Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) | Inquirer News

The "wealth sharing" referred to in the agreement only refers to the resources in the severely shrunken, atrophied Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao which is only about 25% of Mindanao island after the Moros and Lumads were dispossesd of most of the island by Christian Visayan and Luzon colonists.

Your government's colonization program guaranteed that the majority of Mindanao's land and resources would stay out of Moro hands even though their Sultanates ruled much more of Mindanao than the Autonomous Region.

The identity of Filipino and the Philippines were created by Spanish colonialism.

Wow nice one allow to kill that idea one going back to Philippine history Modern filipino got identifier filipinos from propaganda movement a peaceful movement of Filipinos because in the old days filipinos identify themselves with their home provinces not as a nation but since they live in the Philippines and their goal was to liberalized the Philippines by reforms and identify themselves as filipino since they came from the same set of islands and believing together they can achieved their goals as group so they were the ones who use the word filipinos first it was indios the names given to all natives of the Philippines expect if you have mix blood (mestizo) and a Spaniard born in the islands Insulares and so forth but Katipuan the revolutionary force that came out of the propaganda movement that was created filipinos to free the Philippines use tagalog (river dweller) as identifier coming from idea that filipinos live near areas of waters and the word filipinos were use for Spaniard born in the philippines insulares but that did not caught on due to the fact that its group of people living in Luzon majority of non taglogs hated the idea so they go back using indios filipinos or just filipinos but it became official as an identifier in the 1st Republic era (1898-1913) but internationally just to cut a long story short the Americans coin it as international usage to refer to people living in the Philippines so it kinda stock to us like glue so that's the story man you people should read more.
Go ahead, keep thinking I'm Martian2.


Hint : If I was Martian2 maybe I wouldn't be so stupid as to use the Taiwan flag when I told everyone that I'm Taiwanese? Oh yeah and I explicitly stated on this forum that I don't refer to myself as Taiwanese because I don't consider that to be an ethnicity or nationality and that I'm from a (non KMT) mainlander family on Taiwan, unlike KMT martian2.

What's ironic is that no one has actually disputed the history, broadly speaking, that you posted.

All they are doing is either attacking you personally, or justifying the history.
Moro warriors over a century ago from the era of the Sultanates.







MNLF Official Website

18 May 2013


(Series of 4 Parts)


By RRayhanR

It is recorded in global history that the government of the United States of America (USA) has committed "two monumental crimes against humanity."

Firstly, America has perpetrated the massacring of tens of millions aboriginal Indians ('native Americans'), including the gradual land-grabbing of their ancestral domain that apparently constitute now large part of so-called United States of America.

Secondly, the enslavement of the black African natives ('African Americans') for myriad years until outlawed by a providential conscious assassinated American President Abraham Lincoln.

Without slightest remorseful thought up to facing moral responsibility for the horrible criminal activities, America only addressed the twin injustices against the oppressed humanity with heartless slogan-saving declaration: "Let us advance and move forward!"

On this glaring light of early American history, the words of caution of Martin Luther King, Jr. come to the fore. He said, "nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Thus, the attitude of America in lightly dismissing moral responsibility is typical of the western material world jargon - 'business as usual'. But how can ethical and moral responsibility of tragic action be dismissed lightly?

Backdrop by the gruesome injustices that inflicted unthinkable pain and misery against helpless and oppressed humanity, this was probably the typical American motivation that drove the U.S. government to embark on the genocidal war of colonial conquest over the Bangsamoro homeland of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan (MINSUPALA) starting in 1901. This was after easily overpowering the Spanish-colonised Christian Filipinos of Luzon and Visayas, wherein particularly In Samar the American soldiers massacred half a million Visayan Filipinos.

Clearly, the greed of American imperialism in the brutal colonisation and occupation of Moroland is captured by a prominent Muslim educator, Dr. Macapado A. Muslim, who stressed:

"After the defeat of the Filipino revolutionaries in 1901, the ugly face of American occupation started to unfold in Moroland. Like the Spaniards, the American occupation forces had a hidden agenda, i.e., the economic exploitation of the people and resources of their colonies. The primary greed in the U.S. occupation of the Philippines, including Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan, is crystal clear in the remarks of the U.S. Senator Albert Beveridge in a speech to a Bostonian audience."

"We must obey our blood and occupy new markets, and if necessary new lands. American factories are making more than the American people can use. American soil is producing more than they can consume. Fate has written our policy for us. The trade of the world must and shall be ours."

"To exploit the riches of Mindanao and Sulu would require the effective incorporation of Moroland into the orbit of U.S. control. Hence, acquisition of them by virtue of the Treaty of Paris must be made real. And since the desired economic exploitation of Mindanao would have to be at the expense of the Moros and other indigenous inhabitants of Mindanao, and expecting that the Moros would most likely give a fight as they did the Spaniards, then the United States had to use its military might. The Moros had to be forced to pave the way for the realization of the economic interests of Uncle Sam in their homeland. And some excuses had to be made to legitimize the whole scale use of force against the Moros whose only interest was survival and freedom."

Thus, bordering on "some excuses", including the fraudulent 1898 Treaty of Paris, in forcibly land-grabbing Moroland to the detriment of the indigenous Muslim and Lumad natives, the U.S. government used the 'law of the jungle' that 'might is right' in colonising the ancestral homeland of the Moros and Highlanders.

The truth is had the U.S. government exercised conscientious morality and political goodwill from the start, it is indeed a historical mockery why the Spanish invaders were able to deceive America into purchasing for $20,000,000 the Bangsamoro homeland of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan highlighted by the notorious 1898 Treaty of Paris when Moroland was never a part of the Spanish-conquered Philippines and was never colonised and occupied by the Spanish invaders.

Furthermore, premised on the blatant and naked threat of American plunder and loot of the mineral, agricultural and aquatic riches of Mindanao, the U.S. government under President Theodore Roosevelt made no 'excuses' to use its military war machine of mass destruction against the Bangsamoro people in subjugating them into forced submission as colonial slaves similar to the aboriginal Indian natives right in their own backyard.

Thus, the parallelism of the obnoxious American cliche came into play that "a good Indian is a dead Indian" to the Filipino colonialist version of "a good Moro is a dead Moro.

However, in the course of military action to forcibly impose colonial hegemony on the Bangsamoro people, the American marauders found out that the Moro freedom fighters were not of the same breed with the subservient Indian natives in the old frontier America.

It is recalled that the U.S. government subdued the native Indians in a series of genocidal war of extermination that led them to be caged into settlements through deceptive peace treaties until finally being coopted to become extinct as a free and sovereign Indian Nation.

Thus, in the book, "With The Bravest: The Unfolding Story Of The Sulu Freedom Fighters Of WWII", the American Asian ('Amerasian'), Dr. Ernesto M. Espaldon, wrote:

"When the American forces arrived to garrison Sulu in 1899 after the Treaty of Paris, the natives defied the new invaders. Tampering with native customs and traditions, and imposing taxes upon occupying their land, the Americans caused bitter resentment among the natives. Such resentment subsequently erupted into a bloody uprising which the Americans found too costly to contain."


(To be continued)

MNLF Official Website

23 May 2013


(Series of 4 Parts)


By RRayhanR

The strong resistance against the American invaders occurred not only in Jolo Island but was also felt in the other domain of the Moro natives in mainland Mindanao. The 'Battle of Bayan in Lanao' on May 1902 registered to be one of the most significant Bangsamoro armed struggles against American colonialism. This was followed by the series of fierce battles in Taraca in 1904, Sisiman in 1921, Tugaya and Garassi in 1923 up to 1935 until 1941. The American-Moro hostilities were characterized by the 'cota wars' around Lake Lanao when the first creeping shade of Philippine colonialism took shape in the American-installed Philippine Commonwealth regime under the anti-Muslim President Manuel L. Quezon.

In other areas of Mindanao, particularly Cotabato and Palawan, the Moro natives led by Datu Ali, Datu Santiago, Acbara and Imam Mahdi also fought the American invaders. Similar to the Spanish invaders before them, the American colonizers also utilized Filipino colonial slaves as foot soldiers in their ugly war of depredations in Mindanao. Unable to subdue the More freedom fighters with the sham 'benevolent assimilation' policy and various 'carrot and stick' colonial stratagem, the American invaders conducted the worst genocide war during their colonial conquest campaigns against the Muslim and other indigenous natives of Mindanao. The American war of extermination in Moroland was characterized by repeated massacres of both Moro combatants and non-combatants, including the aged, women and children.

Amongst the worst genocidal war of extermination against the Moro natives perpetrated by the American occupation soldiers in Jolo island was in the 'battle of Bud Dajo' on March, 1906 and the 'Battle of Bud Bagsak' on June 11-15, 1913. Both encounters were literally a massacre of the heinous kind.

The ugliness of the 'battle of Bud Dajo' even led the famous American writer, Mark Twain, to consciously protest in 1910. This was to immortalize the cruelty, savagery and barbarism of American colonial conquest in Moroland. He wrote the following few lines obituary:

"Mark Twain, A Pen Warmed-up in Hell, Mark Twain in Protest 97 (1910)"

"A tribe of Moros, dark skinned savages, had fortified themselves in the bowl of an extinct crater not many miles from Jolo; and as they were hostile, and bitter against us because we have been trying for eight years to take their liberties away from them...General Wood's order had been to 'kill or capture those savages'...The enemy numbered six hundred - including women and children - and we abolished them utterly, leaving not even a baby alive to cry for his dead mother."

Thus, to this very day, the short chronicle of the other historically known 'battle in the clouds' highlighted in "Mark Twain, Grief and Mourning for the Night", hence, is always commemorated by the Bangsamoro students, researchers and professionals in universities and colleges as one of Tausugs' darkest days under American colonialism.

In the 'Battle of Bud Bagsak' on June 11-15, which lasted for five days, more than 2,000 Moro freedom fighters died that included helpless women and children.

The American-Moro war event in Jolo island is clearly described in the book, "THE BANGSAMORO PERSPECTIVE: Search For A Peaceful Mindanao", authored by Ibrahim S. Omar, who wrote:

"The Mount Bagsak battle was literally a 'massacre.' Arrayed against the gruesome U.S. military terror machine, more than 2,000 Moro resistant fighters and civilian family members died, including 196 women and 360 children"

"The 5-day 'battle' was personally led by U.S. Brig. Gen. John 'Black Jack' J. Pershing of the 8th Infantry and Philippine Scouts against Moro freedom fighters armed mostly with kris, barung, budjak (spear) and few guns. In many other battles in Moroland, the courageous free-loving Moro fighters were proven to be unstoppable by the 0.38 caliber pistol and other rifles which led the American colonizers to invent the more powerful 0.45 caliber pistol."

In short, the colonial American war of conquest against the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao never did contribute success to the U.S. government to cage the Muslim and Lumad natives into settlements befallen the sovereign aboriginal Indian natives of North America.

Unlike the original Spanish-born Christian Filipinos and the Christianized Indios-converted-Filipinos, who wholeheartedly embraced a mixture of Hispanic-American culture and attitude, the Moros maintained the preservation of their rich and colourful culture because of their deep affiliation to the universal community of Islam (Dar al-Islam). This perhaps is one basic reason why the Christian-conscious American leadership decided in designing Moroland to be colonized in turn by the Christian Catholic Filipinos.

Thus, no matter how hard the American colonizers tried to change the Moros' way of life to conform to the outlandish western outlook and attitude, they never succeeded. The Bangsamoro people to the very end of American colonialism refused to become subservient colonial slaves of Filipino stooges, registering both both formal and violent protest.

For more than forty years, the Bangsamoro masses tied down the combined American and hired Filipino invaders in a protracted and bloody war in Mindanao. Thus, amongst the Moro freedom fighters deserving distinct honour in the history of the Bangsamoro people's resistance to American invasion are the likes of Datu Ampuan Aguas of Lanao, Datu Ali of Cotabato and Panglima Hassan of Sulu.

(To be continued)


MNLF Official Website

25 May 2013


(Series of 4 Parts)


By RRayhanR

In 1935, the U.S. government colonial policy in condemning the Filipinos and Moros to the future bloody Mindanao war was revealed with the establishment of the Philippine Commonwealth regime. This was the political stepping stone for the Christian Filipinos to be given independence and freedom, but also a political scheme towards the dependence and unfreedom of the Muslim and Highlander natives of Mindanao.

In the closing years of American occupation of the triumvirate Islands of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, America favoured more the once Spanish-colonized Filipinos rather than the free and sovereign Mindanao Muslim and indigenous natives to establish and practice self-governance patterned after a republican system. The American colonizers ignored the historical fact that the Bangsamoro people have established their independent Sultanate government since way back 1412 with the formation of the Sultanate of Sulu by Sayyid Abubakar as the first Sultanate ruler.

In a grand conspiracy to continue the colonial slavery of the freedom-conscious indigenous natives of Mindanao under the prospective Philippine colonialism, the U.S. government and the interim Philippine Commonwealth deceptively schemed the continued colonization of Moroland.

Thus, after the plunder of the natural wealth of Mindanao for more than forty years, America consigned the Christian Filipinos to succeed them as colonizers of the Muslims and Animists of Mindanao. This was despite the violent and formal protest registered not to condemn the two opposing camps - Filipinos and Moros - into future perpetual war. This today is exemplified by the nagging Philippines-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao that already resulted in devastation and humanitarian disaster for the colonized natives.

Presently thus, being reminded of the words of caution of one famous African American Human Rights advocate, Martin Luther King, Jr., who said:

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Could it not been possible for the U.S. government to act in good faith in 1935 up to 1946 not to have condemned the distinctly different Filipino and Bangsamoro peoples to the present endless Mindanao war?

As presently noted by Patricio D. Diaz, who writing for Minda News, clearly emphasized:

"The Bangsamoro problem was sowed during the Spanish colonization, sprouted and took shape during the American regime and could have been aborted in 1934. The Moro leaders' demand for redress through the three and a half decades until the grant of the Philippine Commonwealth was essentially similar to those of the Moro rebels in 1970s until today. But the Americans and Filipinos turned blind and deaf to the Moro cry for justice and equity, they would not compromise."

In truth, the insensitivity and indifference of the U.S. government to the sad plight of the Muslim and Indigenous peoples of Mindanao to suffer unspeakable misery and unthinkable appalling misfortune under Philippine colonialism, especially under the 4-decades long Mindanao war today, is beyond human consciousness and logic. This is truly a mockery of the American 'Bill of Rights' conceptualized by President James Madison to make America proud of its commitments and achievements to global peace and order.

Thus, what really prompted the U.S. government to condemn the Filipinos and Moros to the present Philippines-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao when this could have been consciously averted by two significant historical events?

Firstly, the strong loud protestations of the oppressed and exploited Bangsamoro people not to be under the mercy of the colonial hegemony of the Christian Filipinos.

Secondly, the words of wisdom of Congressman Robert Bacon of New York to the U.S. Congress to give justice and fairness to the Moros to select their own form of government either practicing independence or being a member state of the United States of America. But never under oppressive and destructive Philippine colonial rule.

Boldly expressing strong opposition against inclusion in any future American-fabricated Philippine Republic, the Bangsamoro leaders in the past had formally submitted petitions to the U.S. government, warning of the coming ugly repercussions and violent hostilities between the Filipinos and Moros.

The outspokenness of the past Moro elders in starkly opposing Philippine colonial rule is even written and discussed vividly by Bambi L. Harper, who explained:

"The Moros were outspoken in their opposition to Filipino rule. In 1910, Datu Mandi, in a speech before Secretary of War Dickenson, stated: 'I am here, El Rajah Datu Mandi, representing the Moros. Here they are, the whole crowd of them...As I look about, I see far Moros than Filipinos: that is the reason it is called Moro Province."

"During the same meeting, the Moro Sakaluran came forward to address Dickenson: 'I am an old man. I do not want anymore trouble. But if it should come to that, that we are given to the Filipinos, I still would fight."

"Ulangkaya then rose and addressed the Secretary of War: 'I am not a civilized man but I have learned that slavery, killing and stealing are a bad thing. But if we are to be given over to another race, we had better all be hanged."

Furthermore, in the historical assembly of Moro leaders in Dansalan, Lanao, on March 18, 1935, a strong worded petition addressed to the U.S. government was unanimously approved to include the following alarming and warning words:

"...The Christian Filipinos occupy the islands of Luzon and Visayas, the Moros predominate in the Islands of Mindanao and Sulu. With regard to the forthcoming Philippine independence, we foresee what the condition we will be in and our children when independence is granted these islands. This condition will be characterized by unrest, suffering and misery...We do not want to be included in the Philippine independence (for) once an independent Philippines is launched there will be trouble between us and the Christian Filipinos..."

Thus, the ominous prophetic words of the worst chronic condition to come to pass between the Filipinos of Luzon and Visayas and the Moros of Mindanao have been clearly expressed by the cautious freedom-loving Muslim leaders in the past. But, tragically, this was not heeded by the American invaders, who were shrewdly scheming for their Christian Filipino protegees to succeed them as another Christian colonizers over the Muslim and Animist natives of Mindanao.

On the other hand, the opposition to the colonial slavery of the Bangsamoro people by America and subsequently by the Christian Filipinos was not only glaringly exhibited by the Mindanao natives themselves. Besides the protest shown by the famous American writer Mark Twain, this was also expressed by a conscious American Representative of New York, Robert Bacon.

In pleading for the cause of the Moros of Mindanao, Congressman Robert Bacon addressed the U.S. Congress in 1936 with the following words:

"The Christian Filipinos have no right...to determine the government of the Moro people according to their particular interests. This right was not given them by the Treaty of Paris, in violation of the conditions whereby the Moro leaders gave...obedience to American authority, and should never have been conceded by the Congress of the United States. If a reversal right to these southern islands...exist in anyone, it is the Moro and not...Filipinos who is entitled thereto."

Nonetheless, the U.S. government turned deaf and blind to the words of wisdom of another American, who wanted to forestall the devastating effects of violent hostilities between the Mindanao Muslim and Lumad natives and the Christian Filipinos of Luzon and Visayas. Instead, American leadership listened only to the unscrupulous Filipino lobby group headed by the arrogant autocratic Manuel L. Quezon and political ilks, who were bent on subjugating the Bangsamoro people and colonizing Moroland for political and economic greed.

Thus, without realizing the ugly consequences of refusing of to listen to the appeal of protest and dissent of both the Moro leaders and concerned American sympathizers, the U.S. government had callously condemned the Filipino and Bangsamoro communities into a violent clash of civilization and culture characterized now by the catastrophic 4-decades long Mindanao war.

Now, on this U.S. government-created turbulent social crisis, is it the hidden motive all along of both America and Filipino conspirators to condemn the colonizer and colonised to perpetual blood-letting and spectre of 'ethnic cleansing' in order to erase any trace of Moro race similar to the gradual extinction of the native Americans of the historical sovereign Indian Nation?

In like manner, does being condemned to the endless Mindanao conflict include the continuous 'unrest, suffering and misery' of the colonised and terrorised native inhabitants the end result of the destructive program of the U.S. government?

Is the U.S. government-designed program of continuous human pain and suffering of the colonized Muslim and Animist natives of Mindanao anchored on leading them into inhumane submission as 'dumb driven cattle' desperately jumping into becoming 'Filipinos' against their vehement will? Thus simply, to be mighty proud of the Filipino "cursed identity from inception", according to one Mindanaoan Atty. Ely Velez Pamatong.

Why is it difficult for the American and Filipino colonialist invaders to accept the truth that the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao could not then and until now accept fundamentally being identified as 'Filipinos' because they could not be children of the Catholic Spanish soldiers and friars as well as Christianized Indios?

Worse, as beholden common subjects of the immoral King Philip II of Spain and colonial slaves of the Spanish kingdom, the Spanish colonizers were even utilizing the Christianized Indios-turned-Filipinos since 1872 as 'foot-soliders and spies' in their ugly war of conquest and Christianization campaigns against the Muslim and Lumad natives of Mindanao. But never did succeed.

Clearly, this historical event is described by Dr. Cesar Adib-Majul, who wrote:

"The Spaniards made full utilization of naive troops, principally Visayans, Pampangos and Christianized natives of Northern Mindanao, to fight their war against the Muslims of Sulu and Mindanao...Indios were made to row the boats of the Spaniards, served as spearmen or shock troops, act as spies, and perform other mercenary tasks for their conquerors...as a response to all these, the Moros begun to hate and despise natives who not only failed to preserve their freedom but who were also used to deprive others of freedom for the sake of aliens. In the vocabulary of the Muslims, the word 'Visayan' became synonymous to 'slave'; while the words 'Filipino' and 'Christian' became identified with each other. In brief, the Moro was, to his own mind, neither a slave nor a Filipino."

Thus, redundantly but only for point of emphasis, it is indeed a historical ridicule why the Spanish invaders were able to hoodwink America into buying for $20,000,000 the Bangsamoro homeland of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan, leading to the anomalous Treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898.

On this highly immoral transaction, Prof. Clemencio Bascar has repeatedly pointed out the salient historical facts:

"...The unimpeachable and indisputable proofs that Mindanao and Sulu were not colonial possession of the Crown of Spain and should not have been sold and ceded to the United States under Article III of the December 10, 1898 Treaty of Paris."

"(1) These two Sultanates (Sultanate of Sulu and Maguindanao) were not conquered by Spain; (2) These two Sultanate were not colonized by Spain; (3) These two Sultanates were not Christianized by Spain; (4) The adherents of these two Sultanates were not subjects of the Spanish Crown; (5) The last Spanish Governor-General, Diego de los Rios, surrendered to General Vicente Solis Alvarez (Datu Tumanggong) on May 18, 1899 following the capture of the biggest Spanish fortress, Fort Pilar in Zamboanga, which completely removed from these two sovereign Sultanates any threats of Spanish invasion or conquest."

(To be continued)




MNLF Official Website

14 July 2013


(Series of 4 Parts)


By RRayhanR

On July 4, 1946, colonial America State terrorism was passed on to power-hungry Filipino colonizers to unleash upon the Mindanao and Cordillera natives. The dreadful Philippine State terrorism was terribly felt by the Muslim and Lumad Animist natives of Mindanao as well as the Igorots of the Cordillera ('Mountain Province'). This was the formal establishment of America-created 'Republic of the Philippines' that involved the highly immoral annexation of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan (MINSUPALA) and the Cordillera Region.

Today, under America-installed Philippine colonialism, the unscrupulous and arrogant Filipino leadership never tire in pursuing deceptive Filipinization or Christianization campaigns to integrate the Muslim and Indigenous Peoples into America-manufactured 'Christian Philippine Republic'. The subtle pacification campaigns are complemented by draconian laws and the usage of military power to terrorize the colonized victims.

Since 1946 up to the present, Philippine colonialism under different presidential personalities have had concocted government entities, such as Commission on National Integration (CNI), Office of Muslim Affairs (OMA) converted presently to National Commission for Muslim Filipinos (NCFM), Southern Philippines Development Authority (SPDA), Philippine Amanah Bank (PAB), Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development (SPCPD), etc., in continuing to mesmerize and to deceive the Mindanao and Cordillera native inhabitants to accept its colonial assimilation policy. But it never did and will not succeed because the Filipino-crafted artificial socio-economic and political agencies have always self-destructed. Simply analyzed, the cosmetic governmental entities are created as appeasement facade meant only to fail in the hands of the colonized populace in ensuring permanent dependency on America-designed Philippine colonialism.

Nonetheless though, it cannot be denied and discounted that there are some professionals from the colonized society whose bread and butter depend on Philippine colonialism. Seemingly, the awkward situation has driven them to be subservient and beholden to the Filipino colonial masters, particularly in the Christian-dominated Philippine government service. But is this their beggar-like chosen fate in life as programmed by the colonial U.S. government from the beginning and pass on conveniently to the Philippine colonial government to follow to the letter?

Thus, what really is the hidden motive why the U.S. government consigned the freedom-conscious and learned sector of the colonized natives to become mendicant wage-earners of the Christian Filipinos, who eventually turned out to be a "worse colonizer"?

Aptly observing and describing the ugly high-handedness of America-inspired Philippine colonial rule in Mindanao, a well-known Mindanaoan patriotic freedom fighter Reuben R. Canoy said:

"With the inauguration of the Commonwealth in 1935 and the attainment of full independence in 1946, it was assumed that the Mindanao policy instituted by past colonial regimes would be scrapped. To the dismay of the Mindanaoans, the Manila government turned out to be a worse colonizer. While fighting for Philippine independence, Manuel Luis Quezon said: 'Better a government run like hell by Filipinos than a government run like heaven by Americans.' When he became the first Filipino president under the 1935 Constitution, the impact of a Filipino government 'run like hell' was felt more strongly in Mindanao than anywhere else. The colonial attitude that the first Filipino leaders struck towards the south was the inevitable outcome of their elitish apprenticeship under the Spaniards and the Americans."

Clearly thus in history, it cannot be denied that America is at all devoid of humanity for justice and fairness when it designed giving independence to the Spanish-colonized Christian Filipinos rather than the sovereign and free Bangsamoro people, who to the very end fought and thwarted any attempts by the Spanish marauders to colonize and occupy their ancestral homeland.

All along demonstrating bad faith and contriving with the deceitful megalomaniac Filipino politicians led by Manuel L. Quezon, Sergio Osmena, Sr., Claro M. Recto, Elpidio Quirino, amongst others, the U.S. government high-handedly engineered the illegal and immoral colonization and occupation of Mindanao in 1935. Consequently later in 1946, the U.S. government installed the corrupt-prone and exploitative 'Philippine Republic', handling in silver platter 'independence' to the Filipinos, alas, with the arbitrary incorporation of the ancestral homelands of the Bangsamoro and Igorot peoples. But the political conspiracy has only led to disastrous consequences.

Apparently, the net result today of the past political grand conspiracy has condemned the Filipino colonialists and the colonized Mindanao and Cordillera natives into continued violent and socio-economic political crisis after crisis.

However, on this tragic and chaotic development plaguing today the Filipino colonizers and the colonized native inhabitants, is there hope and willing goodwill for the U.S. government under a conscious and compassionate leadership to right the historical wrong?

Is it possible for America today to help and to commit to just and lasting peace for chaos-ridden Mindanao in order to undo the injustice most foul America has inflicted on the colonized and oppressed humanity of this part of the world?

On the other hand, is America steadfast in remaining silent and insensitive to the worsening human degradation of the native inhabitants of Mindanao just to continue the condemnation of the Filipinos and Moros to the over 4-decades long Mindanao war?

Chairman Nur Misuari - "In the interest of peace and development in Mindanao and its component islands of Palawan, Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, Basilan and Camiguin, I call on all government, military and civilian authorities to faithfully respect and upheld the GRP-OIC-MNLF Peace Agreements in letter and spirit. These peace agreements are of supreme importance to our people and future. Let no one, therefore, denigrate the sublime memory and sacrifice of those valiant men and women, Mujahideen and Mujahidat alike, who have perished in pursuit of peace, justice and freedom as a key to social harmony and sustainable economic development for all of us and posterity."
Chairman Ustaj Salamat Hashim - "The MILF leadership is confident Brother Nur Misuari of the MNLF cannot afford to betray the Bangsamoro people and Cause. We have high regards on him and we presume he and the MNLF leadership are well aware that unless a meaningful self-determination for the Bangsamoro people is in place, the problem will persist from generation to generations."

US PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, said: "Peace built on freedom and dignity of people."

SENATOR BENIGNO 'NINOY' AQUINO, JR., Filipino martyred hero and supporter of self-determination of the Bangsamoro people, advised: "Study the lessons of history before it is too late"...and..."if you are not sincere, how many will die?"

PRESIDENT BENIGNO 'NOYNOY' AQUINO III has always emphasized 'just and lasting peace" for war-torn Mindanao. He is for a "political entity" with a name that symbolises and honors the struggles of the Moro forebears in Mindanao and celebrates the history and character of the Moro Nation. He said, "that name will be Bangsamoro." But, only Bangsamoro with sovereignty will bring 'just and lasting peace' to Mindanao,"
Furthermore, is it possible today for America to reform and to involve in peaceful efforts to help finally end the Mindanao war of genocide and extermination against the Filipino-colonized Muslim and Lumad natives perpetrated by the Philippine military occupation forces in Mindanao?

As recalled in the not too distant past, under the scrutiny of the Permanent People's Tribunal in Antwerp, Belgium. October 30 to November 3. 1980, the American Nobel Prize laureate, Dr. George Wald, acknowledge in its judgment that the Bangsamoro people are entitled to the right of national self-determination.

Thus the People's Tribunal issued a call upon the world opinion, progressive governments, organizations and individuals to lend their support to the struggle of the Bangsamoro people to achieve national self-determination and liberation from Philippine colonialism and neo-colonial system of repression.

Furthermore, the Tribunal strongly condemned what it called the "programme of displacement and physical extinction that was waged by the Philippine government against the Bangsamoro people". It said that such program had always deprived the Bangsamoro people of much of their ancestral land and made roughly half of their number refugees and exiles. The Tribunal concluded that the cumulative effect of this program has been the commission of the "crime of genocide."

Now, following on the true spirit of justice and fairness, how can America now reverse the condemnation of the Filipinos and Moros in the genocidal Mindanao war? Tragically, the endless Philippines-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao has resulted into the cruelest deaths of almost three hundred thousands (300,000) combatants and non-combatants and countless material losses.

How can the U.S. government today rectify the injustice most profound it envisioned against the oppressed Bangsamoro people of Mindanao by condemning them to the tyrannical and repressive Philippine colonial rule?

It cannot be easily forgotten in history that one tangible fact why U.S. government in 1946 established the 'Philippine Republic' was to continue the colonial plunder and loot of the natural wealth and riches of the Bangsamoro homeland by the Filipinos of Luzon.

Thus it is quite strange that America today can speak of the 'virtues of human rights, freedom and democracy' when it became instrumental in trampling the fundamental human rights and depriving the basic freedom of the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao. Sadly, under American colonial rule, the colonized Mindanao natives were not even afforded any elementary courtesy of democratic referendum or plebiscite in determining their definite destiny similar to the American Indian natives in caged settlements in their own ancestral domain in North America.

Truly thus, how can the U.S. government today speak to the world about the majesty and rule of law, justice and fairness after violently colonizing Moroland for more than forty years, plundering the natural riches of the occupied territory and massacring the Moro freedom fighters and civilians, including the aged, women and children, characterized by the Bud Dajo, Bud Bagsak and 'Cota war' massacres in Jolo Island and Lanao in the 1930s up to the 1940ss?

Indeed thus, the historical events of bloody American colonialism in Mindanao is aptly described by the French Thinker, Voltaire, who said: "Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortune."

Nevertheless, on one hand, the German statesman, Konrad Adenauer, has also said: "History is the sum total of the things that could have been avoided."

Thus morally now, how can America just brush off all the past historical injustices without facing ethical and moral responsibility if only to right the wrong committed in order to face the kindness, not negative ridicule and judgment of history?

Truly indeed, conscious of the simplicity of right and wrong, when will the U.S. government express public apology to the once colonized and brutalized Muslim and Animist natives of Mindanao for the gruesome human wrongs and gross injustices it committed against them during the criminal past?

In redressing historical grievances related to the massive human deaths, human degradation and plunder of natural wealth of the Mindanao natives so as to sustain American pride and economic greed, is the moral retribution policy for the U.S. government equivalent only to building cemented airports and roads in some parts of Mindanao?

In all moral honesty now, how can the U.S. government as Christian patron of Philippine colonialism in Mindanao guide the home-grown Asian Filipino colonizers to abandon altogether colonial land-grabbing for the sake of 'just and lasting' peace. Surely thus, this will finally end and permanently put closure to the more than forty years Philippines-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao?

Backdrop by the harsh realities brought about by the grievous injustices inflicted on the oppressed Bangsamoro people of Mindanao by both the U.S. government and Philippine government, it is only morally right that the continuing 'unrest, agony and misery' of the colonial victims must come to finally end. And be sincerely addressed.

As the martyred Filipino hero, Senator Benigno 'Ninoy' Aquino, Jr. said: "Study the lessons of history before it is too late"...and..."if you are not sincere, how many will die?"

On the virtue of freedom and national self-determination, it is beyond any reasonable doubt that the Spanish, American and Filipino colonizers as well as the colonized Moros are all passionate lovers of independence and liberty. The tangible proofs were the centuries-long Spanish-Moro war from 1500s upto the 1800s and the American-Moro war in the 1900s. And today, the continuing vital proof is the 4-decades long Philippines-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao. Although facing all odds, the Bangsamoro people have only proven their passionate love for freedom and independence.

Thus, why should the Filipino and Bangsamoro societies today be condemned to the endless bitterest Mindanao war?

On the genuine search for Mindanao peace, why does Philippine colonialism have to betray Mindanao peace time and again by complicated man-made laws that created in the first place the horrible Mindanao war haunting the Filipino colonialists and colonized Bangsamoro natives today?

The ugliness of Mindanao war today has come to surface through the courtesy of the draconian Philippine Commonwealth National Legislative Law No. 1497 otherwise known as the 'Quirino-Recto Colonization Act.'

Thus, premised on the earnest and sincere search for lasting and durable Mindanao peace, is it now ethically and morally possible for the U.S. government and other concerned foreign governments to directly guide both the Filipino colonizers and the colonized Bangsamoro people to commit to permanent peace in finally ending the longest genocidal war in Southeast Asia? That the clearest guideline is based on the peace version of the Nobel Peace Prize winner, U.S. President Barack Hussin Obama, who emphasized: "Peace built on freedom and dignity of people."

Indeed, clearly now, is the present peace-conscious U.S. government and Philippine Republic capable and amenable to erase the ill-effects of Filipino colonialism planted in Mindanao soil in order to herald and guarantee a new dawn of peaceful and harmonious co-existence for the colonizer and the colonized in South East Asia?

Hence, discerning on deeper wisdom and conscious open minds for comprehensive peace and harmony, is the U.S. government and Philippine Republic sincerely capable enough to boldly and peacefully operationalize and realize the decolonization of the Bangsamoro homeland of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan for the sake of lasting and permanent peace for the oppressed and colonized Muslim and Highlander natives as well as Christian settlers of war-ravaged Mindanao?

Again, as Martin Luther King, Jr., who attempted in his lifetime to guide peaceful humanity to the path of non-violence, has said:

"We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now...We still have a choice today; non-violent co-existence or violent co-annihilation. This may will be mankind's last chance to choose between chaos and community."



In the final analysis, the time for peace and peaceful co-existence for both the Filipino colonizers of Luzon and the colonized Bangsamoro people of war-torn Mindanao should be taken to heart by former foreign colonizers - Spain, America and Japan. Today, the colonizer and colonized should be aided to embrace peace, not war.

Driven once by political and economic greed for power and conquest, foreign powers that involved in creating mass suffering and whole scale devastation for the Bangsamoro people and Moroland should now consciously help to bring ultimate 'just and lasting' peace to the Filipino-occupied territory.

With the passage of centuries-long period of difficult times in experiencing the pangs of tyranny, brutality, cruelty and callousness of the Spanish, American and Japanese invaders to have inflicted untold suffering and unbelievable pain as well as human abasement on the Bangsamoro people, it is about time the conscientious community of nations, headed by the United Nations (UN), should peacefully and actively put to end oppressive Philippine colonialism in Mindanao.

Enough is enough for destructive Philippine colonialism in Mindanao for the sake of genuine and durable peace!

On this light of brighter hope for a new dawn of positive change and outlook for the centuries-long exploited and oppressed indigenous natives of Mindanao, the professionals, women, youth and civilian masses of Filipino-occupied Bangsamoro homeland wish to join and to re-echo the soul-searching appeal of Madam Mucha-Shim Quilling Arquisa to the 2011 Geneva United Nation Human Rights Council Forum on Minority Issues, Fourth Session.

Thereat, as 'ethnic and religious minority representative', she appealed for justice and peace for war battered Mindanao and her concluding remarks have today reverberated in the hearts and minds of the Bangsamoro people of the Filipino-occupied territory.

With wholehearted compassion and optimistic hope for 'just and lasting' peace in the 'land of promise', she expressed the following haunting words:

"My last plea is a concrete call to action. I am addressing the Governments of Spain and the United States of America specifically to appeal for them to examine their conscience and once and for all end the colonization of the Bangsamoro minority nationality within the Philippine Republic. Be it within or outside the ambit of the UN. I urge the Spanish government and the United States government to immediately undertake necessary and urgent geo-political administrative complemented with international legal measures, specifically to unwrite the consequences of the Treaty of Paris it signed in August 21, 1898 that unilaterally and illegally ceded the Bangsamoro homeland to the Philippine Republic and unjustly trampling on the sovereignty of the Sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao and undermined traditional governance in indigenous Moro and Lumad principalities in the rest of Mindanao. A decisive step towards this will once and for all DECOLONIZE our minds and imagination. And wake us up from the nightmare - we, national minorities, perennial nationalists dreaming of its own nation-state and self-determination at a time when, as late Arab leader Muammar al-Qadaffi once said: 'a time no longer for nations, but for peoples'. Thank you and peace be upon us all..." -rrr/bfs

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