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American And French Terrorists Arrested In Pakistan

I think there is a big difference between political agitation and terrorist activity. I demonstrated against the Mubarak government - that's political agitation. But I didn't physically threaten anybody or blow anything up - that would be terrorism.

So you accept, indirectly, that American CIA's infrastructure which is expanding sectarian terrorism in Pakistan along with Drone Attacks are act of Terrorism! thanks for accepting it

Conditions haven't "improved" since Pakistan's unelected leadership eliminated classics and history from the curriculum and substituted ideological Islam instead, a few years after independence.

As usual, do not try to misguide our nation, our youngsters might take it wrongly, Pakistan, in last 64 years has become one of the leading nations of the world, hell before 9/11 and this so-called "War on Terror" terrorism, We were doing fine, and let me guess.. who was the one who armed these jihadis and osama bin laden against Russia? oh yeah.. the same CIA!

I'm aware of how friendly Pakistanis are - and how the elite take advantage of that good nature to screw the people. Don't you think you guys deserve better?

Yes! we do deserve better, thats a fact! but your post was not related to the elite class, you post was degrading to the whole nation.. and we Pakistanis might have problems with each other but we do not need OUTSIDERS to give their opinion about us..

Hope u understand...
The security services could just claim that I was planning such things. Who would know or care if what they said about me was truth or lies? Isn't it taught that all Zionists are evil and that Pakistanis are supposed to work toward the destruction of Israel and the death of its millions of Jews?

Isn't that the same stand USA has against every country they are invading?.. have you got any proof for ANY war US started?.. let me remind you the words of the REAL American president..


Your second sentence in itself clarifies your standing.. Were the Jews suppose to occupy the Palestinian territory on the first place? and NO..Pakistanis are not taught to kill millions of jews.. they are taught not to befriend them.. based on FACTS.. look what happened to Palestinians when they made Jews their friends..
A govt can help terrorism. However govt forces are never called terrorist, no matter how violent and indiscriminate they are.
Libyan army or pakistan army(or baharini forces) can never be called terrorists no matter how many civilians they kill.

Correction Please: Army is not called terrorist if they act INSIDE their OWN country.. Invading other countries IS ACT OF TERRORISM!!
Correction Please: Army is not called terrorist if they act INSIDE their OWN country.. Invading other countries IS ACT OF TERRORISM!!

Its still not terrorism, its invasion.

Terrorists are like AQ, LET and JEM. The Sneaky bastar*s, dont come in open, do suicide bombings etc., smell as sh*t, long beards, stinking teeth, baboons.
My mistake,i got that info from this forum.Anyway my point was that a section of pak media was conveniently masking their origin and religion to strengthen some conspiracy theories.

He was not arrested for terror,but for killing two muggers who tried to rob him.Nothing else was proved.

So arab,africans americans r not americans?

A govt can help terrorism. However govt forces are never called terrorist, no matter how violent and indiscriminate they are.
Libyan army or pakistan army(or baharini forces) can never be called terrorists no matter how many civilians they kill.

Do smthin constructive for a change instead of trolling......... go eat candy or smthin it might help u as comfort food.
Its still not terrorism, its invasion.

Terrorists are like AQ, LET and JEM. The Sneaky bastar*s, dont come in open, do suicide bombings etc., smell as sh*t, long beards, stinking teeth, baboons.

What an interesting definition of terrorism! (sarcasm) Full of contradictions I must say, especially with what your fellow Indians said!

Terrorism is the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce a governing body by killing innocent civilians in order to gain recognition for your ideology or for political reasons.

This fits in with a few governments.

A govt can help terrorism. However govt forces are never called terrorist, no matter how violent and indiscriminate they are.

What the hell is this supposed to mean?
Its still not terrorism, its invasion.

Terrorists are like AQ, LET and JEM. The Sneaky bastar*s, dont come in open, do suicide bombings etc., smell as sh*t, long beards, stinking teeth, baboons.

If this is your definition then why are Allied forces fighting War on "terror" against taliban.. they should be fighting War of "Invasion".. Taliban were rulers of Afghanistan when 9/11 happened..

Either your definition is rubbish or Allied nations and forces are composed of stupids.. pick your choice :)
If this is your definition then why are Allied forces fighting War on "terror" against taliban.. they should be fighting War of "Invasion".. Taliban were rulers of Afghanistan when 9/11 happened..

Either your definition is rubbish or Allied nations and forces are composed of stupids.. pick your choice :)

Keeping it simple and short....
Allied forces are helping to eradicate the menace of terrorism.
There is a Govt in Afghanistan, allied are not ruling.
The Taliban were/are terrorists, along with their offspring the LET and JEM.

If still you believe that's not evil, then may God have mercy upon you.
The security services could just claim that I was planning such things. Who would know or care if what they said about me was truth or lies? Isn't it taught that all Zionists are evil and that Pakistanis are supposed to work toward the destruction of Israel and the death of its millions of Jews?

Where did you get that?
If you know nothing than don't associate your dreams to Pakistan or Islam.:angry:

As per the prophecy and prominent international scholars... It will be India who will be conquered by Muslims from east and out of this fear India has been ethnic cleansing its own Muslims, Bangali Muslims, Afghan children and Pakistani children in shape of terrorism.
It is Indian authorities who believe this part of Islam more than any Muslim.
Keeping it simple and short....
Allied forces are helping to eradicate the menace of terrorism.
There is a Govt in Afghanistan, allied are not ruling.
The Taliban were/are terrorists, along with their offspring the LET and JEM.

If still you believe that's not evil, then may God have mercy upon you.

I would say its terrorism from all sides (Taliban, LeT, JeM), but terrorism also includes countries like the US, India etc. I would say its terrorism all around. It's not right to categorize what the Taliban, LeT, JeM as terrorism, but what India, US does as not.
I would say its terrorism from all sides (Taliban, LeT, JeM), but terrorism also includes countries like the US, India etc. I would say its terrorism all around. It's not right to categorize what the Taliban, LeT, JeM as terrorism, but what India, US does as not.

India and US are countries, LeT, Taliban, JeM are organizations. You should compare India and US with pakistan. Will pakistan be called a terrorist organization ever?
Where did you get that?
If you know nothing than don't associate your dreams to Pakistan or Islam.:angry:

As per the prophecy and prominent international scholars... It will be India who will be conquered by Muslims from east and out of this fear India has been ethnic cleansing its own Muslims, Bangali Muslims, Afghan children and Pakistani children in shape of terrorism.
It is Indian authorities who believe this part of Islam more than any Muslim.

Are you out of ur freekin mind.??? The population of Muslims in India is increasing.

Unbelievable ....the level of stupidity.
Where did you get that?
If you know nothing than don't associate your dreams to Pakistan or Islam.:angry:

As per the prophecy and prominent international scholars... It will be India who will be conquered by Muslims from east and out of this fear India has been ethnic cleansing its own Muslims, Bangali Muslims, Afghan children and Pakistani children in shape of terrorism.
It is Indian authorities who believe this part of Islam more than any Muslim.

and prominent international scholars............... like ZION HAMID !! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
:lol: Indian authorities don't need to believe in anybody's "WET DREAMS" masquerading as "prophecy" and "prominent international scholars(?)".
Any progress on the original news report? Are the terrorists being investigated and prosecuted?
So you accept, indirectly, that American CIA's infrastructure which is expanding sectarian terrorism -
No. Exactly how did I leave you with that impression?

As usual, do not try to misguide our nation, our youngsters might take it wrongly -
Please explain.

Pakistan, in last 64 years has become one of the leading nations of the world -
In what way?

who was the one who armed these jihadis and osama bin laden against Russia? oh yeah.. the same CIA!
U.S. and Saudi funded, but the ISI trained and ran the jihadis. Since it was Pakistan that made the key decisions, then Pakistan logically bears the lion's share of moral responsibility. Details in many books, among them Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military by Husain Haqqani.

Yes! we do deserve better, thats a fact! but your post was not related to the elite class, you post was degrading to the whole nation..
Because you identify with the "elite class"?

...we Pakistanis might have problems with each other but we do not need OUTSIDERS to give their opinion about us...Hope u understand...
This opinion is part of your internal struggle. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been asked.
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