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American And French Terrorists Arrested In Pakistan

The footage shown on the ARY, showed them in Police custody and been put into an APC.
Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure.!!!!!!!!!! ..........Surprise addition.
And they were ordered by interior ministry to leave the country. :hitwall:

you guys are really wonderfull hahahahaha

man these guys can order zardari kiyani to leave the country within 24 minutes heheheh you guys forget RD or you guys delete your memory ?lol
What I am getting is that the people who are asked to leave Paksitan in 2 weeks would be similar under cover agents or we must have treated them as terrorists.. we are soft on Americans and probebly every western countries as if their blood is thicker but there will be genuine reason also in this case.

By the way, the way things are going in Pakistan, it is unlikely to imagine some American or French Tourists would be here who we found were also terrorists.. people who are in Pakistan and who are involved must have a better reason than trourism to stay and work.

Its rather good to keep our focus on cleansing country from such rogue elements.. like TTP and other terrorists, they are equally harmful for us. Thanks to the Government on waking up on this atleast. Don't forget it was in 2008-2009 when it was reported by Media that there are nearly 300 houses in Islamabad which have been heavily guarded by Cameras, Barb-Wires barriers and all of them are lived by foreigners. If GOP is talking about these people then these people are in country since years and those are not tourists. Lets hope these are the same people who have started leaving this place.
:lol:So they'll be fed on French Cheese until they're released.
Force the French nationalist to wear women clothes and lipstick if is a he and then cover him/her with a Burka.
Parade him/her by humiliate him/her on the steets of Pakistan then send it to mR Sakozy the next hitler.
Let Him know that the next time he send his terrorist nationist to a peacful country they will be coming home by wearing a burka.
Breaking News On ARY.

Two American Citizens have been arrested and ordered to leave Pakistan within two weeks, reportedly they were found to be involved in anti-State activities, while Foreign Media is quoted as reporting that two French Nationals have also been arrested by Pakistani Authorities, who were involved in terrorist activities inside the country.

Source: ARY News.

Asked to leave within two weeks??? What are anti-terrorism courts for?
Now it's been reported as one American and one British National found involved in suspicious activities and ordered to leave the country.
Looks like the meeting between Pasha and Panetta didn't go too well. Expect lot of foreign nationals getting expelled from Pakistan in the near future. Raymond Davis must have blown a lot of cover, like a muppet, while in custody.
Man,a new addition..American terrorist and French terrorist wah!!!

In those 2 weeks will they be in police custody or freely roaming Pakistan and leave before 2 weeks??
Force the French nationalist to wear women clothes and lipstick if is a he and then cover him/her with a Burka.
Parade him/her by humiliate him/her on the steets of Pakistan then send it to mR Sakozy the next hitler.
Let Him know that the next time he send his terrorist nationist to a peacful country they will be coming home by wearing a burka.

This is the coolest proposal, but i'm afraid Scarekozy is scared of Burka, better send them in Bikini and they shall be kept in Bikini during their stay in Pakistan.
Lahore police arrest two French terror suspects

Updated at 22:39 PST Thursday, April 14, 2011

ISLAMABAD: Two French nationals suspected of belonging to an international terror group have been arrested by security services in Lahore late Thursday, French and Pakistani sources said.

The two, who were detained several weeks ago, are suspected of being part of the group responsible for the bloody attacks in Bali in 2002 that killed 202 people, the worst terror attack in Indonesia, according to Pakistani security officials, who requested anonymity.

The terror group is allegedly headed by Indonesian Umar Patek, who was himself arrested recently in Pakistan.

France has asked the Pakistani authorities for permission to visit the two detainees, a representative at the French embassy in Islamabad told media.
The terror group is allegedly headed by Indonesian Umar Patek, who was himself arrested recently in Pakistan.
Al-Qaeda operative nabbed in Pakistan

our correspondent
Thursday, March 31, 2011

ISLAMABAD: The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has told The News that it has captured Umar Patek, a member of Jemaah Islamiyah, who is believed to have been involved in the 2002 bombings in Bali, Indonesia, which killed 202 people, including seven US citizens.

When asked, the ISI officer said, “We captured him a few days ago and now as is the protocol, the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other related departments will ensure that he is taken back to Indonesia.”

Patek, who is a 35-year-old Javanese Arab, is presently being interrogated by the ISI and will only be handed over to Indonesia after these very important interrogations are completed.

The officer, when asked if it was a joint effort for his arrest by several intelligence organisations, replied, “No, it was entirely the efforts of the ISI.”

The officer said at this point in time, he was not ready to reveal more details or to tell what Patek was doing in Pakistan, as his organisation is not known to have carried out any terrorist activity here. But the ISI officer did hint that Patek might have turned up thinking it was a safe haven. No details were forthcoming as to the exact place from where Patek was nabbed.

When told that the ISI had finally achieved something positive after all the negative press they received after allowing Raymond Davis to escape, he replied, “Do not worry, you will soon be hearing more good news of ISI’s accomplishments.”

When contacted, the spokesperson at the Foreign Office said so far they had received no information from the ISI. Normally, it is the Ministry of Interior that handles the matters of extradition. The officer said they had informed their counterparts in Indonesia.

The News contacted US embassy spokesperson Alberto Rodriguez several times over the arrest of Umer Patik but he did not respond.

Agencies add: It is not clear whether Pakistan stumbled on Patek or his capture was the result of an intelligence tip. Details about what he was doing in Pakistan also remain murky, raising questions about whether he was here to plan an attack with al-Qaeda’s top operational leaders as the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States approaches.

Patek, 40, is well known to intelligence agencies across the world. He is believed to have served as the group’s deputy field commander in the nightclub bombings that left 202 people dead, many of them foreigners. Patek is believed to have been among a group of Indonesians, Malaysians and Filipinos who travelled to Afghanistan and Pakistan during the 1980s and 1990s for training and fighting. On their return to Southeast Asia, they formed Jemaah Islamiyah, blamed for a string of suicide bombings targeting nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, and a Western embassy in Indonesia. Together more than 260 people have died in the attacks. Patek fled to the southern Philippines after the Bali bombings, seeking refuge and training with both the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the largest Muslim separatist group, and later, the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf, security experts have said.

The US was offering a US$1 million reward for the arrest of Patek, who is known as the “little Arab”. The Bali attack had killed seven Americans.

The question what to do with him could become a key indicator of how President Barack Obama will handle major terror suspects captured abroad. However, American officials declined to comment on the case.

Under former President George W Bush, Patek would have been moved into the CIA’s network of secret prisons. For instance, one of Patek’s accused co-conspirators in the nightclub bombing, Hambali, spent years in the prison system and is now being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. But the CIA’s secret prisons are closed and Obama is trying to empty Guantanamo, not add new inmates.

Meanwhile, reports from Indonesia claim that National Police chief detective Comr Gen Ito Sumardi on Wednesday said the National Police had formed a team to be dispatched immediately to Pakistan to confirm reports of the arrest of Umar Patek, one of Indonesia’s most wanted terrorist suspects. “We received the information several days ago. We have formed a team comprising officials from several institutions such as the immigration office and the Foreign Ministry, as this case involves another country’s authorities,” Ito said. He added that members of the team would intensify coordination between related institutions to gather as much information as possible with regard to Umar’s whereabouts. The team would be sent to Pakistan immediately pending approval from Pakistani authorities, he said.

Ito added that the police had yet to be convinced of the legitimacy of the reports of the arrest. “It is still raw information, while Pakistani officials have yet to tell officially,” he said. If the man captured was in fact Umar Patek, the police may not be able to bring him back to Indonesia to be legally prosecuted by local authorities, Ito said.

“The information said he had been arrested for criminal acts he committed in Pakistan. It is highly likely that he will face legal charges there.”

Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd, speaking on the sidelines of a conference in Bali, earlier Wednesday confirmed Patek had been arrested. Almost 90 Australians were killed in the Bali bombings. Pakistani security official told AFP that Indonesian security officials will be given access to Patek, he added. “The Indonesians want access to him and they are coming,” he said.

Al-Qaeda operative nabbed in Pakistan
Lahore police arrest two French terror suspects

Updated at 22:39 PST Thursday, April 14, 2011

ISLAMABAD: Two French nationals suspected of belonging to an international terror group have been arrested by security services in Lahore late Thursday, French and Pakistani sources said.

The two, who were detained several weeks ago, are suspected of being part of the group responsible for the bloody attacks in Bali in 2002 that killed 202 people, the worst terror attack in Indonesia, according to Pakistani security officials, who requested anonymity.

The terror group is allegedly headed by Indonesian Umar Patek, who was himself arrested recently in Pakistan.

France has asked the Pakistani authorities for permission to visit the two detainees, a representative at the French embassy in Islamabad told media.

So its Jemaah Islamiyah group members who did BALI bombing..... Better execute them ASAP.
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