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American And French Terrorists Arrested In Pakistan


Unless ur plannin to kill or crush ppl........Everything is fine........Khush amdid.
Unless ur plannin to kill or crush ppl........Everything is fine........Khush amdid.
The security services could just claim that I was planning such things. Who would know or care if what they said about me was truth or lies? Isn't it taught that all Zionists are evil and that Pakistanis are supposed to work toward the destruction of Israel and the death of its millions of Jews?
The security services could just claim that I was planning such things. Who would know or care if what they said about me was truth or lies? Isn't it taught that all Zionists are evil and that Pakistanis are supposed to work toward the destruction of Israel and the death of its millions of Jews?

My friend ur smarter thn tht......
from DAWN
PARIS: A top French security official says two French citizens have been arrested in Pakistan, where authorities have linked them to a top suspected al-Qaida militant over the 2002 nightclub bombing in Bali.

A Pakistani intelligence official says the suspected French militants including one with family ties to Pakistan were arrested in connection with the Jan. 25 arrest of al Qaida-linked militant Umar Patek of Indonesia.

The Pakistani official said the two French suspects had intended to travel with Patek to Pakistan’s North Waziristan region, where al-Qaida’s top command is based.

A French counterterrorism official confirmed the arrests Thursday on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.

I don know why you guys are bashing USA and French ??? Since Soviet Afghan war different ppl from different country came to Pak-Afghan to promote/support Jihad... Nothing new... Infact We found several Tazik jihadi in kashmir...

These people believe that they are serving Islam, so they recruit jihadis from all over globe..
Are they of pak origin?Why is the media not mentioning their names?
Some months back 4 american muslims of pak originwas arrested for terrorism and some section of pak media was purposefully not mentioning that they were all pak origin muslims-to give the story a different angle.
Are they of pak origin?Why is the media not mentioning their names?
Some months back 4 american muslims of pak originwas arrested for terrorism and some section of pak media was purposefully not mentioning that they were all pak origin muslims-to give the story a different angle.

False. 1 out of those 4 american Muslims was of Pakistani origin, 2 were African Muslims, 1 was Arab Muslim. And is Raymond Davis of Pakistani origin?
False. 1 out of those 4 american Muslims was of Pakistani origin, 2 were African Muslims, 1 was Arab Muslim.

My mistake,i got that info from this forum.Anyway my point was that a section of pak media was conveniently masking their origin and religion to strengthen some conspiracy theories.
And is Raymond Davis of Pakistani origin?
He was not arrested for terror,but for killing two muggers who tried to rob him.Nothing else was proved.
My mistake,i got that info from this forum.Anyway my point was that a section of pak media was conveniently masking their origin and religion to strengthen some conspiracy theories.

He was not arrested for terror,but for killing two muggers who tried to rob him.Nothing else was proved.

What is your definition of terror?
Terrorism is the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce a governing body by killing innocent civilians in order to gain recognition for your ideology or for political reasons.

Do you believe a government is capable of terrorism?
Do you believe a government is capable of terrorism?

A govt can help terrorism. However govt forces are never called terrorist, no matter how violent and indiscriminate they are.
Libyan army or pakistan army(or baharini forces) can never be called terrorists no matter how many civilians they kill.
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