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America will Collapse

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The USSR had all those advantages except the last one, yet it collapsed.

Really? Do tell me about those genius scientific work coming out of Russia? USSR was always behind US in technology. Most of the Russia is ice desert unlike fertile US and except for oil, USSR doesn't have much of anything. And last one is the Most important one! That separates us from banana republics like Saudi Arabia and is the sole reason why US became a superpower.
Nooops, with collapse of Dajjali-US, ONLY those evil nations will collapse which are working for her like india, israel, for example ...

Check the economy and the dependency on the foreign market.

That will indicate your daydream!
Collapse is pretty much unavoidable, its now a matter of minimizing its impact for the rest of the world.

Everyone in the entire world is thinking along these lines. The US is physically incapable of living within its means. Obama's first move should have been to place taxes on the rich as he said he would, he didn't and he never will now.
Nooops, with collapse of Dajjali-US, ONLY those evil nations will collapse which are working for her like india, israel, for example ...

Why do you guys even bother to post on international forums? This is not about your "wishes".
Collapse is pretty much unavoidable, its now a matter of minimizing its impact for the rest of the world.

Everyone in the entire world is thinking along these lines. The US is physically incapable of living within its means. Obama's first move should have been to place taxes on the rich as he said he would, he didn't and he never will now.

You do understand that President cannot just tax the "rich"? He needs Congress approval for that.
Weird thing is that Americans seem less sure about this impending collapse! As I said before, people will line up to buy US treasury bonds, even China. No other alternative. I consider this as a wake up call. We must act and get our **** together. Defense cuts, entitlement reforms, new tariffs, promotion of manufacturing in US.,
You do understand that President cannot just tax the "rich"? He needs Congress approval for that.

I think he had that power before the Mid-term elections... As I said, now he never will. When he first came into power after telling off Joe the plumber that his $300,000/yr business will be taxed, he should have done just that. "Yes we could".
Really? Do tell me about those genius scientific work coming out of Russia? USSR was always behind US in technology. Most of the Russia is ice desert unlike fertile US and except for oil, USSR doesn't have much of anything. And last one is the Most important one! That separates us from banana republics like Saudi Arabia and is the sole reason why US became a superpower.

The USSR was the largest country in the world and the part of it that produced grains was larger than the entire US. In space science which happens to be the indicator of advancement in the field of science the USSR was ahead of the US. The USSR had the largest oil reserve and it also had a vast reserve of other mineral deposits. It also had a large population, in short, it had everything to be a super-power and a super-power it was. It collapsed because the economy was mismanaged and the same has happened to the US. So, there's no reason to believe that the US can avoid what the USSR could not.

The USSR was the largest country in the world and the part of it that produced grains was larger than the entire US. In space science which happens to be the indicator of advancement in the field of science the USSR was ahead of the US. The USSR had the largest oil reserve and it also had a vast reserve of other mineral deposits. It also had a large population, in short, it had everything to be a super-power and a super-power it was. It collapsed because the economy was mismanaged and the same has happened to the US. So, there's no reason to believe that the US can avoid what the USSR could not.

USSR was an entity held together by brute force and a strong central authority. Thats why the member states broke away at the first signs of weakness in the central govt. On the otherhand USA is formed of states who share common principles and belief in democracy.

The USSR was the largest country in the world and the part of it that produced grains was larger than the entire US. In space science which happens to be the indicator of advancement in the field of science the USSR was ahead of the US. The USSR had the largest oil reserve and it also had a vast reserve of other mineral deposits. It also had a large population, in short, it had everything to be a super-power and a super-power it was. It collapsed because the economy was mismanaged and the same has happened to the US. So, there's no reason to believe that the US can avoid what the USSR could not.

Part of it that produced grain? Would that be Siberia? I am curious about this "bigger than US grain producing" land in USSR? Surely cannot be Kazakhstan or Ukraine. And you are wrong about science. Who told you that Space is ultimate "indicator of advancement"? Are you using a Russian computer or internet? How about cell phones? OP?....Have you ever used or seen a Russian technology in your daily life? USSR is a frozen tundra. Most of it is still uninhabited much like our Wyoming or Dakotas. And it collapsed because state controlled everything. That's why it was ALWAYS behind US in technology and always had much smaller GDP. Is BD buying lot of Russian tech?
China holds huge amounts of US dollars, because it exports so much to the US. Buyers in the US need to have liquidity and funds in order to keep fueling the Chinese economy and its massive exports. Depending on the strength of the dollar, it’s a scary prospect for Chinese manufactures that a weak dollar will mean a decline in exports. Unlike some Chinese posters here Chinese govt knows that it is sensitive and very susceptible to shocks like those being experienced in the US today.

No, its more like we were forced to pay protection fees and tribute to the US mafia regime because we were so weak during the 90's.

Now we're strong enough to stop paying the US mafia protection money. Export subsidies are ending, resource inputs are going up, US companies are being kicked out, carriers are coming out of the shipyards... all the signs point to an involuntary downgrade of the USD within the next few years.

The Mafia is scared of anyone with independent thoughts. The Godfather cannot tolerate even a small shopkeeper disobeying him so how can he tolerate a muscular martial arts boxer?
I take the opposite view. I think living conditions in America will decline long before American global domination will. To some extent we have already begun to see the decline of the average American living condition.

Yes life is getting tough for the average American Joe here now.

I hear living conditions in Canada are better than in the U.S.
No, its more like we were forced to pay protection fees and tribute to the US mafia regime because we were so weak during the 90's.

Now we're strong enough to stop paying the US mafia protection money. Export subsidies are ending, resource inputs are going up, US companies are being kicked out, carriers are coming out of the shipyards... all the signs point to an involuntary downgrade of the USD within the next few years.

The Mafia is scared of anyone with independent thoughts. The Godfather cannot tolerate even a small shopkeeper disobeying him so how can he tolerate a muscular martial arts boxer?

Not even sure what that means? Is RMB still not pegged? If you don't sell to US/Europe, where do you intend to sell? Is China shutting down a substantial portion of it's foreign export?
This is especially for indians ... Nostradamus (1555 A.D.) :-
Army of three lions WILL be defeated... causing a great chaos within...
Logo of R.A.W.






There is another lion behind it so its four lions, so fail.........

If America falls, it will rise again.
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