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America will Collapse

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First of all not all Pakistani feeling happy that US is going to collapse, after all it will effect many Americans with Pakistani race & background but it is very dangerous situation for US they have invite their collapse themselves, Bush must be brought to trial that why did he launch useless wars, he is the sole reason for this situation. I hope US comes out of crises.

Secondly you said Pakistan will have effect that is just your beleiving because of your country dumb media who says Pakistan cannot exist without US aid, if this was the reason than how was Pakistan doing good in 90's? And for aid i hope all kind of aid must be cut it, because it only help corrupt polititions & people accross the globe think Pakistan is running on US aid.

I partially agree with the above statement. These $$$ or £££ are not the lifelines for any country(well they dont deny $$$$ but they can find other source to sustitute it) and we are not giving them out of love or charity(atleast not the main reason) lets be realistic. Our countries are providing these $$$ to acheive some goals and to server our purpose in one or the other way.

Why Aid is important for third world? Simple politicians would exploit the common man more to fill their coffers in the absence of Aid. In other words this AID is a blessing for common man

and.....America will be reduced in different fields but it will spearhead the world(alteast for sometime)
I have noticed one thing most of the Pakistani members are happy that US could collapse.

1st They won't.

Secondly if it happens, Pakistan will suffer badly (No Aid, No Military Aid, which Pakistan is getting since 1947). Check the Aid since 1947:- US Aid to Pakistan and Democracy
Pakistan best Friend, China will suffer very badly(75% Money is in Dollar)

India, Russia won't suffer much.

Don't worry .. If USA collapse the first thing we do is to sign peace deal ( for 100 years ) with India :cheers:
Don't worry .. If USA collapse the first thing we do is to sign peace deal ( for 100 years ) with India :cheers:

Something in the lines of PANCHSHEEL(kind of) which India and China sighned before 1962;)

Just kidding:smokin:
The ripple effect of US economic collapse is unimaginable. China, Pakistan's ally will be worst effected. Then other countries will come down like a pack of cards ! US is a giant, and when a giant collapses the earth shakes ! Those who wish for US collapse should give a thought to this.
If America will collapse, Then China, Japan, SK, Taiwan, Australia and Europe will also suffer very very badly. Some impact on India and Pakistan too. Hope USA doesn't collapse not good for world economy. Double Dip will effect 75% world.

Nope we will lose our savings but the US will break up like the Soviet Union.

whoever said that China would be "hurt badly" is an idiot. only the virtual economy gets hurt for China if the USD goes down, but the US's physical economy will be DESTROYED if the USD goes down.
China holds huge amounts of US dollars, because it exports so much to the US. Buyers in the US need to have liquidity and funds in order to keep fueling the Chinese economy and its massive exports. Depending on the strength of the dollar, it’s a scary prospect for Chinese manufactures that a weak dollar will mean a decline in exports. Unlike some Chinese posters here Chinese govt knows that it is sensitive and very susceptible to shocks like those being experienced in the US today.
While the US is definitely on the decline (braindead gangstah-wannabe youth), I don't think the US will collapse in our lifetime. In fact, I think the US will remain the sole super power for another 75~100 years.
While the US is definitely on the decline (braindead gangstah-wannabe youth), I don't think the US will collapse in our lifetime. In fact, I think the US will remain the sole super power for another 75~100 years.

The important thing for the rest of the world is that they can't project power as they did. An isolationist US is a good thing.
I have noticed one thing most of the Pakistani members are happy that US could collapse.

1st They won't.

Secondly if it happens, Pakistan will suffer badly (No Aid, No Military Aid, which Pakistan is getting since 1947). Check the Aid since 1947:- US Aid to Pakistan and Democracy
Pakistan best Friend, China will suffer very badly(75% Money is in Dollar)

India, Russia won't suffer much.

And we have been watching the unhappiness and terror at the prospect of such a thing happening among most of the indians!
US still leads the world in science, still has enormous amount of natural resource, huge amount of land and rugged individualism..Don't count us out, yet.

The USSR had all those advantages except the last one, yet it collapsed.

And we have been watching the unhappiness and terror at the prospect of such a thing happening among most of the indians!

Actually, it is win win for India.

India is not heavily into the foreign market.

China and the US will be hit the most.

It thus gives India an unique advantage.

In fact, what worries me, is that the US can provoke others to go to war so that its military industry reaps a harvest and the US stabilises and then acts as the 'honest broker'.
If America will collapse, Then China, Japan, SK, Taiwan, Australia and Europe will also suffer very very badly. Some impact on India and Pakistan too. Hope USA doesn't collapse not good for world economy. Double Dip will effect 75% world.

Nooops, with collapse of Dajjali-US, ONLY those evil nations will collapse which are working for her like india, israel, for example ...

Don't worry .. If USA collapse the first thing we do is to sign peace deal ( for 100 years ) with India :cheers:

-OR- india will run from Afghanistan "dum dabaa keh" & our job of taking REVENGE from india, for all innocent Pakistanis & indian-muslims killed will become easier ... & we'll divide india into small pieces using so many separatist movements in there ... & none of those pieces will be named as india just so that she'd be wiped off the history ...

This is especially for indians ... Nostradamus (1555 A.D.) :-
Army of three lions WILL be defeated... causing a great chaos within...
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