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America will Collapse

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Proud redneck you must be then. lool joking :)

City boy. Born in Nurnburg. Lived everywhere man! I live in El Paso now, not much like East Texas, which is what most think of when they hear Texas.
Option 1:

Option 2:
I don't this this is likely but if it was....

Maybe everything would end up like in the game Fallout 3.

Most of the world will be destroyed if that happen though.

I don't this this is likely but if it was....

Maybe everything would end up like in the game Fallout 3.

Most of the world will be destroyed if that happen though.


I am OK with this, pretty damned good with a plasma rifle!
Anyway in response to the thread its only a matter of when not if america will crash collapse and burn:chilli:

Well nothing lasts forever....but I think America will be around for at least another couple of centuries, but you never know.

Pakistan will not last forever either, but it'll be here through my lifetime....that's all that matters.
Americans are also pathological liars so it is expected if they collapse. White Americans talk tough but when they meet black gangsters, mexican mafia or chinese triads they'll step over to the other side of the sidewalk, because they want to live. At current demographic trends, WASPs will become a minority in the US within a few decades, if the US hasn't already collapsed. Thanks to the US regime's "cheap labor" 2 tier system policy (native whites at the top, immigrants as a permanent underclass) as well as the pathological liars and thugs that make up the US, the people this regime attracts today are often losers and low level coolies. The US has an migration potential value for the educated 10 times lower than its total migration potential; for every 1 BS degree holder that goes to the US, 10 loser coolies go.

Well-educated, older immigrants prefer Canada to U.S., poll finds - The Globe and Mail

Developed Nations Attract Young vs. Educated Migrants

The "American Century" has lasted only about 70 years and the end is already in sight. The Soviet Union seemed invincible in 1986 but in 1991 it was history.

United States of America, 1776-2025!
Lol, hardly. The depression was far worse...still here. Pakistan is far worse financialy...still here (but barely, the plug may be pulled yet)

Juice first the thread is about america not pakistan and second pakistan owes less than america so technically speaking pakistan is richer' lol

In fact im richer than america and pakistan put together i have a fiver in my pocket
My great-grandmother was Scott (lots of British ancestors, she just happens to be one I knew who had lived there) Nice teeth, but lord she did love tea!

Love scots lovely people. You should come back over here juice. Our local football team used to have loads of scots in fact nearly all the scot national team played for leeds united at one stage
Juice first the thread is about america not pakistan and second pakistan owes less than america so technically speaking pakistan is richer' lol

In fact im richer than america and pakistan put together i have a fiver in my pocket

Lol, that was good! I'll be King of the US, you can be Caliph of Pakistan. (ps...when is Aryan back? I miss his nutty post! Tell him I said hi, and when I come to crash, I expect beer in the fridge)
Wrong, US is no God.

No one is making fun and everyone agree about science and technology and universities and so on..
The negative part is despite all these fields US went into depression twice in two years. There is something wrong it reflects US bad policies.
Now imagine a nation that is in debt to China a total of 1 trillion dollars who and how is US going to repay it since there are no good guarantee US economy will stabilized to the extend. World Bank has already forcast and explained to the US government that it will take a long time to pay off US debt with right economic policies which are far from reality.

US needs to end many useless military projects known and hidden, return of forces from Japan, South Korea and Gulf. Absolutely no need for military weapons expansions like 2400 JSFs a waste of money. Every person with common sense knows what are the areas where expenditure needs to be decreased cut down to improve economy.

What’s wrong in my post? I did not claim US is God. Are you on high?

What I claimed was just because S&P downgraded US; it is incorrect to write off US

Depression is pretty common in any nation’s histories. Can you tell me one nation that had no depression in its history? For you information the credit crunch was not even classified as a ‘depression’

Anyway, countries and governments have their own priorities. All countries have to make decisions between 'gun' and 'butter' including China, India and Pakistan. At least Chinese, Indians and Pakistanis have no authority to question US on its defence expenditure
Love scots lovely people. You should come back over here juice. Our local football team used to have loads of scots in fact nearly all the scot national team played for leeds united at one stage

Great lady. Lived to be 100, and active throughout. Was from Edinborough, born in the 1880's. Thank god I didn't get her last name...Gaylord. (married name, I think her maiden name was "Gramidge")
Indians are also top 10 in illegal immigration to the US.

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have nothing against India or Indians, only against braggarts. If a Chinese talked about the same thing I'll also remind them that China has significant illegal immigration to the US.

Just did some research and found out China appears in Top 10 n illegal immigration to the US.

U.S. and Chinese scholars estimate that more than 500,000 Chinese have been smuggled into the United States since the late 1980s, making them the second-largest undocumented immigrant group.
The invisible illegal immigrants - Los Angeles Times

It's estimated that about 30,000 illegal Chinese immigrants enter the U.S. each year.
Chinese Immigrants Finding Christ on American Shores - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

It's funny when a Chinese make tall claims about illegal immigration when you yourself are the second largest illegal migrant group in united states.
Now I don't understand do all these Chinese, who travel to US in card bord boxes and fishing boats illegally, come here to witness collapse of America?
Some times I really wish intelligence agencies filter out all the crap being posted on internet.. I am sure they will be able to trace about 90% of potential problem creators by doing so...
Some times I really wish intelligence agencies filter out all the crap being posted on internet.. I am sure they will be able to trace about 90% of potential problem creators by doing so...

Considering CENTCOM post on this forum...I am certain Homeland Security stops by too...
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