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America’s latest TV fixation: Nuclear war in Pakistan

I just moved to Texas. Probably the most hardcore part of the US, and so far everyone has been very friendly and always asking me about Pakistani culture ect. Telling me they love the people and food.

Go figure.

If you are in Sugarland, the love for Pakistan does not count ; since you heard it from another Pakistani anyway:hitwall:

BTW, why the frequent moves all over the States? Last month you were in 'Upper West Side'. then you got rejected by an Indian landlord in some other part of NYC, now here you are in Texas!

Guys do you remember? 6 months before 9/11 attacks on 4 march 2001 an american TV serial "The Lone Gunmen" showed a failed attempt to hit world trade center by a passenger plane.

Watch it online here.

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That doesn't mean anything.

Hollywood have destroyed Vatican many times, if today some insane destroy it, will you think of same conspiracy.

WTC was pride of USA, and prime target for Islamic terrorists,WTC was under constant threat of terrorism. 9/11 was not sole incident of attack on WTC..

a) Anti Pakistan Sentiment in America is also there, that is the reason drone attacks are being supported, and people love more Hollywood type of action in pakistan.
Strange people those Americans, they hate people and countries thousands of miles away who have done absolutely nothing to them. On the contrary, those countries have often been victims of American imperialism.
Strange people those Americans, they hate people and countries thousands of miles away who have done absolutely nothing to them. On the contrary, those countries have often been victims of American imperialism.

If you don't know why we distrust Pakistan, you aren't looking or seeing.
If you don't know why we distrust Pakistan, you aren't looking or seeing.

If the feeling is mutual then Pakistan must have the right to arrange a deterrent in the form of ICBMs..
Because we are well within the range of your nukes and 20 minutes from total annihilation since 1960s..
you arent...
Oh my God we were nuked a month ago n we dont know abt it:lol:............ according to this series.
USA is getting ready to invade Pakistan. Pakistan must stand with Iran and Russia as well as China for protection.

Pakistan will always stand by China. Pakistan has good relationship with Iran and relations with Russia are being mended presently.
Guys do you remember? 6 months before 9/11 attacks on 4 march 2001 an american TV serial "The Lone Gunmen" showed a failed attempt to hit world trade center by a passenger plane.

Watch it online here.

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Also other movies should be noticed like
Path to Paradise(1997) = guy said, "Next time we'll bring them both(WTCs) down"
The Long Kiss Goodnight = "Oh, blame it on Muslims, naturally"




Watch 4:25 onwards:-
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Sorry but nobody in America cares about this show/thinks about a nuclear strike on Pakistan.

This is just a non-issue (for now anyway)...
That doesn't mean anything.

Hollywood have destroyed Vatican many times, if today some insane destroy it, will you think of same conspiracy.

WTC was pride of USA, and prime target for Islamic terrorists,WTC was under constant threat of terrorism. 9/11 was not sole incident of attack on WTC..

ya sure it was there pride, although Im not a terrorist but like me out of 100 terrorists 95 would not know that there is building call WTC
That doesn't mean anything.

Hollywood have destroyed Vatican many times, if today some insane destroy it, will you think of same conspiracy.

WTC was pride of USA, and prime target for Islamic terrorists,WTC was under constant threat of terrorism. 9/11 was not sole incident of attack on WTC..

I don't say all american TV chanels show reality.

But see the shockingly similarity between this TV show and reality.
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