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Ambassador Asad M Khan is about to Downplay the very Existence of the Threatening Letter Very Soon

IK knows he doesn't have anything else to show so now will cry foreign conspiracy. USA will not write letter if she wanted to change regime lol

Its not even a letter but blunt conversation between diplomats of both countries.

PTI fanboys having insecurities and meltdown. Now the letter will be probed properly and we'll see what everyone has to say about this.

Anti american bullshit PTI was selling was just a brownie point for the next elections.

Sir they've lost it unfortunately. Cultist are ready to turn Pakistan into a syria or a failed state of ummah lover immi is not restored.

The amount of time you're popping up in every thread --- you're definitely not a cultist for the establishment.

Did you even think about what you typed out?

The NSC statement endorsed the fact that the letter was genuine and also supported issuing a demarche to the mission of the country involved.

There is no going back from that outside of a complete U-turn, which would look extremely shady and suspicious given existing allegations of the COAS being complicit in the conspiracy to overthrow the Imran Khan government.

Sir ---

The LAW cannot save you. Your ARMY cannot save you.

Legal technicalities. Matters of interpretations.

These are where ethics and dreams go to die.

When a deep state achieves unbridled and unaccountable power, and the opposition is a willing pawn (unlike during Turkey's coup), then no formal procedure can save you.

Only the people can.

The damage is done for Bajwa and company. What can we expect from a corrupt opposition and a soulless judiciary? What Bajwa has done is unforgivable. The fortress has been breached. The main protector has conspired against his own house.

As someone said, Imran Khan's real journey in politics only began a few days ago. Despite decades of hardships and hardwork. Now this is the litmus test and if he succeeds all of his enemies will be abolished.

I hope to God he has realized that he simply cannot use this system to change the system.

The change has to be forced from outside the system.

The entire system is the problem. The constitution is the issue.
The amount of time you're popping up in every thread --- you're definitely not a cultist for the establishment.

Sir ---

The LAW cannot save you. Your ARMY cannot save you.

Legal technicalities. Matters of interpretations.

These are where ethics and dreams go to die.

When a deep state achieves unbridled and unaccountable power, and the opposition is a willing pawn (unlike during Turkey's coup), then no formal procedure can save you.

Only the people can.

I hope to God he has realized that he simply cannot use this system to change the system.

The change has to be forced from outside the system.

The entire system is the problem. The constitution is the issue.

Jab nizam he ghulami pe mabni ho,

Toe aik Azaad soch kese janam le sakti hai is mein?


May Allah protect Imran Khan ameen.

We also need more people like Dr. Israr Ahmed, Gen. Hameed Gul.
I believe no one wants to touch the letter and have an inquiry.

The army doesn't want it, because if there is any truth to it and Nawaz Sharif and Zardari etc are indeed colluding with US and get caught, then there would definitely be a blowback in a couple of ways. I don't think the establishment or the court wants to take the blame for that blowback, hence keeping things as they are.

It is taken for granted now that Asad Majeed will be wooed and forced to give out statements to placate the situation.

IMO, there should be a law, that the incoming government cannot make any changes to the post or perks or position of a bureaucrat who was investigating a case against them, or or heading an inquiry, or did any other action.
I don't think it is in dispute what the foreign government said and the letter too from the ambassador is authentic. So for the NSC to take cognizance of this is fine but the real issue is, did this foreign government go beyond and aid/fund the locals to subvert the then PTI government?

I think we need to see it from that standpoint. The response to the statements of the US official was a demarche condemning the USG's interference in the internal matters of the country. Anything beyond that will require proof that a foreign government did indeed aid the local politicians financially or through some other mechanisms.

How would the courts and even the establishment make that case that the US support was indeed given to the opposition?

AM, agreed that the statements made by the US diplomat were indeed stated and our ambassador and also the military attache relayed the same back. However, the issue is beyond it being real, i.e. what did the actual threats translate to on the ground? Did money change hands from outside to inside? Is that the factual case to make the NCV void? I am unclear what the PTI could ask for except the more general ask for new elections.

Unless people are utterly stupid, the ambassador's narrative cannot be any different than what PMIK has already reported which resulted in a demarche. However, for the NCV to be voided, real proof of foreign funding and collusion will be needed. That obviously is like finding a needle in the haystack.

pml-n AND ppp leaders meeting American diplomats in FEB and march and the pics are on their twitter feeds. One of the major proofs that show a malafide intent.
Did you even think about what you typed out?

The NSC statement endorsed the fact that the letter was genuine and also supported issuing a demarche to the mission of the country involved.

There is no going back from that outside of a complete U-turn, which would look extremely shady and suspicious given existing allegations of the COAS being complicit in the conspiracy to overthrow the Imran Khan government.
I know what I typed and I stand by it.

What is this NSC? If this Wikipedia entry is correct than it's nothing more than a political entity to advise the PM on foreign and national security issues. It's chaired by the PM himself. Hardly an impartial arbiter on whether the "letter" is genuine or not.

For one thing, we don't know if this is an actual letter from a US diplomat to Pakistan, or a cable from Pakistan's ambassador to US. If it was a letter, it is unheard of for a diplomat to threaten another country's government like that.

To be honest, I find the whole affair to be absurd. All I see is a desperate PM trying to cling on to power by concocting a foreign conspiracy to overthrow his government. The only evidence he has is a "letter" of dubious quality. No other evidence has been provided. You would think a conspiracy involving the US and countless Pakistani players would leave a trail of some kind.

Like I said -- and I won't stop saying -- let's see what a) what the ambassadorhas to say and b) let there be a formal investigation of this "letter."
Read and accepted does not mean the letter is genuine. It doesn't prove anything at all. Hopefully, the ambassador will provide clarity on the letter.

Nevertheless, a commission should be set up to get to the bottom of the matter.
As if anything is ever proved by forming a commission in pak.

We all knew this was coming. Apparently at the last moment in PM office, Imran Khan was waiting for the letter to be decoded to an almost exact copy before being handed over to the journalists, however that copy never arrived. He was kept in dark about developments outside PM office. If it wasn't for a few journalists who informed him about prison vans approaching, he would have stayed and probably would have been arrested after midnight. The plan was to completely wipe out Imran Khan out of Pakistani politics. Denying the letter is just the beginning. You will see comprehensive smear campaigns, corruption charges and what not. We might soon see Imran Khan getting arrested. No denying establishment was involved in this regime change, and after facing a humiliating public disgrace they will bend over their backs to ensure they cover their tracks and absolutely prove Imran Khan was lying. If IK comes again with 2/3 majority he is a severe threat to all the system of corruption, appeasement and mutual interest.​
:angry: 10-14 Billion Dollars down the drain due to Donald Lu Letter and corrupt KALA Coat
We call it the stupid move of Century , enough money to buy you 200 new J10P

  • Item reviewed by National Security Council
  • Reviewed by Speakers
  • Shared in Assembly

The Raid's at PTI Digital team is to see if any material was prepared to circulate the copies of the Letter, or intelligence gathering for future PTI strategy or how figure out how PTI was able to mobilized such large crowds

For which Simple Answer is KALA coat will not under stand is "Patriotism"

Move on to elections
Simple coverup

Asad Khan: That was my interpretation
Asad Khan: Govt pressurized me on words.

BUT BUT BUT, there is a problem, in both cases, what was the point of sending demarche?
No, the truth is that the NSC, including the same military and intelligence chiefs supposedly being asked to review the diplomatic cable under a PDM government, has already endorsed the fact that it is genuine and contains the comments attributed to David Lu.

Furthermore, the NSC has also endorsed issuing a demarche to the head of the diplomatic mission of the concerned country.

Anything the deviates from the existing NSC statement is what will be a U-turn and smack of malafide intent.

It is not the people you call 'cultists' who are taking a hypocritical stance - the hypocrites and intellectually dishonest individuals are those arguing that an NSC or parliamentary review (under PDM leadership) that takes a completely different stance on the cable compared to the previous NSC under PTI leadership, is not completely suspect.
So you are saying that NSC determined that there is a conspiracy as IK alleged? If so, I want you to show it to me in black & white. There is absolutely nothing about a conspiracy. It is all a figment of imagination. The next time US is displeased, you would imagine it to be yet another conspiracy? That is a bit like a dog chasing its tail.

BUT BUT BUT, there is a problem, in both cases, what was the point of sending demarche?
Satisfy an egomaniac's ego who somehow became PM?
pml-n AND ppp leaders meeting American diplomats in FEB and march and the pics are on their twitter feeds. One of the major proofs that show a malafide intent.
Yes, so what does that prove? Pick up pictures from last 10 or 20 years and you will see American officials meeting both the opposition and the sitting government members. Our ji hazoori has allowed Americans this space to operate for decades now. This is not a PTI term phenomena only. The question is, how do you prove the money has changed hands and that too from a foreign government to the local idiots.
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