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Altaf Hussain is Pakistan's top most terrorist, says Imran Khan


Oct 3, 2005
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Altaf Hussain is Pakistan's top most terrorist, says Imran Khan

Lahore, May 29 : Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf Chairman Imran Khan has decribed the chief of the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), Altaf Hussain, as Pakistan's top most terrorist.

Addressing a seminar at the Hameed Nizami Hall here, Imran said his claim was based on reports of the country's intelligence agencies.

Responding to the threats that he had received from the MQM, Imran said that he would not back down and would react effectively against "fascists".

He blamed the MQM for giving a free hand to their miscreants in 1999 to kill the police officers involved in conducting legal operation against the political outfit on the instructions of General Naseer Ullah Baber in the past.

He also held Musharraf responsible for the killing of police officials and common people on May 12.

The Nation quoted him as saying that that he would leave for London on June 2, and there he would get in touch with members of the House of Lords, House of Common and journalists to expose the real face of Altaf Hussain.

Imran Khan said that at present country was passing through a very crucial time and it was time to change the fate of the country and second option was of status quo, which led towards havoc. He said that formation of MQM and MQM Haqeeqi was the decision of the military establishment.

Khan was quoted by the Daily Times as saying that he will lead a demonstration against Hussain in London on June 3.

He also said that he would brief the European media about Hussain's illegal activities and show them documented proof. The evidence, he said, would provide enough matter to register a case against Hussain. he added.

Imran said the MQM enjoyed only a 15 percent vote bank in Sindh, but had taken over 50 percent of the ministries in the federal cabinet.

He said he had planned to address the Sargodha, Khushab, Haripur, Mansehra and Abbottabad bar councils, but the government had confined him to Lahore for the last three days.

ever wonder why the British government are protecting Terrorist wanted in pak? maybe we should demand Altaf in exchange of Alqadea terrorist.
ever wonder why the British government are protecting Terrorist wanted in pak? maybe we should demand Altaf in exchange of Alqadea terrorist.

But there is no way to go ahead with his extradition as he is among the biggest and most powerful supporter of your own most CCCCCCCLEAN and Honest president Mr Pervez Musharraf. I think as Musharraf speaks many times in public meetings, one will think that he has the most honest and clean (Dud ke dhule) people of Pak to his side.
Unfortunately Mush has allowed MQM to flourish and stage a come back after it was seriously dismantled by our very own army

Perpetrators of Karachi killings to be brought to book’

Holding the federal and Sindh governments responsible for the Karachi carnage, former interior minister and central leader Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarians Maj-Gen (retd) Naseerullah Babar has said that the blood of Pakhtuns, Punjabis and Sindhis will not go waste and those found responsible will be brought to book.

Addressing a press conference here on Monday, Babar said the rulers had crossed all limits by “resorting to killing of innocent people”. On the one hand, he said, "the government-sponsored" bloodshed was going on in the port city, while on the other hand President Gen Pervez Musharraf and the Chaudhry brothers were busy in celebrations and enjoying drumbeats at Islamabad.

The former interior minister said the rulers should know that they would be brought to book for shedding the blood of innocent people in Karachi. Babar said it was time to put the MQM on the right track and teach them a lesson, otherwise the future generations would not pardon the rulers and would hold them accountable for the blood of innocent people.

Challenging the government, Babar claimed that he could establish complete writ of the government not only in Karachi but also throughout the country in just 72 hours if given a chance. He said the opposition could not remain silent over “loot and plunder” of public exchequer and massacre of innocent people.

Nawaz may appear in UK court against MQM chief

Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan met Scotland Yard officials here on Monday and presented a “dossier” to them on alleged involvement of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief in the violence in Pakistan.

Imran had brought “evidence against Altaf Hussain” from Pakistan and a legal team in London has prepared a formal case in the light of local laws, which was submitted to the Scotland Yard, seeking initiation of formal investigations against the Muttahida chief.

“I met top officials at the Scotland Yard and presented the dossier on Altaf Hussain to the authorities for further investigations, Imran Khan confirmed to The New. He said he told them that they were “giving protection to someone, who is involved in violence in Pakistan”.

Imran Khan said his legal team was busy in finalising the case and he would address a press conference on Wednesday in which his top lawyer, Imran Khan, would share the details the evidences being submitted to a court here.

Earlier, the British government had said that the police would launch investigations against Altaf Hussain only if evidences were presented to the police. Last week, Prime Minister Tony Blair said in an interview with Geo TV that if anyone had any complaints with the activities of someone staying in London, he or she should approach the courts.

Blair added that the UK courts were in a better position to decide about such cases. Meanwhile, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif may become a potential witness in the case filed by Imran Khan against Altaf Hussain in a British court of law after the ex-premier claimed last week that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) had murdered Hakim Muhammad Said.

PTI Chairman Imran Khan, who is meeting Nawaz in London today (Tuesday), will discuss the issue of his case against Altaf besides the current political situation in Pakistan with special reference to the forthcoming all parties conference (APC).

A top legal source confirmed to The News on condition of anonymity that Nawaz might be asked by the lawyers of Imran Khan to appear in the court and give evidence against Altaf. The sources said that the former prime minister’s evidence might strengthen the case of Imran Khan, who has alleged that the MQM and its leadership were involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan.

This correspondent contacted Nadir Chaudhry, the spokesman for Nawaz, to know what the former premier would do if asked by the court to share his information about the past activities of the MQM in the light of his recent press conference.

But Nadir said, “It’s too early to say what will happen. We will see when such a time comes.” This correspondent also tried to contact members of a legal team busy in preparing the case against Altaf, but both Imran and solicitor Shahid Dasgir were not available for their comments.

MQM murdered Hakim Said, claims Nawaz

Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday claimed that as the prime minister he knew that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) had murdered Hakim Muhammad Said in Karachi on October 17, 1998.

Talking to newspersons at the PML-N office here, he also alleged that Federal Minister Babur Ghauri was now secretly playing the role of a "messenger" between President Gen Pervez Musharraf and Altaf Hussain.

He also claimed that Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz would soon ditch President Musharraf and join the opposition parties.Nawaz alleged that Musharraf and Altaf were busy hatching a conspiracy against Pakistan and their collaboration might harm the country. He said that he had made it clear to the MQM leaders, who were part of the coalition government then, either to surrender those who had murdered Hakim Said or quit the Sindh government.

"After the refusal of the MQM to surrender the killers, I preferred to sacrifice the provincial government of Liaqat Jatoi instead of making compromises with those who had killed an honourable man like Hakim Said," he said.

Nawaz said the MQM leaders were playing a dangerous game by collaborating with Gen Musharraf. "Being the twice elected prime minister of Pakistan, I have some understanding of politics, and my political intuition tells me that Altaf and Musharraf are working to harm the country's interests," he said.

Nawaz said, on May 10, while addressing a press conference, he had warned that if the MQM was not stopped from holding a rally in Karachi on the arrival of the chief justice, many innocent people might be killed. He regretted that his timely warning was not heeded to.

Nawaz disclosed that even certain elements had tried to warn Gen Musharraf about the likely bloodshed in Karachi if the MQM was not stopped from holding the rally. But, he claimed that instead of giving a serious thought to that logical advice from the intelligence quarters, Musharraf got furious and told them to leave the room.

Nawaz said that these words gave a clear idea that Musharraf and Altaf had planned the massacre in Karachi. Nawaz also backed the movement of Imran Khan against Altaf and said his own hard-hitting stance on the MQM was known to everybody. He said that he was against the MQM since it murdered Hakim Said.

Nawaz also disclosed that the ruling party leaders sitting in the government were secretly in touch with him to secure their political future after 2007 and claimed that soon Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz would ditch Gen Musharraf and join the opposition, as he was not a stranger to them (Nawaz and Benazir Bhutto) because, as a banker, he used to meet them regularly both within and outside Pakistan.

"Look, you will soon see Shaukat Aziz ditching Gen Musharraf and joining the political leadership of the opposition parties," Nawaz told the press conference. Nawaz asked Benazir to attend the all parties conference in London, instead of sending a five-member delegation of her party, as he observed that her presence would make a difference.

To a question, Nawaz dropped a hint at accepting some of the ruling party members, saying that he would be required to make a distinction between people like Sheikh Rashid and those who did not come out in the open to launch attack on the opposition leaders. However, Nawaz did not reveal who was in touch with him and whether they were federal ministers, MNAs or senators.

Earlier, Nawaz Sharif blasted the top generals and heads of secret agencies who had filed affidavits in the Supreme Court. He wondered how could the generals make such claims in their written statements and that how could they all come to the office of the Army chief only on the phone call of the chief justice.

Nawaz said that they could not dare enter the room of Musharraf unless he directed them to visit his office. He said that it was a ridiculous thing to say that the generals had come to the office of Musharraf on the telephone call from the chief justice and Musharraf had no idea about their likely visit to his office.

He said the secret agencies had no role in the affairs of the chief justice, as no law allowed them to interfere in the legal and constitutional affairs. He said the heads of these agencies were also subverting the Constitution.

Nawaz questioned the powers of heads of secret agencies to even discuss the reference issue with the CJ in the office of the Army chief as this was not their mandate and legal duty. He said that it was a laughable excuse that the chief justice wanted Musharraf to dissolve the assemblies as what kind of benefits a chief justice could get after the sacking of a Parliament.

Nawaz said political change must come and come early in Pakistan but it should not be on the wishes and help of foreign forces like America or rest of the world. Nawaz said that former US President Bill Clinton had made him five telephone calls to persuade him not to conduct nuclear tests and had offered $5 billion as aid but he refused to surrender before pressure and Pakistan became a nuclear state.

Nawaz said, on the other hand, just one telephone call from Collin Powell on 9/11 was more than enough for Musharraf to toe the US line. The former prime minister claimed that had Musharraf been the ruler of Pakistan on May 28, 1998, the country would not have become a nuclear power.

Nawaz, Imran team up against Altaf

LONDON: Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday formally joined hands with Imran Khan in his legal battle against Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain and promised him certain “secret information and strong evidence” which might establish the MQM’s role in the murder of former Sindh governor Hakim Said and its involvement in violence in Karachi.

Nawaz Sharif, who is also chief of his own faction of Pakistan Muslim League, announced his unflinching support to the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf chairman both on the political front and in his legal battle against the MQM chief in London.

Addressing a press conference along with Imran, Nawaz said that he had startling evidence against the MQM which would be presented at a proper time to expose the party’s “real activities”.

He said the MQM was a “terrorist” organisation and there should be no space for such people in Pakistani society. He appealed to all the communities living in Karachi to hold Altaf “accountable” for his crimes against innocent people.

Imran and Nawaz jointly asked PPP Chairperson Benazir Bhutto to attend the scheduled all parties conference (APC) in London as, according to them, it would make some important decisions which would have far-reaching impact on Pakistan’s politics.

Imran also asked Nawaz to return to Pakistan and lead the ongoing movement against General Pervez Musharraf. Imran and Nawaz also came closer to forming an electoral alliance for the upcoming general elections as the PTI chief repeatedly said during the press conference that the two political parties — the PTI and the PML-N — would come further closer and the current cooperation might be extended beyond the 2007 elections.

Earlier, Imran met Nawaz Sharif and his brother Shahbaz Sharif at their Central London office and discussed the prevailing political situation in the country. At the press conference Imran said that his legal team had almost completed the scrutiny of evidence and it was upbeat about making a good case in the British court.

Replying to a question about the MQM’s move to get him disqualified from parliament under Clause 62 of the Constitution, Imran laughed and said that if the clause was applied on him, almost all members of the ruling party would also stand disqualified. “Even Gen Musharraf will stand disqualified under this clause”, he said, adding that such dirty tricks would not deter him from his drive against the MQM chief.

Imran said that the MQM was a “terrorist outfit” and Altaf was acting like the “don” of the mafia sitting in London. He regretted that Iqbal Kazmi, who had moved a court in Karachi against the MQM over the May 12 carnage, was trashed by Altaf’s “terrorists” and no one had the courage to stand against him.

The PTI chief also paid rich tributes to Nawaz for his struggle against dictatorship in Pakistan. He said the PML-N Quaid had taken a firm stance which earned him people’s respect. Reciprocating Imran’s compliments, Nawaz appreciated his efforts to rid the country of dictatorship. He was also impressed with Imran’s campaign against Altaf. He said that Imran had raised his voice against “terrorists” and deserved praises for his bold step. He also announced his full support to the PTI chairman in his legal battle against Altaf.

Nawaz said his stance on the MQM remained unchanged since 1998 when the party had murdered former Sindh governor Hakim Said. He claimed that Hakim Said was killed by MQM activists. He said that he had evidence of the MQM’s involvement in violence and murders.

Asked if Nawaz would appear in the British court to give evidence against Altaf, Imran said his case was already very strong and he might not need Nawaz to give further evidence in the court. However, Nawaz interjected that he would provide all possible assistance and information to Imran.

Agencies add: Imran said that Benazir was showing “hesitation” about joining the opposition coalition and called on all parties to join “this fight for general democratic system.” Nawaz, later told AFP that he had signed the “Charter of Democracy” with Benazir Bhutto, which spoke of “cutting no deals with Army dictators’. “I stand by that Charter of Democracy... I expect Benazir Bhutto also to stick by it,” he said.

Asked whether she had violated its terms, he said: “I wouldn’t say that she violated it, but she has been saying, I heard her say on the television, that ‘we are in contact with the government’.”

He said that he hoped the conference in July would unite opposition groups into a coherent group. “I think this is (a) mockery of democracy and we have become a laughing stock before the international community,” he added, but would not specify when he planned to return to Pakistan.

Imran told AFP that the coalition would brook “no compromise with a military dictator” and said that he was not in touch with the Army. “We also believe that we should only want free and fair elections and we don’t want any deals with him and so he’s clear and we’re clear and we’re going to go in the movement and afterwards also we’ll be together,” he added. He said he also wanted to use his visit to London to ask lawmakers why Altaf Hussain, head of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), had been given British citizenship.

Observing ..... Imran khan now became a polished politician,......... as what he stated cudn't deleiver............ he had claimed in May 2007 to sue on Altaf MQM for his terrorism..... cudn't do any thing yet................... If i ma not wrong he was the fast bowler and attacking sportsman............ then wht happened in his political life.?
Unfortunately Mush has allowed MQM to flourish and stage a come back after it was seriously dismantled by our very own army

This is wrong perception and wrongly propogated by Nawaz & Co, that Army dismantled MQM. And, even wronger that Musharraf allowed MQM to flourish.

The ISI with understanding of Army made the MQM to counter the vote bank of PPP in SIndh in 1980's

The Operation cleanup that was started in 1992.... was refused by Army withn 6 months....and differences started within General Asif Nawaz and Nawaz Sharif over the operation cleanup. Nawaz wrongly manipulated the army to counter and crush his political rivals, instead of operating against the violent wing within the MQM. The army did NOT want to crusha huge population just becuz of political differences and therefore, backed away. later Nawaz and Benazir continued with the operation with help of Rangers.

The MQM was never dismantled! One cannot dismantel or Flourish a political party which is voted by People of Pakistan.

This thruth and REALITY should be accepted by everyone in Pakistan. Even if we don't like the MQM.... we have to take them along.... they got a huge vote bank.

Musharraf did NOT flourish them.... Musharraf just acknowledged their EXISTENCE and Reality! Musharraf and Pakistan's economic could not have afforded a violent Karachi. :pakistan:

MQM Votes in NA:

NA-219: 90,000 votes
NA-220: 47,000 votes
NA-240: 67,800 votes
NA-241: ?
NA-242: 147,000 votes
NA-243: 167,000 votes
NA-244: 147,000 votes
NA-245: 149,000 votes
NA-246: 186,000 votes
NA-247: 168,000 votes
NA-249: 103,800 votes
NA-250: 53,000 votes
NA-251: 83000 votes
NA-252: 87,000 votes
NA-253: 97,000 votes
NA-254: 132,000 votes
NA-255: 27,900 votes
NA-256: 123,000 votes
NA-257: 130,000 votes
Musharraf did NOT flourish them.... Musharraf just acknowledged their EXISTENCE and Reality! Musharraf and Pakistan's economic could not have afforded a violent Karachi. :pakistan:

I agree. Had President Musharraf not taken the MQM into his little group Karachi would of been burnt to the ground. And Pakistan cannot prosper withh Karachi in flames.
And maybe we will ask you for AQ Khan in return ?

I didnt expected this from you. Would you care to explain how could UK possibly ask for AQ? Is he a terrorist or in any way linked to AL-Queda? Dont compare Altaf with him. Altaf has done some considerable amount of terrorism in karachi. However the resolve to this issue should follow a proper channel i.e court. If he has been cleared, then it should be fine with the pakistanies as well.
Can't believe Imran Khan can be so silly, teaming up with Nawaz to destablize port city. A life line of Pakistan. No doubt Imran and Nawaz both firmly believe in confrontational politics. Thats how mohajir and sindhies complaint about Punjabi establishment victimization....
Personal vendetta ?????
Can't believe Imran Khan can be so silly, teaming up with Nawaz to destablize port city. A life line of Pakistan. No doubt Imran and Nawaz both firmly believe in confrontational politics. Thats how mohajir and sindhies complaint about Punjabi establishment victimization....
Personal vendetta ?????

Imran words carry no weight, while Nawaz is someone who is capable and will certainly try to destablize Karachi.
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