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Altaf Hussain converts to Hinduism!

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Jazbatiaat ... I meant I being older than you lot!

Chin up, you!

We all have suffered. Pakistan belongs to all of us. Now cut this racket!

@StormBreaker help me here... these kids and there hormones..
I am one them, and yet, here i am. You as a wise person, shall ignore them, and leave it to mods.

However, as @Starlord ’s concern, this is the prime example of hate from pakhtoon yum regardless of what his background or suffering.

Reading these comments, I would agree with you. Look at all these Indians
2 of all time favourite songs by Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan..
Concentrate on these and forget the rest :)

It is just a waste of time arguing with these ethno-supermacist losers . I can literally bring so many points to shame these people but then what will be its use. They are biggest chutiyas ever. Their false

Check this

Even though ruler of Hyderabad knew that his state won't be able to join Pakistan, he sent loads of gold to Pakistan to help it in its earliest years unlike these so called natives who were busy sucking up to Congress till the very end like Bacha khan of KP or some Baloch tribal sardars of Balochistan or Unionists of Punjab

Aur BC yeh humain panah dain gai
It is just a waste of time arguing with these ethno-supermacist losers . I can literally bring so many points to shame these people but then what will be its use. They are biggest chutiyas ever. Their false pride is based on made up things that have no relevance.

This country was built on the backs up muhajirs. They brought the expertise and money. Also , Sindhis did no blessings on us.
According to Nehru/Jinnah pact. Hindus that will migrate to India and muslims that will migrate to Pakistan will get each others properties. Since majority of Karachi and Hyderabad before partition were composed of Hindus , that is the reason why almost all muhajirs are in these two cities.

If sindhis did give us space then you would have seen a lot of muhajirs in interior sindh.

We made Karachi . We made hyderabad . These namak haram ethnicities should be thanking us for providing them with jobs and facilities.. These sons of soil have brought nothing but shame to this land... Pathetic low class losers teaching us lessons in history and sacrifice.
And all of you are my Brothers!

Chaman Valley is beautiful... Khan of Kalat had a dream and next morning he joined Pakistan..

Do you remember?

Yar they called @Pakhtoon yum a racist started abusing him, abused this country, abused the native of this country and what do you want us to do just sit back? Can't do that it's not in our nature.
Cursed? Lol Muhajireen-e- Makkah were cursed too?

Height of stupidity!!!! You people don't know anything and just keep posting just for the sake of it. No knowledge whatsoever.

When Muhajireen e Makkah left Makkah and arrived in Madinah then they had burned their bridges. Untill Fath e Makkah, the Muhajireen never stepped foot in Makkah. The Sahaba (RA) never said that our families are still there etc. In the ghazwat fathers fought their sons, brothers fought their brothers on opposing sides etc.

Can this be said about you people??? Thousands of you people still visit India. There you meet your families. Then there is MQM which has sent and trained thousands of people to India trained by RAW to do terrorism in Karachi.

There is a famous incident of Abu Bakar Siddeq (RA) when being told by his son that after his son accepted Islam that he had his father in the range of his sword in a Ghazwa but he let him go because of him being his father. To this Abu Bakar Siddeq (RA) replied that if you had come in the range of my sword, I would have removed your head.

This is called the Hijrat. When you leave everything for Allah and never set foot ever again. And you people have the audacity to say you have done Hijrat. What nonsense!!!

You people are still connected to your homeland.
I am one them, and yet, here i am. You as a wise person, shall ignore them, and leave it to mods.

However, as @Starlord ’s concern, this is the prime example of hate from pakhtoon yum regardless of what his background or suffering.

have you ever heard of that incident in Safora goat ? where two Urdu speaking young boys were kidnapped tortured and killed ? they were tortured in a way that People put elfie in their eyes and nose, drill their arms and legs, and Shut their mouths off, before Killing them , they were killed by Pathans who were brought to Karachi by ANP and PPPP to change demographics . everyone suffers , so this excuse is stupid .
Now you see they try to bury their sins & treachery and say am not a Pakistani, well sorry to disappoint them but I am the real deal, son a great khan, whose hand is kissed by over 20k people, has the respect of Khilji/ghilji on both sides of the border.
Pharoah also banged thousands of women, does that make him great as well ?

A local peer in hyderabad called “Dulhan peer” recieves hundreds of people and gets kissed on hand, what a great man. Lol
have you ever heard of that incident in Safora goat ? where two Urdu speaking young boys were kidnapped tortured and killed ? they were tortured in a way that People put elfie in their eyes and nose, drill their arms and legs, and Shut their mouths off, before Killing them , they were killed by Pathans who were brought to Karachi by ANP and PPPP to change demographics . everyone suffers , so this excuse is stupid .
I know that. But that doesn’t generalize to whole of pakhtun qaum.
Yar they called @Pakhtoon yum a racist started abusing him, abused this country, abused the native of this country and what do you want us to do just sit back? Can't do that it's not in our nature.

Please post a example where me or anyone have abuse Pakistan ? or said we hate Pakistan , we want to go to India ? I am waiting , and if you couldn't find it, than take your shameful self out of this thread , if not than you are bigger Begairat than i thought .
It is just a waste of time arguing with these ethno-supermacist losers . I can literally bring so many points to shame these people but then what will be its use. They are biggest chutiyas ever. Their false

It is just a waste of time arguing with these ethno-supermacist losers . I can literally bring so many points to shame these people but then what will be its use. They are biggest chutiyas ever. Their false pride is based on made up things that have no relevance.

This country was built on the backs up muhajirs. They brought the expertise and money. Also , Sindhis did no blessings on us.
According to Nehru/Jinnah pact. Hindus that will migrate to India and muslims that will migrate to Pakistan will get each others properties. Since majority of Karachi and Hyderabad before partition were composed of Hindus , that is the reason why almost all muhajirs are in these two cities.

If sindhis did give us space then you would have seen a lot of muhajirs in interior sindh.

We made Karachi . We made hyderabad . These namak haram ethnicities should be thanking us for providing them with jobs and facilities.. These sons of soil have brought nothing but shame to this land... Pathetic low class losers teaching us lessons in history and sacrifice.

Look just buy some fair & lovely and you will feel better, don't worry it's almost Christmas.

But always remember you guys are like dhobi ka kutta, neither here neither in the gangland.
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