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Altaf Hussain booked under Terrorism Act !

Now this is the new twist. Things are happening very fast in Karachi. Seems like army/Rangers is quite interested to sort MQM out.
Now this is the new twist. Things are happening very fast in Karachi. Seems like army/Rangers is quite interested to sort MQM out.

The establishment wants to stamp out the militant wing only, but it does cause a great deal of concern for Bhai and his claque as power in Karachi flows out of the barrell of guns. Without the help of their snipers they will not be able to sustain their absolute control over the city as they have done it in the last couple of decades. Those who seriously think that getting rid of their killers will be good for Bhai and MQM (as many have tried to give that impression that MQM itself is behind the operation to get rid of some people and it will give Bhai a chance to consolidate his position in the party ) are eithier being dishonest or have absolutely no idea how the post killers-free city would look like. MQM will be forced to share power with other political parties, like PTI, and the era of its unchallenged rule will be over. To cut the long story short, a killers-free city will be good for the people and other parties but bad for MQM as it thrives on violence.
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Ao g :enjoy: Bat or bowl first?

This should not remain limited to MQM only, PPP and ANP also deserve sorting out.
Ji Imran bhai, Off course Batting first is the only chance for us to win QF and yes operation should be across the board, i was talking about only regarding mqm in previous post.
It is the political parties thuggish ways which have led to the rise of sectarian thugs and gang war thugs. They've crippled the security forces, bullied the merchants and frightened half the populace. Bloody gang wars and sectarian killings are barely a problem in cities with a functioning police force and responsible political parties who try to help the people out instead of desperately trying to cling to power. MQM is not an antidote to the security issue, it is just another strand of the venom.
It was Sectarian Thugs that started all the problems which was reciprocated by Political once. If security Agencies had stopped those sectarian thugs then the Political reaction wouldnt have been happened in the first place instead its well known that they have allegedly tried to nurture them for their agendas. Pakistan doesnt have a strong and independent Police infrastructure and in Karachi's case there isnt even local Police structure on the first place to have sound knowledge of areas and Mafias operating in those areas. So this is part and parcel with all kind of mess in Karachi and also in Pakistan.
Abhi tou drama shuru hua hai:coffee: let's see how many remain to watch the end of it.
The establishment wants to stamp out the militant wing only, but it does cause a great deal of concern for Bhai and his claque as power in Karachi flows out of the barrell of guns. Without the help of their snipers they will not be able to sustain their absolute control over the city as they have done it in the last couple of decades. Those who seriously think that getting rid of their killers will be good for Bhai and MQM (as many have tried to give that impression that MQM itself is behind the operation to get rid of some people and it will give Bhai a chance to consolidate his position in the party ) are eithier being dishonest or have absolutely no idea how the post killers-free city would look like. MQM will be forced to share power with other political parties, like PTI, and the era of its unchallenged rule will be over. To cut the long story short, a killers-free city will be good for the people and other parties but bad for MQM as it thrives on violence.
In the past it has happened that when security Agencies tried to hit MQM with full Intensity MQM has Bounced back with same intensity as well. This case is still relevant today as well and the reason behind that is Sympathy factor. MQM has Fanatical Supporters, Normal Supporters and Sympathizers and those sympathizers are the biggest group among all and they got easily Distracted to other Parties but when MQM is hit by Security Agencies the Victim perception brought them back and this is still what is happening even today at one point they got a dead body of a innocent Worker got killed Mysteriously during raid, there Workers are presented in court in horrible way and also getting tortured to give Admission Statements and their stance of being singled out and Targeted is also setting a ground to drag their Sympathizers back and if this phenomenon continue then they would survive and thrive further.
Nothing new for Altaf and MQM.

My support is with Rangers and Pakistan's agencies because they face the bullets while saving others, and thugs leave their miserable people behind and seek asylum in UK.
Your support should be with nation & the theory which brought pakistan into this world ?

you wanna make him shaheed :lol:

p.s. its better that he dies natural, but hs terror organization is taken to accounts.
Thats the problem here , every crime needs be proven ?

The establishment wants to stamp out the militant wing only, but it does cause a great deal of concern for Bhai and his claque as power in Karachi flows out of the barrell of guns. Without the help of their snipers they will not be able to sustain their absolute control over the city as they have done it in the last couple of decades. Those who seriously think that getting rid of their killers will be good for Bhai and MQM (as many have tried to give that impression that MQM itself is behind the operation to get rid of some people and it will give Bhai a chance to consolidate his position in the party ) are eithier being dishonest or have absolutely no idea how the post killers-free city would look like. MQM will be forced to share power with other political parties, like PTI, and the era of its unchallenged rule will be over. To cut the long story short, a killers-free city will be good for the people and other parties but bad for MQM as it thrives on violence.
Letme tell you , friend!
without having a equal law for karachi & interior sindh, baluchistan , KPK FATA !
nothing much will change !
A lesson to be learnt for the angels !
Well , I think instead of Altaf(near to dead man) must not be kept in focused, I'm worried about future Mqm filled with thousands of thugs, have dozens of more Madhuris , K-2 , motto and pahari like killer . better to shot them on instant, they have murdered hundred of Pakistani citizens and will kill more if not shot on the spot.
Rangers should go against Motos, K-2s etc of all Parties not just MQM and current Rangers actions are based only on MQM which is giving a wrong message throughout.
Rangers should go against Motos, K-2s etc of all Parties not just MQM and current Rangers actions are based only on MQM which is giving a wrong message throughout.

Ranger do not take decision of his own... they are abided by PM orders.
or you are expecting that Nawaz Sharif will say he was not informed!
Ranger do not take decision of his own... they are abided by PM orders.
or you are expecting that Nawaz Sharif will say he was not informed!
So much for Rangers freehand in Karachi Operation.
That is bad thing because MQM stance of Singled out and Targeted would Gather momentum if that is the case.

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