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Altaf Hussain booked under Terrorism Act !

They also have very large presence in Karachi as well and MQM is the only hurdle they were facing since 1990s to come and takeover. Since we are discussing Karachi Prospective so keep it to Karachi only in Karachi they have yet to be Targeted by Rangers and Law enforcement agencies for some reason no one knows and this is point of concern here as Ranger's past Track Record is quite Clear for acting Discriminately against Selected Groups.
In many recent sectarian killings it turned out to be MQM behind that MQM is the main reason behind increase of murders and bhatta and all crimes in Karachi
Forces should take out entire MQM including Altaf otherwise people will keep dying in Karachi
So that other Sectarian Elements started running the Street. No thanks I would prefer MQM thugs over Sectarian Thugs or Gang War thugs.

In many recent sectarian killings it turned out to be MQM behind that MQM is the main reason behind increase of murders and bhatta and all crimes in Karachi
That is Allegation rather then Proven Facts. MQM has no reason to do that because some of their Hardcore Supporters support them only because of their Resistance to Sectarian Elements.
So that other Sectarian Elements started running the Street. No thanks I would prefer MQM thugs over Sectarian Thugs or Gang War thugs.

That is Allegation rather then Proven Facts. MQM has no reason to do that because some of their Hardcore Supporters support them only because of their Resistance to Sectarian Elements.
It is proven your MQM target killers who were caught have admitted this yes part if MQM terrorism prefer MQM thugs
It is proven your MQM target killers who were caught have admitted this yes part if MQM terrorism prefer MQM thugs
I think we have enough debate about Admission already but they arent PROVEN so Admission and PROOF are not same thing.
I think we have enough debate about Admission already but they arent PROVEN so Admission and PROOF are not same thing.
Saulat Mirza is being hanged on being proves and these MQM killers will be proven guilty and also dog Altaf
Saulat Mirza is being hanged on being proves and these MQM killers will be proven guilty and also dog Altaf
Altaf gone Musharraf would takeover. Karachi has its way of Avoiding Religious and Sectarian Crackpots and also Counter JI as well but till then Altaf is Alive as well as MQM.
Another pandora box oppened up ?
As PMLn , PPP ,JI , JUI F , all have fractured past calling shots against LEAs then how LEA is just going against a political party & its leader ?
It looks like a dangerous situation if things goes in wrong direction then we could have another post 1971 situation in Karachi ?
why its happening ?
who is behind it ?
what are the motives , to clean the terrorists & terrorism or to clean a party ?
Its right time that important questions should be asked about the idea behind this operation which is just going in one way ?

Altaf gone Musharraf would takeover. Karachi has its way of Avoiding Religious and Sectarian Crackpots and also Counter JI as well but till then Altaf is Alive as well as MQM.
Musharaf won't like to be head of MQM , he has his own party peoples can join him if they want ?
Musharaf won't like to be head of MQM , he has his own party peoples can join him if they want ?
MQM Elements would Run towards him, their Supporters and Sympathizers would Follow and remaining others would start moving as well. It would take time and also require Musharraf to stand up and speak out.
Another pandora box oppened up ?
As PMLn , PPP ,JI , JUI F , all have fractured past calling shots against LEAs then how LEA is just going against a political party & its leader ?
It looks like a dangerous situation if things goes in wrong direction then we could have another post 1971 situation in Karachi ?
why its happening ?
who is behind it ?
what are the motives , to clean the terrorists & terrorism or to clean a party ?
Its right time that important questions should be asked about the idea behind this operation which is just going in one way ?

Musharaf won't like to be head of MQM , he has his own party peoples can join him if they want ?
5 lyari gangsters were killed yesterday and MQM has the biggest terrorism wing in 85 % crimes in Karachi MQM is behind them so they will first take out big terrorist
Another pandora box oppened up ?
As PMLn , PPP ,JI , JUI F , all have fractured past calling shots against LEAs then how LEA is just going against a political party & its leader ?
It looks like a dangerous situation if things goes in wrong direction then we could have another post 1971 situation in Karachi ?
why its happening ?
who is behind it ?
what are the motives , to clean the terrorists & terrorism or to clean a party ?
Its right time that important questions should be asked about the idea behind this operation which is just going in one way ?
Musharaf won't like to be head of MQM , he has his own party peoples can join him if they want ?

Clearing up for who exactly ?
5 lyari gangsters were killed yesterday and MQM has the biggest terrorism wing in 85 % crimes in Karachi MQM is behind them so they will first take out big terrorist
How and from where did you get this 85% figure? Please produce the papers with this figure or avoid telling blatant lies.

Saulat Mirza is being hanged on being proves and these MQM killers will be proven guilty and also dog Altaf
Why are you so repeatedly calling Altaf as Dog? Even Mohamed (PBUH) did not call his arch enemies such as Abdullah bin Obai and Abu Jahal as Dog? Are you something superior to the Prophet (PBUH) or Altaf is worst than Abu Jahal?
i have seen the video , can anyone quote the exact words of AH ??
what did he say ? that he will kill rangers ? or he will take revenge from Rangers ? what is that threat actually?

Why are you so repeatedly calling Altaf as Dog? Even Mohamed (PBUH) did not call his arch enemies such as Abdullah bin Obai and Abu Jahal as Dog? Are you something superior to the Prophet (PBUH) or Altaf is worst than Abu Jahal?

it gives him some satisfaction .. let him :)

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