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Altaf Hussain booked under Terrorism Act !

It won't be happening without the support within MQM leadership, you should convince them , as I know they are hell ready for that, cause they themselves have serious threats , but you can't do that , by blind folding them like other low grade workers ?

There is a limit of self-pity and victim mentality. Come out of your make-believe world and stop taking yourself too seriously.
It was Sectarian Thugs that started all the problems which was reciprocated by Political once. If security Agencies had stopped those sectarian thugs then the Political reaction wouldnt have been happened in the first place instead its well known that they have allegedly tried to nurture them for their agendas.

Really? You don't expect me to believe that these clerics and religious students were extorting businessmen and having petty gang wars with another way before political parties? Most people here would be quick to remind you that sectarian violence is a recent phenomenon considered to political and ethnic violence which has dominated Pakistan for decades.

Pakistan doesnt have a strong and independent Police infrastructure and in Karachi's case there isnt even local Police structure on the first place to have sound knowledge of areas and Mafias operating in those areas. So this is part and parcel with all kind of mess in Karachi and also in Pakistan.

Whose fault? The clerics you keep pointing to or the web of political parties (of which MQM is part of) which constantly kept the nation this backward?
Bro I agree that ASWJ is an enemy against which our useless government has not taken action yet but two wrongs don't make a right. Altaf has used violence to achieve ethnic goals and therefore he should be condemned. Don't be impressed by his rhetoric on terrorism. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did the same and look how he pandered the mullahs and declared Ahmedis kaffir.

I agree 100% that two wrongs don't make it right, but here we are talking about a problem against ethnic lines, one wrong move and people will rebel. And I assure you MQM has the power in sindh specially Karachi, Hyderabad to bring life to a complete halt.

Well known fact and from reaction on this forum from PML-N supporters ASWJ, LJ terrorist enjoy complete freedom and support from the party and its supporters. Heck Lj leader is provided governemnt security you know why. Cause if some one takes him out will create law and order situation and now same government wants action against MQM. What exactly do you think that will do.

All Iam saying is if you wanna go after one, go after all at the same time,not just the selected few. good terrorist bad terrorist dosent fly no more.

Altaf for threatening rangers/officer of rangers who raided nine-zero.

times up terrorist !

Finally!!! A step takes a decade or two too late. Had this guy been held accountable a decade ago, many thousands of people would be alive today.

Another good effort (albeit very late), in cleaning up the violent, terrorism related mess in Pakistan, in an effort to turn it into a modern, growing peaceful economy!

Sorry folks, this creature will remain around till his legs cave in due to his immense weight, or his heart stops pumping cholesterol in his body.

This will be over soon enough. Nothing will change much.

Sorry folks, this creature will remain around till his legs cave in due to his immense weight, or his heart stops pumping cholesterol in his body.

This will be over soon enough. Nothing will change much.
If british court cannot bring justice, how can Pakistani courts.

There is a larger "interest" here which many of us fail to look at. He is too old and probably won't last long or too weak to govern. Both gov't just want him to die a natural death so as to prevent Karachi rioting.
Your support should be with nation & the theory which brought pakistan (Pakistan) into this world ?

Hmmmm let us see, if I don't support MQM in MQM vs LEA, I get questioned about whether I support the Nation and idea of Pakistan's coming into existence. That is some analogy to question my Pakistaniism :rofl:.

How retard you MQM faltoo k supporters can get?
nothing matters, those who support MQM will always support MQM no matter what proofs given. for them MQM is the protector of urdu speakers and fighting for their rights, what protection and what rights is unclear.
nothing matters, those who support MQM will always support MQM no matter what proofs given. for them MQM is the protector of urdu speakers and fighting for their rights, what protection and what rights is unclear.
Sure that's , pakistan any one supporting PMLN or PPPP, or even JI, they all are same as a nation ? Right
they all support wrong parties , wrong peoples , wrong leaders?
& they keep supporting it?
Sure that's , pakistan any one supporting PMLN or PPPP, or even JI, they all are same as a nation ? Right
they all support wrong parties , wrong peoples , wrong leaders?
& they keep supporting it?

there is a difference but you wont see it
Hmmmm let us see, if I don't support MQM in MQM vs LEA, I get questioned about whether I support the Nation and idea of Pakistan's coming into existence. That is some analogy to question my Pakistaniism :rofl:.

How retard you MQM faltoo k supporters can get?
It happens , when you are on the mistaken sides ?
even can be asked to prove your identity card , sometimes ? Lolzzz
btw I am never a MQMer & I never voted for any political party in pakistan, cause till date non of them done a thing good for the nation.

there is a difference but you wont see it
Sure only a supporter of PMLN or PPPP can see that?
sure some day khawaja asif & Saad Rafique will be having similar cases on them ?
cause they were more louder, against army , & Raiwind mahal would be raided ? Lolzzz
Now this is the new twist. Things are happening very fast in Karachi. Seems like army/Rangers is quite interested to sort MQM out.

Problem with army is they they themself are a party in Pakistani politics. Gen. Ayub first time made army a power group. Army has done these sorts of operations against MQM and other groups so many times but then down the raod they themselves do the bargaining. This time history will repeat itself. Unless and until army won't leave its power politics things are not gonna change.
Sure that's , pakistan any one supporting PMLN or PPPP, or even JI, they all are same as a nation ? Right
they all support wrong parties , wrong peoples , wrong leaders?
& they keep supporting it?

Let us drown them all what do you say han han :butcher:? :butcher:?. We have a chance to get rid of all of them. We can pack all these politician scumbags in a ship and drown them please please :taz:
Let us drown them all what do you say han han :butcher:? :butcher:?. We have a chance to get rid of all of them. We can pack all these politician scumbags in a ship and drown them please please :taz:
When I say that, I like dictators , & I want a brutal army rule on pakistan, champions of damocrazy gets effected ?:yahoo:

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