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Altaf Hussain booked under Terrorism Act !

Nisar meets British High Commissioner to discuss FIR against Altaf

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan met British High Commissioner to Pakistan, Philip Barton on Wednesday to discuss the matter of the FIR registered against Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain yesterday.

In a meeting at the Punjab House in Islamabad today, the interior minister said that the MQM chief made objectionable statements against the Pakistan armed forces during a television programme.

He went on to say that, no one should be allowed to sit in UK and deliver statements against security agencies of Pakistan.

Nisar also shared a copy of the FIR with Barton, which was registered against Altaf a day earlier.

A case against Altaf Hussain was registered on Tuesday in Civil Lines Police Station, on the request of Rangers spokesman Colonel Tahir.

The case was registered under the section 7 of Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) and 506 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC).

Following the raid on MQM Headquarters Nine-Zero in Karachi last week, the MQM chief had allegedly threatened Rangers officials while speaking in Geo News programme "Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Saath", the complainant maintained.

Responding to a question regarding Rangers personnel, Altaf Hussain referred to them as a thing of the past.

Dozens of MQM workers including wanted suspects were apprehended from and around the Nine-Zero in Azizabad in the March 11 raid.
Actually he was called in by British HC for the subject of minorities & their detering security more ?
But here is our Mr been ?lolzzz
Uncle I can post tens of photo shopped pics with , imran khan taking out PTI workers ( although he did right) & other JI /PMLn/other parties their MNA s /MPAs doing more then that but then what the difference between batmannow & the rest of you ?lolzzzz

What did I do to deserve this torture from you. :undecided:
Just because a party has street power does not mean it is infallible. Many parties had street power including Germany's Nazi party. The question is what has been done with such power? Has it been used to quieten opposition, murder opponents? Because MQM was formed in 1984 and from 1985-1990 3000 people were killed in Karachi. So MQM and violence are intertwined

Also with a khandaan in Pakistan that votes for MQM mainly I agree. One wrong move and we have a rebellion which is why the government needs to tread carefully. MQM like Awami League did for Bengalis has destroyed our loyalty to Pakistan I feel. We justify Altaf's speech which is by all means treason to state and people. This is not a good characteristic but a major flaw in our thinking. Ethnic parties are as problematic as are sectarian/terrorist outfits.

I am myself a Lucknowi mahajir though I do not like the term mahajir or urdu speaker being used for us. I feel it is our downfall as urdu speakers that we vote for said party. It is the fall of a people who once died for Pakistan (were massacred on trains and processions as they moved to newly made Pakistan)... I think the formation of MQM was a mistake and we now have a reputation as violent people. A person should and must walk with the rest of the country. The rest of the country is calling MQM terrorists.

I think the reason you justify MQM's horrid existance is their stance against the Taliban-perhaps the only thing good about them. But I view this with a bit of suspicion-lets not forget what so called secular Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did. He was drunk but banned drinking for minorities too. He called Ahmedis kaffir and declared them non muslim. He also supported mullahs. So lets be a little more careful or we secularists will be betrayed again. @Pakistani Exile you should think about this too.

You are right. As a shia you are my brother. LEJ must be destroyed and hunted down. Every leader of it that dies actually pleases me. I don't care if they die at the hands of government or sipah e Muhammed.

But again this does not justify the violence used by MQM. I know at least 2 people who have suffered due to MQM despite my khandaan in Pakistan being staunchly with the MQM.

Here I perfectly agree with you. Go after ANP, PPPP, LEJ, SSP/ASWJ at the same time. What going after ensures is that MQM has the victim card-something it has played well continually.

What other alternative do people on the Left have left? No remotely liberal or moderate party left in this country. This country is full of right wing fascists parties, many of whom are involved in all manner of criminal and terrorists activities yet I have never seen action against them the same way I have seen MQM being targeted. On the contrary, it seems that sectarian organisations are nurtured and supported by the establishment and used against their enemies. In a country like this, our choices are limited. I'd rather go with the devil I know than the devil I don't.

And I respectfully disagree with you when you say MQM are responsible for most of the violence in Karachi, Establishment used SIndhi nationalists, before that the Afghan migrants to attack Muhajir/Urdu speaking localities way before MQM had even managed to establish themselves. MQM only gained an upper hand due to the racist policies of the establishment.

And way before MQM was even founded, tell me who led Pushtun mobs on the rampage in Karachi after Urdu speaking people voted for Fatmia Jjinnah? The Urdu riots when again Sindhi nationalists attempted to oppress the people there. So I can understand why you have serious apprehensions towards MQM, I think it is wiser to accept that MQM is only a reaction to certain grievances that could have been handled way better. I am aware of the case of a Urdu speaking youth who was highly educated but he couldn't get a job because he didn't have Sindh domicile. While Punjabis could get theirs, Sindhis would get in with quotas, young and frustrated Muhajir youths were left to fend for themselves. When you continue to push people, it is only a matter of time before they start pushing back. This is what happened with MQM, I do not justify violence, but its more complex than just the terrorist mantra that anti MQM blare out.
What other alternative do people on the Left have left? No remotely liberal or moderate party left in this country. This country is full of right wing fascists parties, many of whom are involved in all manner of criminal and terrorists activities yet I have never seen action against them the same way I have seen MQM being targeted. On the contrary, it seems that sectarian organisations are nurtured and supported by the establishment and used against their enemies. In a country like this, our choices are limited. I'd rather go with the devil I know than the devil I don't.

And I respectfully disagree with you when you say MQM are responsible for most of the violence in Karachi, Establishment used SIndhi nationalists, before that the Afghan migrants to attack Muhajir/Urdu speaking localities way before MQM had even managed to establish themselves. MQM only gained an upper hand due to the racist policies of the establishment.

And way before MQM was even founded, tell me who led Pushtun mobs on the rampage in Karachi after Urdu speaking people voted for Fatmia Jjinnah? The Urdu riots when again Sindhi nationalists attempted to oppress the people there. So I can understand why you have serious apprehensions towards MQM, I think it is wiser to accept that MQM is only a reaction to certain grievances that could have been handled way better. I am aware of the case of a Urdu speaking youth who was highly educated but he couldn't get a job because he didn't have Sindh domicile. While Punjabis could get theirs, Sindhis would get in with quotas, young and frustrated Muhajir youths were left to fend for themselves. When you continue to push people, it is only a matter of time before they start pushing back. This is what happened with MQM, I do not justify violence, but its more complex than just the terrorist mantra that anti MQM blare out.


MQM's establishment was supported by a Jihadi General to counter PPP influence and

MQM's revival was supported by a Secular General thinking "Gali k badmash ko chowkidar bana do badmashi khatam ho jy gi".

So which MQM you support?
Interpretation is up to the other side , I Havant heard altaf clearly saying that he wants to kill any one or even a bird or a fly in his statement ?

you can say anything here, but we both know what your heart says. I am sure you have brain that analyzes things rationally. your kind of thinking is the root cause of all the problems in Pakistani society, you know what you saying is 100% wrong but you are saying it because you consider him your leader and most probably belong to same ethnicity as yours so you cant change your stance now, knowing very well the truth you are saying what is against the truth. Its ok it doesnt bother me, I was the lucky one who took his kids out of that city, its all your now, anyway you like it. I know your reply would be PPP and PMLN blind follower, so save it
What other alternative do people on the Left have left? No remotely liberal or moderate party left in this country.

Well I am more favurable of the PTI-its leader is western educated, he has never made an anti ahmedi anti shia comment nor been seen with a garland of petals with Ludhianvi unlike PMLN... but yes it does not condemn terrorism as vocally. This is a flaw I thought PTI and Imran Khan would correct.

This country is full of right wing fascists parties, many of whom are involved in all manner of criminal and terrorists activities yet I have never seen action against them the same way I have seen MQM being targeted. On the contrary, it seems that sectarian organisations are nurtured and supported by the establishment and used against their enemies. In a country like this, our choices are limited. I'd rather go with the devil I know than the devil I don't.

You are right, Malik Ishaq is arrested and set free, moves around with a large group of bodyguards. Akram Lahori is treated as a hero. Ludhianvi pelted with flowers by PMLN supporters. But what keeps us strong is hope. Hope that one day Pakistan would do better and our government-whom we elect would take punitive action against said parties.

And I respectfully disagree with you when you say MQM are responsible for most of the violence in Karachi, Establishment used SIndhi nationalists, before that the Afghan migrants to attack Muhajir/Urdu speaking localities way before MQM had even managed to establish themselves. MQM only gained an upper hand due to the racist policies of the establishment.

Here I think we will disagree because I do not believe in a) ethnic politics and I believe in b) self criticism about our ethnicity. I have been critical of my ethnicity in the hope others may be critical of theirs too. But I think we urdu speakers have written history too in our favor.

Sindhi nationalists have been attacked by the establishment at times as have Baloch nationalists and Pashtun nationalists. I think the establishment too views such ethnic nationalists with suspicion. Lets note that even though Zulfiqar Ai Bhutto made Sindhi compulsory in Sindh schools and took other steps for the protection of Sindhi heritage he stood against GM Syed a staunch Sindhi nationalist and he spent a lot of his time in jail. He also launched an operation in Balochistan in conjunction with the shah. Before ZAB, Yahya Khan, Niazi and Tikka Khan used to make fun of Bengalis as black. Another general called them weak and not a martial race. Then there was Bacha Khan who was jailed.

Tell me which urdu speaking personality had to suffer all this? Altaf Hussain was jailed true but even in his young years he used violence. Just talk to Syed Jamaluddin and you will know where he wanted to take us. The way I see it we got things far easier than others. We had to prove we had property in parts we left from India and got properties in return. Before that some Sindhis had even cleared homes for us to live in. And today-look at now. People are forgetting their indigenous languages in favor of our language urdu and the said language is imposed all over the country. We also have a gdp per capita calculated in ruppees 13,000 higher than the Punjabis. We are the richest ethnic group...

I don't say this because I have adopted some pashtun customs and have a basic command over language but because I am seriously offended by Altaf Hussain's speech which called partition a blunder. I am also ashamed of the way my people have wanted more from Pakistan without giving anything in return. Altaf could lead Pakistan to the brink at any time. Ajmal Pahari was trained by India

And way before MQM was even founded, tell me who led Pushtun mobs on the rampage in Karachi after Urdu speaking people voted for Fatmia Jjinnah?

See what ethnic nationalists often do is turn a national problem into an ethnic issue. They excel at this. For example the Karachi incident in the past where Biharis were mainly attacked by a mob of Afghan nationals. Now Afghans attacked Pakistanis. Where is the ethnic problem in this?

Similarly voting for Fatima Jinnah-every pro Pakistani element voted for Fatima Jinnah. The majority could never betray Jinnah or his blood. So we all voted for her. But that evil dictator Ayub Khan rigged elections. Again that was a national issue and pashtuns sindhis balochs all stood with us. It was not an ethnic problem. Also yo might say pashtuns are coming into karachi-so what? Is it just urdu speakers country or pashtuns punjabis balochs sindhis equally?

The Urdu riots when again Sindhi nationalists attempted to oppress the people there. So I can understand why you have serious apprehensions towards MQM, I think it is wiser to accept that MQM is only a reaction to certain grievances that could have been handled way better.

I do not agree with this. Each community, each ethnic group talks about oppression. If all are saying the same thing then its clear no one is oppressed but all treated equally. The problem is our own psyches, we want and expect to get more and more. In any society you do not get things freely. You have to work hard for them. Partly the problem arises from the fact that we urdu speakers wanted some form of special treatment, since we had suffered massive pain during partition. But that happens no where. Still Pakistan is an urdu speaking ethnocracy. If you don't believe it ask Punjabis if they know punjabi-there are about 40 million pashtuns in Pakistan, only 30 million know pashto... so you see people are surrendering their languages for us.

I am aware of the case of a Urdu speaking youth who was highly educated but he couldn't get a job because he didn't have Sindh domicile. While Punjabis could get theirs, Sindhis would get in with quotas, young and frustrated Muhajir youths were left to fend for themselves.

I believe you learned of the case when the said urdu speaking youth himself complained about this? This is our problem. We have always considered ourselves an oppressed minority but have refused to look critically at our own role in the country. With higher education and control over the cities we rule the country. My question to my elders has always been why we can't live at peace with our Punjabi, Sindhi Baloch Pashtun brothers. Why did we being educationally superior and economically sound help these ethnicities move to a better standard. Why did we get bogged down in the mire of ethnic supremacy?

When you continue to push people, it is only a matter of time before they start pushing back. This is what happened with MQM, I do not justify violence, but its more complex than just the terrorist mantra that anti MQM blare out.

I don't think they were pushed in such a way. MQM supporters have always presented themselves as Mazloom which has won them some sympathies. It is not going to work anymore, and as the body count piles up-MQM is going to come under fire.

You are free to have your views about the select topic. Though I think that MQM's moderate or secular stand does not in my eyes exempt them from blame of using violence as a tool to further their interests.
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Rangers should go against Motos, K-2s etc of all Parties not just MQM and current Rangers actions are based only on MQM which is giving a wrong message throughout.
At the current , Mqm thugs are running high on the grounds, and not to mention that during whole previous year of operations, rangers having targeted everyone, now it Mqm turn finally , the most well recognized terror group of Karachi.
you can say anything here, but we both know what your heart says. I am sure you have brain that analyzes things rationally. your kind of thinking is the root cause of all the problems in Pakistani society, you know what you saying is 100% wrong but you are saying it because you consider him your leader and most probably belong to same ethnicity as yours so you cant change your stance now, knowing very well the truth you are saying what is against the truth. Its ok it doesnt bother me, I was the lucky one who took his kids out of that city, its all your now, anyway you like it. I know your reply would be PPP and PMLN blind follower, so save it
My leader is the one , who kicked your leader out of pakistan? Lolzzz
with that said , it's time to be ready & get the dam fuji boots again on the tindoos ?


MQM's establishment was supported by a Jihadi General to counter PPP influence and

MQM's revival was supported by a Secular General thinking "Gali k badmash ko chowkidar bana do badmashi khatam ho jy gi".

So which MQM you support?
In the end both proven right, at least there is no sindhudesh ?
My leader is the one , who kicked your leader out of pakistan? Lolzzz
with that said , it's time to be ready & get the dam fuji boots again on the tindoos ?

an educated discussion is beyond your capabilities, once you loose the argument you start wuff wuff
an educated discussion is beyond your capabilities, once you loose the argument you start wuff wuff
Your argument was educated one?
dont try again then again you forget to differentiate between dead & living ones?
remember that?
Your argument was educated one?
dont try again then again you forget to differentiate between dead & living ones?
remember that?

poster is on my ignore list


MQM's establishment was supported by a Jihadi General to counter PPP influence and

MQM's revival was supported by a Secular General thinking "Gali k badmash ko chowkidar bana do badmashi khatam ho jy gi".

So which MQM you support?

their leader calls for fauj if he sees a cat in his window.
poster is on my ignore list

their leader calls for fauj if he sees a cat in his window.
& who was the best boot polisher of genrl JILANI & ZIA shb ?

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