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Alleged "Terror boat" Sunk by Indian Coast Guard | Fact or Fiction?

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BREAKING NEWS: (After couple of days)
The boat which was intercepted by mighty indian coast galls was carrying nuclear war heads. One of the terrorists
had planned to kidnap modi while the second one was assigned a task to detonate nuclear bomb which he had hidden in his turban. The third one was planning to steal the space ship which was created in ancient india. And forth one was on a mission to steal taj mehal. But the invincible indian coast galls destroyed this evil plan of ISI...

Link: www.phunnyindianmedia.com
hahhahah tunay kutay wali kardi hey inke as usual hahhahaha
Well your govt is denying these were even Pakistanis so I doubt that....

And your navy is investigating an incident that happened in Indian waters involving the Indian Coast Guard? If that's true (please provide sources) then not only does your navy have zero jurisdiction to do so but they are admitting these were Pakistanis and a Pakistani vessel.

Get your story straight buddy...

We don't like to do chest thumping stuff and beat the bush before investigation is completed. Right now our Govt is rightly clueless about the incident since the source was your Indian media yesterday. Here its not necessary the investigation should be made public or not, I am sure we are in process of compiling Pakistani version of the story regarding this whole episode. For now, some parts of your media has started raising the question of Indian version as stated in the topic starter post.
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And this becomes a new thread? Wow just wow!

Yes A-hole you dot heads killed bunch of 'smugglers' and tried to make it another 26/11 and that deserved to be a thread but now you guys are being exposed and truth is coming into light and you guys are tryin to bury it in dark so the world wouldn't know what happen. Have some shame. You endians sure are some slithery creatures

Do you really believe that your forces don't do fake encounters

But your Forces just did and truth is coming out
I have no qualms over this incident as long as those guys were not fishermen !

If Praveen Swami has, or anybody else has, wait for the news of any pak or Indian fishermen are missing, if not....

Deal with it.

I like the attitude of attacking them first if we sense things amiss.

I would rather not have CG people killed by smugglers or wannabe kasabs. Rather have burning or exploding boats done in by the CG.

Yes A-hole you dot heads killed bunch of 'smugglers' and tried to make it another 26/11 and that deserved to be a thread but now you guys are being exposed and truth is coming into light and you guys are tryin to bury it in dark so the world wouldn't know what happen. Have some shame. You endians sure are some slithery creatures

But your Forces just did and truth is coming out

Yooo... dumpakullah gaan, take that language to home and call them names !
Some how i had a doubt about this incident, and that was evident from govt reaction......
The GoI/MoD/ICG's account is accurate and representative of what happened. The Indian media's interoperation of the events and subsequent spin are what is 100% bogus.

It is BETTER to be safe than SORRY

We did not kill innocent fishermen but "innocent smugglers"
So there is NO need for either REMORSE or Regret

Exactly right, only in India would this $hit happen. I can guarantee you had this operation happened in America, Spain, France, Italy etc the entire nation would be praising the work of their CG and intel agency no end. The likes of Praveen Swami are traitors and I don't use that word lightly.
Yes A-hole you dot heads killed bunch of 'smugglers' and tried to make it another 26/11 and that deserved to be a thread but now you guys are being exposed and truth is coming into light and you guys are tryin to bury it in dark so the world wouldn't know what happen. Have some shame. You endians sure are some slithery creatures

But your Forces just did and truth is coming out

There is no evidence of that,let's not jump the gun & wait for more details
What Indians are not realizing are the repercussions which may be faced by both poor Indian and Pakistani fishermen in the future. If Pakistani coastal forces starts firing, which they should not, at the Indian fisherman after this incident, than will Indian Govt take up the responsibility ? or may be they themselves want to open another front at the Arabian sea as well ? so I believe Pakistan needs to be wise here and let them get embarrassed themselves for the attention they were seeking for.
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3 reasons why journalists like Praveen Swami attacked Indian narrative on Pak boat incident

3 reasons why journalists like Praveen Swami attacked Indian narrative on Pak boat incident
OpIndia Editor / January 3, 2015 / Media
OpIndia.com has already explained why the report by The Indian Express reporter Praveen Swami sounded like a hit-job against the Coast Guard in particular and the Indian security agencies in general.

The obvious question is why Swami, and other journalists who are sharing his highly speculative article like gospel truth, would do that?

Our team believes that it has to be one of these three reasons, or maybe combinations of these reasons:

1. There is a “Deep Throat” in the Indian government: Although Praveen Swami’s article is full of loopholes and it aims to counter some claims that were never made by the government in first place, it still quotes “sources”. So who are these “sources”?

If asked, Praveen Swami will either block you on Twitter or give a standard reply that a ‘journalist is not obliged to reveal his sources’. Indeed, a journalist may not choose to reveal his sources for various reasons, but he can’t just make up things when the national security is involved.

If we indeed believe that Swami has got some “sources” in the government or in the defense machinery, it means there is a whistleblower in the system who thinks that India is the aggressor vis a vis Pakistan.

It is a very serious charge. But we will still say that Praveen Swami doesn’t need to reveal who this whistleblower is. But at least say that there is one. Name him something like “Deep Throat”.

Mr. Swami, this is not the first time you have questioned Indian security agencies. Earlier also you had published reports that painted the Indian Army as aggressors. It is a serious charge. It means that our nation is not as pious as we believe.

However, Mr. Swami, we are not going to believe you just because you claim some “source” told you. And no, we are also not going to believe those who think this “source” is living across the border. But Mr. Swami, at least invent a name for this “source”, if you are not inventing reports.

2. Revenge attack for denying access: It is a well known fact that “access journalism” has received a major setback ever since Narendra Modi government took charge. Access journalism is where a reporter receives special treatment and “exclusive” information from government authorities, and later the same is published in newspapers as information coming through “sources”.

(a journalist also invents sources, but that’s another issue and we will let that go right now)

The Modi government is increasingly denying journalists such access. There have been many occasions when journalists have got information through Twitter feeds i.e. at the same time when any common man of the country got. This drying up of access has hurt the ego of many journalists who feel that their “power”, which is due to information asymmetry, is being threatened by the new government.

To get even with the government, the journalist has to flex muscle and show his or her “power”. And he or she can do it by planting speculative stories that hurts the image of the government.

This particular case could be one example of such revenge attack with a message to the government – “start giving us importance or we will malign your image and weaken people’s faith in you.”

3. Political dislike transforming into dislike for the establishment: Let’s accept it. Narendra Modi is indeed a divisive figure. He induces extreme emotions. People either love him or hate him.

With the mainstream media mostly dominated by people identifying themselves as left-liberal, most of them hate Modi. Now with Modi being the Prime Minister, this hate has overwhelmed them so much that now they have started hating the Indian establishment itself.

In such a scenario, a journalist starts disliking, distrusting, and hating everything about the Indian establishment – defense and external relations included. The enemy of enemy becomes a friend. And thus in this case, Pakistan becomes a “friendly state” while India becomes an “aggressor” for them – assumptions that pushed them to question the official narrative without waiting for details to emerge. In fact, our journalists raised questions before Pakistan did!

Please note that India is seeing such thing for the first time. Even the Modi supporters hated Sonia Gandhi a lot, but their dislike for Congress had not transformed into dislike for the establishment. When Praveen Swami had published reports questioning Indian Army’s narrative, many Modi supporters had chosen to believe the army and the UPA government over Swami’s “sources”.

Yesterday couple of Indians were waiting for his article on the event as credible analysis but today he became liars? I haven't seen Indians questioning "sources" when the news is about bashing & reducling Pakistan. Anyway - it's up to Indians what they think about him or not but imo it was just either ketchup case, if not than smugglers at most and in this case boat got fired because coast guards fires not blown up by people on board.
Honestly @Oscar I feel that could be one of the possibility. If that is the case it is very sad, think about the lives lost, maybe a risk associated with smuggling. I kind of feel that when coast guard got close, the fear of explosives on the boat might have forced them to attack. However if they attacked the boat would have been completely destroyed right. What is baffling to me is what could have caused the fire. Is there a type of explosive that can do it.
mixed feeling here
glad that it was not the terrorists
feel bad that the people lost their lives who could've been fishermen

if the account of chase is still valid then these people had something to hide... what a desperate and pointless attempt to try to outrun a plane and speed boats :S

one horrible idea is to do a head count of known Pakistani fishermen languishing in Indian jails. have some gone missing lately? hopefully Indian sarkar is not that crude and ruthless to stage something like this.

I must say I wont really care about smugglers too. and what were they smuggling? the picture of the burning boat doesnt support the explosion idea because the hull and the structure are intact.

If the boat was followed from Pakistan then there must be more Pakistanis who had noticed it leaving? maybe start from there to find out who owned it and who were the people.
3 reasons why journalists like Praveen Swami attacked Indian narrative on Pak boat incident

3 reasons why journalists like Praveen Swami attacked Indian narrative on Pak boat incident
OpIndia Editor / January 3, 2015 / Media
OpIndia.com has already explained why the report by The Indian Express reporter Praveen Swami sounded like a hit-job against the Coast Guard in particular and the Indian security agencies in general.

The obvious question is why Swami, and other journalists who are sharing his highly speculative article like gospel truth, would do that?

Our team believes that it has to be one of these three reasons, or maybe combinations of these reasons:

1. There is a “Deep Throat” in the Indian government: Although Praveen Swami’s article is full of loopholes and it aims to counter some claims that were never made by the government in first place, it still quotes “sources”. So who are these “sources”?

If asked, Praveen Swami will either block you on Twitter or give a standard reply that a ‘journalist is not obliged to reveal his sources’. Indeed, a journalist may not choose to reveal his sources for various reasons, but he can’t just make up things when the national security is involved.

If we indeed believe that Swami has got some “sources” in the government or in the defense machinery, it means there is a whistleblower in the system who thinks that India is the aggressor vis a vis Pakistan.

It is a very serious charge. But we will still say that Praveen Swami doesn’t need to reveal who this whistleblower is. But at least say that there is one. Name him something like “Deep Throat”.

Mr. Swami, this is not the first time you have questioned Indian security agencies. Earlier also you had published reports that painted the Indian Army as aggressors. It is a serious charge. It means that our nation is not as pious as we believe.

However, Mr. Swami, we are not going to believe you just because you claim some “source” told you. And no, we are also not going to believe those who think this “source” is living across the border. But Mr. Swami, at least invent a name for this “source”, if you are not inventing reports.

2. Revenge attack for denying access: It is a well known fact that “access journalism” has received a major setback ever since Narendra Modi government took charge. Access journalism is where a reporter receives special treatment and “exclusive” information from government authorities, and later the same is published in newspapers as information coming through “sources”.

(a journalist also invents sources, but that’s another issue and we will let that go right now)

The Modi government is increasingly denying journalists such access. There have been many occasions when journalists have got information through Twitter feeds i.e. at the same time when any common man of the country got. This drying up of access has hurt the ego of many journalists who feel that their “power”, which is due to information asymmetry, is being threatened by the new government.

To get even with the government, the journalist has to flex muscle and show his or her “power”. And he or she can do it by planting speculative stories that hurts the image of the government.

This particular case could be one example of such revenge attack with a message to the government – “start giving us importance or we will malign your image and weaken people’s faith in you.”

3. Political dislike transforming into dislike for the establishment: Let’s accept it. Narendra Modi is indeed a divisive figure. He induces extreme emotions. People either love him or hate him.

With the mainstream media mostly dominated by people identifying themselves as left-liberal, most of them hate Modi. Now with Modi being the Prime Minister, this hate has overwhelmed them so much that now they have started hating the Indian establishment itself.

In such a scenario, a journalist starts disliking, distrusting, and hating everything about the Indian establishment – defense and external relations included. The enemy of enemy becomes a friend. And thus in this case, Pakistan becomes a “friendly state” while India becomes an “aggressor” for them – assumptions that pushed them to question the official narrative without waiting for details to emerge. In fact, our journalists raised questions before Pakistan did!

Please note that India is seeing such thing for the first time. Even the Modi supporters hated Sonia Gandhi a lot, but their dislike for Congress had not transformed into dislike for the establishment. When Praveen Swami had published reports questioning Indian Army’s narrative, many Modi supporters had chosen to believe the army and the UPA government over Swami’s “sources”.
I got a better one he is an ISI agent
like them financiers of PK
like them pigeons
Either you have not read the article properly or are wilfully ignoring these sections.

Ministry said that a “hot pursuit continued for nearly one hour and the Coast Guard ship managed to stop the fishing boat after firing warning shots”. “Four persons were seen on the boat who disregarded all warnings by the Coast Guard ship to stop and cooperate with investigation. Soon thereafter, the crew hid themselves in below-deck compartment and set the boat on fire, which resulted in explosion and major fire on the boat,” the release stated. November 25, 2014: Security breach easy where the border is a line drawn in water But three naval officers told The Indian Express it was inconceivable that Pakistani fishing boats — typically four-crew vessels, with an average length of less than 25 metres and equipped with 80-220 horsepower diesel engines, or smaller mechanised sailboats with 30 horsepower engines — could outrun the Coast Guard’s state-of-the-art ships

The Ministry’s press release also said that “due to darkness, bad weather and strong winds, the boat and persons on board could not be saved or recovered”. However, open-source meteorological data for the Porbandar coast for the year-end shows conditions were almost ideal right through the second fortnight of December 15, 2014 to January 1, with cloudless skies and, on December 31-January 1. There were no bad-weather warnings for Indian fishermen in the region through this period

Two paragraphs dedicated to the idea that the GoI sources are stating misinformation.

point to ponder without the Nationalistic and gnostic steel hamlet:undecided:
Well you can rule out the "innocent" fishermen theory right now. These guys were wrongdoers in one way or another it looks as if they were merely smugglers not not something more sinister but the fact remains.

What is your proof? How can you be so sure that these guys were doing something wrong?

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