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Alleged "Terror boat" Sunk by Indian Coast Guard | Fact or Fiction?

Look there is a 100% probability that they would be smugglers since they were running away from coast guards. If they were terrorists they would have done what other terrorists do, i mean they would have blown not only themselves but also would have caused damage to coast guards.
And secondly if they really exploded them selves up then the boat would have been sunk and shattered, but this wasnt the case.

No our army is winning the battle. We have destroyed terrorists back bone during our previous operations and during this operation we are eradicating the remaining. All the terrorists are running away into Afghanistan even their leader have taken asylum over there.
But the thing is you guys have never faced any terrorists for real. Killing people on borders or smugglers dont comes in the context of killing terrorists, my friend!

No i will ask indians, since they have so much faith in it.:p:
Where does the news says that boat didn't sink after blowing up??? Perhaps many are trying to ignore the simple news which can be found from the initial news coming in itself. That India tracked it and there were two boats, one boat evaded in dark successfully while CG boat kept on behind the other boat. After an hour running small boat fuel got low, so we got near them when firing started from both sides using light weapons. But then those small boat persons after finding no other option to evade, went inside the boat and started fire so as to not reach in the hands of Indian forces. This was the fire only raging for sometime which set the bombs off while CG ship was almost close to it. PICs also reflect the same. But when bombs went off, our boat had to get back as fire was deadly along with splinters like elements. It would have been dangerous for personnel too. After the bombs blasting, boat went down in fairly short time.
Pakistan about to take 2 boats with 12 fishermen.
I guess the best solution is to call a investigation in the Indian claims ?
Should call international community to come up with some marine time investigative operatus & check the whole deal once & for all.
Come on .. grow up dude , first PA and now Pakistan navy ... later u will blame it on ISI just like ur media is saying tht pk movie is funded by ISI ... grow up dude
Blaming Pakistan is top priority of india cuz ur intelligence is shit ... grow up ...
don't worry we are growing fast...:D
Why you are bothered about what is happening in India, We have given a piece of our own land for free, then liberated from your fellow Indian bashing companions in 1971. Worry about things happening in your own country.
We Indians are quite capable of solving our problems with out the help of our neighbors or The US.

Just as you indians 'worry' about us, worry about the Palestinians. You know, it's a two way road.
Just as you indians 'worry' about us, worry about the Palestinians. You know, it's a two way road.

Yes we are worry about you, worry about the illegal immigrants cross over to India from Bangladesh. Otherwise we have forgotten you long back, back in 1971.
Yes we are worry about you, worry about the illegal immigrants cross over to India

Lies, lies and more lies! Show concrete evidence if you can not some fabricated media claim. We're eagerly waiting for more of your indian lies.
the indian govt, garbage media and a lot of its citizens are just liars and it's in their nature to lie

curiously - In the bomb-bay attack of 26/11 (read "drama"), their Navy C In C at that time had said "not a single bird can enter the Indian territory thru the sea route".....and now we know their official govt. line.

by so many premises, it seems like bomb-bay attacks, with the guys speaking marathi and this so-called Ajmal Kasab character saying "Bhagwan" numerous times leaves a question mark on these attacks as well.
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