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Alleged "Terror boat" Sunk by Indian Coast Guard | Fact or Fiction?

Where is the proof of these BS nonsense?

We can say these were innocent fisherman whose boat was blown up by Indian fire...?
Well see you can claim this all you like because that is your go-to instinct- distrust anything Indians have to say.

Something to ponder however is this- the Indian Coast Guard intercepts and arrests hundreds of illegal Pakistani fishing trawlers every year (you would refer to them as "innocent" fishermen) . So you tell me why was this time different?

You are painting a very one sided and naive picture without presenting a legitimate counter-narrative. This "evil Indian Coast Guard kills innocent fishermen on shoot first policy " doesn't hold water (pardon the pun) because of the reasons above.

Also, why are we all overlooking one key element- innocent or not these guys were in INDIAN WATERS, just by being there they were committing an offence.
Pakistanis have this habit of doubting everything.
They doubt indians
They doubt americans
They doubt Israelis
They doubt UN
They doubt media
They doubt their PM
They doubt their ministers
They doubt their election commission
They doubt their own raised TTP
as they say There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt.
Your yesterdays claims was that boat came from "Keti Bandar" and from that area Govt. received negative from locals, this article is claiming Gawadar which is altogether different location and province.
The MoD said Keti Bunder I don't care what this article is saying. I'm only going to believe what the officials say.
evidence of what ???? you guys started jumping that those were terrorists. All you guys need is a news flash and your fox news induced mind kicks in and start saying it is ISI.

We are jumping becuz you have done this all before 26/11 ring a bell man,that sure as hell was not a fishing boat so we are gonna assume what we want to
You just pray to god that these guys were not Terrorist otherwise all the sympathy you have gained Post Peshawar will be lost & then we will get permission to Launch Proxy wars on you too
If the boat crew itself let the boat on fire, how come Indian coast guard is responsible for it?

Had Indian coast guard fired on the boat, wouldn't there have been structural damage to the hull?

And why is Pakistani foreign office disowning the boat?

Pakistan has rejected India's claim that the crew of a Pakistani fishing boat blew up and sank their vessel in an attempt to evade capture at the hands of the Indian Navy in a high-speed chase at sea, Geo News reported Saturday.

Pakistan Foreign Office spokesperson Tasneem Aslam denied that any boat from Keti Bunder port of the country's Sindh province had sailed off.

Sources in the foreign office termed the Indian claim as mere propaganda to tarnish the image of Pakistan, the report added."
Pakistan rejects report on blowing up of boat off Gujarat coast : North, News - India Today

If the boat was not Pakistani as Pakistan foreign office claims, then this whole discussion is moot.
I think thats a routine knee jerk reaction from foreign office
If Indian fishermen (by the way stop pretending you know these guys were innocent fishermen when it is a blatant fact they were nothing of the sort) do not comply with your authorities inside Pakistani waters (them being there would already be a crime incidentally) then of course your authorities have every right to use lethal force.

The ICG acted entirely appropriately and legally in this situation.

Even if they were smugglers than why did Indians torched up their boat and killing them rather than making any arrest ? Please stop that bullshit of setting up the fire themselves else if they would had done accidentally than there would had been ample time of jumping off the boat and to get caught by your guards.

What you are trying to say is your authorities will start acting illegally in response to perfectly legal and legitimate action by the Indian authorities.

That's what happening in Sialkot (Punjab) sector, an illegal firing at eachother's throat. In response to LOC firing, Indians have opened a front there as well.
Your strange threats don't scare anyone. Neither does yours
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what a mess.
This was probably a suspected smuggler case which might have terror intention. Coast guard should have simply investigated it.
Well see you can claim this all you like because that is your go-to instinct- distrust anything Indians have to say.

Something to ponder however is this- the Indian Coast Guard intercepts and arrests hundreds of illegal Pakistani fishing trawlers every year (you would refer to them as "innocent" fishermen) . So you tell me why was this time different?

You are painting a very one sided and naive picture without presenting a legitimate counter-narrative. This "evil Indian Coast Guard kills innocent fishermen on shoot first policy " doesn't hold water (pardon the pun) because of the reasons above.

Also, why are we all overlooking one key element- innocent or not these guys were in INDIAN WATERS, just by being there they were committing an offence.

You cannot compare the situation of the past with the present situation. A lot of water has flow over since your moodi's immature bravados. Moodi the killer and murderer of 3000 innocent Muslims does not value life of Indian Muslims, let alone poor Pakistani Muslim fisherman.

You too can claim all you like as if we gives a hoot. Your nonsense media first claim it was ISI boats, then some banned organization boats, then smugglers, etc etc. Just like you guys cannot believe Pakistani side same is the case with Pakistan. They cannot accept your $tup1d nonsense claims.

Pardon me but Pakistanis are humans unlike Indians(well apparently the actions says so and the defenders of those actions prove it). Pakistanis think any innocent who cross over the territory by mistake should be treated as innocent civilian until fairly proven otherwise and because of that few days ago Pakistan return an Indian civilian back to India.
I think thats a routine knee jerk reaction from foreign office

Perhaps, but then ponder this ..had this been a terror boat...with actual terrorist and explosives.

Pakistan would have simply rejected the charge without even any investigation..as it did now.

Then Pakistan claims, it is serious about combating terror emenating from its soil.
Well credit must be given to Indian media for doing the amazing job :D
We are jumping becuz you have done this all before 26/11 ring a bell man,that sure as hell was not a fishing boat so we are gonna assume what we want to
You just pray to god that these guys were not Terrorist otherwise all the sympathy you have gained Post Peshawar will be lost & then we will get permission to Launch Proxy wars on you too

You can take your sympathy and shove where the sun dont shine. We dont need your focking sympathy and 26/11 I dont believe it was even Pakistan. Have you seen Kasab video???? and how can a bunch of terrorists wanna be traveled all the way on small boat and douched mighty Indian navy. And its been proven that kasab was not even from Pakistan.

A guy who is going to so called Jihad and doesn't even know the meaning of Jihad ...... And you just pray that this LOC thing cool down who knows you get some BSF get killed. You indians dot head or nothing media induced spoiled brats

According to Pakistan, it has nothing to do with them. Was wondering whether they make a poor fishermen claim.....Since they didn't, suspicions on the motive of the boat increase. If they were not fishermen, then who were they ? Smugglers are usually going around under the guise of fishermen. Pakistan's outright denial actually starst to make this story much more interesting.

Well you should have apprehended them but no you guys are trigger happy morons.
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